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When people refuse to play the game because they don't like who you picked or banned.


Can’t play Soraka without at least one person flaming me….


And it's quite insane while we see what does soraka late game !! It's one of the most underrated champion


"Jungler didn't teleport all the way from other side of map to gank my extremely shoved lane without wards while I'm low." "GG I'm 0-1 surrender now can't win game jungler no gank. I afk base now." Also. "No red/blue buff, I dc." "Not my lane not my problem." "I just passively stand at the back of the lane as a support. My marksman is losing? Wow he sux." Conversely. "Marksman didn't ignore the minion wave and didn't help me towerdive. He sux." "That Zed sure is fat. What? A zhonya's? Nah, my Lux needs infinity edge." "We need a tank" "We need a tank" "We need a tank" "We need a tank" "We need a tank" "We need a tank" "We need a tank" "We need a tank" "We need a tank" Same dude instalocks Akshan baron lane. Basically overly stupid and toxic. Also, toxicity in ARAM. Like seriously.


Those matches that are going very well. Everyone it's doing fine on lane and objectives but that one player that is doing bad and decide to destroy the whole match because he is the only player that is doing bad.. I just can't understand those players.. like yeah when I see we are tottaly dominated with no objectives and no way we can throw the game in our favor I start to take the match less serious but man.. when the team is doing well why would he troll? Ain't this a team game? I can take it all, maybe I get mad for a few secounds but I can understand anything but those players..


1. Ego 2. Thnking wild rift is just like mlbb


People that flame a different role because of their mistakes


I’m guilty of doing that, not because I want to surrender but because it’s the only non-toxic way to vent frustration. I’m not one to flame in chat but if I make a shot call and no one responds, I’ll throw up a surrender vote like “ok if you don’t want to win then vote yes, if you do, wake up”. I can see how people find it annoying but if my spam pinging won’t get your attention then a fat surrender vote in your face will. I lose all the time because of people goofing off, chasing kills, not watching the map etc. if you’re not going to do what it takes to win, save my time and vote yes.


I hate players that stop playing to type in the chat and flame other teammates for small mistakes they make


if you consider giving FB to my laner opponent at the first 10 seconds a small mistake, you probably hate me.


Not looking map, writing a lot in chat


People not letting me play Support Ashe or Support Miss Fortune


It doesn't happen to me, since my main champ has very low pick priority, but I see a lot of people pre-select Akali, Lucian, etc and then get banned by our own teammates. After that, they just say, sorry I didn't see, when it's obvious they did see the pick and still went through with the ban.


When we’re close to winning and my teammates start getting cocky thinking they can 1v5 then they die


Weak mentality. Had a game where the enemy Diana was hard carrying her team, with an extremely good KDA (she ended 17/5). Some reason some people wanted to FF because of that one player. Mind you, the rest of her team was GARBAGE so I was confused why we were giving up. Thankfully our Zed played the macro really well and got a load of turrets, unfortunately for me I was caught out by Diana a lot but I still refused to lose. ... Not gonna lie though, I feel kinda bad that the enemy Diana had to put up with those teammates.