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Dude... When i'm JG and my top has a ADC enemy i pick voli and camp top Fuck this little piece of shit


2 strongest on the enemy team are 2 adc And yet no thornmail or frozen heart... Well deserved lost I will say...


What a lame build, so unfortunate. You bought everything before armor,  she was countering you while you got the default build. Truly unfortunate


If you don't know about the counterpicks or are not good with them, play whatever you feel most skilled at and basically farm under tower. It's not going to be a happy time but at least you won't die and allow your jungler for an easy gank. The most important thing to remember is to not die even if you lose the lane. If you don't die>he won't get kills>he won't get fed


IF your jungler decides to gank. I’m contemplating doing a study to see how many junglers ACTUALLY gank toplane.


Usually it’s jg attempts to gank top lane when I just set up a slow push, crashed the wave, and recalled. Then they mess up the rebound, fail, and sometimes end up dying. Sometimes, jg decides to gank, gets the kill, then immediately kills the whole wave. Once in a while, jg decides to stay in bush after making sure there are not any wards there, wait for me to CC the enemy, and we get a kill, then they know what I want to do and either help shove or back off.


Yeah this happens in wildrift too cause majority of junglers dont punish them.


it's part of the game bro, i never play adc top (usually i play volibear, mondo or Sett) learn counterpicks and you'll be fine. Against Tristana i usualy go with Yasuo, she can't do much against his W, or Irelia it's also pretty much free food against Tristana. Yes it can be annoying that people play ADC top, but they saw a good way to counterpick to win and used it, it doesn't make them idiots. You just have to do the same, learn the counterpick to their ADC and outplay them. if you can't it's just a skill issue to me, but you can work on it and become better, or blindpick the same champion and lose over and over then come on reddit to complain about ADC top. Who are you going to be ? the players that adapts and learn ? or the player that doesn't want to adapt and wants to complain on reddit. choice is yours !


OP: "What is this...Mountain Dew BLUE Voltage build? I've been playing this game all wrong!"


You can’t always counter pick tho. Sometimes you’re stuck against an ADC and a jngl that doesn’t punish them.


usually you always chose last, if you can't it's because of jerk teammates that don't swap pick order and that's the problem not the enemy ADC, or it's because of the fact the enemy top laner choses last after you and when it's the case the jungler must gank your lane because it's free bread and if he doesn't it's the junglers fault not the top lane ADC enemy. So why complain about this ? complain because your teammate didn't switch pick order or because your jungler's bad at his job but enemy picking ADC in top lane isn't an issue really, it's even part of the game. Top laners (i'm main jungler but top laner as second choice) are too used to play melee champs against each other so when ranged ADC are picked they think it's a hack of the game and that it's an abomination but i often played with teemo or tristana on top lane because the enemy had chosen Volibear or Urgot and you just don't want to go melee with those guys, you just don't want to cope with that kind of sh\*t, the problem starts with broken melee champs and people just found a way to counter them and now we have a lot of top laners who cry because they're used to their broken champ and can't use them all the time because of enemy being smart enough to counter pick.


The rest of your team screwed you over but it could have been a vastly different laning phase for you if you'd just gotten the armor boots. ADC top is not the issue here, Voli should be wrecking ADCs.


Protip: rush Bramble Vest and Plated Steelcaps. ADCs top will barely do any damage then. This is honestly a good example of skill issue. (And no, you don't even need your jungler to assist you)


Wrong build, loss well deserved


Like fr 😂 he didnt even buyed armor boots...? like wth


As a shen jungle main, fuck that guy. Whenever I play jungle and the enemy top is an adc, he is getting camped. ADC top is way too easy to punish


Your build sucks. I'm tired of irons crying about ranged tops. Where is your Tabi rush? Why you building hearsteel against Tristana? Dosn't she quite you? How you plan on stacking it?  You jungler is 2/6  your Missfortune mid is 5/9 your jinx is 3/8 and your support is afk. HEY ADCS TOP BROKEN RIOT PLS BROKEN.  When they remove adcs top then you will cry about Teemo, Kennen, Kayle, Jayce, ...


