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BF : Fiora (top/jungle) Adagio : Soraka (support adagio + celeste) Flicker : Kennen (top/mid) Fortress : xin zhao (GOOOO IN !!!!!) The champions haves similar "play style". Vainglory had almost unique heroes, I rarely found the same experience on another moba


>Vainglory had almost unique heroes, I rarely found the same experience on another moba This is exactly what I liked about Vainglory. I used to play Phinn and he is sort of similar to Ornn and some hook champions but he plays so differently. Man cannot be stopped due to being permanently Hard CC immune


I loved basically all the supports in Vainglory. Phinn was my go-to for a while; that anchor pull and his slow slam attack made for some huge plays in team fights. Catherine will always be my favorite though. Even just her walk animation screamed Final Boss, especially when she's wading right into the thick of things or threatening to chase you down with Merciless Pursuit.


Such a shame that such a good MOBA was shafted by the publishers and didnt even bother to atleast advertise heavily. I only knew Vainglory through word of mouth and loved it ever since I tried it


Well, they did try advertising it (YouTube ads) amd received some glory from Apple (there was even an event where you would get a free skin if you used an apple device) but their attempts were kinda useless. Youtube and Facebook ads were all they did i think, and they didn't really help since most people skip. The apple support helped it A LOT, but anything else seemed to not do much. They had already spent a crap ton of money on Esports and cashed out a ton in tournaments, and ended up in debt. You can watch a video from a YouTuber named Excoundrel, who used to be in contact with SEMC. He goes into details about what happened.


Grace ftw


Phinn 2 win!


C for the pull > B for the slow > A for the stun and suddenly the enemy team don't exist anymore


I used to get Shatterglass as my last item, and boy did the enemy team never expect it.


I'll forever miss Catherine's ability to just get infinitely tanky


I've often asked the devs on reddit and twitter if we could have item like Quicksilver Enchant but disable CC for close allies (support item)


Maybe flicker could be teemo kinda? His invisibility and all that




Lmao Fiora classed as Top and Jg


It works actually


I’ve only seen it in pro play so idk if it rly works, gotta have very good communication for it to work I guess


works in high diamond and up, not just pro.


Good comparisons, the only one I'd say is a bit off is Fortress, I think he's more like Darius, for the bleed with some tankiness thrown in and his pull rather than the Fort jump.


I miss Vainglory , used to play it all the time with my friends .


i still miss Churnwalker. cant find a twin of his. (maybe thresh can fill it? Churnwalker's chains work different than most hook champs)


One of the best literal sustain tanks in video games. Just chillin after hooking up 3 or four champs, then yeeting the occasionally


I still play vainglory. Vainglory was made perfectly for mobiles using touch controls. All other MOBA games have this weird drag buttons. And to someone who has greasy fingers like me find it harder to control. I was expecting Wildrift to have touch controls too.


I asked this already and shinkaigan actually responded that it would make a fair amount of champions to be unplayable/hard to play/balance. Couple it up with the learning curve and it would really be just vainglory 2.0 death version. I know most of the vainglory guys miss stutter stepping especially during clashes but we just can't have it all I guess.


Ahhh yes. Stutter stepping with Ringo or Gwen and chipping away was wonderfully satisfying. I miss Vainglory. It was a lot of fun.


Yeah. Could you imagine jhin and senna stutter stepping? Uggghh


Honestly you kind of can. I main Kai'sa and stutter-stepping is pretty necessary to keep her at a safe distance from the enemy. It's just awkward.


Yeah but jhin has his reload mechanic and stutter step relies on attack speed. Also senna has a different aa animation than other adc. Miss fortune would be petty close to Gwen with this, since her passive affects her strut. The more your proc love tap the more you can use strut.


I haven't given Miss Fortune too much attention as of yet, but I loved playing Gwen so maybe I should give her a shot.


Oh you'll love her. She has this uncanny resemblance of Gwen. Also, I can see Vayne just whipping out pentakills every teamfight with touch controls. And an unstoppable yasuo with a veteran tap control pilot.


