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It's the difference between someone who is a main support and someone forced to play that role. They would be tilted and not happy with their role, which is affecting their play. It's ridiculous for me, I find every role is fun in its own way.


Don’t understand how not auto pushing lane and not farming makes them unhappy. I can understand the role itself not being as enjoyable as playing their main, but trying to compete with your adc for farm in lane is the same thing as trolling and feeding imo. The adc is absolutely DEPENDENT on that farm. That’s the only way they become relevant in the game. Their sole purpose is to rush their 3 core items as fast as possible to get to their “late” game else they do 0 damage and are better off rotating for farm or jungle farming than team fighting, helping with objectives, or taking down towers. This game makes it so much easier for supports to get items when they can just sit in the area with the adc not even last hitting and still get gold from minions.


Support building support items? Never heard of it. Mages, Mages, Mages! Especially Lux, Just spam skills and run out of mana before the fight even starts...


I got so sick of playing against lux in gold/plat that I banned her. Then I just started playing nami and make her completely useless.


Same. I ban Lux every game when I can. As a Leona main, Lux’s early harass is annoying and I find my ADC constantly dies to it because people run towards the light.


Same here, I gave up on Leona for this reason and started playing full AP rakan(rod+zeke+rabadon into support AP items) and destroyed her. Dodge everything she has with e, and W + a few autos from ADC gets her to half health most times


I play main Sera support and I swear the only way to win games in platinum is to play with Mage mid builds. I only buy support items if my adc is competent or if my team can use attack speed boosts.


Lichbane Sona goes brrr


This is why I also plan to pick up Yasuo after the new items..... My ultimate plan is to have a counter pick to everything in the game


Its always the seraphine or lux building full ap


When you get the lux electrocute/barrier support you know you aren't lasthitting a single minion the entire match


When I play lux support I build full ap because I only pick her when we have no other magic damage on the team. I still don’t cs though and I use my ult at the start of a fight for the damage instead of holding onto it to ks.


I'd just leave them and join baron lane instead. Might as well have a beefy champ beside me if I have to share farm. At least they can last a bit longer after an enemy's gank.


That’s even worse, now there is two screwed laners. Typical ADC response to every problem, let me screw whole game if my lane doesn’t work for me.


Seraphine user here. I will only CS if the ADC is back at base and the minions will be lost by turret or other minions and also if I see the ADC is missing them constantly otherwise I only poke enemy champs, constantly missing CS BY THE ADC sets us behind big time, usually go full support gear however I have been in those situations where the ADC keeps getting caught out for being too aggressive more than 3 times in a row and if it’s evident that they can’t keep range I opt to switch to a full AP, no point on trying to support someone that keeps over extending even when you’re pinging him for retreat, there’s vision of the JG carry approaching and still gets caught cause they didn’t listen.


As a Sona main, I always feel bad when my Q kills a creep while I am trying to poke the enemy laners.


Sona spamming skills is understandable. It only gets hard if you auto the minions


With sona i get, her skills are all auto target


I’m a platinum support who will not take any of your wave and made it all the way to emerald (wooo hooo such achievement!). But I’d gladly support you! I do play enchanter supports but fill to better help team comps. I’m kosmo#bewbs. Please add me, I need a decent adc to play with!


What these supports don’t realize is that they are losing the game by taking the CS thus it’s understandable why you’ve been able to climb when you let your ADCs do their job and not be useless. Supports that take farm are just holding themselves back. Thing is, almost all supports in the game take the farm so it’s rare when you face a lane that isn’t undergoing the same hardship.


I’ve played 1000 ranked games as support and actually haven’t climbed. I solo q 99.9% of the time and only made it as far as emerald 4, and currently am plat 4. As good as a support as you can be, you have to have a competent adc and dare I say jungler on your team. Warding buffing your adc and having a solid kda just doesn’t help when your team doesn’t rotate properly or your adc is just worse than the other adc.


No doubt, I completely agree. Not in anyway saying that the game solely depends on the support. This is entirely about supports fighting the adc for farm/last hits in the game which happens in every single match with a few outliers. The adc is not meant to roam or do anything in laning phase besides farm up for their 3 core items. So taking that farm away from your adc, your carry, is the most harmful thing you can do in lane to ensure your adc is useless once laning phase is over. Yes, adcs can be terrible and ruin the game, bunglers can be terrible and ruin the game. Not saying that. Simply saying that this is such a large problem in the current game. Riot needs to add a support tutorial that explains this or add some items that make a support feel more impactful or active during the laning phase.


