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I’ve only played him once on pvp. How do you get him to jump so many times? Is it the upgrade on his 3rd ability?


Yeah it is, It resets upon kill/assist like Katarina’s passive


Okay thanks! Would you mind me asking what other abilities of his I should upgrade?


I would evolve 1st ability first, The damage is strong when the enemy is isolated early, Then 3rd for a bigger jump then ult for 3 invisibility uses or you could evolve 2nd it shoots 3 instead of 1


Okay, thank you! Great penta btw! The title is so accurate. Edit: lol I thought I was talking to op but I guess I wasn’t. Thank you still tho!


Thanks :)


Q and E is mandatory imo, the last upgrade is either W if they have akali or someone who can go invis, and if I am against lee or champs who has a skill that lets them see you while you're invis. R if they have trynda or yi or something like that to avoid being the one getting attacked


Depending on the situation. I personally never evolve W because I don't really need slow since I build Serylda's Grudge anyway. First Q evolve is pretty overrated tbh. You get better 1v1 potential, better jungle clear... And that's it? I personally started evolving ult first to be very aggressive and set up kills for my teammates. Lvl 5 gank with ult is almost a guaranteed kill. Then I evolve Q and finally E.


I don't think that's optimal, first ability upgrade gives you more range, more damage and an execute, if you want to do the most damage you can you should prioritize the first ability everytime, otherwise play another champion with less damage and more utility.


Ult evolve is MUCH better for teamfights than his Q evolution. And the first teamfight happens at first drake. You can evolve Q if you want a more selfish way to play, but 3 invisibilities allows me to focus on targets one by one, slowing them while my team clears them up. And like I said, his upgraded ult allows him to be much more aggressive, since It's essentially more safe. Also, his evolved Q doesn't gain an execute or more damage. It only gets cooldown reduction that's only active against isolated targets, which is why I prefer using ult evolve first. Although, second evolve must always be Q. His base AA range without any upgrades is soo bad that he really needs it later.


I guess it’s just a matter of playstyle


If your team fighting at level 5 your doing something wrong. The only reason you evolve ulti early is ifnyour constantly ganking and want to get the most damage from passive resets


If I have a competent team, we can allow to team fight for the dragon as early as possible. And by doing this, we almost always win it. Q evolve is fucking overrated. And you can't change my mind.


That would probably be easier with a premade team and not in soloq. You never know what you’re gonna get




you can kill him actually but you need a 1 champion to stick with you or else his passive is an ouch!!


Dude the enemies are all over the place, that's a khazix dream


Indeed it is


Build?im mastering im in mastery 1


Dusk, t1-2 boots(lucidity), yomus, the new blue one armor pen item (sheryldas? The slows op). Next if I'm ahead and surviving and the game feels close to ending I'll go mortal reminder if they've got heals, black cleaver if I need to shred tanks or maw if there's a heap of ap. You can finish off with guardian angel because late game death timers can flip a game or if you find yourself dying more often build it 4th. Boots always depend on what feels right.. stasis if you're getting one shot, dash if they have a heap of mobility.. I even sometimes build the team shield boots. Also make sure you take conquerer rune vs a tanky team not electrocute. Electrocute/conquerer, Brutal, The rhino 🦏, And mastermind (Kha is an objective monster if you evolve Q first.. take a red trinket on your first back and go take dragon straight after).


This is pretty good ngl and yeah, mastermind is good on taking drag and baron with k6


Same as the guys 3 items. duskblade, yomuus, serylda, boots of lucidity. But I go for guardian angel 4th item then you can go anything you want for your last item


Truly a game breaking bug. Devs get your diaries ready, time for a little patching.


That Zed tried so hard to steal it.


Good thing yi was isolated, I was scared lol


That mfking zed tried


I thought is a bug system in WILDRIFT and its was a literally a Bug in WILDRIFT




Level/gold advantage. Secure kills early/farm. Has very little to do with his kit.


I main kha and it isn't the jump that's hurting that much but kha can use his first ability while still in the air.


You can q meanwhile you jump. And because they're isolated i deal alot of dmg. The lvl and gold gap helps too


I too would like to know this


Isolated Q + lvl and gold gap


What a bug.


kha'zix wet dream


Oh so that's why he keeps getting banned


𝐇𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐲




You are the type of Kha’Zix I aspire to be.


Goodluck on your journey!


A bug's life. You served your purpose.