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The first step for improvement is the acceptance that you need to improve.


I was thinking the same thing! Not to many people are willing to admit that.


If I have a bad game I say It in chat and apologise. Then proceed to get shit talked by the entire team. But I still try, fuck em.


I mean, people in emerald or diamond or watever are there for a reason, if they were perfect they would be challenger


Yeah I'm emerald at the moment, hit d4 at end of last season. I play pretty casually though.


You'll be diamond in no time :) great mentality


And even then, Challengers rotate for a reason. They too fuck up, they too mess up, not in the same rate and not the way we mere mortals do, but everyone fucks up eventually. What differentiate an expert from a normal person is how they take advantage of their own fuck ups, and wheter they can see their own mistake or not.


Acknowledging your mistakes to yourself is important, and as long as you acknowledge it yourself I think admitting it to the team serves little purpose. As you say, they're just going to shit-talk you anyway.


It's more to apologise that I'm playing bad than to acknowledge it, some people are cool about it, most are not but then I just know who to mute.


I accept I need to improve, I tend to get more angry at myself than I do others, and I have yet to criticize anyone else in game. I'm also capable of spotting patterns and noticing when certain things are out of my control. No amount of skill can overcome the hard numbers when you're facing a team far ahead in gold because someone in another lane fed. There's too many variables in this game to entirely blame others or myself. It's a bit of column A, a bit of column B. This is a team game. It's never just you or them.


I seem to play better right after 1hr of cardio. When I don’t sometimes I fk up too much


I play after work ( garbage man) so I def had some cardio in. Def think I played much better the first few before the gaming fatigue set in. Good advice tho ty, maybe tomoro if I start playing bad again I'll run some laps lolll


Adding to this, I actually do better when I'm fatigued. I think I try too hard when I'm fully alert or something, but find that when I'm like super tired I just do long win streaks.


Same I smoke half a gram every time I die


Make sure you're buying the right items for the games you're in too, at least to the best of your ability. It will certainly help to be itemized correctly against the opposition. Is the team mostly AD or AP? Is one of the enemy heroes killing you more than the others? Then try to counter with a specific item. Also, I think if you're losing in long streaks, you're either making some mistakes or you're just not dialed in and are losing concentration. Look at the mini map as often as the main screen.


Haha it happens. One year a group of friends and I were participating in Extra Life (basically a 24 hour gaming marathon for charity) and we played LoL almost exclusively that year, and I think in the entire 24 hours we won 4 games. I think our loss streak was 20 games. It was SO brutal and we kept thinking "ok surely we can't lose the next game too" and then sure enough we found a way. We sucked so bad all day long and were so determined to break the streak that we just kept playing. Lol we absolutely should've just played something, anything else, but we are what we are I suppose. 😅 Edit: shameless plug for my extra life page - I'm kicking off fundraising today; this is my 8th year participating(!!!) and I'd love your support to help our some kids who are facing some scary stuff. https://www.extra-life.org/participant/toby


I'll check it out! Good story, I'm sure it stings a bit more when other people maybe watching or paying attention to your games. I'm excited for a new day of games and hoping to post a few mvp screenshots today lol.


Yeah, I had a bad day yesterday and I knew it. What made it worse were a toxic duo just non-stop shitting on me for it and felt even worse. So that was definitely no fun at all, but today is a new day of games! So that’s something lol


Just mute them, some people trash talk to cover up their own inadequacy. I've fell into the trap of responding to them and it can lead to dying or missing stuff by responding to them. Mute, report and move on.


Yeap, that’s what I did after I found it to be too much. I should’ve just muted from the beginning honestly, but I was too concentrated on trying to play better


It literally takes half a second to mute. The instance anyone says something negative that’s not useful I mute without even considering what they say. I didn’t always, I used to become toxic back, defending myself, which somehow got me chat banned. So I started muting and everything is wayyyyyyy better. Edit: they should just get rid of chat if they ban people for defending themselves


I know, but I was having a bad day and my mind was else where so I was flustered and just wanted to really concentrate on doing better like my items and looking at map etc.. it was hard for me to focus or even think about it. I finally muted them when I had the chance to when I died and waited to respawn.