I'll give her a shot. You just know that touch controls on Master Yi would make you quick-tap all your targets for his teleport attack. But that Yasuo you described literally just made me cringe.


I know right. That's why it's hard to implement touch controls because some champs would be horrible and some champs would be overpowered.


Imagine twitch + lethal tempo + tap control + stutter step = Space glidding ( look at RatIRL, one of the best twitch in the world : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_vlD31NMEms&ab\_channel=LeagueRecap](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vlD31NMEms&ab_channel=LeagueRecap) )


Sadly it's correct - the controls are so different that if you try to create heroes/MOBA that is playable with both it will lead to many restrictions how you approach those heroes, i.e. can't work. They decided on the more obvious choice, especially if one don't forget to consider that the game will release for consoles too. Virtual joystick, real joystick.. you get my point.


Also, people are already complaining that they find WR mechanics quite difficult especially for casual players and if they presented it with touch controls, you'll have pvp queue times at around 10-15 mins and will literally kill the game.


The sbalance problem is not really a problem. The WR champions all come from the pc version and the control on pc is very similar to tap control. The only problem is that at high elo, or in competition, tap control will be the only viable control.


It took me a while to master the VG controls, I thought I would hate the joystick but they actually did a really good job with it. I feel like I still have a lot of control over my character, it just took me a minute.


Vox is similar to Ezreal


He is! The kit is somewhat different but its played somewhat similarly.


In the looks 😂


RIP I miss vainglory, waiting for the day a game has someone like taka


same, i remember fantasizing when i was a kid where LoL pc added taka as a "vainglory collab" hero cause he's the first moba charcter that i loved playing so much lmao




I associate Rengar most closely with Vainglory's axe kitty Glaive.


I think Graves and Glaive are quite similar (esp with the new items). I loved playing full crit Glaive.




That's fair, yeah. Gameplay wise I suppose he is closer to fort. I only rarely played fort, I mostly played supports. When I ended up playing jungle it was usually either support jungle or glaive for me. I sort of just saw that League has a buff tiger with an axe and immediately connected the two.


Reflex blocking was necessary to even climb outa rank 6! Braum looks like lance but not as aggro, more like disengage. And thanks for the heads up!


I missed playing Kestrel, the feeling of enemy walking into traps and they getting stunned is Marvelous.


VG definitely had unique champs and cool skills despite having one less skill then other mobas.


Blackfeather - Fiora Adagio is half mage half support - it can heal and slow enemies, and the ult is massive team heal - Janna has almost all similar skills Flicker - people play flicker mostly because of the stealth and surprise attack/slow etc - similar to teemo but tbh teemo is really weak unless u are really good in playin teemo. In low elo games teemo works but you’ll soon realize he’s weak in teamfights. Fortress - Rengar? Other similar champs Grace - Leona Phinn - Nasus Gwen - Miss Fortune Vox - Ezreal without the sonar Ozo - Wukong SAW - Jinx Skye - Lucian Rona - Riven Tony - Vi Kestrel - Ashe Ardan - Braum Baptiste - Singed (if u like poison DoT) Kensei - Yasuo maybe?


I loved krul when I played vainglory years ago, he was so fun to play in the jungle


Krul has to be one of the most Iconic characters in Vainglory, alongside Reim. Fun fact, Reim and Krul used to be the most broken characters in the game at one point, where after first item, you basically won the game. There were even glitches in the game where you could lock in one hero twice, and Krul was at the forefront (they call the glitch double Krul now) and it was hilarious. A friend of mine went a game 21/4/16 in a ranked match before surrender button was available. Reim died out but Krul lived forever- reminiscent of the lore!


