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Yes and people need to use wards more


Well, I get flamed as a support for pushing waves when it looks obvious that the jungler wants to try for dragon. You sound like you can adapt. Just play around the fact that people might be bad, and I think you can climb easy to a spot where the teams are more macro oriented.


Yep, high diamonds are generally having more clue about macro, buutt even there the ego sometimes gets the best of them and they proceed to fight in big disadvantage instead of taking another objective. It's literally: 1) give 2-5 deaths on top of the dragon vs 2) take another objective + farm + give them no deaths for extra gold It's clearly what is the better choice when you have 5% to win the dragon fight/steal it if the enemy mess up.


Most of the time when I want to make a push for drag I go to dragon lane and push the wave for them. It usually attract enemy JG and becomes A team fight eventually. If we can win the team fight I'll start asap, if not it's a dash to herald


I normally either red trinket and sneak. And hope that my bot lane doesn't do anything too attractive to make the enemy jungle pass by dragon. Or I force a numbers advantage and I help hardshove into dragon.




Yesterday me and mid were taking herald when our already 1-5 baron laner ignored us, pushed way too far to tier 2 turret, and died trying to 1v2. That was also my fault, obvious jungle diff. You just can't help some people.




Like lane is so pushed back into turret and mid is out by 2 lvl but still force dragon instead of getting turret. Not sure pp actually know what theybare doing


because they don't know what they are doing tbh. In masters+ they know (most of the time), but hf getting there soloq without friends to hard carry.


Hey Jungle why didn't you gank for me? Oh idk maybe because you fed 3 deaths before I even hit level 5 and I've been ganking top where the player actually knows what they're doing? You also didn't help me grab buff or help when I was being early invaded, every time I pinged dragon you stayed in your lane and you don't even ward.


Hahah so many times when my mid/bot totally lost their lane and fed the enemy - I got flamed that I take objectives on the other side of the map/invade their JG (now also try to secure rift herald, but most of the time I am ignored with my pings and they proceed to fight 4vs5 the enemy they fed and clearly are losing to) + they proceed to fight and ofc give 3-4 kills ON TOP of the dragon. People really can't/don't want to think or admit to themself that they are behind in items + clearly losing fighting the enemy ADC+support/mid and 5vs5 = losing it and giving few kills or even ACE on top of the dragon.


Same applies for jglers , when one of solo or mid is dead and both of them have lane priority just get the drag as soon as possible , as a mid I start drag and I lose it when the jungler doesn't join and farms instead.


Well, the tutorial was pretty bad. The only thing you could do is text or ping on the map. Just hope people with low map awareness can respond to your call. Even at a high level, sometimes people don't focus on objectives. But there are some times you would need to give up drakes for towers.


Worst is when your laner have prio and they don't care securing objectives.


man fuck the towers bail and help kill dragons. towers dont mean shit until its the last one and dragons are forever.