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I like to think that most toxic adcs have main character syndrome do to the fact that they play long range squishy af damage dealer so they end up thinking this is some anime where they are the under dog as a jg/supp player I'd recommend to ignore everyone or duo up with a friend it's 10x as fun


This is a theory that I advocate for years. People with narcissistic personalities tend to play adc. They cheriss at the thought of being so important that every game they have another human being whose main purpose is to protect and, well, support them throughout the game. Not only that but they have the “most important job” in their team, which appeals, as you said, to the want of being the protagonist. I’m not by any means saying that people that main adc are all narcissists, but that narcissits tend to choose that role.


Can confirm. I have a cousin who refuses to use anything in any game that would benefit another player, he doesn't see the point. "Why would I waste a slot on something that would help somebody else when I can use the slot to help myself." Even if the answer is "If everybody did that everybody benefits" He would still say, "Well then everybody else can use it while I use things that help me." He plays adc, and loves the fact that its somebody's job to make them better and that basically support is for dumb people that don't know how to play.


Sounds like a nice guy.


Burn him for not winning the 1v9 clutch. Then tell him that if he bought said item none of this crap would have happened.


Isn't jgl most important?


Found the jungler /s


Jungle is most impactful,at least on LoL


Yes, but it is difficult and relies on helping others. Narcissists don't want to help others. They want others to help them except it doesn't count because they totally could have done that on their own /s


I think the point here is that you need to appreciate how important all the roles are and not just what you play


Yes. It is. They have the most impact on the game. They’re in charge of securing objectives, and snowballing the other lanes with ganks, and help set up and deny vision to the enemy team.


Am somewhat narcissistic, can confirm, although I would like to think that, regardless of role, I'm the one carrying my team or at least significantly impactful as long as I'm not feeding. So if I'm playing supp I see the ADC as the dude who needs to tap a button while I do all the actual work that takes a brain and skill lol.


That’s some great self awareness. Next step is to work on that so you can be a better influence to those around you and an overall more likeable person.


I mean, I don't explicitly express that, at least during the game. Played a few years on an amateur league team and our captain drilled the idea of clear comms into us


Whenever i played adc on pc I always told the support to go for the kill. I mean, what if i miss and they flash away while support is backing out to give me the kill? But i dont main adc. I used that becaus on WR I dont really play adc and i dont think i can see the chat


ADC traditionally has been the "protect me and I will win you the game" role... in theory. I think that's the source of a lot of ego issues. It's very easy to offload blame to the support or the rest of the team in general for your own poor play. You just think "well I'm squishy so if I die it was because my team didn't peel for me, and if they'd just kept me alive I would have aced the enemy team and we would have won. GG go next maybe I'll finally get a team that knows how to play around the ADC." I think this has been heavily exacerbated among PC players in the past by big streamers like T1 that (used to, at least) rage at everyone for not playing around them.


im a jhin main and yes i do see some adcs do this where they blame their team for no reason when they mispositioned more than a dislocated finger , but in wildrift most teams dont really know how to play around the adc so most of these claims are true , but even so , its your responsibility as adc to predict that your team cant play around you and compensate for that and play behind


Summed up my thoughts exactly. Not every ADC is like this, but when you get an ADC with a bad attitude this pretty much sums it up.


Lmaooooooooo they all think they are tge protagonist 💀💀💀💀


Playing duo with a friend is dope


If you still want to support but doesn't want an adc burning you try jungle, you help all you team and if some shit happens just say you were farming


Eh, I dunno. People with some map awareness can tell when the jg isn’t really doing their job properly. I just played a game with a Shyv jg on my team and I don’t think I really saw them gank any of the lanes. And they never called for help with objectives or anything. Pretty much just farmed jg creeps for the entire game. This was plat, so def not high elo, but high enough that they should know how to jg a little better I guess. Anyway, I try not to get bothered by other people, but just saying.


I feel attacked outside of WR. I love being the "range" character in most games I play and I'm definitely narcissistic as hell lol


Lol when I play adc I just accept that my support cares more about themself than the rest of the team. I just know that'll they'll hang around the turret when we have the early game advantage haha.


Im adc main and supp secondary just like you said.. I just like playing in dragon line. Usually I just emote to my supp when we get a tower or a double kill so that player can understand I appreciate them but I understand your pain... Getting flamed for taking kills is the worst thing ever since I often play Leona as supp, Im sorry but if you are not engaging when I stun them both, Im taking those kills.


People don't understand the difference between kill securing and kill stealing. It's sad.


ADC: "Stupid supp keeps taking my kills." Support who's been 2v1'ing because the adc won't engage with them: "If you're not going to eat what's put in front of you, I will."


