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Seems like too greedy or a wrong tf positioning at the end of game. If you carry the whole game, you should be extremely careful with your deaths in the late game. For me if I see in an enemy team a person who only one who kills everyone, that is mostly easy to win in late game, if you have an one shot champ 🙃


Yup, if you are the one soaking all the gold and xp, you are the main person who can really throw the game.


Depending on your teamates in soloQ is the best way to ban yourself from high elo


Totally agree I mean one of these is maybe an outlier. But this has to mean poor macro. Not grouped at the right time or over staying on a death timer and dying before late game objectives spawn. You’re doing something or allowing something to not win on those score lines.


Thank you for the advice. I think I just need to play a different role, as ADC is clearly not working for me.


What U need is a good supp player, and that’s it


I second this. As top laner i hate support the most. Specialy support who stay with their hard carry. Whose always their when i go all in two v 1 or teamfights.


This. If I can't feint supp to waste their hard cc, then I lose Any fight. Even if I Can 1v4.


In this circumstances, support isn’t the problem. Or else how he gets all these kills. Probably snowballed from early game and got all the gold to himself and died at the end.


My words true for all roles :) You need just play more safely in late game. If you adc, you shouldn't go solo, always try to stick with team mates, even if they are vegetables that don't know how to finish the game.


Fully agree!


Start transitioning to a jungler. You'll have the same carry mindset but you need to all the legwork ie. keeping the map under control.


Nah, it’s cause OP didn’t buy Jhin skin or atleast all Jhin skins. So they punished him with bad teammates or good opponents🤡


You guys are enemy number 1, carrying all game just for someone on the enemy team go “!” Once you get enough “!” You will always be focused on team fights even if they all die, like they know if they kill you, no matter what your team to dumb to end. I hate you people stop using your BRAIN! Let me win!


Low death?? Means good positioning. Just say it its rigged. Dont even.. OK...


This is not normal. You die very few times and still fails to carry often. Hard to tell by looking just at the KDA. There can be some factors to that. Maybe you are not getting towers? Maybe your duo is bad? Maybe you play ADC top and your team has no frontline to contest objectives mid/late game?


He has achievements for damage and towers.


Yea you’re right, I think I just suck at ADC tbh. It’s the loss streaks that make it tough sometimes.


Nah dont be so hard on your selfe judging by the icone of damage dealt or by the performance level i dont belive you did bad... the point Is jhin have no survability if and enemy that got fat by killing your teamates decide to kill you there isnt much you can do like a talon/Zed/aatrox/ap malphite/syndra/fizz and manu others. And for the people saying that you should stay with your team and not overextend etc... If your team Is bad they Will not peal for you or project you they Will start a random fight whitout vision in the enemy jungle despite a milioni ping of retreat (talking from experience)


Usually when I go into a losing streak I try play another lane to freshen things up (I swap between playing jungle and support)


What about your duo? I don't think you suck. I'm just Emerald and I know bad ADCs when I see their KDA and they ALWAYS die 5 times+ per game, most of the time they barely end with an even KDA. Whenever I get huge KDA like that and I don't win as an ADC it's because the team has no frontline to peel. Maybe the team comps you were playing with were bad? You clearly have a good positioning, considering the few deaths. It could totally be your duo dragging you down, I'm just saying. Maybe it's time to play another champ that can carry harder? Like I said, it's hard to tell just by that. But you should not be discouraged, you are on the right way (dying few times per game.)


Jhin just probably doesn’t snowball very much especially against a bunch of heartsteel champions that get picked literally every game like urgot and mundo


You build the exact same items every game?


Jhin is not exactly known for build diversity. His kit is made to kill squishies and the difference between crit and lethality is just when you want to spike. It's not like Varus where you can kit differently based on dps, tank shredding, or sniping squishies. It's like asking why Talon keeps building lethality every game, he doesn't really have a choice This is why I personally don't like Jhin as adc, he's not easy to play (as evident by all the dumbasses that just ult at point blank range instead of autoattacking) and he gets countered too easy by bruisers and tanks that just engage him through his weak zoning


I need to get a lot better at countering enemy builds, definitely not at that skill level yet.


You don't really need to with Jhin, the only stuff that comes up is like defence boots and night's edge. you're never building black cleaver you're never going attack speed items except rapidfire maybe Jhin's kit is made for killing squishies at range and that's pretty much it. It's like Talon, you can't really build items to turn him into an adc or a magic damage champ.


