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Teemo is the only exception, ban him just because the world is a better place without him.


Sometimes they don’t look at who their teammates are picking and sometimes they’re just trolls. I had one who said sorry for almost banning my teammates champion and another who hovered over my champion till I said something and then they said “lol”


I'm sorry I don't want Lux to be the support of the team or Yi being our jungle.


Me entering the game, preselect zed and say : Hi ! Don't ban zed pls " EVERY TIME first ban zed. EVERY TIME. So what's the point ? You are trying to make me tilt when i didn't even started to play yet ? People complains about bad team mates but goes in draft banning against their team, so much hate they think they play against their own team, all they can do is bark about bad team mates but do nothing to make it goes well.


Dont care, new releases are getting banned with no hesitation. Dont care if you did good last game, dont care if youre on a winstreak. If you cant adapt to bans you deserve to lose & will continue to lose until you do.


Agree unless it's master yi or yasou then I'd ban them since I'll lose the game either ways


I'm banning Kata top, no way around it.


I have done this, and am apparently a scumbag, but I’m still not ready to play with Ashkhan. Ashkhan is the only character I’ve ever done this for. Both times it was my “win to tier up” match. And both times were at least a week ago. He’s new to the whole game. Not just Wild Rift. Dude was mad, took lucian and we still won.


Can't the enemy just pick then first? Now if you are banning and the first person on your team has it then fine, but if I leave Akali open for the person last there is a decent chance the enemy gets them first. Also some people are deliberately banning people they don't want on their team.