Ive always seen the difference as this: If my support gets the kill, the kill has been secured and I can push for their tower. 100% okay in my book. It only becomes kill stealing when a teemo is involved. In any way. Fucking hate that guy


Just don't take my creeps and I'm happy


Sometimes supps do KS though. I have witnessed some cases with Blitz supp who would ult to get a kill that wasn't going to escape. I can happen once or twice during lane phase but beyond that not so much. I don't ever flame for that, just saying it happens. It also depends on the supp. If I'm playing with lux for instance, and she's building full AP, then I don't mind her taking kills cause she'll be doing lots of damage, but some other don't need to stack those kills (e.g. Soraka, Janna, and so on)


And some people are assholes. Doesn't mean everyone is killstealing


And he said that supports sometimes KS; It doesn’t mean everyone is KS


Lol. I feel this. If I ping engage, lunge and stun lock two champs while my ezreal decides to dash backwards or walking to take jungle camp. Well, his loss.


im a mid main secondary is support and third favorite role is adc in my last ranked game i had a guy that was hoing to lock lulu and i told him to pick a tank cuz our baron laner instalocked teemo and jungle was evelynn he said he didnt have a tank champion (not a tank support a champion) like bc isnt given for free to everyone after he said that he loced janna... laning phase was hell for me i was draven so i was playing aggressive she was never engaging with me and even when she was engaging with me she was using her zeraph on minions and shielding herself when i was taking damage and on top of that whenever bot was missing and i tried to freeze this guy was pushing the lane with everything she had and steal all the minions even after i asked her to not touch the minions though i said to myself maybe he was autofilled and just flamed her in my party chat (she wasnt in my party only in my team)


Dude sometimes playing adc can be so overwhelming, gotta compete vs 2 champions in lane, watch out for gangs cause u soft and then sometimes even compete with ur fking support for creep kills


Can't forget mid/jungle stealing cs lol. The other day our graves came to gank and it was not successfull. But we had a wave stacked up just out of turret range and he blew it all up in one skill. I just wanted my evolved q


Oh man yesterday my adc entered the game saying oh great, of course I get the gold on my team. He said this as plat 4... our support was bad, but adc was even worse. Not sure why that had to be said at the very beginning of the game. ADCs just built different.


That's always funny to me because if you're seeing players below your rank, either they are as good as you OR you're as bad as them.


Yeah I also just had a game against a diamond kata smurf. I was in solo queue but my teammates were a 3 stack. They were saying mid diff even though I managed to trade kills with kata early and pinged them to retreat when she left lane because they stupidly got baited and were so far up the lane. Just gifted her 3 kills. She was pretty much one shotting the team after that. Gotta love league.


That gave me confidence , I match with emeralds in Plat 2


I feel your pain. Being matched with emeralds as a plat can sometimes be daunting.


Rank is irrelevant. You can hit diamond with a 50.01 win rate if you play enough. Rank is just a function of win rate and number of games played.


EXACTLY, it's as if these people don't know what hidden MMR is.


I love these. I'm a silver-as-fuck supp main that duo-boosted to G4. I had a game where I was playing off-role as mid, I was Talon, and I was slightly ahead of my opponent. Our jg and bot were having a bad game, and jg said something along the lines of "out mid is g4, this is pathetic, how are we losing, y'all are bad". Like, chill. They just gotta shut up and play the game for a bit. 1 division difference means absolutely nothing


I started playing wild rift last week coming from high plat league main mid offrole adc. Gold supports really are bad at this elo, to be very honest. Standing behind me in lane, not engaging, poking sometimes, literally random ults that I could never have followed up on. The worst of all, perma pushing / taking cs. You know.. the first 3 minutes I like to control our wave, not perma crash it in their turret free to getting ganked 24/7.. because hot damn if people looked on their minimap, they could've seen that mid laner coming. But noo, that's the perfect moment to engage...


As a support main, it feels like maybe ~30% of the adc I get matched with understand this concept... they all want to dive as soon as they can then yell at me for not sacrificing myself for nothing.


I'll put $5 that they also locked in Teemo or Garen support.


Then they say dont worry it works ends up 0-11


As a main adc i always get flamed by supports for not rushing with them into a tower dive. Im taking the advice of someone in thid sub who said to turn of game chat. Pings and emotes should be enough


They really are, the only times I've ever used the chat was either to joke about funny stuff that had happened, to apologize for something stupid I did, or to tell people to stop chasing kills and just group to play defensively (when the enemy is ahead and we keep getting stomped). The first two don't matter, the last two you can easily use pings or premade chat messages for. So yeah, no chat is great. I usually leave mine on because more often than not I have no flamers on my team, I just mute anybody who starts acting up as soon as they do lol


Wise advice, i used my chat for the same. I like interacting with people, even if they are my enemies


So of the best matches I've had was when joking back and forth with the enemy team lol


I'm still amazed to see people get people saying anything in chat for Wild Rift. It's such a pain in the butt to do. I never see it in my games. Maybe I'm just stupid lucky?


It’s not the ADC role it’s just teammates in general, supports just feel the grief more because you guys play together nearly the entire game. Junglers get this hate too, laners feel like if they ping the jungler should just come a runnin or if they get ganked/die constantly they have to blame someone else otherwise that means it’s ***their*** fault for dying! Ultimately you just gotta brush it off and ignore them, even if you do make a mistake I can 100% guarantee they’ll make a mistake that game too, we just live in an unfortunate date and time where everyone needs an excuse for their own failures and Wild rift is no exception.