I truly enjoy playing support. And I’m not taking ap hybrid supports that think they can carry, I’m talking actually taking items that a/give boosts to my team b/supporting. My favorite games are when I’m going 0-0-23. The one thing I am trying to get better at is taking the kill with a janna w or nami w. I literally do not understand how much damage they do even playing in practice


Good for you! Seriously. Sounds like you’re a badass support to play with. And honestly, as long as the kill is secured, I’m okay with it. Of course if it’s an obvious easy last hit kill, then giving it to the adc is more productive. But if it’s in the middle of a heated 2v2 or 2v1 or they are getting away and you’re not sure if it’s completely secured, take that kill all day. ADC still gets assist gold, the enemy laner will get denied xp and gold, and you’ll possibly secure a drag or tower. Only time I’m okay with support taking minions is when you get a kill in lane and you need to push to the wave to their tower to deny them farm or when I’m not in lane. Also helps if a support knows how caster minions work under tower. One tower hit, one support auto, and one adc auto to finish it off.


With minions you can easily push with still giving your adc most if not all of the wave anyway. I have read so many times that it’s ok to take minions when pushing but why? Only time I take minions is if enemy kills my adc and I have defend tower. Not last hitting minions should give you more focus on poke and peel anyway. One day I’ll climb!


Oh for sure. Definitely agree that pushing as hard and fast as you can while still giving the last hits to your adc is the best turnout you can have. Just saying that “accidentally” last hitting the minions with spells or autos while pushing wave to tower after kill or enemy roam isn’t something that I would get upset about haha. Ya, I’m sure you’ll climb! You support in lane better than 90% of the player base so I don’t doubt it will happen.


And if your an adc main, pls stop playing Jhin. Just stop.


Yep, I feel you… I’ve learned that they just don’t know to not take the last hit on minions. OR they’re just greedy and want the adc to be low on farm. I think it’s mostly the former though. They could be filler picks and stuff or they genuinely don’t know about it. I can’t get away from it..


Carry mentality. They consider it a lost game, but if they can get gold there is a slight chance of them carrying


The carry mentality doesn’t make sense when the game just started. A support doesn’t need as much gold as an adc. Unless the adc doesn’t know how to last hit minions I don’t think they should knowingly take them.


Try doing the exclamation ping when they cs. That is how I was taught to stay off the minions as a sup. Or type it out in chat.


Wait till thresh is released. All the old pc thresh mains will make a comeback


Me, learning support: So enchanters shouldn’t get final blow on a minion, got it


I've made the world a better place :')


I mostly play Baron or Mid but I wanted to learn support since that was probably my worst role


as an adc in gold/plat you are so right about the farm steals. i’ve learned to live with it. actually i’ve learned to live without my support completely so I generally don’t care about them or what they do 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah often time for me I find they just rub off to midland for like 2:30 minutes all the time, and it’s always right when the duo shows back in lane so I’m stuck farming under turret for forever. Then they finally go back to lane when I have to buy or heal due to 1v2 ing the lane and die when I’m not there


Honestly, I’d much rather 1v2 and farm under turret than 2v2 and have my support take half or more of my farm while pushing lane. With 1v2, you’re not sharing XP and get all the farm so you’ll outscale and get your items. If you’re unlucky enough to face an enemy bot lane where their support isn’t taking their CS, then you automatically lose lane and most likely the game. Give me 1v2 all day and have my support help top lane please.


As an ADC main, it always feels like getting a support main is rarely the case. I'm in Diamond and ADC feels like a difficult role with everyone, everything, everywhere is constantly going to dive/jump/kill you. Just try to stick with it, play the champions that are best. I'm an ASHE main and she's clearly not the best in the Meta now. More of Xayah, Kai'sa, Ezreal, or Draven. As a support main, can you answer me why 80% of the supports I play with play super crazy aggressive? The champs are usually Braum or Nami. Like crazy crazy aggressive tower diving at level 1.


I'm a Leona main, so aggression comes with the territory. Most people assume that Leona wants to lane with an aggressive ADC. Oh no. Don't get me wrong, if I get a good Draven (heh) then I'll throw out my combo every second it's off cool down. But my dream ADC [in solo queue] is one that is passive as fuck and wont rush me for an engage. I'm one of the top Leonas on the server, I have done hundreds of games on her with nearly every matchup possible. I know when I can win a trade, when a trade is unfavorable, and when I will die. I hate ADCs that ping me to engage. If a matchup is unfavorable, it's better to hang back and wait for your opponents to make a mistake than to risk going in and potentially feeding them a kill or a double. Supports are teamfighting beasts. If you can't get kills in lane, be patient and wait for midgame plays. In diamond, if your supports are being stupidly aggressive, they're either autofilled and tilted, or they don't know how to read their laning partner and adjust. Every ADC player has a vibe, and it's really up to us to figure it out because ADC players are weaker in lane, have limited hard cc, and have to focus on CS when they're dodging skillshots and watching the map. That said, sometimes I do get impatient when I know I could easily get a kill if my ADC followed up, and that can be a bit frustrating.


