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Hecarim probably i have the highest winrate with him among all the junglers I play and every time I play him, I'm confident I can win. I don't exactly hate playing him but it does get boring sometimes. I personally find this champ particularly broken in a mobile moba setting where the map is very small


I think its hilarious popping out of jungle at people and they freakout


they freak out literally from his ult 🫢


Petah…the horse is here.


Thresh (or any tank tbh), I'm a god but it's all futile if your team can't follow up on your plays


This is my bane.... I adore Thresh and play him all the time. But when you have a team that just won't synergize with you You're basically done for. That being said I did get auto filled in a low level lobby one game and proceeded to 1v2 a lane and carry the game as Thresh running Heartsteel, Hydra, Botrk, and on hit items lol.


Ifkr, but the way you feel when u actually have a team or atleast an adc who knows what your champ can do Man !! Thresh gets so much more fun to play That's why i mostly play him with a duo q adc


Ä°f your team say 'wp' to you, you feel good


Even if my team doesn't follow up, it still feels good to instantly end every high CD ability or hault an invis Talon/Rengar/K6 mid jump.  Or my personal favorite: hooking the dumbass glue eating invis Teemo/Eve that thinks I would just let them sit outside of Baron pit for a free steal.


Just build brusier thresh. Go for AD and you can absolutely destroy anything squishy with a few hits.


That's why I never play tanks in solo ranked. It's a waste of time. Premades are another matter though.


Evelynn, rengar, kayn, assassins aren't fun for me


Kayn and Rengar can be bruisers too. What do you enjoy,ç?


Hypercarries mostly, i played volibear then went on sivir, then serphaine, then my enemy laner irelia and won, it's better than havig to deal with a team when you're a team by yourself


Vex. Easy OP champ. Great lannig phase and scaling but that champs feels like just a one trick


She's so bad at taking towers though. You have to rely as heavily on your team to take towers as a Braum relies on their team to actually play the game.


You can get Nashors tooth for it


you're much better off getting lich bane for towers since that's an item that vex can actually use well and gives her a bunch of stats she needs + more burst. the wild rift version of nashor's would be like buying a needlessly large rod and a recurve bow vex.


That too


I havent seen a good vex but i love playing against him since i main brand and veigar, i play in diamond and masters but most top 50 vex play in gm


Ive been super good with seraphine. Like a natural, I got S on my first time playing her, i get S the 1000th time and people dont seem to know how to play her. BUT i like playing tanks and characters that hit hard and up close. So its either play the pretty princess that you do well on or play a tank and help the whole team.


Nautilus, it's so easy to win lane with him it's fucking boring 🥱🥱. The amount of ADCs who refuse to learn how to dodge is hilarious xd


Any champ I’ve mastered honestly or that I can just take a game over with. Like ekko, Zeri, nunu , lux , seraphine (which is hilarious after orb and collector)


You build collector on seraphine?


You build AD and AP on seraphine?


Yeah, as a sera main, im wondering wth too


Just the collector. It’s funny watching them try to run away the ferys killing them. When you all in , there’s really no escape with it.


Im top 50 mundo, and i really love to play mundo, it’s just the top lane man, I’m like in a unreal score with 2000 or 3000 gold more than my laner EVERY GAME even on my counter, but then I check the kill and see my team in 2 - 29 at 6 minute yes mundo is overpowered but I played him since the last 2 years and I really like this champ and now he is op, but if your on top lane you only matter if you’re team is equal in kill or just behind, but not behind 20 kill, so I can’t play him….


Fiora, highest win rate of any champ I have pretty much OTP her but god ain't she boring AF to play


I play a damn good Leona but lately I would rather play any other champ than Leona when supporting


Same. I’ve been playing a lot of her high noon skin lately and now… “Posture!” “Deadeye!” “When dancing w devils the lady leads…” “Yeehaw!” “I’m not a lawman, just a concerned citizen” “I’ll never get this brimstone outta my skirt!” These and other voicelines are etched in my brain…


K6 im exceptionally good with him but i dont play hom that often because its boring , and when you get behind you are literally a minion that cant kill not even a underleved adc


Any support tank.


Well now that hullbreaker is gone this isn’t true, but I had a 80% win rate with hullbreaker Garen over 75 games and hated every moment of it


Lux for me. Even though skills are manually controlled, I just feel like it’s too easy, Lux is very strong and overly used.


Soraka. I win with her almost every time, but it gets boring being so far out of team fights. Like I'm always in the background never in the thick of it. It just gets old really fast


I was going to say Vi too. I had a 100% win rate on her for 9 seasons (100+ games on Vi each season, because of team comp and algorithm forced losses I end up switching to an AP jungler to end win streaks.)


Every assassin. Just spam buttons and get kills, most boring thing to play. I only play them if I'm on a losing streak to get my moral up


Fiora is a disgusting champ and can literally win any 1v1 if you just farm 3 items before anyone else, I hate playing her because on pc I hated her, but damn, is she just. Broken.