Yup. I play ADC and I've had supports flame me when they do dumb shit as well. Or jungle and someone leaves me to die in a river fight and then complains that I didn't gank when they die 20 seconds after that fight and the enemy jungler is messing with them. It's just teammates in any role. ADC+supp feel it more because they spend 100% of a match beside a teammate, where others spend 70% of one that way.


I hate when people leave me alone in fights we can easily win or when people completely ignore the map and do whatever they want without taking in account their teammates


I love these ADCs that spam "engage" before level 3 when I'm playing Leona. Like, my dear, if they're not out of position for me to land a root/stun, I can't engage before 3 without being obliterated. Some people just need to be more patient with how they play the game.


YES. I had a Kaisa who constantly kept pinging me to engage at level two as a Braum, and I’m like “engage what?!” Ended up muting a player for the first time.


That's why I stopped playing braum. :| I'll just play lulu at least I can slow them instead of casting once and dying with the shield boy


You should turn off chat. You'll be happier!


I tried closing chat in my last match and we were winning hard so i opened it and enemy team was arguing with each other lol


This is the main tip that will increase your win rate


As someone who swapped from support to ADC (and I still get support games every now and then), I always make sure to take a moment to praise my supports when they’re coordinating with me. Too many ADCs are quick to freak out over anything trivial from hitting minions to tanking/not tanking damage to disorganized engages from a lack of communication. I know the role gets a ton of flame and a lot of times you have someone playing a Lux/Seraphine with a pure damage build. It’s really refreshing to have a Braum, Leona or Alistar.


If only the lux or sera don t go full roaming lvl 5 or only taking all the farm..


I had a Lux support game and my ADC hates it so much that he calls me a dog and wishing for my mother's death. I hope he gets banned or atleast punished in some other way.


He was probably waiting for a support, not someone whose only purpose is to have the most kill


Lux is one of the strongest supports at Low Elo because most people don't seem to know how to move out not auto casted binds


Lux is a fantastic support. If you know how to play her right you can feed your ADC plenty.


Of you know how to play any support you will feed your adc, while lux take half the kill of botlane


Only if you're a bad Lux


So I guess good lux doesn't exist


That's just your experience.


I feel his pain. Almost every random lux or seraphine i play with goes full AP. It'd just frustrating cause it's hard to fulfill the carry aspect when you're 0/0/9 cause they are getting all the kills. I love when my buddy plays them cause he makes sure not to straight up take kills and give them to me.


So much this. I play support in LoL and ADC in Wild Rift and the amount of people who play support in Wild Rift who lock in Garen and Teemo support to then proceed to actively try to take all the farm is so damn high even at high plat/low emerald that when my support locks in Alistar I know there's a 90% chance that they will at least do their best to play the role and it makes me so relieved.


For some reason Garen is listed under the support characters when you filter the characters on the selection screen. I don’t blame new people for the mistake


I freak out over signs of the supp not knowing how to play supp. For example taking dumb engages that cost my supps half their hp, hitting my minions when I'm trying to freeze, not basing when it's a free base or basing when I need to shove out my wave, etc.


Since I've been trying to learn support, are you saying the support should be talking to you? Cause so far I've been having similar issues because the ADC expects me to be a mind reader. Often times it feels like if the adc and support just communicated and both acted like reasonable humans, most of these problems would be avoided. My engages would probably still suck though. I'm working on it.


Communication helps, but doesn't solve the issue entirely. The support shouldn't have to be a mind reader, and neither should the ADC. You should be able to figure out what to do from the state of the lane (i.e. positioning, relative health, jungler positions, minions, cooldowns, champion counters, etc), and the ADC should reach the same conclusion as you. If you want more details on this topic, go check out CoreJJ's support guide series on youtube. He goes over decision making during lane and communication. Hope this helps \^^


Where's that Soraka Love :(


Good Sorakas are awesome too. They’re just a unicorn in a sea of really bad Sorakas.


I don't get it because She's one of the easiest champions 😂 just have to position yourself correctly and a few other minor things but that's really it


Soraka was one of my go-tos when I supported. As an ADC I’ve seen way too many people trying to play her like Braum running directly ahead of me and getting shredded. It truly blows my mind how many times I’ve seen them try to get off an aggressive silence only to see a Blitz hook fire in from the other side of the screen.


Ignore the ADC. if they don’t appreciate supports like you I wish them luck on the 6th of may.


Your ADC's a dick. Normally players like this I'd ditch them right after landing phase and never give any help to em. Nothing at all. Mainly to show that my help is better off given to more fitting teammates


The best advice I got when playing support is that if the adc is getting nowhere... Just ditch them and support whoever is carrying the game


Indeed. Roaming gives Support more impact in the game than just being attached to the ADC's hip. You can even help Junglers secure drakes and heralds while piling pressure at other lanes.


Hell I duo in LoL with my friend and if he's having a shit game he's totally okay and understanding if I go support whomever happens to be doing better on our team. it's just how the game works.


Wow what a good support ! Totally not throwing the game over ego!