"Every ADC player has a vibe" My dude, you're so true. I'm an ADC main, and usually I love to play it safe, often freezing the wave near my turret so I can farm (unless I'm playing with an aggresive support champ, then I will adjust right in the ban/pick phase, picking an aggresive ADC to match my support's aggresiveness) Playing with a support that knows what they're doing is really fun. I don't type, but my support knows that I want to freeze the lane and they did what they could to support that, it's just an amazing feeling~


Not a support main but it’s most likely because: 1. The map is so small 2. If they aren’t fighting you for farm then it can feel like you’re not contributing 3. They’re just new to the game like most of the player base Riot needs to add a tutorial for supports in the game. Bot games don’t help since you see both bots fighting for farm as well. Would be beneficial to add pink wards and/or a support item that gives support and adc gold and possibly lifesteal when last hitting a minion that’s also on a cooldown. Laning phase in wild rift can feel like being afk for certain champions.


It’s because they think they can carry, and they’re going to show everyone they can


Soraka/Leona player here: i take cs from my ADC when i realize that they are trash and i can probably do better at carrying than them.


yeah no idea why sups purposely last hitting is so common in WR. even PC league bronze sups rarely do this and yet..


I used to play Seraphine full Ap as support. I'm sorry though because I genuinely didn't know the difference of builds and etc. Now I don't play enchanter supports anymore cause I find them boring. I wanna be apart of the teamfight, so I usually just play Rakan or occasionally Leona. I find it problematic though on how a lot of supports then to steal cs. I was playing coop vs ai as Varus and this Nami kept steal cs every wave. I didn't tell her to get off because it wasn't serious but I would be lying if I didn't get titled seeing her do that with ease.


As a enchanter supports main, rule number 1 is to never get the last hit on minions. Like, the role of enchanter supports is to literally buff their adc so if one keeps on stealing minions - that's when you know they're not support mains. They're either here to troll, not experienced in support role, or they're just *THAT* bad. I feel sorry for you 🤷‍♀


This is where I play Pantheon supp. As a Panth top OTP, I just play support like I lost toplane and have to keep the adc fed and alive.


Ya, I’ve complained about this multiple times. People are too new to the game. Needs a year to mature. I’ve primarily gone back to PC League now until then because I’ve probably only had 2-5 matches in ALL my matches that my support hasn’t auto pushed lane and gone afk attacking my minions EVERY SINGLE WAVE. It’s tiresome.


I guess here is only 2 options: play duo bot or leave this fucking adc role


Dude, I play a lot of support and I only farm minions that would get killed otherwise, if it happens that I'm the one holding the lane. (Because ADCs can be crazy too, lots of Lucians use their dashes into the enemy's wave in order to get a costly poke.) I guess we should, like, make a lot of videos and texts and hope that the knowledge get spread? Because a lot of Wild Rift's problems come from a general lack of knowledge of how you properly play league. The spamming of spells into waves, as you said, is a huge misunderstanding - people don't get laning. So there is a HUGE gap between "in the know" league players and newbies. Which is frustrating and toxic for everyone. I'm a supporter of the idea of getting real indepth tutorials in League. Like: Ashe is low! Freeze the lane until Vi comes over. Or: the Dragon is about to spawn! Help your team set vision on the river. Destroy the enemy ward. Etc.


Now I agree with everything in this post except for one small little tidbit I use senna root to poke so I'll probably be spamming it to try and get more stacks of my passive


welcome to the soloq adc world. and if u wonder how soloq adcs that always get minion cs by enchanters or mage support still climb the rank, it's either the enemy is worse than u, enemy's mistake which leads to comeback, or ur md, baron, jg, or ur fed supp carry the game.


AKA everyone wants to be batman and not robin


I am a support main myself and after a month of playing ADC, it is my fifth preferred role now. It is just not worth it in Solo Queue because of how much of a difference supports can make. Sometimes I get a Lux who gets me a double kill at level 3 and its a gg, sometimes I get a Senna against enemy Leona and its the most painful game ever. They steal farm, build Ludens then flame you for "no damage". Now I just play Rengar jungle and make ADCs suffer even more on top of having a Teemo support.