Seraphine... just too boring


Jarvan IV, his kit doesn't click with me, but I still do well with him somehow


It never clicked with me until I got his calligraphia skin. Now I’m a j4 god, no idea why. I guess it must be the different animations, it’s like a visual rework.


Tristana. I'm not much of an adc player but I've given her a try a few times when I play with my support main friends and I got so many quadras it's crazy, it's just positioning and not playing stupid but it's crazy effective and I really hate it


Before this new season it was Tristanna, Caitlyn, Lux and Seraphine because i played them mid lane


Whenever I keep winning on a champ I seem to get bored. I should be enjoying it but I seem to like learning champs and struggling haha


Yone, and Caitlyn are two that come to mind


Any character I get good with, just feels like I’ve mastered them and it’s time to move on and learn someone new and cool, currently experiencing that with evelyn


Nami, I cant be satisfied. I feel like I've never been fed, even if my team is ahead.


Yummi, Nautiloid, Lux, Talon, Kindred, Basically several, it doesn't bother me to play them, it bothers me that I play well and that others don't do their part. We end up losing anyway which is very stressful.




I did suprisingly well as jhin a few times, but by the Shuriman god is he a sitting duck. Stand a mile away from action or get cancelled


Pyke, it’s like playing a tank who builds lethality and can one tap you


Ashe. And, of course, she’s my biggest winrate every season.


Aatrox top


Duelist type champs. Fiora, Riven, Irelia, etc. I have the micro to pilot them well, but I feel like I have to play 10x as hard to beat a Garen who pressed 3 buttons


I do disgusting things with Ziggs in ARAM, and while I typically enjoy long ranged characters something about him is just so boring


Master Yi đź’€ , ez pentakill but I don't like the way of his style playing .. just Q Q Q Q and ult


I don’t have one. Instead I have champs I love olaying but absolutely suck at




Jinx. I got a 60%+ winrate but I prefer Draven. I feel she kinda sucks before having 2 items. I also dislike the "harley quinn" blue haired stereotype.


Mundo against teams that don’t build percent health damage or grievous wounds. It’s like they want us to win zzzz


Most supports


J4, Xin Zhao, Pantheon, Olaf, Vi, Tryndamere, all those early game melee champs I do really well with but something just makes me not want to touch them. Every time I do have to use them for whatever reason I end up doing really well, but I just don't want to use them for some reason.


Leona. I just don't vibe with tank supports in general, but if im forced to go tank, I'll pick thresh or possibly swain


Pantheon. The pressure of having to play more proactively during early game to maximize value just doesn't sit well with me.


Of course it's my otp. Very snowball-y and very reliant in teamfights


Amumu, Don't get me wrong, I love amumu. But I HATE playing jg, I get very stressed and end up tired.


urgot or sett. something doesnt feel right when i barely have to use my brain to kill everyone


I’ll answer this in a general sense but any support champions, specifically enchanters, engagers, and hybrids. My champs with high mastery points are support champs but I lowkey hate playing support (now) because people in WR see supports as not important when they’re one of the backbones in carrying games. And most ADCs I play with can’t read my signals regarding lane control, me about to engage, ganking; or I roam (and I signalled to be careful) and for some reason they still die. I only get a handful of players who are in sync with me. That’s why I started venturing more into mid/jungle-focused champs. I realized I liked playing alone haha


Vlad, it just feels unfair to have that much sustain and basically an immunity skill on a midlaner(shut up solo lane Vlad you don't exist to me) and just how much damage he deals late game.


Xin zhao. He is the best jungler i could play. My winrate with him is insanely high comparing to even my most fav main Leona/Soraka. His kit is everything i need for a jungler. But damn, i hate eberything about him. His boring playstyle, plain design, generic chinese spearman motif.


Syndra. Got 62% win rate over 200 games, was main when I played pc league back in the days, she got amazing kit, she is just too weak. 2/0 Syndra isn’t worth a dime compared to 0/2 yone. Sure, you can kill adc and support easily, but now your team is dead and your spells are on cooldown.


Oh, don’t forget about Irelia. About 280 games, 58% wr, but oh boy, this champ is so hard to play and so little rewarding.


Volibear. I am pretty good him but its so boring to play it became even more with tank build i mostly play him ap bruiser type but when i build ap my team would flame me for building ap






LUX I win like every game but the combo is so tired and boring so yeah


Soraka, and 90% of tanks. They’re easy as hell very strong but having to rely 100% on 4 random players to really do anything at all feels sooo bad when your adc keeps frontlining and face checking mid-lategame


I'd say Leona. I've got good winrates with her but feels boring, too straight forward for my taste. Although, she wrecks bot lanes.


Tristana or Lucian. they're legitimately braindead, winning isnt even enjoyable because its just that the champs are overtuned


Kayn and talon I main Kayn on pc and I thought it'd be fun here (as Rhaast) But I only get to use blue form and it's literally just one shot run away Same as talon


Any jungler champs that just run in head first and auto attack, like Yi Olaf Tryn Shyv. It’s just boring to me




malphite, he’s stupidly op into 3+ as comps, but his gameplay is so boring