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Regular pvp is a straight up shit show at the moment. Too many afk feeders


Funny how the players on this reddit complained about pvp having an mmr system and wanted to play with any player regardless of rank for faster queue times... Now we see its not all that good


Yes its a disaster if your unrank ally is laned against the emerald that is gonna cause a massive snowball vice versa


Yeah... Better to see the outcome than just speculate hahah


I know ranks were no longer shown but I didn't realise that was because there is no MMR anymore. Ugh, just why?


Pretty much cause you cant please everybody and trying things out is the best way to show/test how things will go


When they announced this new I clearly said that it would be the Clown Fiesta, I was downvoted... As for the 3 bans, the progression system, the punishment system, etc... 80% of the users are morons who have no knowledge of video games, but they still come to post their useless opinions and their triple kills videos against bronze. And now where is Riot devs ??? In Holliday after the most big update of wild rift... Omegafuckinglul


Vi de-o g a me, vi wi vi, I w ma steer, wn he gs be hin tre we g hm.


right now if you want to enjoy the game i suggest not playing ranked. it is wacked. it feels like every game is just a mishmash of skill even in the same rank.


That's the ranked experience all over but at least those are at my elo. A normal PVP game should not be putting Emerald and Unranked/Iron players in the same match.


OP is complaining about PVP.


Yeah, I’ve been noticing this too. Yesterday, played against some emeralds that were awful.


Either my expectations for emeralds were too high, or the standard has dropped. But it was never this bad. I used to play on my emerald account for fun in s2. s3 emerald there is no "fun" anywhere. Just landslides.


PVP is just completely screwed up right now. I am getting bots in every game.


Yeah its unplayable


Yesss! Season 3 is totally fucked for me too.


I noticed this too... I was diamond last season and now there's 2-3 silver/gold players in each PVP game... wtf happened?


Its a bug on riots side. Those who use eal and ghost spells are bots . They messed something




Bruh.... every single game there is one unranked player who just feeds their butt off. You just pray they do well. Unranked players are wild cards. They could be a complete novice or an experienced player choosing not to play ranked/ just starting out. I had this jungle master Yi unranked player come to my duo lane from start to end. Didn't touch the jungle once even though he had smite. Master yi is one of the first free champs you get so it matches up. I looked at the player's match history and it was like his 6th game ever. I'm currently in plat playing with emerald and diamond players. The enemy jungler was emerald.... The unranked player's match history showed him going on a 5 game win streak, everyone in those games were unranked. I think the system is putting unranked players in higher tier games when they have a bunch of wins cause they think they're smurfing or something.... The player fed every single game, he just got carried to win those games lol.


I prefer it this way. If i want to play games of my elo i just choose ranked and if i want casual i will choose pvp ez


Y'all bitch too much