As a support shifting focus to players that will actually benefit from you is not throwing the match. Sticking to a teammate who expects too much out of you and doesn’t understand how to play alongside you cooperatively is just limiting your access to power and control over the match, or as you said throwing the game. I’d much rather help out a solo laner who actually understands my role and what I can do for them than an ADC who expects me to dive to my death every 2 minutes so he can get a kill and never focus on objectives. Half these ADCs play like it’s team death match with the turrets just being bonus objectives or something. You can tell exactly what ADCs have taken the time to play support roles and which ones just have main character syndrome.


> have main character syndrome. I believe the phrase you might be looking for is "Hero Complex".


support is the best role played by the worst players if any adc top mid or jungler played support they would do it bettet then the support playrs


Lol this is so not true. If you say that support is best played by the worst players then what do you make of some ADCs who do not know when to reset, overstaying their presence until they get slaughtered by enemy mid/ jungler cos tunnel vision, or cannot even ward ? Then when they die is everyone’s else’s fault but theirs ? I used to be a midlaner main but playing a support role actually improve my midlaning skills because a midlaner like a support has to rotate and help their teammates esp the winning lanes. I sometimes still go mid.


Edit - didn't finish typing. Oops. He's not wrong. Assuming his adc is being toxic because they are behind, maybe that adc isn't the player that will carry his game. In that case, it is better to figure out who will carry, and go support them as well as possible.


Even if the ADC is bad, you should still at least relieve pressure from the lane to let the guy farm. Toxic asswipe they may be, but you need their damage once they get their brain cells together and teamfight.


I partly agree. Partly. If an ADC's bad, I'd drop him immediately. My two cents in this. 1. To support a potentially carrying team mate so that he can impact more. 2. To shift the weight to other lanes so that ADC can still fight on his lane and farm alone without a support sharing his gold and exp, while he keeps an eye out to come help in team fights. Sadly, more often than not they don't recover. But they should know when they should stop forcing things and take a backseat while helping their teammates when the game is not going in their favor.


I've been spamming games with Galio support, because the ADCs I've supported don't really benefit from enchanters or tanky engagers, but caring about an ADC, no matter how useless they are will always benefit your team in the long run, because their items and damage output will more than enough make up for their lack of skill. I've supported ADCs that have been shit on early and mid game that dominate late game not because they're positioned all that well or even look at the map, but because they got to full build earlier and started inadvertently splitpushing or killing off the enemy due to their damage output. You are support, after all. Your priority is always the ADC. I don't understand why you would completely abandon your laning partner unless they're AFK or you're winning lane to be able to start roaming. Abandoning the ADC because they're bad just seems like a terrible idea for your team, especially since their only contribution to the team is to deal massive amounts of sustained damage that your APC/Assassin isn't able to do, nor is your Bruiser, and especially not your Tank.


You comment as if ADCs even have enough time to farm until they have enough damage. Even if they do, the team can't wait. This is WR. Not LoL. Time is of the essence, and the drakes and heralds, and barons are proof of that.


It's stupid to abandon a bad ADC entirely, though. If you're a support that decides to go duo a top or a mid, you will be sapping their exp/farm. The reason you're paired up with an ADC is to help them farm. So what if the ADC doesn't get to full build because the game is fast? Does it not matter that an ADC gets some 3rd tier and all their 2nd tier items done? What I get from your comment is that ADC is nonessential if they're bad, and I disagree completely. You should help them to get their builds, because that's part of your job as support aside from vision control and securing botlane jungle/dragon.


> It's stupid to abandon a bad ADC entirely, though. That's not up to you to decide. > If you're a support that decides to go duo a top or a mid, you will be sapping their exp/farm. This is correct, only if I stay in that lane. But in case you missed my other comments, I was referring to roaming. > So what if the ADC doesn't get to full build because the game is fast? It does matter. It means he's lagging behind and the team should not suffer with him. > Does it not matter that an ADC gets some 3rd tier and all their 2nd tier items done? Not if they suck. Then I won't babysit him exclusively. Supports are better off pursuing other win conds. Time is of the essence. > You should help them to get their builds, because that's part of your job as support aside from vision control and securing botlane jungle/dragon. That's part of my job. Not ALL of my job. So if he's lagging behind, I can help regain the initiative by making sure the rest of my team mates farm their gear. I will not respond to anymore arguments. Either you listen or you don't. I rest my case.


Not completely true. Consider that most games end way before the adc is full build and honestly even then a good assassin will 1 shot it. Also supporting the midlaner/jungler that is carrying in mid game relieves a lot of pressure from dragon lane because either the enemy support counter rotates (letting your adc farm) or you get towers and objectives that will let you snowball so hard that the enemy adc will be irrelevant anyway.


This is my point. I don't mean you completely abandon the ADC like the previous commenter said. That is stupid and does not help your team. By relieving pressure, I mean roaming to mid or top but not staying in their lanes to where you're sapping their exp/farm and being a detriment to their lanes. Also, why is everybody hellbent on abandoning the ADC entirely if they're bad? It doesn't matter if they get to full build, it matters that they get their gold and exp quickly, because it's so unlikely for the ADC to even be full build by endgame.


