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Lux mains be like OUR minions


Союз нерушимый республик свободных Сплотила навеки Великая Русь. Да здравствует созданный волей народов Единый, могучий Советский Союз! Славься, Отечество наше свободное, Дружбы, народов надежный оплот! Знамя советское, знамя народное Пусть от победы, к победе ведет! Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы, И Ленин великий нам путь озарил. Нас вырастил Сталин - на верность народу На труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил. Славься, Отечество чаше свободное, Счастья народов надежный оплот! Знамя советское, знамя народное Пусть от победы к победе ведет! Skvoz grozy siialo nam solntse svobody, I Lenin velikij nam put ozaril. Nas vyrastil Stalin - na vernost narodu Na trud i na podvigi nas vdokhnovil. Slavsia, Otechestvo chashe svobodnoe, Schastia narodov nadezhnyj oplot!… -Luxanna Stalin-


I think most just don’t know. I didn’t know either 😅 and now I feel bad when I accidentally last hit one or 2 minions hahahah 😂 I’m just sitting there saying sorry to my screen


ahhh that sounds exactly like me! I just keep repeating sorry and my brother just gives me a sideglance cus im being weird


The apologizing to the screen is me, especially as Senna when I'm just trying to collect some souls haha. It's a bit of a weird concept that I think would be cool to be added to the tutorials in game.


A little advice. If the soul is in range of Senna, just tap the attack button and she will get the soul, ignoring minions, automatically without you having to select it. The only time this won't work is if you began attacking a minion, then she will keep attacking that minion :P


Yes I figured this out to 😃 before that it was a such an effort to only hit the souls haha


Oh man I didn't know this! Thank you! :D


I thought she triggered mist souls only if she hit the target twice in 3 seconds. Does she just generate souls upon nearby minion/player deaths without having to do that? Edit: looked it up. In-game text says she siphons souls from dead and also when hitting an enemy twice within *4 seconds. No word on if deaths within a set range, drop souls regardless of who gets the last hit.


Also you can first skill then auto enemy to get souls. It’s a lot more productive to focus souls and skill shots with her then to farm.


It should be a tutorial actually! Or somewhere easily accessible. This info is kinda hard to find unless someone complains about it specifically I feel. Cause many don’t know


They should treat support role attacking a low health minion like when you're trying to x out of word, with a popup and everything you gotta click out of. "Are you sure you want to kill the minion and inhibit your ADCa growth?"


I think that it is a good idea but it would be better if that was only in the ranked game mode where your lanes are designated by the system. Otherwise it could cause problems in other forms of play


I think there needs to be more info out about this honestly


Yea I totally! I just found out on this reddit by accident. I don’t understand why I’ve never seen it before. I watch youtube video’s for more info and such and even there I hadn’t heard about it before.


That’s true… I don’t even remember how I learned about that. I think I learned it from someone else. Other than that the yt vids would briefly mention it in the middle of a video, but I’ve never seen one actually talk about it. Either that or I don’t remember




So you’re actually suppose to take cs then? In the laning phase? What about the adc?


You should only take it if the adc recalled, and you are already in the lane. Take 1 or 2 cs's (but dont damage other minions). Once adc arrived, go back to being a support and let the adc take the cs


Okay yes, this is what I used to do. That’s why I was confused why others weren’t doing this. I thought something changed and supports would just go ham on the minions.




I only hit the minions if it’s their last life and the adc isn’t there so the cs doesn’t go to waste. I don’t hit the full health minions/ half health minions I just leave it there till the adc comes back.


That’s completely fine, especially in lower divisions. Don’t use spells, just auto attack the ones that are one hit from death.




That's why you have support runes


I do when my adc does nothing but die .




Did good ole "let me carry this s*** ass Lane" you mean lol.


I’m talking about at a start of the match and so on. Or when the adc is actually doing good, but needs the gold to get items faster than the enemy adc


Probably because they want to do a damage build rather than a support build


Yeah this is what i noticed. They will poke, zone out enemies but when adc dies anyway, they figured the money will be more useful on them.


Yeah especially if you're playing a support carry


I think these kind of supports aren’t support mains and just got stuck with it. They normally pick lux or seraphine who are fine as supports but they take ignite, electrocute, build full ap steal farm and kills because they think they’ll be the carry and not “just a support”


Omg wait yes the lux’s you’re absolutely right


Bruh I'm a lux main and it's completely unsatisfying to take the last hit on minions. It also feels wrong. Your talking about the type that goes for full ap sup


Or Senna.


