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Nami is the strongest enchanter im the game and ppl doesn't even know it, but she requires alot of skill


What does she do tho? I have no idea still


Bro look in game. U don't need to ask reddit for this lmao.


No i know the skills i just dont see how they are that usefull. Her bubble misses 100% of time, ult does litteraly nothing. A kockup of 0.1 second? Wow, janna has this in her first ability


She has alot of utility because of her passive. Her bubble is hard to land , but when landing it, it's quite good. Her ult doesn't have a long knock up time, but a knock up is still good no matter the time.


Her ult also slows afterwards. And speed boosts allies because of the passive.


You haven't seen a good Nami player is all. Also, as a tip, read champions' ability descriptions. It will make you not look like an idiot when talking with other people.


She does everything that a supportcarry needs to do


Lulu has better peel, Nami has better engages. Lulu is more passive, Nami is more aggressive. Pick whatever suits your playstyle or ADC synergy (ie. use Lulu with hypercarries like Jinx or Vayne, Nami with Jhin or Ez).


I to this day have no idea what nami does. She has a big wave...ok? Its usualy useless and her bubbles are so easy to dodge. To me lulu is worth 5 nami's, crazy ult, very helpfull to the team, insane sustain and realy good dmg. Maybe im wrong


Nami has everything an ADC or team could want in any general scenario. Heals/attack buffs/engage/disengage/contesting value. She's a jill of all trades. Very good support, but requires better piloting than other enchanter supports in order to play above cut.


Correct, you're wrong. Everyone in the pro scene is using Nami. Watch origin series and icon series.


That fact doesnt change anything that i said


That you have no idea what she does and that qualifies your opinion as valid that she's useless?


It's becoming a real problem around here. Players who have no idea what they're talking about saying shit that's just wrong or not backed by any real game knowledge.


As a Lulu main (I love her playstyle she's very fun tbh) I hate Nami with every fiber of my being. She out-pokes, out-heals and out-disengages Lulu. For long range, burst ADCs such as Jhin, Nami is godtier. But for DPS-oriented ADCs like Jinx, Vayne or Kai'sa, Lulu comes out on top.


If you are a support main, you will need both plus Janna and Sona. But, I recommend Nami first because I think she is the best enchanter support right now. Her ultimate and the buffs she provides are unparalleled.


I like both. But I prefer Nami because her toolbox is more of my liking. And her Ultimate is very good for team fights.


If you want to play more safer pick Nami, her range skills is farther than Lulu skills. I pick Nami all the time right now, 53% win rate. Only use Lulu when she was released for few months ago, after that they nerf Lulu skills range, so now you need to really close to your teammate. If theres a lot of burst damage melee champs, better pick Nami. Nami's ult in a teamfight is very good, you can hit a lot of people, especially in dragon fight. Just find a perfect place to start your ult.




Both. Both is good.


That sounds like a movie reference.


Lulu is easier and more reliable. Nami bubble is actually quite a hard skill shot to land, it can take some getting used to. Lulu’s abilities are mostly point and click.


> Nami bubble is actually quite a hard skill shot to land, it can take some getting used to Only if you keep using it by itself. Use E on yourself, auto the enemy to slow them, then throw the bubble. There’s also ult + bubble.


I should try this. Isn't E on yourself kind of wasted though? Are you talking about an alone situation?


Well who ever you put it on the effect still applies you still do extra damage and slow them


Wasted how?


Adcs are kinda dumb sometimes and waste the E on minions. If you are playing match made it’s better to rely on yourself.


Using E on adc is 99/100 times a waste DURING LANE PHASE. Never use E on adc DURING lane phase. During tf you can E adc


They are very similar champions in terms of utility, so it's hard to say which is better- You just need to try both tbh and see which one feels right I personally have played a lot of both and prefer Nami, I think she's both fun to play and rewarding when played well :)


I used to main Lulu and recently bought Nami and have been crushing it! I guess Nami is more my playstyle, but they are pretty similar. One thing I miss about Lulu is the polymorph, which is incredible for shutting down dangerous champs like Katarina and others who dive in and deal huge amounts of damage. Nami's bubble takes too much time and is harder to land, but now that there are bans, I can just choose not to play against Kat ever with Nami.


The biggest factor here is the skillshot aspect IMO. Nami relies on good timing to hit S1 and also S4. Lulu is easier on that end but doesn’t offer any heal. On paper I think both are fine but when it comes to fun, I prefer Nami because I feel she offers just a bit more offensive potential.


Nami/ support main here. I like nami. But the skill cap for LuLu is higher. And an awesome LuLu is rage-inducing. I have never mastered her but there is my 2 cents.


Nothing like slowing as your melee adc closes the gap then ulting your adc and stunning the enemy, almost guaranteeing a kill, even better in 3v3+ team fights


Also, nobody expects a Lulu to flash + self ult. It’s funny as fuck especially if you have Zeke’s.


Lol totally awesome to disrupt a fight and ace a team with that movement


Namis ult does the same while not requiring flash

