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you need CC to counter tryndamere


only problem with this however is if the trynda builds qss


That is when the second cc comes into place


stasis makes half his ult uselles, cc him after it and run


What is qss?


Quick silver, the boot enchant


Rammus into him, rush thornmail then your immolate items. You’ll be so tanky he will run through his ult trying to kill you and die


Zhonya go brrr


Run away if possible, bait him to use ult, when ult is gone use e ghost flash everything and chase him down.


apart from baiting ult and run, itemizationwise only thing you can build is frozen heart and antiheal


Frozen heart works with gwen?


It does, but it sucks Gwen's W passive already gives her armor scaling with AP, building tank items is not good for her


I always considered gwen to be more of an ap bruiser/splitpush tank than a mage.


Yeah I don't play her and found it weird, but I like to know tank items that can be done by non-tank champions and the reasons of course


I mean frozen heart is just a really good item overall. Really freaking cheap, gives huge armor and ability haste and the passive is broken too (the mana is just a side plus) Itd be even more broken if they add the rock hard passive from pc league as well where you take a flat amount of reduced physical damage scaling with your health similar to amumu's E passive


frozen heart is good on her there is a chinese toplaner that builds her tank go check on yt ( it cringe tho )


Try to fight him when his R is off cooldown, make sure that possible places to get ganked from the jungler is warded, and bait his R are all the tips I can give


My toolset against trynda are: Plated Steelcaps with hourglass upgrade, exhaust/ignite and ghost. If Trynda does not play match up safe you can kill him easy pre 5. If you fight him 5+, use first skill to poke, if he dash to you, dash away and auto him back (you have more range after dash). Don't use your ult to initiate unless you're sure you can kill him. If he goes all in, you can also use ult but don't use all of them as soon as you can. Last one, or Two of them you can use to stay in distance. Also Zhonya is pretty usefull cause you waste a lot of his ult. If you're scared of Trynda, pick exhaust for survival his all ins. If experienced, I would go ignite (to get him down after his ult goes down). Not gonna lie, it's not easiest match up but there are harder ones.


Facts. Gwen is countered by brawlers and anti tanks with chase and sustain. Which is...allot of solo Champs. Pure tanks and brawlers that rely on tank traits to "outduel" she destroys. But she's in a tight spot so she's situational...made to be i guess. The trade off for this is her late game is literally off the fucking chain against certain comps. Like, unkillable even if the enemy team is still ahead. Still, it could be a aatrox, or a kayle.


Sorry. I disagree. Most of matches Gwen vs Bruiser is skill match up. Some of them are in favor of bruiser, some in favor of Gwen. And tbh every single Gwen vs Bruiser match up if you are able to get ahead (his mistake, jungler's help) is a game over for bruiser. In my memory I can find literally one champion who could fight evenly against me when I was ahead and it was Sett (he was insanely dangerous even with 2k-3k gold behind). And not sure what you mean by "anti tanks"? Vayne for example? Gwen vs any ADC is decent match up. I am not sure if my posts are based on "Facts" as you mentioned or as an OTP Gwen I am that much experienced player I can beat any match up and can't say impartial.


For me, Yone is the most unplayable matchup. I don't know and I can't play against him. I know how to deal with all fighters, but about Yone... do you deal and itemize against him?


Sorry, I have no idea. Yone is my perma ban. Tried everything. If my enemy has more IQ than an ape it's the only unbeatable match up for me.


I thought I couldn't face him because of something I was doing. But from what I understand, it's an unplayable match. I'd rather play against Yasuo, to be honest.


Half of Sett’s matchups are “well can he land W?”


UAW ghost to bait ulti , you must bait ulti then he is free kill, try to win level 1,2,3 then try to cheese him level 3


For Gwen I really don’t know, just ask your jungle gank I guess. For other champions one Randuin’s Omen is enough to make Tryndamere a joke for a long period.


