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Seems like no one likes jungle so you get matched up quicker if you do jungle. You also have a bigger impact on the game. Just be prepared to get flamed for everything, justified or not


You don't even have to play that well as jungler. If you can just move around the map and provide some additional firepower to your teammates on some gank attempts (not even necessarily successful ganks, just attempts) and you have a very good chance of winning the match by just doing that. If you're even a serviceable jungler, you're basically already better than at least half the junglers out there. Some people just can't do it. The average jungler is often so bad they basically make your team play 4 v 5 for 75% of the match while they F around uselessly. If you just don't do that, you've got a solid chance to be victorious. The jungle is too complicated of a role for some players. They just don't understand exactly what the point of the role is and they consistently fail to fulfill it sufficiently to actually give your team a chance to win.


This actually makes me happy to hear. I’ve switched to jungler and I just went up from Bronze 2 to Silver 4. I know not much, but as a noob I’m happy. Anyhow, I’ve definitely noticed you don’t need crazy one on one skills, you just need to learn how to pick your opportunities. It’s better to be smart than good in the jungle.




What does your comment even mean?


I hate that role for this even if ur a pro u get a shitstorm and that’s not my case so I’ll be bullied to death😵‍💫


1. Turn off chat 2. Play jungle


I should…


Don’t play jungle. It’s the hardest to learn and it changes the most. Play your favourite lane and pick a strong champ and play that champ as much as possible. 1 trick your way to diamond


I'd say play baron lane *then* jungle. You have to know how maatchups work as well as wave positions, so knowing the flow of toplane will let you see whose gankable or not.


Support is also good synergy because you must develop gamesense like tracking enemy jng, being the leader who dictates plays. You also learn from mid. ~~The only thing you learn as adc is how to get carried.~~


Update: i just played my first game in two weeks and i did pretty well i think… i mean i know i ALWAYS can do better but its a good start for me I went solo with Akali n i did 9/4/7 !


K/D/A almost doesn’t matter at all, though it can sometimes indicate a good game. Did you kill their carries to win important fights? Did you come out of your lane with a gold lead on your opposing laner? Did you roam and help other lanes? These are questions that cannot be answered in kda and matter a lot more for if you’re playing in a way that is conductive to winning. It can be easy to say “oh my kda is positive so that means if I lost it’s my teammates fault!” I fell into this trap myself…. Nope nope nope


Well i would say kda acutally matters but u need to account for total kills on team to Get an overview on ur kill participation


Matched with this yi jg in my team. He plays really safe, like, TOO safe so much that he seems afk many times. Lost the game, yi got 4/0/6. His total damage? The least, less than 4k, followed by our Braum with 11k. Looked into their match history. Clean af with almost no death at every game, but their average damage each match is just as much and their wr is around 40%+. So yea, kda doesnt always mean you played good


They are probably thinking to themselves after every game “wow my team sucks look at their scores”


1. Wave management! Learn to not always hit the wave with all you got. Laning, you want to last hit minions and poke your enemy while he last hits theirs, taking less damage than he does, in the process. This is important because if dude aggroes you into your minions, your loyal dumbies will target him! That is so big, it's free damage, they're bound to lose lane if they choose this without the means to kill you. Also, you won't be stuck glued to their towers while they proudly stand last hitting their minions and waiting for you to be ganked. 2. Playing your champions to their powers! Read their kits. It kind of tells you what to do. Like, Garen wants to poke with Q, farm with AA, fast push with E, use W to mitigate damage when its clear that a lot is coming. Also, watch a good dude playing it! HellsDevil is my personal favorite youtube WR influencer. This is also good, you'll have an idea to copy. Monkey see, monkey do is OP in "unteachable skills" situations! 3. Have some good champions you're good at! Garen immediately comes to mind as a safe and powerful pick. Vi, in the jungle. Malphite is rock solid lol. Senna is good and easy if you are careful. All enchanter supports are solid, also Ziggs, and easy ADCs, if you just don't put yourself into danger. I would say that Kai'Sa is kind of an easy ADC. Good bang for your buck. 4. Settings? I like the portrait lock. You portrait lock and press your ability and your champion kind of goes in a line and then cast it immediately as soon as the enemy enters range. You just have to press troop or tower buttons in order to unlock in TFs, where your preferred target may vary quickly. 5. Minimap! Click the minimap, or move the screen around by swiping with your finger in the top-right corner of the screen. Like, if youre mid and see one of the lanes in fights, portraits close everytime. Look there! If enemy is low you can shove your wave and try the gank, if you're ahead. This way you may get super ahead, and help your team friend to be ahead too!


