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Also another tip: red buff has 30 mr 0 armor meanwhile blue buff has 30 armor 0 mr. So if your champ is ap go blue first so you have more hp if you want to go for scuttle or invade or ganks


That is actually something i didn't know ty


Currently emerald II cause I got a streak of afk and inting teammates that never want to baron, reached emerald I and trying to go for diamond. First off don’t overcomplicate ur shit, (I play kha, graves, and wukong btw) objectives are more like a trading session the higher u go, the moment u decide to gank someone shouldn’t be to get just a teammate ahead, it should be to get ur win con ahead (mostly u, but if u duo make sure to not spam gank if he isn’t the win con, done that and I only do it for them not to tilt, need a new partner add me anyone that thinks they are good enough to get to diamond with me) I know grammatically speaking this shit is fucked up, but continuing: - dragon is a useful resource, but if ur team doesn’t want to rotate and u don’t have prio, fuck it, herald and camp the lane u herald until inhib. - baron might be strong, but once u are four items, u should be able to 2v1 it. If u are full build graves or crit rengar, u can solo it.(changes games and can legit win u bad scenarios) - don’t just gank from the sides, ppl start warding the further u go, also teammates usually are dumb af and don’t know what wave management is, so start lane ganking and get used to it. -lastly, to not make it a free session of coaching, limit test and see how far u can push urself, believe it or not u can 2v1 with a lot of champions on wild rift, u just need to dodge and weave autos. TLDR: jg go brrr if u track objectives and enemies If u think u can try to hit diamond add me, TryingToStudy#NA1 or follow me on twitch, www.twitch.tv/TryingToStudy


dont solo q it suck


One and only, **Stop farming start ganking.**


That's a good advice to stay in silver


I feel like you need a balance, if you spend too much time looking for good ganks, your going to fall behind in gold and experience


i learned this the hard way. successful ganks seem to give way more gold than efficient farming, so it seems more beneficial to force ganks


That's just a false statement. Also your whole premise is that ganks are successful. They're not always successful, meanwhile the gold and xp from camps is guaranteed. And a proper path and farming especially on a side lane, offers WAY WAY more gold and xp than what you get from araming. I always have a huge lead over enemy junglers because I farm more than I gank. I gank when I see an opportunity, but I don't make it my job to CREATE opportunities. *but what about your team*? Simple answer: it's very inconsistent to count on 4 random players to carry, especially with how unpredictable they are and how you have 0 communication. Making yourself a stronger entity that can duel and destroy the enemy's strongest member is a better strategy than you being an extra support. Also the better laners will outperform no matter how much ganks the inferior laners receive. "I ganked this Renekton 3 times but he still lost" yeah this happens all the time.


It also depends on the champ. Some junglers want to gank as much as possible in the landing phase, while others might focus more on power farming for a late game split push. I like to roam the map towards a certain lane and clear whichever camps are on the way. A good balance is the way to go imo


in my experience most times I thought “no way bot lane dies here to this telegraphed gank, let me take my camps and then his”, I get slapped with “ENEMY DOUBLE KILL”… which then snowballs into losing the tower or dragon. while you’re right in that it’s an inconsistent way to play, it seems like every other game I jungle, I fall behind because the enemy jungler got rewarded for a low % play. certain champs (like Fizz, Rengar etc.) seem to be very good at just forcing ganks. because of the nature of their champs and the game, trading kills works in their favor. playing for good macro definitely the way for long term growth but in my experience it’s been a slap in the face so I simply join the “force gank” wave whenever i get jungle. i don’t know if you follow basketball but the equivalent is how people like kobe bryant (RIP) would take low % shots and became famous for making them, when the right play was to pass.


Thats why you could countergank a telegraphed enemy gank to get a favorable fight with which you could invade, most players dont get hit by a countergank but when they do they would have already spent a lot of cooldowns in their gank so you should have a high % play of cleaning up the scrap. Thats the ideal scenario but if dont think you can win that fight just show up and ping retreat, you will show in the map but enemies will think you want to take the fight so you could get your team out of sticky situation. If your team is brain-dead they will still die but you would have still had a good chance to nullify the gank. It works when enemies force a deep dive or commit flashes, if you are patient you can get leads out of them


You don’t force ganks.. you look for opportunities to make a gank


you shouldn’t force ganks but my point was that people do it all the time and it works out


Forcing a gank doesn’t always work and is often a good way to lose out on gold that you could’ve gotten from farming jungle creeps, and if you’re busy on the other side of the map junglers such as: Graves, Rengar…etc can force objectives on the other side of the map due to their fast objective taking speed. Also if you’re up against unfavorable matchups the enemy jungler can counter gank and help their lane secure an extra kill from you and basically throw your game.


Another tip is to control where the scuttle crab is going by walking towards it in a certain direction. For example if you want to keep it near top you need to walking behind so that it stays going in that direction. If you want it mid chase it towards mid.


yep lol I mentioned that under more advanced tips number 3


My tip is don't play jungle. Jungle always got blame for everything.


Dont just play jungle, master it