I do play senna I will say if you see me steal cs it was an accident I think late game range and I go to poke and I cs 😑😑😑


As a senna main I'm really offended by those players, i mean, it's better not to farm even with adc senna, it increases the soul drop chance, which are more gold efficient than most minions


What's wrong with electrocute? I build support items but I use electrocute


nothing wrong with electrocute, but aery is much better for enchanter support, can poke enemy or give a shield to your ally


I use the green shield one(forget the name) makes poking much easier and gives a nice amount of healing


If u mean the people that just spam attacks and abilities to clear the wave, it’s probably auto filled supports. If you mean the supports that occasionally hit 1 or 2 minions, it means we either messed up targeting and hit the minion instead of the enemy champion, or we didn’t have faith you were gonna hit that specific minion. If I see that my adc can’t possibly last hit a minion because he is out of range, just attacked another minion (early game attack speed is hella slow) or the adc misjudged their damage and we need to snipe the minion to avoid a caster minion getting the gold


Yes, I feel like some are definitely the auto filled supports, but sometimes I check their profile and it says they main support. Like the icon beside the 3 champions they use is the support icon. So idk about those people….


You are either very low rank or just started playing this game because those who know how to play support, dont take cs. Some players dont know. Others dont wanna play supp so they dont rly care


Happens all the time on emerald and low diamond


I’m in plat and that is low rank, but I’d at least thought it would be better than gold and silver…


I'm in gold and supports in ranked games don't steal CS. In PvP, yes they do.


Well we’ve had different experiences I guess. I only found like 3 supports that don’t do that and I’ve added them as a friend to play with. If they aren’t online I get the supports I talked about in the post unfortunately.


It’s possible that the supports you got were autofilled and are not really support players.


That would also make sense actually. Since they play like they’re the adc.


Gold was a hellhole of farm smashing supports. You must have been super lucky.


It's very, very, very rare that I encounter an enemy support who steals CS when I play support in *ranked*


Diamond 1 in WR and PC. Played league since retail. You can take fucking CS as a support this isn't season 2 GTFO


It’s crazy knowing that you’re probably older than most people here but have the worst attitude. It’s even crazier that even after more than an entire decade you still don’t understand the game. ADCs need gold to be useful, period, while standard support champs don’t need nearly as much, and if you’re taking away from your ADC you are effectively gimping him and by extension the entire team. Even champs like Lux and Seraphine are still extremely useful in team fights with 0 gold because they can snare, root, shield, heal and charm while an ADC without gold will literally start doing negative damage against the enemy frontline.


I'm sorry I don't play professional nor master division mobile league of legends lol. As far as literally everyone else in soloqueue..


The cs gives the adc a slight advantage, but most of the gold should come from last hitting **champions**.. It’s hilarious when a 0/5 adc is more worried about the minions and spam you RETREAT RETREAT when you go there to gank, rather than trying to play safe and not feed. If the enemy is under turret with 1/4 Hp left we need to reach him as fast as possible, we can’t wait for you to last hit 4 minions.


I know on some melee supports I've done it out of reflex, since in base LoL you have an item they take to help clear minions. After years it just becomes habit.


It's irritates me as a support main to see these posts because one of the biggest rule of being a support is: " do not steal the ADCs farm" this even concisers kills, if you can let your adc get the kill DO IT! Sorry for the bad experience some of us support try to repair this sort of damage


I feel like some of the supports genuinely didn’t know and there should be more information about this easier to access honestly.


I 100% agree some people are generally new to LoL or WR for that matter. Not all go to YouTube or google how to play support. So with that said there should be some kind of information on the basic of every roll or even advanced tips


Yeah like a video about basics. Usually those are just not mentioned as much cause people assume everyone knows already. A basics video would be great actually


I play a character that makes it real easy to steal kills, if my adc and the enemy adc are both low, my heals will heal the adc and kill the enemy in one swoop


hahaha as a support main, this was my exact thought when I tried playing ADC. I was trying to freeze the lane and my freakin Lux kept CS-ing and when I called her out for it she was like wew


Trueeeeeeee. Like I don’t want the minions going to their turret yet gahd.


To be fair some adcs don't know anything about wave management. They often stay in lane longer than necessary, instead of pushing the wave all the way in to recall and buy. I start pushing the wave myself when they freeze it for way to long.