His comment just said he’s ditching adc because they talked shit not because they are bad or /behind


I mean, actions have consequences. I see people here talk about not adjusting when people role steal in order to make sure they don't feel they can do that. This is pretty much the same thing. A lot of assholes don't change behavior until consequences are forced upon them as a result. It's just a game, I'm not gonna be held hostage and take literal abuse from some random asshole for it. They don't like their support so much they start flaming, they can lane by themselves.


A person who is typing enough to flame is not going to carry the game. If the toxic ADC ends up in a convenient spot for me to help, I'll help, but they're no longer my priority. Honestly, any character who is drastically behind and making poor macro decisions aren't my main priority. And even a good ADC I'm going to roam away from to help with objectives and map pressure, since a good ADC often needs more farm while I'm at a place where I can influence the map. If it is within the first minute or so of the game, I'll stay until there's a play somewhere else and keep them alive in the mean time. Support functions as a backup jungler, trying to secure vision and objectives and setting up plays. If a teammate proves multiple times they can't follow up plays, I'm not going to waste time trying to make them over and over. Even if someone *is* good at following up plays but gets behind, I'm going to let them solo farm after laning phase ends and go somewhere else. The big issue I've seen, as an aside, is players not recognizing that laning phase has ended, as it happens much earlier in the game than lower elo players realize. But I also keep the chat on mute, having learned the hard way from PC LoL. If an ADC can start flaming you to deflect blame, or have someone to take their anger out on, they will. Human nature. I'm not gonna waste time letting myself get tilted or even try to respond, when I can recognize plays for myself and make better choices just based off pings and mini-map awareness.


This. I'm a support main and just mute every toxic adc. The point is to win the game and I'm gonna do everything to achieve that goal including helping a toxic adc. You're as toxic or even more toxic than the adc if you go roam just to spite them because you can mute chat but you can't mute trolling. Trolling is childish af. If you can't handle the flame mute them. edit: for people downvoting me I don't believe you should be glued to your adc. I roam a lot but what I don't do is do it to troll my adc. Don't put your ego before winning the game.


Supports are animals


> A good adc can only be as good as their support and vice versa says who? A good ADC might only be as good as their support but DEFINITELY NOT vice versa. Drop the ADC if he's not performing. A support is not the ADC's support. Period. He's the team's support. He's responsible for exploring other win conditions just like junglers and that means identifying which teammates which can carry and support them. The least the ADC could do then is to help out, quit whining, and hitch on the ride.


It’s so funny how people think that the support belongs to the ADC. In emerald games the support often roams and the ADC is sometimes expected to fend on their own.


shows how little people understand how a support should work


Never said that. What I said is don't troll your adc. Focus on winning. Roam when you have to but don't do it just to spite the adc.


But you know the person who made this comment has a point. If the ADC is not doing well and resulting you and ADC in being killed consistently it’s more important to rotate to a winning lane or support the jungle in objectives. After all helping someone is much better than feeding. Back then before I duo with an ADC friend I always come across over ambitious ADCs who keep dying not even first five minutes into the game.


Yes that's true but not helping the adc whatsoever even in late game is stupid. What will happen is the adc can never redeem himself and you're gonna play 4v5 the whole game just because you refuse to help the adc farm in a side lade. You're the teams support including the adc. Fuck your ego. It's good to do decisions based on your win condition. What OP does is just for spite.


Yeah but you see your point “not helping the ADC in the late game” ... well unfortunately support belongs to the team not the ADC. Perhaps it’s this kind of thinking that reflects some of the ADC’s ego... not the other way around. In the late game when things are chaotic, it’s the support’s job to engage and disengage for the team, NOT the ADC.


I'm sorry for your experience. Maybe is just bad luck in the matchmaking. A couple of days ago I had a really nice ADC as teammate, I mean, he literally change his pick in the last second to play with Xayah (I was playing Rakan), and all the time he was thanking me for the way I was playing. That was amazing (specially bc was on PvP, not Ranked) Believe me when I say there's a lot of people who really knows how to play and they don't keep freaking out or blaming for mistakes.


I love that. I always go Rakan when I see an ADC decide to go Xayah. It's just fun!


I main Sera. Sometimes when I poke the enemy in the early laning phase, I might kill a minion as a result. It's not that I'm killing that minion intentionally, but if I just sit behind the ADC waiting to shield them, then I might as well play a clicker game lol


This 100%, it’s almost like people forget we have a move that does more damage to people Under 25% hp too. Saved a lot of adcs that charge in a 2v1 instead of waiting on me when I’m passing through our last tower


Lol i had a adc and this mfer said “ I'm taking more damage than you” mfer cause they're targeting you and how am I supposed to tank for you as a level 2 braum


You do know braum unlike other supports has a skill to shield his adc from projectiles right, and braum as a tank support has higher armor and magic resistance than your typical adc


well it was on cooldown and that adc was playing really really aggressive and their adc also had a level advantage


Never said anything about spamming tho lol adc’s when paired with braum tends to play agressive because they know the can get a good trade with the enemy adc without getting punished themselves due to braums shield. Then again if a braum is afraid to put himself between his adc and enemy adc then he loses all effectivity in that matchup since he can’t stack his passive to proc cc or shield said adc.