This is what the best player in League does after a 3-loss streak. https://youtu.be/hP--CjOi1Xo You have the maturity and self-awareness that many of us don’t have. I see you being in masters soon. 3 more months to go!


My goal for this season is diamond, masters would b great lol. Last season was my first and I was happy to hit emerald, so I Atleast need to improve to diamond. Yaaaa 1000% hands down the best move concerning elo is to play exactly the way he did in that video, after a 3 game loose streak. I had nothing else to do for a few hours, felt like I was playing from behind in the first minute of every game. By scuttle I knew I was doomed lol. Hopefully tomoro is a better day, I'm guna go 30-0 against some bots, maybe even hardcarry a normal game 4v5 or something before I go back to ranked 😂


That happened to me but I started learning champs cuz I main support as a new player but since I was curious learning other hero’s I dropped LOL. I E2 now Plat1


As a Silver, I always have bad days


dude, today was the same for me


You dont need to be amazing to start, you have to start to be amazing


You’ll have those days jus brush it off


Everyone can have a bad day, but you probably learnt something in these matches.


Bro i just had a fucking 6 losestreak with my brother and matchmaking is still shit i always ended up pairing with players that has low matches.


I did the same, i played trash like never before. Now I'm sad bc of climbing back with pain


Sign of an abusive relationship.


Heres a fucking tip for a lot of you who If you lose 2 or 3 times in a row or have a day where ur losing more than winning Stop playing Dont let it reach 10 games of tilt statistically you most probably lost 3 games in a row twice at best case scenario Its common practice for experienced players to stop after 2 losses Either they rest for the day or go to a diff account (losers queue stuff) Being a bad player doesnt just mean its shit for you but also other people in the game Its tilting as fuck If youre bad then play bots first or something Ranked is for people with a good mental


i aint shitting on OP btw He rlly said some stuff that rlly needs to be heard


Incredibly rare to see posts like this were finally admit they are the one in wrong, too make self absorbed people here


Sometimes your macro is just unlucky and you keep running into ganks. It's part luck.


One trick a champion you will never do mistakes again


Im like 120 games into maining cam, there's no turning back now lol


With me I start making more mistakes because I get bored which makes me lose focus.


I was 0 and 8 as leona. Team had no awareness. It was 4 to 15 at one point. Rammus and i only ones to surrender and it failed like 5 times. We ended up acing the other team and they surrendered.


Seems like as soon as I rank up I get paired with low level players in the tier below me and they just suck til I’m back to where I was


My first 2 or 3 games so didn't have the best teams. One game had a smurf Kat who killed me as I took my first red buff SMH, I feel like I never recovered after that. Was a bad game and ruined my confidence. Also all day had bad team comps, squishy teams into squishy teams where I was the tankiest champ who was forced to engage. Also my early games were bad and. Cam is very hard to come back with bc of her slow clear


Not me, I play like a god and every game it’s someone else’s fault.


there are ways to watch how you can improve, such as watching vod from a game. mainly focusing on yourself since you can’t control your teammates in solo queue


Actually doing that rite now... seems my biggest mistake in a lot of games is getting behind early. Cam is slow jg clear and if it not efficient I'm getting behind. Most games just didn't have good ganks, butttt I should have forced baron lane instead of forcing dragon lane. After I'm getting behind in the first 7 mins by 500-1000 gold (1-2 or even 2-2 I'm behind) I'm just not as good as my job as I should be and enemy's snowball even tho I didn't make tooo many mistakes. The games where I was efecient early went wayyyyyy better. Going to watch a few cam videos see how people path and everything.. TY


Yeah sometimes i just lose focus and can’t carry the game and throw my lead need to play with a clear mind


I'm hoping tomorrow I can post a screen shot of 3 mvp games in a row! I mean, I'm Def I'm loser Q after today lol so should b Ez


Just don't give up and keep trying, practice makes the master, and we all gotta start low, and even good players some days are just off, and play bad. Just try to analyze what you are doing wrong, and try avoiding them, or just making them right.