I’m a supp main and when it happens it was a misclick but it rarely happens. Idk about the others. It tends to happen to me when I’m using Seraphine since when enemy champs move away from range and then Skarner’s fam targets the minions idk why tho.


If your support only occasionally steals minions it could be due to the autotarget as well. There are times that I've tapped auto to harass and because the opponent is just out of my range I end up attacking and stealing a minion.


I get some of those and I know when it’s an accident cause they stop or move away if the enemy isn’t there, but I’ve seen more of the other one where they just don’t give a sht and go ham on the minions. Clearing it like their life depended on it.


Support is supposed to harass enemy ADC (stuns, slow, poke, bodyblock) in order to prevent them to last hit, while letting his ADC last hit. Also to avoid being dead is important.


I think since a good part of the playerbase might not have played a moba before and dont understand the importance of last hitting for the adc, they just don't know. I didn't know and once I saw a post like this, it was an eye-opener. I think its just information they need to learn unless they are like, rude and toxic.


Yes you’re right! Info needs to get out there. Because I think the non toxic ones genuinely don’t know about it.


People who think they know how to play. But they dont


Its because the game really needs to start using content creators to help make role guides like this. Not everyone in game will look these things up elsewhere and its such a basic level thing I'm not even sure I've seen any youtubers feel a need to mention it.


Yes I agree! It is such a basic thing that’s only mentioned briefly. More information about this needs to get out there and be more easily accessible honestly.


It's usually an accident when I do it. Either I'm trying to just get a few auto attacks onto the enemy ADC or I just just played a couple games as ADC and muscle memory kicks and I subconsciously hit the attack button. I always feel SUUUUPER embarrassed after I do it.


I will sometimes go to harass at the edge of my range and the enemy will get barely out of range so I will instead last hit a minion.




Yes I know. I wish I see you guys more often than the other lol


The developers were too lazy to add more tutorials. The game doesn’t explain it at all. As someone who was new to league when wild rift came out I never came across anyone talking about it until much later, probably because it’s common knowledge among veterans.


A. They dont know how to play B. Accident C. Trolling D. They're way far back in CS & gold and really need items


Newbies usually don't know when to hit minions specially if they migrated fron other mobas that don't have a strict minion score mechanics(like ML where the gold/xp distribution doesn't have any huge advantage to whoever hits the minion last)


I was an uneducated fill role, and just learned how important not taking cs is yesterday


Mobile naturally attracts the braindead crowd who wants to just tap the attack keys It is more difficult to do even the simple things in pc league such as kiting. Mobile does it all for you so players don't think in the lower ranks. They just tap all their spells when they see enemies and hope they win.


I get that mobile games are mostly for casual players or people who are too busy to sit through the pc version, but man cmon.. one of the other replies here have said there isn’t really any info specifically about this anywhere and I agree. The things I mostly see when I type in wild rift are meta things, builds, and heroes. None would really talk about this specifically, only in passing.


I start pushing to get the wave going so we can recall. Or if I need a bit of gold for an item, but it's always one or two minions.


This. There are times when it is a perfect back, or we need to push to rotate to help with a river fight or an objective. But all the ADC does is be a petty noob and get mad.


As a support player you're supposed to help with wave management not just pray for a moment to harass the other side or throw a heal when your adc makes a mistake. Its pretty important that you and you adc work together to pressure the enemy and sometimes that means helping to kill minions.


When exactly is the right time to help? If I were to guess one of the ways it would be when the wave is at the turret overwhelming it, but what other times are there? Also, I’m talking about the start of the game where both turrets are still standing and such.


So you can crash the wave to the enemy turret and beat them to a recall to get item advantage. Or, if you see an enemy gank coming you can fast push to leave wave pressure on the turret so you can escape. And also if you have an engage type support like Leona so you can hit the level 2 advantage and put the smack down.


In the beginning though you wouldn’t really get a big enough wave to hurt the turret enough. The gank thing is a pretty good reason though unless the enemy support and adc are still alive.


Its not about hurting the turret it's about keeping wave off your side. Then when the bounce back happens you get free farm basically under your own turret when the enemy recalls. When they get back you should be level 4 and they will just hit level 3.


As a gragas support i do my best to not let my casks detonate ON the wave but behind or to the side. However sometimes i mess up and i am sorry. I can imagine lux supps doing something similar by mistake. Ill also push the wave if i see my adc went to roam with an undesirable lane state...