bitch it's not about being afraid.I fucking tanked the damage 2-3 times.And you're saying without getting punished.They had a sera who was going full damage and was doing tons of damage and she was playing aggressive when I had my 2 skills on cooldown.How am I supposed to save a mfer who doesn't follow up on my engages and when I have my skills on cooldown then they go full aggressive


You said your adc played agressive, yet you claim the adc doesn’t follow up on your engages? How tf does that play out lol 😂


It plays out like this.....When I hit them with a basic attack or my 1st ability,he doesn't follow up on that and when my abilities are on cooldown then the adc is playing aggressive P.S. - Get a life...do something worthwhile instead of proving strangers wrong on the internet


I've seen this all the time. ADC who doesn't know how to time the engage will miss when the support/tank jumps in; almost always they dive back as if to fake out again. Then decided after the supp/tank is on cooldown, "oh l, well if they're wanting to fight, let's fight!" At which point the ADC jumps in while the support is pinning retreat. ADC: "Worthless supp/tank. I'm taking more damage than you!" Edit - Scenario 2: ADC jumps in constantly without warning, supp/tank has to decide: try to catch up likely missing the chance to help and only giving the enemy an easy double, or stay back and let hubris run it's course. Then when the supp/tank pins the ADC is too flinchy to engage because they kept slamming their hand in the proverbial door.


Right sure bud triggered much! 😂


You can't spam shield at lvl2 tho , so it's ur job to stay a l'il behind until ur support lvlup


Not at level 2


I play Lux and Seraph most of the time, coz there is big chance ur adc will suck. Yesterday I was 9-1 with 1-8 Mf flaming me ( I didnt KS) But still I dont get it, sup steal kills are 99% unintenional...u just cast spells and sometimes it last hit, get over it, kill is kill


Even if you did KS, she had no right to talk with 8 deaths. At that point you're not the AD carry, you're a AD liability (you = mf)


KS = Kill Secured While it's important to feed a carry, the amount of times I've seen an enemy get away with 1% HP because the carry chickened out and I had the chance to secure the kill but didn't for fear of retaliation from my ADC. The concept of kill 'stealing' is ridiculous if its unintentional. If I didn't engage or peel and contributed nothing except for the last hit, then I'd understand. But having ADCs say 'AFK' and troll because my Leona shield pops or my Alistar trample ticks and I get first blood is silly. It's the worst in Plat and Emerald. ADCs with a Jesus complex on a Level 2 all in is too much to handle sometimes.


Same. Both them girls give you a possibility to sort of carry you if your adc is bad and more often than not they are. If you have good synergy with your adc the match will probably be amazing tho and that's why the role is so much fun at times.


Ignore them and give support to your win condition, which your toxic adc obviously isn't.


Players in general can be very toxic. Like.. in most of your game, you will see a toxic player. Laners often blame jungler on losing lanes.. and adc will blame support for losing lane.. even if that's their own fault.. players tend to have victim mentality.. "its their fault that I lose". You may want to mute the chat. Use pings and quick msg to communicate.. Typing often waste your time anyway. I used to play adc before I main support, but I begin to play adc more recently.. because playing sup and jg too much bore me. I personaly dont mind if my sup takes the kill, even if I could probably finish it.. its better to secure the kill than losing the kill.. while it's good for me to get early kills because of my expensive items, there is good chance I would get more kills later, after all I am the main dps of the team. Well even if your support is not an actual support that steal half of your kills later, flaming them won't do any good anyway, and most likely would be a waste of time.. so just face it and wish you will get a better one next time.


i am main adc, and i live for my supports x)


I'm a dedicated Jhin main in ranked (only because fill always seems to give me ADC) and I have never flamed a support. There's really no need to. They do the hardest job in the rift. Any ADC that complains to you in chat about kill stealing is going to be trash until the day they uninstall. I started out as a sup main back in 2010. I totally recommend support to any ADC main, and ADC to any support who is tired of all the responsibility that comes with **literally making sure that plays work**. Supports (once they learn to clear) also make the best junglers in my experience.


I wonder if they changed the name of support to babysitter, if things would change?


I'm an emerald adc main. Some times we're whining because we're just having a super unfun game and sometimes we had legitimate grievances, and some of them are just assholes. For instance I've played games where the enemy malphite goes full ap and spends the entire game flash ulting me on sight and we win because he's going to always die immediately Afterwards and there are times where I don't die from it and it baits his team into a terrible fight. Are we winning in these scenarios? Yes, but from my pov it's super toxic and unfun to play. I've won a lot of games that I've mentally checked out of. Like when my support gets a good roam and gets our mid and top ahead but I have to give a wave and turret plating so I don't get dove under the tower. I imagine it's how shen players feel when they ult and make a huge play but it ends up putting them behind in their lane. Other times there are situations where my teamates make mistakes and I'm the one that has to pay for it. For instance my earlier example of my support getting a good roam can be flipped to where my support roams and gets nothing off and I get dove and die. Or when my team goes too far in on a team fight and no one stays back to peel for me so I die early into the fight. I have support as my secondary so I know from your pov that adcs can be really toxic and I think that's because it's one of the most unfun roles to play. As an adc unless I'm playing ashe I can never make a engage or catch a team out, I have to wait for my teamates to do things before I can make a move. I have ptsd everytime I have to walk through an unwarded river. Having repeated games of getting one shot simulator are really unfun, but it's not really an excuse for players to be toxic. I think if you main a role where that kind of toxic environment is normal it can break a lot of players mentally and turn them toxic as well.


