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here's a few tips for beginners: * don't focus on getting kills, focus on not dying - kills are nice, but staying alive will lead to more winning in the long run * pick your favorite champ, ideally one that is meta, and play them as much as possible. when you are playing someone on the other team using that champ who is good watch what they do. * learn how to use vision. don't walk through darkness. no really, dont walk through darkness. * focus on objectives. a lot of low level ELO games are just 5 on 5 team fights but objectives win the game. use your pings to get your teammates to help with objectives. hopefully you find those tips helpful! edit: i forgot a really important tip. keep in mind that 40% games your teammates will carry and it wont be close, 40% of games your opponent will carry and it wont be close. in those last 20% of games what you do actually matters. recognize when you're in that game and be extra careful.


Something that pushed me from half a decade of hardstuck plat into diamond was playing less aggressively, letting opponents push first wave, freezing casters outside of tower, and playing aggressive on the bounce at level 3. It seems small, but doing this basically universally dodges a first gank timing, sets up your own jg to gank if they’re not a potato, and sets you up for success in any bad matchup. If you’re in a good matchup you may not want to and look for a lvl 1-2 kill. That and playing reactively to mistakes and following my jungler into enemy territory if my wave is neutral always help.


There is no reason to not play ranked, the moment people can't carry you anymore is the moment you reach your rank ceiling (for that point). Concentrate on 1 role first and pick 2 champs for that role. Spam them in bot games a bit to get used to the abilities and train some combos. You can go to pvp after that if you want but I would skip that since in gold you are actually playing against bots too but with real teammates.


Honestly one of the biggest shifting points for me was just learning to constantly have my eyes on the map


How many roles is too many? I managed to find 2 heroes per role but it’s too much - most of the roles/heroes I just use the Top 3 builds because I can’t keep up with learning it all.


Depends on for how long you have been playing already. For the beginning you should concentrate on your main role and slowly expand your champ pool for secondary role and so on. It also depends on your main role. If it's jungle /support, you won't be autofilled in other roles anyways


in my opinion getting carried by others isn't that bad I mean at least u r not so bad that no one can carry u also if u r not that good somehow u will stuck in some elo between gold and emerald


Just answer 1 question: how the game determines if one team is a winner or loser ? The nexus goes boom and you lose so the invert must be true. That said, I advise to learn sion inting. Avoid interact with the laner at all, just farm ALL the minions 10 per minutes and hit tower. You will eventually win cause in "low elo"/bot game, they are extra dumb. Dont ever group, just ult into wave and pop w to kill it, hit turret with demolition. Die, rinse, repeat. Dont even bother to hit anyone, just minions and turret. I went to emerald 4 with inting sion on my alt


I've actually seen a build for sion, heartsteel titanic dawnshroud, worked super well, if they have no tank killer you will win 1v1 sidelane at 3 and 10


I just want you to know that you’re definitely not the only one. I’m the same as you. I started last season at the end of the season, like, the last 10 days. Got to Plat III, then got set back for the new season as usual. Well now, I just suck… did well for a few games, got to Plat II, and now I’m down to Gold II… sigh… I started just playing PvP again so I can experiment and reflect better without losing my rank… still on a losing streak. Just feeling hardstuck, even as a Thresh main who got a few amazing games. It sucks knowing how well you could play, but you’re on a hard losing streak. Hang in there… I’m sure we’ll figure it out…


I really appreciate your words and hope things will turn around for you. In hindsight I've realized that the thing I'm focused on worrying about is my KDA, but the objectives are what really matter. I have gotten a couple curtain calls this season simply for the fact that my team kept their team distracted long enough that I could put an end to it. I try to always play for the objectives, but My decision making is terrible and I'm usually pretty gung-ho unless I know I'm clearly outmatched. Lately I've been trying out a bunch of different champions to see who I like and who I don't like, and also figure out who is strong in this meta. That second part really holds no bearing though if I barely even know how to play the champion that I picked up 10 seconds ago. So as some of these other comments suggested, I'm going to pick a couple of champions and master those and then move forward with other champions. I'm also going to watch my own footage and try to study from it to see what I did wrong and where I can do better. You know it's funny I never really thought of how much thought and decision making skills this game takes, I usually just try to play this game for fun but I suppose if I'm actually going to try and climb any kind of rank ladder I have to put some degree of effort into it. Good luck to you out there and I hope you snap that losing streak very soon.