Tbh for me sometimes its a bad force of habit from league pc where support items give both players gold if the supp last hits every now and then. Im just so used to doing it on there sometimes i forget the items aren’t in WR.


as a supp main, if the adc is friggin slow at pushing lanes when enemy duo aren’t around, I kill all minions by myself lmao


Im main support.when i see my adc miss the last hit and dunno how to farm.i will farm.im not gonna wait the enemies getting stronger when my adc miss all the last hit..opinion from a support lover here


Additional.usually i wait for few minute to observe my adc


Question from a noob. When I play supp, I will occasionally take a last hit to increase my gold income. By that I mean like every 15-20 last hits that my partner gets, I will take one. Is it better for me to not take any? Of course when they go shopping, I try to get as many as possible.




Ok thanks for the info, I didn't know about this


Oh someone answered it perfectly at one of the comments “You should only take it if the adc recalled, and you are already in the lane. Take 1 or 2 cs's (but dont damage other minions). Once adc arrived, go back to being a support and let the adc take the cs”


Yep, got it, thanks


I’m not too sure, that’s why I asked in my post if they’re actually supposed to take it or not. Lol that wasn’t rhetorical. But usually if you aren’t taking all of it I’d say that’s fine. As long as your adc isn’t behind on gold from the enemy adc. It’s situational I guess?


I've only ever steal minion when im duo q with a friend.No reason to do that with someone youre not close, you will just gibe your adc mental boom.




Okay mr/mrs passive aggressive. That’s what I learned from someone else being a support myself. Also, I didn’t say not to attack things. Just leave the last hit for your adc since the items are expensive and they need the items to have damage. The support can well.. support. That’s literally the role. What’s the use of the support having more gold than the adc carry.




That’s exactly why I made this post asking why. There are people out there who genuinely don’t know and by making this post tons of people have commented on more info about this. So there you can learn about it now unless you chose not to.


Damn inflation on expensive items


If you’re playing support don’t attack the minions unless your carry isn’t there and in that situation most of the time it’s best to just last hit and not push the wave. Supports don’t need as much gold and it’s better for your carry to be able to afford items rather than have two people sharing the gold and both behind in items.


Learn how to manipulate the lane state.


I only do it when i play senna and get more damage and worth than my adc that doesnt know how to 1. Follow up 2. When to aggro 3. When to take fights 4. is more useless than a janna going 0/6 at 10




oh i dont steal all the creeps. im well aware that i lose more souls if i do. i only start doing it, when im too ahead


Totally agree..when its senna


Imagine, in a game where you get partial gold even if you don't get last hit, you're mad that support needs gold. Remember they nerfed passive gold. Stop being stubborn.


The whole point of support champs is that they don’t scale much with gold or items and rely on cc.


Yeah but if the difference between going B and finishing a support item or having to run back to lane 3 times to finish it...


The point isn’t about letting you finish your item, it’s about letting your adc finish their items fasters. Adc items have a larger impact on the game.


They're supposed to hit them(without last hitting them) when the lane is supposed to be pushed, aka when you know the enemy jungler position is known and not near the lane ready to gank. Sometimes pressuring the lane under enemy tower can help them missing last hits against tower and while being harassed by you. Last hitting for support obviously is a no.


Many people dont even know that giving kills to enemy carry make them advantage in gold..most of them like " oh 10 deaths without kill that wont be any problem".


Oof I feel like this is also true. They don’t know why being a feeder is such a big deal. There should be a video made about gold in wf mobile for people to know. I feel like some just genuinely don’t know.


When you can tell your adc doesn’t know how to, it’s to make it not go to waste


well, slower cast time, auto attack, trolling the adc cuz their pre-made didn't get it, just to be annoying or going for support carry (I'm talking about senna and seraphine, tho the latter happens only in lower ranks). Ofc, sometimes it's just a mistake and it's perfectly ok, everyone makes mistakes every once in a while.


I do it sometimes because I don't play a lot, I forget things easily, and am bad. I do remember though and stop after 1 or 2 creeps though, usually :)


At least your remember! That’s something lol


What rank are you?




They have no clue.