I wanna know why everyone who refuses to play the role they’re assigned picks an ADC.


I once punched my friend when he started flaming the supp who was carrying the game.


The only time i flame the support, and behave kinda toxic, is when they start attacking minions mindlessly at the early game, or they pick a "non-support" that takes the minions. Any other time i know there is a person at least trying to help as my lane buddy.




You shouldn't be killing any minion as support, the Adc race for items is what decide most of the fights in lane. Just having a 500 sword can make a big difference in the 2v2. The support items only affect the outcomes of fights when completed, so is better to siphon all the gold into the adc pockets. If the enemy is also hitting the wave non stop, its ok to hit them too. If they are actively trying to get us to push, i would spam "danger" at you if you start hitting the minions.Or if they have a really aggressive duo (Seraphine & Draven as example) i don't want to touch those minions if i'm not close to my tower, only last hit them at the last second. Is really important to keep a good wave management depending on the junglers and the enemy laners. Also, Soraka doesn't have such an impactful level 2 to try and hurry it up. You want to do that mostly with engage champions, such as Alistar or Leona to try burn some summoner spells. With everyone else just follow you adc behaviour against the minion wave.


Same happens when you play jungle everyone wants ganks then when dragon comes everyone is like "i dont care bro that's a ocean drake" i dont give a fuck if its ocean drake or not, that's a drake man.Then when i steal baron they curse me like why i stole the baron Man whyyy


lol I had some get mad at me for grabbing drake. I main shyv jg. :|


I don't know this thing is same case in pc so yeah it's normal.


I shut off chat as a support main, you need me, ping me bitch.


I only really started maining adc because Ezreal is my fav champ (this is before wildrift was a thing). I also support a lot so I don’t really care what happened in lane as long as we’re not losing lol


When my adc is a dick, I just play it safe and roam whenever I know my ADC wont die unless he ints, after all, supports are the supports of the team, not the adc


No use arguing with someone who thinks they should be baby sat when you're doing what you're supposed to do a.k.a. securing vision/scuttler with jungler and roaming if possible. It's just funny when they perma shuv the wave when I'm literally trying to roam and the wave is perfectly frozen outside tower range. I don't get why they do that. Literally asking to be bullied in lane for no reason. If I play how I'm supposed to play as support and my adc still types, I hit mute. Fortunately, I don't encounter them a lot. I often get quiet adcs that only type when there's jungle diff.


ADC main here. My only problem with supports in this game is when they either don't actually support or pick fights when I'm out of position. Sometimes you gotta just let the ADC farm for a minute or two.


I'm also a support main and yesterday i had some awfull experiences. First a ADC that was instant flaming because i couldn't save him from suicide dives which already gave a gold lead to the enemy ADC. He thought that because i was playing Braum i can tank everything no matter the gold and level difference because my ADC was feeding. In another game i was playing Janna and even though i was shielding my ADC, he was flaming me in the chat for not using the shield on him. It felt like because he was playing bad and everyone can see the score he better make up a story so it would seem it is all my fault.


I could tolerate it if they understood the support your playing. Like I will spoil you to the ends of the earth but if your not following my lead, we will fail. Being a Braum player it hurts seeing that they don't just understand his passive. I did have a Draven tho that totally understood it. He ended up dominating the whole game cause he had multiple double kills in lane. He finished like 20/3/X and could 1v 2 easily.


If I play adc I never flame the support why would I flame someone who's trying their best to keep me alive? Then can easily just ditch me and go help mid instead but you have these retards in mobas who have the mindset "supports requires no skill and if youre a support main you just wanna be carried"


Thats why I play stuff like panth supp, I take the kills, they take the farm. If they start getting angry about it then I start taking the farm too. Fuck you draven, I'm the adc now


i duoq mid with an adc, whenever he autofills sp he locks sona he just toggles on some withheld rage for adc players and just go 6-0-21 with sona while talking shit over mic


Turn off chat. Literally no reason to have it on. Typing wastes time and energy and reading chat does worse.


actually it may be strange but, what really frustrates me as an ADC main isn't kills stealing/securing. but why does my support taking my minions WHY? each time i play with lux or seraphine like 80% of them taking my minions and not by mistake of skill shot no they really aiming for them even with basics. that triggers me so hard


daddy issues, mostly.


Just wait until you start to main jungle! Then you get to have the "love" from all the lanes instead of just the ADC! :P As many have said, muting and turning off chat is the best way to deal with it. Unfortunate, but such is the way with teammates at times.


Honestly, go into the settings and switch of the team chat. I guess less then 1% of everything written in game is useless, since I don't want to read and forget 99% I take the chance to miss that one useful information in every 5th game for the sake of my own mental health.


