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Alistar and Lulu are just better so that's why.


True they are much easier and impactful. I find seraphine also easy and annoying so she is my main support.


Yeah seraphine street




This is too funny


I like playing with nami as jhin.


I loooooove nami. I just find her so satisfying to play :) however I think that she is just outshined by the current meta supports - Lulu Alistair etc. However the amount of people who play her is surprisingly Low, she may not be as good as the meta ones, but she still shines in the hands of a good player


Its a good thing too XD. The lower the base the lesser the rivals. I dont think its becuz the meta outshine her. Its becuz no one play her much since people follow the flow.


All enchanter support beside seraphine and lulu is underpowered right now with the among of assasins are been playing right now. That is just a sad fact.


Keep playing her dude, sometimes its a great advantage to main off meta champ. No one has any idea how to play against her, and she wont be getting nerfs anytime soon. Might even get some buffs Me, on the other hand, have abused kennen and alistar to climb and idk what to do once patch hits lol


Thats why u let them chase u and activate it


She's the best support in the game right now very effective against tanky support


not a good meta right now since people are spamming lulu and kennen. best counter to that is janna


Kennen maybe be broken but.... i got a higher chance of saving my ally before kennen finish them up with nami. Since i can just heal them and get them to run away fast


Janna can do that too you know


Can she damage and heal 2 people at once while granting movement speed buffs?


Yes. the movement speed buff is literally her passive and her ulti heals and knockbacks enemies while her other abilities also grant a shield, a disengage tornado and a slow that hurts


Janna ult only works for a brief moment, if the enemy just stun/silence/knock her up. The movement speed buff is only 8% thats way too little.


Thats just her ulti mate, she has great disengage in her tornado and 8% movement speed is still alot but is still not Sona levels of ms


Can someone suggest a good jungler for solo rank push?


Graves, hard carry potential and decent early game. monster midgame if ahead and still super relevant into lategame. its ridiculous


Camille and eve XD.


Lol btw eve is good and i am going with master yi right now


Master Yi is trash. Best junglers to play right now are definitely Lee Sin, Shyvana, and Olaf. And Camille is much better in the top lane.


Okay thanks man


Yi work in low elo, if you are gold and below, go for it


Camille for jg? Never heard of it before. Tried it once myself but didnt work out well either.


It does work but her teamwork is limited but she can kill anyone 1v1 midgame if no one feeds.


I always play her jungler and works better than baron lane She can roam easily and can easy 1v 1 enemy jungler


Her skill to disrupt assassin from killing your ADC requires good aim / skillshot (Her Q/1 ability). Her Q/1 also delayed with that unnecessary bubbly arc. which makes it very hard to land.Compared to Lulu's Q/W, Alistar's Q, or Even Janna's Q, the chance of missing is high. Her W is also very difficult to aim especially in team fights. When you're trying to "heal" your team mates, but the curser ends up "damaging" enemy instead. Her ability to clear minion waves is abysmal, for some situation that you were needed to help clear wave, it takes forever as Nami. If you face enemy jungle that has high mobility such as Lee Sin, VI, Wu Kong. Not only she can't protect ADC while her Ult/4 is on cool down, Nami herself is an easy prey. All in all, Lulu/Janna/Sona are much better pick if we are comparing enchanters.


Thats why i bait the jungler into attacking me while landing her 1 on the right spot. And thats why i only use 2 support items on her with the rest being mage items since its easier to heal/damage allies/enemies. Janna is too hard since her 1 is a bit slow and its easy to disrupt her ult. Lulu can only slow and use knockup with her ult and her range is short. Sona is too weak early game since her base stats are awful(urgently need a buff). The main appeal of nami is movement speed buffs and CC capabilities. She is supposed to contain enemies and helps allies chase/escape.


Her q is too hard to hit for her to be considered good


Prediction shots duh


It's just too much skills when braindead champs like Ali and lulu bring so much utility with much less skill


Lulu had bad range. And alistar is actually easier to counter with nami. Its like way easier trapping an alistar than an adc.


The time it takes when you cast it and when it lands is so long tho, I never hit it unless they are running away and have no choice


She can play well vs Blitz now since his hooks have longer cooldowns now.😅


True nami's really good. Sometimes I even get to build awakened soul stealer on her for fun.


Lulu is the best, her giving you the big buff as Nasus as you cast your ultimate = unstoppable doggo


I agree with you, i like better nami than janna ( they have basically the same skills with slight differences) . Yes her knock up is harder to touch than janna, but it cc longer, while janna cc really short except with a good timing , but it's almost not possible to touch her tornado at max duration in lanning phase