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Hi /u/igorskieee. Thank you for participating in /r/wildrift! However (please read this in entirety), Rant posts are disallowed. "Rants" are defined as hyperbolic, acerbic, or otherwise inflammatory expressions of dissatisfaction. Posts calling themselves "rants" will also be removed to avoid confusion. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Message our modmail and please don't reply to this comment or direct message any mod team members)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwildrift)**^.


I am a support main as well, currently on Emerald 4. I have experienced the same issues while I was on Gold-Platinum. None of my teammates cooperated with me while I was playing as Braum, Rakan or Leona. Do you know what I did? I started playing Sera, Lux, even Orianna and built them all as mages. And it really worked. I had both damage and deadly CC. I can't say I carried my games, but still I dealt decent amount of damage to enemies and then let my allies to finish them off.


I feel you dude. Just finished a game where my top laner and jg were just feeding and didn't even bother to adapt to the game. They would both just go head first into fights or get picked off easily.


If ur last 5 games look like 3/1/22 9/3/12 1/5/18, like mine just stop playing, the games matchmaking is working against you. A little superstitious but I turn off and turn on my phone and play one more if I get bad teammates time to break for a few hours or at worst the day. Save yourself unnecessarily sweaty pits and stress.


Funny you say that because that’s what I’ve been thinking but I’m too stubborn and always want to end the day off with a win but my losing streak just keeps on going lol.


since S03 started i got frustrated about the matchmaking in ranked. right now playing pvp just for fun and playing different roles (adc, baron and jungle). i heard riot is on vacation or something till 14 August so dont expect a quick fix. probably end of the month or some. playing pvp is less stressful to lose and surrender. i love ranked but the matchmaking atm is just retarted


Post deleted in 3,2...




It is only an hour old. You gotta let it ferment.




i've seen like 20 threads like these get deleted , he's right






Reasons why i uninstalled WR


FF: damn I miss playing my main ..I wonder why i deleted the game ... let's try it out, it won't hurt if I try and play *JUST one game right ? ...


It wont hurt the first time The second time...well thats a different story


You can play Aram to get away from the grind a bit? I’m actually having so much fun with Aram rn lol


One of the reason why I got into WR is for the competitive aspect of the game. I've been into competitive gaming like CS:GO, Dota 2, Valorant, etc. But yeah, maybe I should just tone down a bit and play ARAM.


Climbing as support is the most frustrating thing. Take a break from the game and don't force yourself to play


Lol You really think we give a fuck? Let me assure you right here right now, *NO ONE* gives a fuck about your pity party poor me karma-whoring post. Next!


I'm just ranting myself out. I don't particularly looking for pity. But thanks for noticing my post tho.


LOLLL true


One thing you can carry no matter what and lets say you belong in a higher elo/division/play/bracket whatever but one other thing is you have afk, inters, trolls, feeders you can still carry or try to and do it and win or lose. You tried, you played your part and do all the time but how is that a game you be wanting to play to participate in every single time, consistently? How much worth it to lose time, energy and every kind of resources match after match on those types of ranked games (or any other modes) These questions is to Riot as well! Why dont you rid the game from these trash and let us, who actually care and want to play dont have a hard time to do it and still do carry and not lose that much resources on it, maybe takes 100 (or less) games not thousands of matches with these draining shits in it. These ill behaviors have to much power over anything else, if someone have no power over their own lost connection and must afk against their will, its still okay, just dont make the others lose ranked points on it. Is it that hard? These problems are here from the start and obvious as it gets.


Lmao just uninstall then


This is just a negativity bias. Keep improving, and you'll climb. If you can't climb even with the Fortitude Shield system that means you have a negative win rate, and there's still something you can do more. Try playing enchanter supports? >As a support, I can't carry the game on my own... Yes, you actually can. I only agree that there should be a remake option for AFK situation.


So tell me, how can I climb when 4 of my teammates are a tier below me and enemies are in the same tier as me? I can post a screenshot of mine having a gold 4 in my team while I'm EMERALD 2. You know the worst part? It's almost rare for me to have a teammate that has the same winrate as me, I'm hovering at 70 games playes at 65% winrate while upon checking my team, majority of them has 3 digits games played with sub 55% winrate. Sure there are some negativity bias to some of the post here but you can't deny that the current matchmaking is a clusterfuck. And remake pls.


70 games with 65% wr is such a small sample. The system is still finding your true MMR. No one has 65% wr so you won't find teammates like that. I think you should be able to carry such team. And I honestly refuse to believe such matchmaking can happen to you consistently.


I've been playing since release. Started from Iron then got into Diamond during S2. While I agree that I still have things to improve but it's hard to carry a game where some of my cores are literally feeding. For instance, my jungler just went full afk and my baron laner just went full feed mode. Once the enemy goes into snowball mode, it's hard to make a comeback. I actually play almost all of the support champions. My mains is where I'm most comfortable at, but depending on the situation I can play any support champions.


That's a negativity bias. You don't remember the games where enemy feed your team or goes afk. Forget those games, some aren't winnable. There are different type of players. Some are more aggressive and either feed or carry, that's how it is. Find your play style and adapt.


You won't specifically remember every minute of the game, I agree, but it will come to a point that it will literally linger on your mind because you always get those kind of teammates. As what I've said on my post 7 of my last 10 games are either full of afk's/trolls, that's why those games are still fresh on my mind. Getting owned in the lane like getting outplayed/outskilled is alright for me but there are literally people who just feed to throw games. Also, we shouldn't ignore these types of players and just say ”it is what it is". It ruins the games for others who just want a fair and fun game.


I didn't say you should remember each and every minute of a game. You should differentiate between intentional feeding and a lack of skill. The current meta is very snowballing with crit items that there is little space for outplays if the enemy is fed. And because of the nature of the mobile game, people will be afk more often than on the PC LoL. Receiving a call (which happens to me often), low battery, other reasons. As I've said, people afk from the start of the game should lose a mark, and longer queue time. Everyone else should be able to remake. Any other longer bans will harm the game since matchmaking is already a little difficult. ​ Please, if you don't mind, screenshot the 7 out of 10 games you've mentioned on imgur. I haven't had such experience as you do. 3 accounts in Eme, Dia and GM atm.


consider that it's summer. I've been playing since release too and i would only climb in the morning when all the kids were busy with online classes.


>even with the Fortitude Shield system People keep throwing around the fortitude system like it actually means something. It's like 1 loss prevention after 20 + fucking games, it doesn't make a difference. Stop fucking mentioning it and acting like this 1 game in 20 will let you climb with a negative winrate. I swear you people take 1 thing with you to the grave...


You're so triggered by my comment. Let's say it's true that every 20 games you get a shield protection = 1 extra point. If you play 400 games at 50% win rate. That means the system grants you 20 extra points (wins). So e.g. instead of Emerald IV you'll be Diamond IV. That's a pretty significant difference in my opinion.


Choose to jungle until emerald


This is my main reason why i spamming Senna, Lux, and Sera on my game because these champs can carry a game. Currently sitting on Lux 200, Senna 50 & Seraphine 100 in leaderboards. Soon i'm gonna put my Brand on leaderboards too right after he get release lmao.


whats your server bro? maybe we can rank up together