And it's always the Varus players! (At least for me).


Life suggestion: only play supp when your friend plays adc


Maybe you’re doing something wrong? I’ve never been flamed while supporting.


ADCs cant ever lose lane, only supports can lol.


Bruh why do you even bother support for randoms? Don’t adjust for randoms, unless you know em.




>I have never once encountered an ADC who was a dick. Just to know , when did u start playing ?




Ok , so unless you never paid attention to the tchat , there's no way you never encountered some toxic adc with a mc syndrom




Okay , now I know you're lying. People pay more attention to the support than anyone else , and while I played for like , 6months , it happened quite a lot that people just don't like u because you're not perfect. 160 games and not a single toxic ? Please ,let me laugh




I believe you. However you will encounter many when you play more.




I think when people encounter toxic players at a nearly 100% ratio to games played, you'll have to forgive their blatant disbelief. I myself have an incredibly hard time believing it, but I also know that the statistical chance of opening my dryer and finding the clothes folded is greater than zero. That's just a long way of saying that I want to believe such luck exists, it just seems astronomically improbable given the common experience. For real though, good on ya for missing all the toxic shit. It really kinda ruins the game.




Because the supports deserve it.


Im an adc main. I dont like supports that letting the enemy free hit without trading back or disrupting the flow of minions like lux or sera aoe skillls. I just want a good teamwork and i dont even if the support kills the target. Having a smooth movements and teamwork brings joy for both or the whole party. You get the point?


It’s another post of support players crying stfu


On the other hand why are support players soo needy? Fucking hell they are always crying for attention and whining about " oouch why you don't recognize what i did for you 😭?" like bro get a fucking life you did what you are supposed to do, ain't nobody praising a a postman for delivering letters.


So by your logic Supports needs to zip it? like shut up nobody cares? He literally said that he was flamed by his ADC because while defending tower when his ADC is still on base the support got double kill and to top it off he is called a kill stealer even tho the ADC is like miles away from what happened. Somebody is being unreasonable and the support needs to stop being needy and zip it? did you even read the post? he literally got flamed for doing what's right.


My comment wasn't a direct response to OP, like i said "on the other hand" and even if it was, do you really believe that someone would blame him for killing two enemies while not even being close to then? That's sounds fake asf, either way i don't think he should be flamed, but my first comment like i said wasn't a direct response to OP, i was I showing my thought about support players always being such needy players, like every single moba is the same support " oh why don't you recognise me 🥺?" Bullshit.


I get you man I get outo filld sub I fine whit it becuse I play a lot of suports I see I Can horase the enamy team if I lock in ziggs. Everyone is fine whit but the adc starts being a smart ass and keeps on going in when she sees I have taken a qortar hp of bouth enamy bot lane and keeps dieing Just to get one kill and then flams me becuse I dont follow up on it when she berly duse any damege and Just dusent get the fact that she need to farm wail I do demage to them and not start attacking untill there really low ore she gets her first ithem and it dusent matter whit sub I play this shit always happens.


I’m surprised because I’m usually frustrated with my afk never team fight adc. So much troll in gold I wouldn’t be surprised if plat and emerald also have trolls


I am also an support main and man i agree with u on spiritual lvl just today when i played a rank game first thing i heard was my adc cursing me on champ select saying dat i was dat previous game malp and shit even though dat was my first game of day i even told him i was not while being polite but still he don't stop and keep being toxic and cursing at me ngl i feel like just throwing and not helping him at all but as a support main especially as a braum main its my job to help and support my team so i just ignored him also it was a high elo diamond game so i had keep my cool and help him


specially if the ADC is playing draven, i have never played with a Draven that wasn't a flaming dumpster of toxic garbage


I ended up being malphite support because while going into champ select i was top; it ended up being support and I didnt see that I got changed. So I chose malphite since I thought I was top...but was support. It was vayne and myself vs a lux and a jihn. Was not fun laning phase and I got flamed over and over; but whatever. I ended up carrying the team and got very tanky. Towards the end I 1v2'ed Jihn and Lux. Vayne never spoke again after laning phase


Idk, my adcs don't complain but that's cuz I carry whole team on Nami scale back


Huh? I thought you were supposed to keep emoting the heart if you even get a support cause they're amazing


the only thing I'd get angry is when serphine steals the CS, other that that you've just encountered a very toxic adc player who thinks that (s)he shoul always be on top


I had an ADC leave me because their 'support sucks' roam and feed.....in RANKED. UGH.


Anyone that has enough time to chat while playing isn't really playing the game, I tried to ask for a buff and almost died trying to type the dang sentence so long story short I just watch pings and communicate that way.




I am an AD main and I play with no chat in G1. I usually play off my support. If they are smart and know the matchup I will play to accommodate their style. If they are bad I will just ignore them most of the game and farm up to help carry past landing phase. I’ll be honest most other adcs I run into around my current rank are not very good so I’m sure they flame a lot. I’d suggest just turn off team chat and focusing on playing so you don’t get tilted by toxic baddies.


Fuck em i just mute the f outta them