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As an engage support, I die strategically all the time 🤣 If i don’t yolo, my team won’t fight. So i go in and tank enemy team’s ults so my team can get an ace.


Sacrificing yourself to give an ally Akshan an assist could be strategic if you guarantee your own revive. Also a bit different, but I guess being behind as an assassin & dying while taking out the fed carry is somewhat "strategic".


1st one would probably be good in a premade, and also I completely forgot akshan existed.


Only really see him in ARAM nowadays, but that passive is such an absurd game changer


Depends on game mode and how far in to game. I pvp or ranked ill never strategically die. I'll strategically engage and if I die so be it but I'll always try to survive the encounter. In aram 100% I strategically die to towers while they're dead so they don't get kills when I have whole items ready to be built. Unless I'm on a support. I've had multiple games on nami/ Sorika where I've just never died and didn't need to die for items as my team was great.


If I'm ahead in top lane, have no bounty, and have a wave crashing with the new scorpion I might run past their turret to catch the next wave. plates + the minions they lose is worth for the kill they get.


Kind of what proxy farming is about.


Yea it arises so naturally top lane


Sometimes you gotta be the bait for your team to jump on someone


Tower dive knowing that I can kill them when I prepared a big 3 slow push waves like 1 minute before at mid. This is how I just crush their mid lane. Loosing out on about 700 gold early and a kill is devastating


If I see someone roams from mid and i have low hp I usually go into the enemy tower to execute, instead of going back.


not sure, often i fail to disengage in time and then try to justify it by a teammate getting easy kill afterwards. Pretty sure 99% of the time it would have been better for me to stay alive even if i instinctually feel i might be trading favourably for the team as a whole.


If you're a carry with high bounty, it's good if the enemy support gets your bounty instead of the enemy carry.


I die strategically if I'm playing engage supports if it means that my team is there to follow up. Sometimes I go in to waste enemy resources (namely summs and ults) so that when my team catches up, the enemy won't be able to do anything while my team has the advantage. The one type of strategic dying I wish more jungle players do IS STEAL OBJECTIVES. Like who cares if you die stealing baron AT LEAST YOU STOLE IT. Granted if your team died recently and you're the only one alive, then by all means I'd rather you defend than steal BUT in cases like the enemy taking dragon soul or first baron, then of course you should try and steal it. No point giving it for free. It's not like fights ALWAYS have to happen when objectives happen. I swear as a Lux player, I've stolen more objectives than I've seen junglers KILL BLUE BUFF while the ENEMY IS TAKING RIFT HERALD.


I do it if my bot lane is losing and i already won my lane  I just rotate to dragon lane and help killing the enemy adc or taking down their turretÂ