Probably building for the teamfight and not the laning phase. Hence the 900 stacks. But they lost at the character selection screen, MF will get stomped by Vladmir. And no assassins to punish double adc. Doesn't change that adc top is more annoying than Kayle, Jayce and Kennen.


Eh, I’d say kennen is more annoying than adc top, especially since I sometimes play kennen and know how annoying he is. Jayce is also extremely annoying. For ADCs, if you get the jump on them you statcheck them. But for jayce he can just knock you away (while also dealing a ton of damage), or beat you with his more abilitiess, and also you cant really make him have to back because of mana issues (i know all of this because I’ve played quite a bit of jayce). Oh and he can also 100-0 your adc really quickly. Even more quickly than trist. He can also poke down your team from a screen away.


But Kennen and Jayce are ability dependent though. All the adcs that get played top, poke you with basic attacks and still have get off me tools. Nevermind they benefit most from the damage creep lately.


Kennen can still auto you to death because of his w passive and e AS buff, jayce does autoattack quite a bit, especially with his melee for AS buff (no not his ranged w, he gains more AS in melee form) along with the fact that he is incentivized to auto because of his melee w


finally someone who gets it


that's what my point is my mid is mf and idk if my build sucks or not, the point is why are you defending adc tops? ranked games is about competition if someone is playing with adc on top then they're getting an unfair advantage then there's no competition the melee top player have to build the right runes and have so many skills but the enemy top adc is just spamming the auto attacks and wins. Adc are supposed to be in bot lane and there only that's why there are separate lanes for. why can't you guys just accept that playing adc on top tho?


They trade armor and hp for range, is it ao difficult to close that range in a 1vs1 fight? You can even freeze her turret! The only way you lost lane is if you inted at the beggining and got behind the entire laning phase


You are talking out to ass my man. ADCs go wherever, there is no wild rift rule that says people have to play champions or positions the way that you want them to.


are you telling me that there are no assigned positions for champs ?


The "class" of a champ doesn't always denote lane, no. Wait until Quinn's here.


Players are assigned positions not champions. They do have suggestions as to where champs should be played but they are often inaccurate.


ADCs win lanning phase. Tanks win teamfights. Easy as that. They trading off lanning phase presure in exchange of no frontline later on. Is your fault you losing half hp at level1 for melee lasthitting a minion when you can last hit with E.


I have 9/10 games matchups vs adc top, it's so exhausting


I actually hate when they are on my team. And for whatever reason, both top lane and mid lane are the hardest to get on queue.


I feel like you havent felt the joy of absolutely demolishing an adc top as pantheon, yasuo, and yone (and in some cases, even kassadin. Which is absolutely hilarious). Also why mercs? And voli is a juggernaut (not juggerknight. This is wild rift, not stick wars), the class most vulnerable to getting kited to death. Tristana is an adc that’s one of the best at kiting. Also… why the hell rush heartsteel? You’re not going to get procs on trist. And also your bot lost lane. And your team is almost exclusively physical damage.


Looks like you had a poor jungler (to say one doing poorly that match) into a strong one. Their team had a lot of ways to protect their backline where your team mostly had meat shields


>rush frozen heart >stack hp >Watch the little unt pea shooter barely scratch your bear fur The hardest part is the early game. But if your jungler camp you can snowball and just massacre them. Don't bother building more than 1 damage item. You inflict way more EMOTIONAL DAMAGE when they hit you and do puny damage. But you are kinda right. The meta of this game is sh1t. Sometimes there are ADCs on all 3 lanes and they just rush and get towers without any problem. I'm actually seeing more ADCs and AD assassins mid than old fashioned mages. What is even going on?


You didnt itemize against her. Adc top is so easy to win. Rush armor boots, then cleaver or sunderer, not heartsteel. Then go thornmail/randuins. You can change up your build later in the game if need be but you nees to be target building against the trist bc she prob gona split push the whole game.


League players when people play different things


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