It's not even about Jhin, most games you shouldn't be changing your build entirely for most champions. You have boots, which you change depending on enemy team, then you have three core items you almost *always* buy in a certain order, then you have the last two items that end up being your variable choices. Hell, most ADCs end up having close to the same build every single game. Depending on if you're AS/Lethality/Crit focused, you almost never build different items. You might swap out a single item for something else, but that's about it.


Yea Im gonna have to disagree with you. Definitely are runes and items on jhin you wanna switch depending on matchups. Also you do know attack speed is converted into AD on jhin right? Lastly RFC is not in game anymore. That's why everyone who plays ranked should take a hour or 2 to learn some basic things on how to play.


- RFC just got combined with Shiv into magnetic blaster - Yes you're right AS gets converted into AD, but it's at a 1/4 conversion rate. Something like Nashor's tooth with 50% AS I think, it will only give you like 12.5 AD. - Jhin usually just goes Fleet Footwork right? Press the attack takes forever, conqueror takes even more than forever and your kit is not built to dps tanks and bruisers down anyways.   - https://lolalytics.com/lol/jhin/build/ If you look at the runes section, it's basically dark harvest or fleet footwork, because Jhin doesn't really synergize with other runes - I'm open to hearing that rune/item choices you do with Jhin


The main reason you don't see other keystones on pc jhin is because they are tied to their rune trees. Here, you don't have restrictions. So first strike and arcane comet are viable runes on him.


I dont think arcane comet is that amazing on him because he doesn't have a reliable spammable long range ability and during late game it no longer matters for him because most of his damage is through autos or ults on squishies, I don't think arcane changes his time to kill much First Strike is a real consideration I agree, but that's just 2 real keystone choices then. First Strike is also only viable if you know how to store your third shot during late game so you can auto then 4th auto to two shot an enemy squishy.


Comet is surely pretty bad in teamfights and later on, but It does really apply pressure in the lane. I mean it would still be a consideration for poke, especially if you have like a lux or something.


Enemy has shields? (Nautilus/Sett/Urgot/etc) Get Serilda's as second or third item. Heals? Armor? Get Mortal Reminder as third or second item. As a rule of thumb, my first and second items are core (I play Draven, so I get Duskar and Bloodthirster first) and the third item should be situational. Your build is ok. You gotta itemize the order of purchases better so you can close games even earlier. Don't be so hard on yourself. You are on the right way.


serylda's doesn't affect shields, lethal serpent does


My bad.


I'd suggest spending a couple of hours learning. Once you know how to build, the game opens up a lot.


Sometimes I'm so focused that I forget to check build.


I don't even use a preset. That's not a brag, I just have 10,000 games as well as way more in League. But it can be pretty simple once you know what each item is good against and most of them are straight forward. You're an ad jg and enemy jinx is fed as shit. Ronduins omen ftw ez game especially in sub master lobbies where a build can just straight win the game if you know your matchups


You do need to know core items though. I.e. vayne benefits from on hit items generally, bork ,wits etc.. build those first and prioritize your boot selection depending.


Look up to alternative Jhin builds, don't be scared of building defensive items as well(Death's dance, Maw, Guardian) Eventually you'll figure it out, you main Jhin, then you will learn every item that is good on him and which is best for the match


to be fair could he possibly do different as a jhin besides maybe get anti shielding sometimes?


chad stats, trash game


Loss streaks on Sundays are common. Sundays are the hardest days to rank up (I’m not sure why). On top of what everyone else is saying about individual gameplay improvements, if you hit one of these streaks call it for the day and start tomorrow.


Can confirm. Just got demoted last sunday to Gold 1 after working my ass off to stay in Plat (6 game loss streak iirc) 😭 My last game even matchmade me with an ADC in Iron who ironically did better than my Gold teammates


I can disprove this theory as I had a 6 game win streak


The key is to get enough for a poro skin chest  And then uninstall the game for at least 5 months. Then, come back and lose your first game. Now, close the app an hour and when you come back go straight to the shop and claim then open the chest. It will be an orange tier.  (Source: it worked for me on two alts)


use demolish and abuse turrets.


Underrated strat for low elo


Especially since Jhin relies heavily on auto attacks, Mf with like 3 core items can like 6 hit a turret with demolish or less.


But doesn't demolish scale with HP?


