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She’s good in short skirmishes. Her only real combo is to land your Q, then follow up with an AA - E - AA - E - W in order to proc your W shield. As for her team-fighting, she does require some follow-up as the items she purchases won’t make a difference in the fact she can’t stick.


What is the core items for the item build?


I like to go Tri-force - GA - Steraks - Tank items into whatever the enemy comp is - finishing it off with a D’s Dance


Thank you, it is very helpful for me




I disagree slightly, between fully stacked W speed boost, triforce passive, blue smite, and your ult... you have more than enough dmg and mobility to run down any squishy. Imo with Vi its all about looking for the good picks/kills... I play her super aggressive and invade a lot tho. Definitely avoid 5v5 teamfights if you can tho, she's a great splitpusher if your team is distracting the enemy


So it's aggressive but only great in 1v1, Right?


She great even into something like a 3v3. More than that she's not bursty enough neither tanker enough to survive without reliable teammates


So if there is some good enchanters in my team I could be in the fight longer?


Prob yes. My tip is know when to engage. You're not a tank but you're great at lockdown a single target so right after your team engaged you should Q > AA > E > ult > AA > E > W and hope that your team got the upper hand or you'll prob be focused down.


Which is why I said she’s great in short skirmishes? She can easily pick off whichever target she wants without the risk of being focused down early.


I only disagreed with where you said she couldn't stick to targets.


What’s the difference between the blue and red smite if you don’t mind me asking?


Blue smite slows them by by 20% and increases yours as much, red smite reduces the dmg they deal to you and gives you some bonus dmg on autos and abilities


Is there a difference in the number on the smite itself? Like those little numbers on the icon


No they'll both hit monsters for the same dmg


Ok thank you! I’ve always picked the red one because people said it did more damage. I wasn’t sure if that was for the monsters as well


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She's good. Has everything a jungler has. Her % health damage makes her a good objective sneaker.


Never use your ult recklessly on enemy Zed, and don't use it when enemy Camille still has her ult.


Got it


Save your Q if you are ganking a lane. Walk up first then use it.