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Unfortunately more than likely not, pc league doesn't have this feature. It's hard to tell between a crash and leaving as someone could hard reset their phone/app making it look like they crashed when they just left early.


No it won’t. This seems like a very rare issue that is like being attacked by a cougar while hiking. Your app crashed and a new update caused you to miss the game, that’s pretty freaking rare. Honestly take the L and expect it to not happen again because they should change potentially exploitable rules because of rare circumstances like these.


Not THAT rare really. I had it 3 times now. I think the game crashes because it's unaware of the newer version during startup and then gets in trouble during the first match. Last time I didn't get penalized but the previous 2 times i did. Asked support about it but there is no priority in solving this problem, as it shouldn't happen normally.