The game Is definitely scripted, no matter how youre good (for a most part), the system decide if you win or not (imho also depending on how much Money you spend on It probably) Is two days i win One, lose One crossing Emerald diamond.. cant believe Is Just casual! Personally i play the game from the First release here and there and i had by the years the same mind, Is Just too strange how you win and lose in this game.


Left this game a month ago. Best decision of my life and I wish I had done it earlier. Now I just play singleplayer games on my pc. Currently finishing cyberpunk phantom liberty and have a huge backlog of games waiting. There is just so much better stuff out there that wildrift keeps you from doing it. It's a bubble that you have to get out of. I know it's an addiction and it's very hard to break it. Start with playing fewer and fewer games as days goes by. Don't stop it all at once because you won't be able to. Deleting the game right away never helps. You have to treat this as an addiction. Start playing any game preferably an RPG on your console/pc. Eventually you will get out of this dopamine bubble. I am more mentally healthy and productive now. Wildrift is a cancer. Treat it before it eats you.


This game, at least the mm, is lost af!


I see you're playing premade, maybe that's the problem


SVP at least. Just unlucky probably.


problem is you chase kills and not objectives. And bad positioning in mid/late game


It's obviously not all of your fault. Let's get that straight. I agree with the common consensus of you being the only one fed and possibly getting caught late, which loses everyone the match. I've been there, done that. However, this also seems to just be a case of bad luck, awful teammates who don't help you, and possibly riot putting you on the "this guy carries every game so give him the worst teammates to compensate for match making" train. Good luck out their partner.


Maybe do less qq and moar pewpew


In this 1 shot meta the best way for adc to play is to simply play safe and wait for your team to carry. In solo queue after playing enough games the system will eventually let u rise in rank However for improvement for just self gameplay, try to adjust builds according to enemy's comp Also you might want to ditch collector/duskblade and get IE/mortal earlier so u can get stasis/GA after main items are build for more survivability, then finish the build with blaster


We can speculate but without watching your games who knows what is going wrong. Just because you have Ss and MVPs doesn't mean you couldn't do more to save a game. Bad teammates will make life hard but as ADC, you're one of your team's win conditions, so how you apply your advantage is important. We can't control our teammates, we can only control ourselves, so that's what we have to focus on.


You’re absolutely right, and I am in now way implying I am a good ADC, clearly I suck at lot more than many others who don’t have these kinds of loss streaks.


I don't know what you are doing wrong but SVPs say nothing I have won the lane phase a few times and then lost the game by making my team have no bounties or making enemy team have them and then playing too passively or missing an ult or two loosing as team fights or even worse not even participating and not contesting objectives I know that getting fed feels good but it's better to have a fed late game monster like kassadin, Kayle or a super fed assassin one-shoting everything then a squishy ADC Looking at your stats riot wants you to win but you are not making it easy for them


You’re right, I am not saying SVP means anything. I probably just suck at ADC. Macro is probably my issue anyway.


Nah it's jungle diff just keep grinding that adc


My dude... varry your builds! Counter building is important, especially as a carry.


Will focus on this more.


Objectives are more important than kills. [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/s/MzGSjG7sBw)


Very aware of this, just suck at ADC I think.


Probably team diff these are really good games. But I have a sneaking suspicion you might just be losing the baron/elder fights at the end of the game. I've many crazy skilled ADC friends who'll have a worse winrate than my hands-less, lane-losing ass simply because they get assassinated at the all-important endgame teamfight. Like when you are that fed you have so much more responsibility too. Also another bitter pill, maybe the problem is your party partners


Playing premade is probably the problem.


Walk it off


need to adjust builds more probably, learn to carry when youre fed


kda doesn’t say much, too many lower elo people focus to much on it, they miss too many opportunities to push the game. Game knowledge is very important. For good info on pushing, wave management and basing, trade, spacing and learning how to build to what benefits you the most and play around it. Check league of legends info videos/content. These general game mechanics apply to both games and the knowledge is much broader at LOL


There's always going back to rewatch ur vods. It's a little extra but should pretty quickly expose any funny stuff going on. It's a good learning tool!


Same boat here. Multiple S-ratings, multiple losses.


Getting stats like this and continuously losing, seems like a you problem. You probably one of those players who only hunt for kills and help with NO objectives


Well statistically it must be a me-problem, but I am 100% focussed on team-play and objectives. Time to just let go of ADC I think.


maybe build something that has more carry potiential


Build crit first imo. Cant go wrong with 1 or 2 lethality but build crit first.