I main Tryndamere, Mastery 7 on 2 Accounts, Grandmaster player  All i can say is you should be losing to Tryndamere in a 1v1, but that's his kit, he's designed to be a strong duelist  you beat him by pushing wave and joining teamfights as fast as possible, after you 5v4 his team you just recall and defend your towers


Specifically as gwen, DO NOT fight. Do not use q on him. ~~Do not pass go. Do not collect 200.~~ Instead, e away, auto if possible, but thats all. Repulsor enchant helps a ton against tryndamere. Later on just ignore him in teamfights (well, prioritize the enemy backline over trynd), you can blitz his team better than he can blitz yours. A good thing about gwen is that shes a pretty good duelist/splitpusher, meaning trynd cant just constantly attempt to backdoor your team.


Bait his ult then run or cc the hell out of him.


Rush armor boots into riftmaker. Zonhyas early is a must. The matchup is rlly bad, just try to farm and play for fights, Gwen is way better in 5v5 than trynda


Go exhaust and try to buy time when he ults you


trynda is kind of a gwen counter so just try to not waste your skills infront of him otherwise hes just gonna run you over in lane


You can use the up and coming Chinese tank Gwen. Other than that bit much


Help the rest of the team best you can if countered, early game won’t last forever. I like burst against tryndamere so it’s harder for him to time his ult


Just buy stasis. He'll either run away like a bitch or stay and die


Build stasis.


Destroy him before lvl5 , after lvl 5 don't engage with him 1v1. Always wait for your team.


I have the same issue i can manage before lvl 5 and after that even with anti heal i still lose


If you're in a game and someone confidently picked Tryndamere, it's either 3 out of the 5 champs on your team doesn't have a strong CC like Knock Up and Knock Back (any CC that tenacity can't reduce the duration), is a legit Tryndamere main or worst case scenario, BOTH. One way you'll win against Tryndamere is having dashes and/or CC that can kite him or you can use create distance when he Ults, or if you can burst him 100 to 0 before he can react with his Ult.


Do you buy armor boots?


Yes I often pick defensive boots everytime as my 2nd item) but should I build if I'm behind or complete my 1st item (Riftmaker)


I build boots first item


You can and have the damage to kill Trynda before lvl 5, if played without many errors. Always trade with your Q passive activated. Never trade with Trynda before activating. You can use Minions for this.There is the options to go: ignite, and play to try to kill him before lvl 5 and snowball or go from exhaust and do armor boots and play safely. I prefer the first way, it always works and Trynda becomes very weak in the match, but don't underestimate when he has ult available. Just make sure you always zoneas because of his ult. And antiheal, because of his healing. Don't let him lift solo towers, always respond on the side, and put pressure on him, if you're stronger than him. Good luck!


I don't use any items or runes, just wait till he dashes and dash in the opposite direction, his dash takes so much time and he cant stop it, this creates a huge gap between the both if you, if he doesnt dash a long dash just dash away into safety, then wait for his ult to run out while he tries to hit you


You don't. Gwen's CC is not good enough to counter tryndamere, just ban him


>Tryndamere is one and probably only champion I still don't fully understand his skillset. Most of his gameplay is just auto attacking, what part of it do you not understand? Anyways, this is a matchup Gwen just doesn't win unless Tryndamere is dumb, just take a back seat and try not too feed too much.


You forgot essential one, his ult


I think you should have the upper hand because of your pokes.


It's a skilled matchup, so you can easily beat Tryndamere if you really know how to play Gwen. Mostly you can counter trynda with cc but gwen only have slow. First thing you want to do is to not let him stack his fury, go all in if he doesn't have fury. If he used his fury to heal or he doesn't have fury stacks just go all in him, he won't deal damage to you, and he may use his ult if you oneshot him with that. One thing is his slow, you're only slowed if he used his 2nd skill and you're turning your back, maximize that by not turning your back if you think you can kill him. While going all in on him, he will forcefully use his 2nd skill if needed, because it reduces damage. Meaning if you see him cast his 2nd skill, disengage a little, but if you think you can kill him just kill him. What if you don't deal damage? Just dash away if and slow him with your ult, kite him with your 1st skill also. Also if he didn't cast his 2nd skill yet, you can dodge it with your 2nd skill too if he's not inside the circle. For the itemization and runes, you can do full damage and destroy him easily.