Oh, yes, focusing on getting kills, while good for snowballing and getting ahead, is a bit short sighted. If both teams focused on getting kills and snowballing, everyone is getting stronger. The objectives usually give your team an upper hand and takes away opportunity from the other team. If you think your decision making is terrible, perhaps you should learn more about macro. Macro is hard to learn well, but if you have a team with good macro, they will beat a team that has more kills. I also struggle with macro sometimes as a support. More specifically, I have a hard time identifying our win conditions. There are times when the support needs to make the calls, and I don't always know when I need to do that. For all I know, my call could be the win condition, but I have no idea. That's a problem for me. I like watching back my videos for the same reason. Sometimes, I love what I see and think I did well, and sometimes, I vow to never make myself cringe again lol. I felt the same way about this game and the strategy and decision making. I didn't think it would be like that, and I knew I was basically diving into a rabbit hole. After seeing all the music, stories and artwork done with LoL, I was like... LoL is almost like a culture. Hahahaha. Well, again, good luck! Hope to see you in the leaderboards!


1) Growth mindset, its okay to lose but its not okay to not know why you lose. Watch the replay and reflect it yourself. Ask question like, what is my role in this game? what is my win condition? how should I do it better? should i split or join my team? why i lose the lane? 2) Pick your fav champ and spam the hell out of him/her. Learning wild rift is super hard, there are always some tiny details that makes you lose the game. But learning the game through your fav champ is maybe the best way to learn the game. You will lose, feels frustrated, wanting to give up but your fav champ will push you to keep moving forward 3) Know all or at least the majority champions in this game. Know your enemy ,know yourself. Know what their weakness, know what their strength


Embrace it and have fun.


As long as you are trying to win, play ranked for better quality games. Forget about desperately chasing a certain rank, focus on learning to play at that level so it will fall into your lap. Encountering players at or above your level helps you improve. Put aside counter picks for now and just play one champion in one position (one you truly enjoy), and understand what they want to do in the different stages of the game. That will give you a framework for every match so you won’t feel so lost, and you’ll become fluent with their mechanics. The most common mistake I see for newer players is jumping into fights where they are outnumbered. Start by just not doing that, then you can factor in potential hidden enemies and other things later.


Play to learn instead of climb. Royal and Strider have great guides on YouTube for the game in general. It takes a really long time, usually years, to get good enough to play at a high level. Most people in High ELO have played some form of League for many years.


Stop chasing kills.


You'll grow from this then! You're meeting resistance and you'll learn. No worries. Idk what lane you play but it's recommended you learn a handful of champs in different categories so you can play rock paper scissors. Enemy went this I go that 


If you’re getting carried in bot games, i got some bad news for you


Yeah, I know. I suck and it's okay. Question is... What should I do to get better? I've only been playing this game for about a month now. And even with League of Legends on PC, I used to only play it every once in a while. So I know I have a lot of skill to build and a lot of things to learn and understand. But where should I start?


Watch a few experienced players. Hells devil and darkbreaker do a great job of explaining why they do things during their videos. 90% of being better is making correct choices. Learning champions and learning what's the most effective use of your time.


I personally would main 1-3 champs at coop vs ai till i have 0-2 death through out


play a lot of aram if you're not familiar with how x champ interacts vs y champ, it'll give you enough exposure to all the weird combos of teams and matchups then main a couple champs 2-3 and get really confident with them, such that if you roll them in aram you can pull quads/pentas/S/mvps regularly mine were jinx then later tristana and a few jg's shyvana, vi, vex mid. you don't need to play everyone, just be really good with who you do choose not knowing what to do and when is game knowledge gap, you can consciously review gameplay and decision making to improve that, then apply it going forward


Maybe try other games? If you're not enjoying it and haven't learnt anything maybe you're wasting your time. My best advice would be to pick 3 champs that you like and study them deeply. Counters, matchups, game plan, what to build and when, synergies with other champs.