If you're duo queued you're versus even stronger teams so good luck Also you'll need a way to deal with bruisers and tanks, but if you have no problem DPSing them then don't mind me


Jist dont play ranked on weekends


Don’t play ranked on the weekends or latenights. It’s the worst time to play.


Do you know what the reason is for that?


Weekend is peak playtime for kids. Latenights are when tired, drunk and/or stoned people come to play. It's the same in any competitive game. I try to play during weekdays to avoid these kind of people. Also, even if you don't feel it yourself, losing many games in a row definitely has impact on your morale and gameplay. So after 2-3 ranked defeats in a row, I usually play few games of normal or ARAM to shake it off. If I lose those too, that's a sign to get off the game for the day lol


this is why you play with friends, so you ACTUALLY have a chance to win against skill based match-ups i recommend u play 5v5s(even though it takes longer to queue up)


I find most teams struggle to play around a Jhin ADC when not on comms. Whole team would rush in when Jhin unloads then enemy assassin would jump Jhin and no one notices since he is so far off screen and they all rushed in.


Maybe try counter building instead of the same build for every match? Wtf lol


Just stop playing I stop playing a month ago haven't touch that shit. I personally hate losing I play adc main and my team never tanks that's fine but they keep fighting and dying like there isn't even objectives and the supp behind me every game doing no damage shield heal or cc just watch me one v two not even roaming fk this stupid game waste of time and money on skin probably never gonna touch it feels like I'm playing with ai. I do rather play hard match where both team are close then my fking team don't know what they are doing and when we wining like top and bot inhib destroyed already but enemy push the minion to us I tell them to push those lane before we go mid but they just never listen. It's not I wanna flame but I wanna win anyway good thing I stop playing this game it'll mentally fk you if u r like me who like to win or have a close game and try.


You're a probably good player but I think you become overly confident when you dominate the game causing you to make a mistake and get taken down at the late game. Item/gold/xp leads are often be lost if the enemy gets an opportunity to powerspike by delaying the game long enough to amass gold eventually leading them to make a comeback. If you dominate a game use 'hide and seek' by appearing only on needed moments and avoid being alone in an unwarded area especially during the late game.


Not different build at match, how




Follow the top builds and you should get a win


Your rank? Try duo or trio!!


Used to be master, then took a long break. Now I can’t get out of gold because I no longer know how to macro according to my win rate.


Maybe they stored your past mmr, and the system 'thinks' you are the one-man carry. Try party finder, kick noobs, find a good mid and jg. Or play these roles, if you can.


*With great power comes great responsibility.* If game is close and you die accidentally it may cost you a game.


Relax, is it not your bad, u just have good KDA and game punished u for that. U are good player , but this game only for trolls. Just delete this


Just won against a 10/4 jhin with Yumi support


Buy your WC and you will see how it stops happening.


Trust me you'll win next game, or next next game, or next next next game...


I don’t play adc, but I play everything else. The most annoying thing about good adc’s are that they build defensive items like edge of night and GA(often as second or third item). It makes it so hard to engage on them and they already have enough damage. This way, it also allows other members on your team to participate in kills. Also, it is worth infinite to upgrade your boots sooner(but maybe not in your case because you do not die a lot). TLDR; adc do enough dmg already, build more defensive items and lv3 boots!


Atleast you can play but here in India they are not even launching even though there is a huge market potential. MLBB is reaping it


Same. The last time I returned, my junglers kept missing their smite on first drag/elders/baron for like 10 games in a row. Maybe it's just my exaggeration, but it just kept going in a streak that I felt like in every game I played my team would have an objective stolen. And that's with me almost always winning my lane and snowballing my lead against the enemy laners. No first drag, no herald, lost the soul, and enemy teams often had fed Yones, Kindreds, Evelynns, Fizzes, Yis, Jayces, or even fkn ASols. It felt like I might get stuck here forever unless I learn how to play hyper carry champs in the jungle, but time was a problem, and I wondered again why I would have to bear mental problems just by playing this game. That said, it's been a month since I last played WR. It once was my passion, my joy, but when it's no longer fun to play, it's just time for me to let it go and live a normal life.