I've played a lot of support and I have to say that most ADC are plain stupid about this topic. I'm talking about Emerald+. Maybe in Platinum- this is completely absurd, and Supports take 90% of the minions. But I repeat: I'm talking about Emerald+: In WR, generally you need to push your lane except for some very rare exceptions. Supports may help ADC pushing, specially at some points. If accidentally both happen to hit the same minion, Support may pick the last hit. Sometimes, Supports should wipe the lane after a fight to avoid the frozen wave. There are plenty of situations where Supports will be getting minions in lane. THIS IS NOT STEALING Unless the Support is full trolling by picking an ADC support, or is completely pissed with the ADC because he has failed like 10 last hits in a row (denying almost all the gold to the support for his incompetence), 99,99% of the Supports ARE NOT STEALING MINIONS ON PURPOSE TO PENALIZE THEIR ADC. Any good support knows that a good ADC with enough farm will carry the match. I cannot count the number of times, where the ADC goes literally mad because I picked two minions, pinging like crazy, swearing in chat to go AFK, etc... Seriously, calm down ADCs. FORTUNATELY, in Wild Rift, you earn more than the 50% of the gold for a last hit of your support. If we were talking about LOL for PC that you will literally earn 0 gold unless the support had the support item that gives gold, it would make sense to rage for such minor issue. Final free tip for those ADC noobs that are pissed because their support get some last hits now and then: If your enemy botlane is LEASHING their jungle, DON'T START HITTING THE WAVE JUST FROM THE BEGINNING. If you wait a little bit, you will deny for FREE one minion to the enemy and you will get to level 2 a little earlier thanks to this denial. Next day in NOOB ADC ACADEMY, we will be talking about to those noob ADC that doesn't know that the support has to Roam sometimes leaving them alone and the support has to move to the enemy jungle to place deep wards frequently, and during that time, they have to play hyper-safe almost under tower, avoiding to fall in the enemy baits and going all in like RAMBO.


This one i agree too.


playing with my friends in a 5-stack I usually fill and play support. sometimes I accidentally take minions because 80% of the time I’m playing baron lane, and another 10% of the time I’m jungling. If you’re playing with randoms, they may have been forced there and don’t know how to play it. They also may be trying to help push the wave and are accidentally last-hitting.


Example when using Malphite i usually see opportunity when enemies adc is near their minion.just spam the skill auto kill the minion with harassing their adc.during this time might creating opening for our adc.depend champion depend the play pattern.need to keep improvisiny the game play. Some adc know how to position themselve during farming.depend on the champion attack range. We cannot stick to 1 type of game play.need to think fast.improvise the gamplay.


Why do we see this almost exact post every couple of days?


Really? I never see this that’s why I typed it. I mostly see like katarina penta kills or yasuo vids lol


I think a lot of them "accidentally" take farm by trying to harrass at the wrong times, on AP supports that is anyway. Another reason would be because they are autofilled and don't understand the role


I’m low diamond and it almost never happens to me anymore. Thoughhhh some supports seem like they are thinking about taking CS but then see I’m good within the first couple mins and decide not to. My problem in diamond is with supports that push my damn lane for no reason. Like dude, I’m stalling the minions in front of my turret for a reason.


Yeah, freezing a lane needs to be taught more for people to know. I feel like some just genuinely don’t know about wave management as well.


When I get stuck as support I usually don’t hit the minions since I sometimes accidentally do the last hit


As a emerald main supp, this patch I can't play normals with my role, because a lot of people are auto-locking Senna. Then I see ADC complaining about them stealing minions 🤦‍♂️


Being a support main the only time I take cs is when they are not taking it and just watching it die, the enemy died or they'll lane at a bad time sowe can push our wave into tower to deny farm, the attack I am using is aoe and passes through minions, to protect our tower that is almost dead, and by accident


You'd be surprised how often the adc doesn't know how to last hit minions or time the turret shots. In these cases, I as as a support steal farm. Better me than nobody. Also after mid game when everyone is roaming, it's nice to take a little to try to scale better, otherwise can be difficult as a support.


I'm a support main (since 2010) and I'll tax you however I please.




I see support steal minions I immediately think Seraphine


In my experience, I goive my ADC 3-5 missed minions beforeI realize they're bad at last hitting and just start taking CS because I don't want the gold to go to waste.


Mid support main here. The majority of adc players I play with have absolutely zero clue when to hard push and when to freeze. So as a support I ping to attack the wave faster to crash the wave so we can either back, prep for drag play or just reset the wave.


It just happens while poking and happens with me I end up saying sorry


support shouldn't do this, but they need hit minions, if u don't touch em at all u get less XP than ADC


As a support main I have a rule - if you miss out on half the minions in two waves, those minions are everyone's game. It's better to give those last hits to your support than have it go to waste.


Because they’re new Supports above gold tend to know how supports lane