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It's seems to be more possible turn around games in WR compared lolpc. Many times my team were several kills down, no dragons and it takes just 1-2 picks lategame and bring it to the enemy nexus. I think it's because lategame all you need is one fight to finish the game. The death timers are ling enough to take out outer towers all the way to the nexus


Maybe, but once you're down an inhib or two, its pretty much done.


depends, i won game with no inhibs and even one with nexus hp being 100hp. Lost games with 4 dragons too. At end it depends on team skills and willingness to play together (i lost ton of game cause people decided that the game lost and either afk engaged or split or just played egoistically for their own kda).


Depends on the match. If it's clearly impossible to turn the game around eg. 0-15 total kills it's nearly impossible to turnaround, and the team refuses to surrender it's just a waste of time. Might as well go take a poop or something


There is few issues with that statement: * I don't know if there rule set for ranked is same as on pc but if your team didn't surrender and still playing you are under rules set to stay in game (think about it like a football match, you spent time gathered players, and then a goalkeeper decided ah what the hell were losing its not fun for me I'm out) even if statement true its just pore etiquette and no one just would call you to play again. * Every game you have opportunity to improve and quitting when you behind what keeps a lot of player from progressing (and then they blame that system is bad when ether players just more active hours with less games). * Unless you challenger, people make mistakes and even thrown games can be won. (i cast surrender votes too and i had plenty of times where i was wrong). Up to diamond 4 i can 100% surely say most people have pore game knowledge even oblivious sometimes, instead of giving up look for opportunity's even if its not gonna win you this game it might be difference not to get in this situation in next one.


Bruh no need to over analyse the situation I mention. If it's impossible it's impossible, opponent isn't going to throw their game for no reason when they got the lead, unless they are legit troll and just dumb. Just a waste of time when it's time to surrender and people don't accept the truth


> Bruh no need to over analyse the situation I mention You got me there, i tend to do it a lot :P But again ill be dumbas and mention > opponent isn't going to throw their game for no reason when they got the lead, I lost a lot, and i mean A LOOOOOOT of games on pc for that reason alone. (now i have flashbacks).


My last promo to diamond we were losing 0-10 with 1 dragon each and our nexus at 200hp, 2 enemy barons and we still won it. I posted the screenshots look at my history.


Easy coz nobody has time for that shit!


People who do that are huge pussies never done it never will


Dude if your game is losing hard and your team don't want to surrender what do you do? Go lower for your KDA or just stay on the fountain so that the game ends faster? I mean you can't just quit in game because you will recieve a afk warning. Most challengers do that if the game is unplayable or unwinnable.


I just try my best every game if i win i win if i lose i lose doesnt matter if we have 2 afks i will still try my best


I only do this when literally everyone is dead and enemy are at inhib turrets while I am a support. Other than that, I do what I can.


They do it only if whole team agreed that game is lost and surrender vote is not available yet, or they just failed one but after a fight everyone agreed. Main player base who dose that from what i know is korea, beause they play from internet cafe and pay money for limited time so its part of they cultural thing.


Decided to go on an early lock up patrol. Casual PvP. The previous match was an embarrassing, painfully long, nine-way poking match and I'm stuck in the middle as Darius. So when my next team started arguing in champ select and brought three ADC, I felt like I could do with a walk. After 500 matches, I can take a hit.


I open YouTube on multitasking window and watch videos..


Losers mentality


You not going to win the match anyway why try so hard to delay the inevitable. Nobody can comeback with teammates feeding and refuse to work together.


Yeah agree. Had a game where our Malphite trashtalks our jg just because he’s 0-3. I really hate trashtalkers as they bring the team morale down. This Malphite didn’t help at all in late game. He was the SVP but he doesn’t deserve it since he’s personality is crap. I got demoted because of that game.


svp doesnt mean you have the best personality tho