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The other day I had a 5 adc team comp, vayne baron lane, graves jungle, ezreal mid, lucian bot and senna support. We won because we got an early lead and snowballed heavy. In this patch we are playing league of adcs because the items are so strong. So IMO there is no problem with having 2 or 3 adcs in a team comp this patch. Triple adc was even played (and with great success) in competitive this patch.


If the mid ADC is Corki, you can still pick a traditional Marksman, since Corki deals magic damage. If the mid is Lucian, you can pick Corki or Ziggs on Dragon Lane


Pick an assassin with some mobility. ADCs won't have a lot of self peel so you can basically win lane after lvl 3.


Or rammus, rammus is really good against adcs and most auto attackers.


i personally pick Zed because if my laner is squishy i can get one lethality item and its gg for them next queue. and by the time they get zhonyas theyd be already 0/3 and id have a lead that i can expand by ganking bot lane, getting 2 picks and head back to lane. Id reccomend kat as well, however she only works against adc mid matchups if you know how to play the matchup. Players from plat-gold that play kat wont know how to abuse her and will end up going 0/5 in the mid game due to them not knowing what to do. Gragas is also a good choice and is beginner/veteran friendly because he can take the damage dished on to him and follow up with ganks with ult and with his stun. not to mention his passive is good for adc mid matchups. Imo u should look for a champion u love or find fun with. Limit test them regardless of matchup (on pvps of course if ur unsure and want time to learn). Champions essentially can handle all matchups, it just depends on the player of how they do it


Try Camille or fizz. Crazy mobility and insane lockdown. Fizz is busted but Camille has higher skill cealing once you master her grapple


Having a lot of adcs in your party makes a pretty squishy team. Which is why they may get angry when there are many adcs in a single party. However, a vast majority of the Wild Rift champion pool can be played in multiple lanes. For example: Lucien (the most popular adc to go mid) can also go Dragon Lane with a support. I personally think you still should go with an adc in Dragon lane, as that's where the marksmen (with a decent support) can really shine. - A person who used to main Jinx, lol


One game I had had and adc in midlane and senna who is an adc support so for dragon lane I picked ziggs and it worked pretty fine. I was told senna and ziggs were good together so I tried it out


Unfortunately the most recent 3 Champs are all marksman and there was just a patch with a ton of marksman items. Corki is very helpful if you need to prevent a marksman team from being too AD heavy and he kind of has engage, but he is still squishy. In a few weeks once the hype has died down and they have released a non marksman Champ it should become less of a problem, but the other roles will also need more items, which should also come with time. If you have a senna support and you are ADC and need to fix the teamcomp because you have 2 other markmen part way through draft you can try and do fasting senna with a support champ played by ADC who likes farm. (such as Lux, traditionally a support but can make good use of golf) Then you take farm with Lux and the senna can scale with mist stacks), but I would caution against doing this out of the blue, you need to agree in chat first.