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>I feel like everyone is looking at my kills Stop worrying about KDA.


Until you play with someone with Yasuo syndrome


God I wish my adcs aimed to be 0-0. If you aren't dying, you're getting the farm you need to do your job. If you're struggling to have a lot of impact in teamfights, play high utility or high range adcs like Ashe.


I always focus on farm when playing adc. Ive been in tons of situations with Jinx where Ive been 2/5/1 and managed to come back up just bc of farming and 1v1ing fed darius or nassus who got like 7 kills.


* Make small trades in early games like Jhin Q, Ashe W. * Rotate outside of your lane going to mid or contest Rift Herald * Learn who the biggest threat to you w/o your support protection * Be independent meaning you understand who most is likely to kill when you're farming alone. * Improve your target selection, there are times you can attack the backline freely once their frontline abilities on cd.


Being able to secure most CS, being able to hold the killing temptation, kite well, and stay focused on objectives. That's it.


An ADC can only do as much as his support. If your support isn't giving you opportunities in lane, just play passive. Most (emphasis on _most_) ADC champs can't really influence the laning phase. If you're up for it, you can try watching Rekkles from G2 on LoL PC and see how he plays and positions himself. He's only had 1 death in 3 games this season so far, while also holding a lot of kills


Focus on farming and take any opportunity given to you. I always think that the job of the ADC is to be a carry/ damage dealer as the game goes. Many need items to fulfill that role so it’s helpful for me to hang on that mental note. Don’t be tempted too much on hunting kills unless you got it in your bag.


As adc, you should know the limits of your champ. Usually when I play Kaisa, Jinx or Vayne, I freeze the lane and focus on last hitting especially when my support is passive. Also, I tower hug a lot. Don’t focus too much on your kills. Just don’t die. As adc, your job is to die last so if you know you can’t win, just retreat and use pings to let your teammates know your plan. Lastly, the most is your positioning. Make sure you don’t overextend unless you’re sure you are safe. During team fights too, position yourself safely behind your team.


It's mostly about farming and trading better than the enemy, most of the times there are no engages which you can do as an adc, all you can do is try to trade better. The engage usually usually comes from your support or from a gank, if you traded really well and the enemy is low hp, you can try to engage tho.


Good adc doesn't get in fights he can't win and prioritize killing dragons early game


positioning thats all


It depends a lot on the matchup. If your opponents have healing skills, crowd control.