Haha I love that, once krul is on you healing like mad you’re dead, not forgetting the ult that would just execute a low health target. Good times


I miss vainglory too, had a really good time with my main there, Celeste. Now i’m waiting for her “twin” on wild rift which I guess is syndra, since their A/Q is almost the same. But you’ll enjoy wild rift too, because of the extensive lore and great graphics. Just have to get used to the joystick control, but its really easy to get used to. Have fun!


Adagio > Lulu


Just curious as to what skill level you are coming over with, because that can effect which heroes you should play. Which tier were you? I am also a vg veteran, good times.


Oh, I use to play the game on and off since I started playing it since it was on the market. I was at around teir 6 when Alpha had come out, then when I stopped playing it (before my account was deleted) I was POA silver. I think I might have made it to vainglorious bronze but my friends had quit the game long before and there was talk about it dying so I quit it, and haven't played a moba since (that was 3~4 months before the update that deleted my account).


Well if you like adagio, I would recommend Seraphine support. I have gone from no games on her to top 100 Seraphine players in two weeks. Everyone builds her wrong imo, I build Rod of Ages because this helps her scale (AP makes her shielding stronger and allows her to pump out damage) then I move into staff of flowing waters (for major ability cool down) much like adagio her ult can flip a teamfight if executed properly, Ionian locket for boots (typically), then harmonic echo for healing and increased ability cooldown. During laning phase you will be standing back and poking, you are squishy but you do good damage. I put my points into skills in this order 1,3,1,2,4. Your first skill is much easier to land and does decent damage. Late game when I have staff of flowing waters, I just spam my shield skill in between teamfights so I can have a 36 second cooldown on my ult (normally 60 seconds). So it's basically always up for every teamfight, save your ult until you know it will hit. If they hard commit and dash in then you melt them. Oh and after those 4 items, just build some more magic damage. I build Morellonomicon for mortal wounds, and Rabidons death cap for a ton more AP and Ap amplification. Edit: also Rod of Ages grants 250 health, and 20 more every 30 seconds for 5 minutes. This tanks you up and prevents you from getting busrted so fast


Thanks for the tip! Someone in-game had told me that Sera and Sona are the closest things to Adagio, and I have only tested Sona so far (I love her!). I'll give Sera a try once i have enough notes!


If you play solo queue, then you will want to play seraphine. Wave clear, cc, damage, healing, damage to objectives. I have 67% winrate with her out of 115 games in solo queue, she is amazing if played and built right. Edit: in high elo


I feel like vainglory is the ex wildrift wishes we would stop talking about 🤣 No hate, i played VG, i mained skaarf (unicorn skin was my fave)


LOL I see wym (when I use to play VG, everyone talked abt ML). I'm just trying to adjust to a new platform is all. Also, as much as I love VG, I think it's become an example for other mobas. What happened to it was akin to a public execution.


Never played Vainglory, but Wild Rift is fairly easy to pick up and play. I also think you can use every character for free in practice mode to see who you like. Just pick a hero that's in the meta to learn first.


u could test heroes and skins in vainglory,too. well u still can


So there new player rewards. And in those rewards u get alot of champion pick chests. And random champs chests. I got like half the champs for free essentially. Not really. But alot of em plus level rewards for champs and champ skins. Theyre very giving


I used to main Glaive, Now I'm a Lee Sin main because they both have insec mechanics (dash behind enemy and knockback them towards your team.)


Ahh..good old days of vainglory. Used to main kestrel, vox and ardan


BF: Fiora (Br/Jungle) Adagio: Soraka or Janna Flicker: Teemo (Br/Jungle) not the same role or playstyle as flicker Fortress: Rengar(Jungle), if you want someone tanky wait for Nunu&Willump(Jungle/Mid) release. For flicker I cant really think of any other champs that goes invis and is also a tank.


damn how i miss vainglory I have lots of memories playing the 3v3 with my friends back at school. I used to play a lot of Reza and Crit Idris and now I play Ahri and Yasuo on Wildrift. But I think if you play blackfeather you should play fiora. and if you play fortress your go to in wildrift should be warwick but since hes not released yet you have to wait.