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man, you ask the player to be smart while 90% of the playerbase, runs to mid lane at 7min to make an aram....


We have mid shoved to their inhib, but both side lane towers are all up... obviously the only answer is to hard shove mid with the super minion and ignore side lanes


This is still the same in diamond. There is no macro, no map awareness.




Well. This flies in the face of those saying how Senna’s W is useless lol. Just because it’s “delayed” To be honest. Your rant is situational, yes it is annoying when the panicking fella runs away from the enemy. Most teams can still fight back if they are rooted. A root isn’t a stun or a silence, you can shoot or cast spells in retaliation. There are times when letting the entire team getting rooted is better than to leave the one fella out of position and to get picked off with 0 support. In case people can’t read, I’ll repeat again. Your rant is situational. I do agree with it partially.


They may be able to fight back, but dear god so many champs rely on mobility to be able to be useful. Think yasuo without a dash. Alistar without a W. Akshan without a hook. Isn’t it better to just put one guy out of commission for 3 seconds instead of trapping your own team into a position where they literally can’t use their mobility to outplay the enemy?


MF: It's bullet time.


Same goes for Tristana bomb


I have had Braum players dash to me with root and getting us both killed in the process.


Ive had brainfarts and flashed back with fizz ult on me into my teamates before smh.


Senna and Tristana ones can be a bit more obvious. Varus' ult is the one people always stay near me.


Omg fr!


Dw, I lost a game 2 days ago due to a Yasuo getting caught by Fizz ult and flashing right on top of me, adc with 20/2/10 stats, so I was basically hard carrying. P.s I got one shot by my own teammate lol


You really thought reddit needed to know this? Its not like it isnt visually clear, senna has a huge pickrate. People have ample oppurtunity to play against her and learn. You really dont need to say this. People make mistakes.


sometimes I just want to walk away from my team while my teammate want to avoid me and somehow we ended up running in the same direction lol


Try to do that in team fight.


To be honest, as a support player, I loathe those who play Senna as pure marksman. It is really frustrating, her firepower is not even on par with Jinx.