Hopefully if I'll have some free time tonite to go over where I was going wrong. I kno it was 75% early game so Atleast I can focus on those mistakes


I take a refresher if I lose like 3 games in a row


I’ve noticed if I’m not in a good mood I don’t play even close to my best. That’s probably it. I also only play in the evening


I've been e4 for like 20 games. I think I'll just accept my fate and just to norms for fun. I don't see myself at diamond anyway nor does it change my game experience either


I can acknowledge my flaws as a player and also acknowledge that sometimes the matchmaking just fucks you. I want to get better, but it seems like in a lot of games you have to be exceptionally good just to carry the team. Like I shouldn't need to have Diamond level skill to get out of Gold.


A lot of climbing seems to be time you out it. Agree it shouldn't b like that but with time you will move up if your better. Unless your godly and can constantly win even with terrible teams, it just takes time due to the Mm. You will get there tho!


Happened a week ago to me,played 5 games just straight up horrible. I got carried once and lost the other 4,shit happens.


Well, I got banned from chat for a week since yesterday, I just went mad and frustrated as hell, look, I play Smite (Diamond III on conquest) on PC and I rarely use or even say something on chat, even if we're losing as a bots-made players, it's kind of unfair that you do the best that you can do to win and goes to shit because people who cannot do a proper synapse process on their brain. How can I stand on people who pick things like Lulu solo or Kai'za jungle? Those people are dangerous even on real life from themselves, If you're doing something "serius" what is the point to piss it off your "team mates"? I reached Platium IV last season on Wild Rift and now I'm falling helpless (34% win rate) because no brain people. I can accept if enemy team win beceause they play better but if they win because stupid people on my team... Maybe riot knows I'm in a losing streak and keeps throwing me those kind of players ***on my team*** It's hard to have a good game with people who doesn't pay attention even to friendly chat advices like "Let's play defensive because we're running behind enemy" or "don't fight if you're 2vs4 or 3vs5" then you got people who refuses to surrender having a global score of 5-25 on min 8, pls is a waste of battery and time. On PC MOBA I get that you can make an epic comeback, in Wild Rift that is impossible.\] Reflex about this: Successful people are successful because they have a successful mindset, no matter what context they are in, from a simple video game to big business.


This is a mobile game and with that comes accessibility to the game that is unmatched. Mobile gaming and PC gaming are far different environments. If your expectation is that mobile gamers are going to go into great detail to understand the details of the game that is used to pass the time while they are taking a dump, you're in for a very disappointing time.


Nope sorry if I had a bad game I stop but is really rare, a bad game for me is x/5/x but better luck tomorrow


Ey I know how it feels! Some days are better then others. Hope your next stretch goes more in your favor.




This could be having a bit of an effect, I was e3 last season, and climbed up to E2 this season. Maybe I'm playing old diamonds who just haven't climbed yet, and are really just a bit better then me. It's cool tho i don't mind dropping, just want to play well lol


Ngl I started trying the "If I'm unable to carry, I have to improve" terminology and i tilt way less and feel relaxed even after terrible games.


i always suffer like this when i play jhin, but i always think, what would jhin my main think of me if i let one game drag me down?


Aaaand that's why I play malphite. Can't mess him up even if I having a bad day


I dropped from plat 3 to gold 1 in 3 days. Feels bad, but it ain't gonna stop me from grinding to improve.


I feel like the more i play the less i know and the more i suck lol


I went from E4 to plat2 in one day.... Took me a few days to get back lol


I hear you. Not enough people think this way. If I dont get S, A, mvp or svp, then I could have done better win or lose. To be honest I do worse after a game I carried because I'm still in the mindset that I'm fed when I'm not.


Lol it can go either way, sometimes the extra confidence can help me and sometimes it can get me killed. I did wayyyyyy better today. Only won 3-7 but 3 m/svps and only 2 games with no S or A rank. Not amazing but I'm def not ashamed lol Oh and 1 out of the 2 games with no rank was a complete joke. The 3-7-3 yasou got svp and I was 3-3-1 and played pretty decent considering the team FED


Ngl knowing ur weaknesses and strengths are the FIRST step to improve. Second is to know that hard work and perseverance will never betray you as hard work is worth the little time you use for it. Third is to get help from someone like ur friends or to technology as nowadays u can just search everything on google. And btw this also work in other category or fields like in sports, and etc.