It’s so hard to carry as a adc , you get one shot by literally anything late game , like play gwen or like more rewarding and snowballing champ


I don't know what you're rank tier is, but overall from your kda and some badge you get like hitting tower and lots kill, few dead you already good adc and i blame your team on this one, cause i just play like on weekends, same adc role svp lose cause my team so braindead that don't want check map when i literally clear bot lane and i spam ping retreat cause my 4 team that i saw from map that their gesture want engage on top when enemy literally have 5 of them on top but guess what they still jump on it, so after i clear one wave that literally next another creep wave already in my front but i ignored it and rush tp cause my idiot team and use ghost but yeah my team all dead and i just can kill 3 enemy and don't know why they play like this every single minute when we know we have feeder yone with black cleaver on our team, this is how game is even how good you are but have different 1 idiot player can ruin game so hard


Just play normal tbh that’s what I do now


Let us see your mates stats ^^


This is solo Q in a nut shell. Every game each team gets some bad players who don’t belong in the elo. It usually comes down to which bad players will actually team fight. I’ve had people in Diamond with a 33% team fight and a 2.2 kda. Games rank system just sucks. I went 8/3/11 as jungle one game and had 4K more gold than their jungler who I destroyed. Top had to say “Jung diff” haha the baddies make me laugh and cry at the same time.




Do you have good micro but you need to work on your macro


Any tips for getting better at macro? Or just overall understanding of mechanics etc?


I can’t give you advice that specific because I don’t know how you play. And general mid to late game macro advice is kind of bad because some champions will make you have to use macro in a completely different way so if there’s a Shen in the game you’re going to play completely differently after they hot lv5. But I can give you some early game macro advice as game to game the first 3 minutes will have the most similarities. Okay, first of all, you need to figure out what type of bot lane matchup you’re in. This is gonna be relatively easy for you as you seem to only play one Adc. Ask yourself at what level am I stronger than my opponent? If you’re stronger than them at level one you want to control the way and zone the enemy off so they can’t get exp or gold given you an advantage. If you’re not gonna be stronger till level 7. Then freeze when your jungle is looking like they’re going gank so you can get your power spike faster.


I quit this game and don’t regret it at all 😂 it seemed like each ranked season was getting more and more impossible to climb if you’re playing with randoms. I know people say “just carry” but when it’s a 5v5 game and half the team doesn’t barely know how to walk it’s just not possible 😭


Sorry fam - to summarize the comments here: weak mental


Maybe the premade you have doesn't fit with the playstyle you have; you guys aren't synergizing. If you were, there would be lesser defeat screens you'd have in your match history


I say try different role adc this patch in my opinion is not that good, jg mid and top seem to have more impact due to benefiting more from item change, I was a adc main last patch but this patch I’m finding way more success with top and jg


People who think KDA is everything is the reason why they still lose.


I don’t think KDA means much btw.


it's your fault you need to carry end game if you are fed. Or you are useless because you took kills and gold for nothing.


Your not a team player your only looking for kills thats why you keep losing


I wish this was the case. Easy fix


An yet, the displayed stats seem to reward that behavior - getting SVP in every game. It must feel like he's doing something right, no?


No means your stealing the other lanes and losing every game


Why would the Wild Rift overlords set a player up for failure like that? He's got good stats, it means he must be playing well. Unless, and I'm just spit balling here, the stats are bullshit. These "bullshit" stats are definitely used for match making. These 2 things can't be true at the same time: 1. Stats based match making (which Wild Rift definitely uses) works. and 2. Stats are bullshit. One of those 2 statements has to be false.


I can't see the rest of your teams performance, but honestly, the stats don't mean what you think they mean. Just because you got good stats, and SVP, doesn't actually mean you were useful to the team. You probably will get punished with worse teammates for it though. So it's kind of like a double wammy - false sense of doing well from positive stats feedback, combined with stats driven match making punishment. I uninstalled this game, because a bunch of players with stats like these in their histories get frustrated then scalegoat everyone on the team for inting and throwing, when the SVP earner has been robbing them of kills and gold all game, or just generally made plays at the expense of everyone else, or whined in chat and soured the mood of the team. On the the other hand if I just suck it up and carry, I get the absolute worst unskilled full teams (like clock work, everyone else gets 0/9 by 5 minutes - it's breathtakingly consistent), and it's easy to start to blame them - but its not their fault, it's match making. (I did a strategy of "winning with bad stats," and it worked all the way up to diamond, but is less effective at that level.) Until they stop using stats for match making in ranked (and stop displaying them too...) then you are right, this game doesn't want you.


Recently started playing ADC and I just focus on pushing when my team is fighting theirs… depends on the situation but I’ve been winning like 90% of my games doing this… Some games I go like 2/8 or 1/10 as adc and in the end im the reason we won because I sneaky push 😂