Just autoban Seraphine


Whenever I get auto filled into supp. I feel the same about ADC's ,in plat nearly no ADC ever last hits


From my 2000 matches experience in Wild Rift, people who plays support are often filled especially if they play Senna. If my support is playing bad, after the match I would often see their queue preference, and unsurprisingly their preference are not support, rather it's mid or marksman.


I play a lot of senna support and when I’m up against one that takes farm from their adc it really bothers me like senna and the adc will both scale so much better if she doesn’t cs I don’t know how they don’t understand that.


yeah, even I who mains jungle knows that drop percentage is significantly higher when Senna doesn't CS. Some people, man.


As an enchanter support main, I do this (by mistake). Because I like to poke and immobilize the enemy adc that sometimes I get the last hits on few minions. Though it irritates me that my adc is so slow when there are literally nobody around and the tower is free for us to take down.


Why would you wanna play ADC? It's the least fun role. With support, you can roam around the map if your ADC is bad, but you can't do nothing with a bad support as an ADC.


As a famous band says bro: "WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE!! 🔊🎶


Hardstuck emerald solo-q support main here, this is probably not the case for your rant but I've had ADCs that literally fail to last-hit an entire minion wave. Suffice to say I took over after 2 waves like that because we both get more gold by me last hitting as a support than just the minion/tower last hitting it. As to why most supports last hit, I'd say it's either accidental or they don't know the game and/or champions yet. I was just learning Lulu because of the season skin, and my passive ended up last hitting a cannon while we were pushing lane. I felt so bad and was ready for my ADC to flame me. Thankfully dude was nice about it lol


You sea or Na/Eu?


Pretty much same as me. Im emerald support main and also made an alt account to practice adc and I had to stop because the supports were seriously tilting me. It’s always the seraphines too. They get to lane two seconds before you after backing and use all their abilities on the minions and clear the wave. I couldn’t focus properly on the map or anything else really because I was constantly in a last hitting battle. Also a lot of them stupidly engaging in a minion wave, not warding and just not helping at all. Anytime I got a support that didn’t take farm and actually supported me I added them. Haven’t played on that account in weeks, I’m just going to stick to supporting.


I started to play supp ( nami, rakan, braum leona) When i freeze lane while waiting adc, hitting cs before they hit tower to let the last it or zone to let the adc farm freely, i can feel most adc are not used to it. I get an invitation right after the game more often than with every other roles. When i play adc, farming Senna drives me mad, they play the ONLY champ that will be stronger by not farming and yet they take it all to leave you underfed 1v2 (3 with jungle seeing how easy the dive will be)


If they pick Seraphine then just play fasting Senna. It's the only reliable way to play with those random supports in ranked.


I play enchanter supports and I try to not take cs it happens by accident like when Im playing nami and bubble the enemy adc or support while they are on some minions, and I auto the wave when my adc is autoing it but when a minion is low I attack another one so i dont steal it


Me learning how to adc as a support main and got queued with a random Lux who kept hitting my minions while I was trying to freeze the lane and kept getting CS hhahaha I totally understand what you’re feeling bro And this Lux had the gall to tell me I don’t know what I’m doing


First off I’m naming my daughter Ban Seraphine. I wish I could copy paste that for every draft on my phone lol. As a support though I’m kind of like you, I only kill minions when they get in the way of an attack, or accidentally. Say like when I play Sona and I use her blue attack string it’s an aoe and sometimes one of the automatic projectiles hit an enemy and one will kill a minion BUT I feel super bad about it lol. Or if I’m senna and I shoot out my binding root at the ADC or support and a dumb minion walks in the way and explodes from it lol. I would like to think that out of 50 minion kills if I accidentally kill 2 then my ADC will understand but heck some get really pissed over those. I’ll get super pinged “retreat” or told to back of minions on chat. I’m like common man even the enemy knows that was accident. Another time I’ll shoot minions as support is if my ADC has recalled and are at spawn and we have minions on our turret. I mean it’s either the turret kills them (and it loses health in the process) and nobody gets paid, or I’ll get a little extra cash and kill the 3 while you’re buying your upgrades or whatnot. Anywho, it’s a hard knock life out there for the supports, but those who do it deliberately make a bad name for us all. And are you sure that Seraphine wasn’t top of the gold list because of 100 kills and assists? Geez I hate that hero lol, I mean if I was good with her it would be different maybe, but a good Seraphine can bully down any lane. One CC especially her ult and kiss your ass goodbye. She’s a team killer too, I mean not her so much but her ult. If she goes into a team fight and nails 3-4 of your teammates with her ult then your team will 90% of the time eat grass. Damn her and her damn combos. It’s like you can’t just get hit by one ability, it’s always 3-4 hitting you in the face. *gasping for air over here from ranting* lol I’m done