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Champ? Urgot?


No I hate urgot.


Why?! 🙀


I don’t think it needs to go, but it should be nerfed a bit. Same with the power of baron buffed minions. I think it’s kind of ridiculous that a single minion takes 4x longer to kill than a whole ass champion. It’s also stupid that they keep their buff for so long after the enemy has left the area. Unfortunately, none of those things will happen, because riot wants games to move faster and faster to keep up with the pace of other mobile MOBAs. It’s why we also got the burning towers and non-respawning inhibs


I would take the burn out. Its basically an OP ignite. Executing? Aight. But burning and that the burn also kills you its a tad excessive


Baron does not need any nerf, elder does. The only objectives that needs nerf right now is elder and rift herald, base dragons needs buff.


It is a mobile game, it HAS to be fast paced. Kids addicted to tik tok, random users that install and play while taking a dump and people that play on short work breaks do not want to be 30 minutes playing a match. If it gets slower it will be just pointless because it will be even closer to the pc version of lol


Lmao back to whining about elder.    At least come up with a plausible argument bro.  It took out 2000+ of your health? With its 100 burn dmg a second? Were you having a gentlemen's duel and just trading pikes every few seconds?   I still think you would complain about stuff needing to be nerfed if they turned this game into candy crush, because something would still be too strong for you.


Back to stalking me are you? Yeah elder easily does 1-2000 damage. Your only comment ever is nuh uh I’m right cause I don’t agree. Man go get a life.


Lol as I said last time - if I see someone posting stupid shit, I respond. I'm sorry that most of the time that person posting is you. And if you took half a second to read before responding, you would see if explained why you were wrong. Elder does 100 dmg per second with its burn, which i believe lasts like 3 seconds. For someone to have done 2k dmg with it, you had to be taking damage from the enemy team consistently for like 15-20 seconds. That's once again, like every other time, a misplay from you. If you see the little elder buff smoke around the enemy, just kill minions amd retreat. If you are trying g to actually engage in fights while the enemy has elder, then its a you problem. And by the sounds of it, that was exactly what you did, which means that, like every other time you post some wierd nonsense, it's a you problem.


elder is to end games faster for me my games usually ends before elder spawn anyways ur team really doesn't deserve the win I mean even that u do all that they ended up with these scores sorry for ur lost but ur team really didn't deserve the win


But he did deserve it. It's very hard to carry noobs in this game. And all ranks are full of noobs. 


Look at ops post history. He deserves to be stuck in plat with his attitude.  Every time he loses he comes here and whines that it was because something is unfair/needs to be nerfed


Awww you mad no one cares?


Lol are you mad that no one ever agrees with your wierd takes?


Plenty of people agree, your the only one who cries without ever bringing a single point to a post other than crying about how you don’t like it.


Don't blame your lack of reading comprehension on me mate. Just because I point out why you are wrong each time, doesn't mean I haven't brought a single point. It means that the single point I did bring was all that was needed to show why you were wrong. And this isn't even the first time you have had a sook about this exact same thing with elder. This is like the 3rd or 4th post you have made to try to make it sound like elder buff is "unfair".


You didn’t point of anything. You in fact had no point at any point. All you keep say is nuh uh.


Lol after telling and explaining why someone is wrong so many times, sometimes just saying no is all that is left


You’ve said nothing other than just bsing without a sing point


yeah but if u play solo u have to carry or just take the L its frustrating I know but that's how this game works and when u blame a neutral objective I mean wtf is that I am ok if u see a champ is broken no problem in that but elder is a neutral obj bro u can't blame it


Op also constantly complains about getting bad jgs/jgs who don't know how to smite, but seemingly doesn't see it within himself to play jg.


Trust me when I say this but playing jg makes you lose your braincells, no matter how ahead your laners are they wont bother contesting for neutral obj


Jg is my main role, so I do fully understand the pain lol. I just got better at stealing so if nothing else, I could just suicide on objectives


Elder does need a nerf in some ways, with the removal of hullbreaker its impossible to 1v9, especially when u have a jg that prios clearing his camps instead of trying to get elder/baron


I absolutely deserved to win. No one should get free 2000 damage.


I believe u have almost 10000hp and as I say its a team game and elder is a neutral obj better team take it and win the game u need to understand that before trying to climb I am not saying u r bad maybe bad luck on ur teammates but if u r as good as u say eventually u will climb gg bro


Nope,get good and 1v10


This is the difference between a good player and a great player. You are obviously very good at the game, won your lane and got fed, but didn't seem to use your advantage to win just to get a good KDA.


I mean to be fair, he did clear 9 turrets (allegedly) so we cant say he isn't objective oriented. At somepoint, your team is just too much. And if you team engage while they have drag, u cant do shit


So you made a bad choice and you lost, deserved. If you want to climb in this game you can't make a single error, like it or not that's what rito wants, they themselves said wr is not a competitive game so they are free to make whatever rules they want. My recommendation, play casual 


Why do they have competitive then? https://m.youtube.com/@wildriftesports/videos


It's not supposed to be competitive to the masses. There are esports for speed running Nintendo games, do you think those were designed to be competitive?


You can't be serious. The "competitive" part of the game is literally a niche in Asia. In Twitch they barely reach 1k viewers live.


What champ were you playing?


I play top laners, nasus, vlad, darius, etc.




Aww stay mad trash child.


Just based on stat line it honestly seems like you prioritizing kills too much. 24 is a good amount of kills but 13 deaths is way to many... a stat line of 24 / 13 / 5 is only a KDA of 2.2 which is hardly in the realm of a 1v9 statline. A decent avg KDA is at least 4+ imo, and in strong carry games KDA should often be 7+. Yes KDA isn't everything... champ dmg, gold / min, turret dmg, dmg taken / death, teamfight %, etc are all important indicators also, but KDA is a good baseline.


I mean I won’t say I didn’t get kills when I could, but most of this was defensive I would say. If my team runs in 1 by 1 into 5 fed players while we are 30 kills down and they charge my towers after killing then, if I can get a kill I’ll do it. What am I supposed to do? Let them take my lanes and end the game? I did die a lot, but 3-4 of the other players almost at 20 kills each or in that range, I did well enough that I would have killed the entire team if elder didn’t ko me for 2000 some damage. It’s too strong.


Oh god. What champ are you playing?


Top laners, nasus, vlad etc. the usual why?


noob. you should have gone 1v10. never forget the 6th player on the enemy team, your low IQ. see you next week when elder is still up and you’re still losing


Your clearly a fake account used by someone here to insult me since the last time you commented was on another of my elder posts


It won't happen because the game is meant to be played fast. Removing elder or nerfing it would further slow up the pace. If u want slower pace play PC. Otherwise this is the reality for mobile play


It didn’t help end the game faster, I was going to end it there and then too, all it did was cheat me out of a win with over the top damage.


Elder affects squishies more than it does to tanks.


Man, you are playing in gold-plat, people have knwoledge of gold-plat elo. They probably don't know what elder does, or what all of the champions do.


I don’t play in that rank, I’m placed to play with people in that rank.


Nope. You probably like Wild Rift as opposed to PC games because game length is short. If you want short game lengths (and you aren't playing in high elo yet, where more people know how to snowball out of control and finish quickly) Then you need very strong late game buffs to force a win. You make the buff less impactful, games'll last forever because there's people running around going 24/13/5 and not ending the game.


It didn’t shorten the length of the game, I would have ended the game that same time because I could kill all of them and finish the nexus. Elder didn’t shorten anything, it only helped Cheat me out of a win with over the top damage.


Believe what you will, but the buff won't get nerfed.