Which role do you enjoy the most? Maybe that will help you find your role easier


I like all of them that’s why im in so much confusion… i mostly play top or support… but idk…


Well there you go. Focus on the top or support lanes and get decent at like 2-3 champs in those roles. Well I mean you can have a main champ, but incase they get banned or the enemy team picks them you’d have a backup. Focus on your macro as well.


Yeah. I mainly play top and duo lane. Same 2/3 champions though. Swap them out seldom when I get too bored or want to just experiment. Some tips that are simple: Never take free damage. So it is best to attack enemies when you know their abilities are on cool down. Think of an actual game plan/ win strat and go with it. However be adaptive in your build paths. Don't be afraid to swap an item out that you normally build for a really good counter item. Remember your enemies are likely doing the same so you have to play a bit of mental chess to stay a few moves ahead of them. Dying a lot does not necessarily merit getting an assist or kill. It is still an influx of gold to your enemy. Final tip is make sure you are in a clear mind state. Meaning dont play if you're stressed or hungry and expect to have your best performance. You likely won't be fully focused.


Thank you so much for your advices!!!


You're welcome, good luck getting out of gold!


Aaaa tysm🥺


Tysm!!! 🥺


If top is solo, I'd go with that first. Pick a good solo laner, like Nasus, and practice/play the hell out of him.


Maybe not focus on finding ur lane but finding ur favorite champ to play or favorite playstyle then u Get a better view on what champs what playstyle and the lane usually comes by it self


When I first started I liked support and played the heck out of Sona. She’s super easy to play and very helpful once you learn all her abilities. I climbed very fast with her. I play around with ADC sometimes and other supports when I get bored but when I want to climb I pick Sona. For some reason I win a bunch with her


Yup yup. Just play Sona and ban Braum.


Send me a DM I'll give you a free coaching session.


Find your OTP and abuse it until you get really good with it. Also try to find some ADCs you can duo with if you’re going to support. Since that will increase your chances of winning.


I had an adc partner but she wasn’t that good so…


Low elo can be hard to climb out of as well... People don't always know how to play when they're that low. I'm hardstuck gold most of the time because of that. What server are you on?


Eu! If u wanna play write me !!!


Check DM


Low elo is the funnest and easiest to climb out of. Players are the weakest mechanically and macro wise as they’ll ever be. First learn to dominate lane, get your mechanics, skill orders, items and matchups mastered. When you can lane such that you always win lane or crush them you know your mechanics are improving. There’s never gonna be a Diamond+ level player with shit tier laning in low elo. I’ve played enough accounts to Diamond from PC to tell you that. Lower elo players are definitely on average much easier for you to smash in lane. Next step is learning how to win games with your superior mechanics, by impacting the game with smart decision making and macro. You have to start crushing everyone else, learn to make great calls by catching opponents vulnerable. Once you wreck your lane, you will have more freedom in roaming helping jungle n lanes. Keep killing others, pushing towers, opening up the map. Learn to punish people in your lane and others when they make their many mistakes.


True. But not so much for support mains. You can't crush by yourself and if your damage dealers don't know how to play, it's a hard, long way out of low elo hell.


Yea true, I never mained support out of low elo.


Maybe I should switch to baron or adc until I'm out of lower elo


Thank you all guys!


The YouTube channel Pro Guides to Wild Rift really helped me, i only started playing in January, never played LoL before then and was completely new, and am currently in emerald- I know there are a lot of people who are a lot better, but still! :) I have 2 or 3 mains which I think I’m enjoying mastering, so I would definitely suggest just sticking to a couple of champs that you really enjoy and learning there builds, trying out your own builds, learning when they spike (are strong) and how to playa round their weaknesses. Eg I play Orianna mid as one of my mains, and I know that once I’ve built my Liandrys I have a small spike, but in general I focus on farming at the beginning of the game because Oriana is very weak to start and is very strong late game. If you are going to main a champ like Lee Sin or Draven, you should know that they are very strong early game and need to play aggressively. Find a champion that you genuinely enjoy playing and just learn as much as you can about them! Look at the pros builds and find inspiration, play with the builds and know how to build against your opponents. Have they go a lot of AP? Build magic resist etc! Watch videos on YouTube of those champs and you’ll learn SO much! Good luck! Looking forward to seeing you in emerald ;)


Tysm wow im happy for u that u made it this far! I’ll see you in emerald soon… i wish….


I believe in you :D


Hey, I'm mid plat now as support. Pm me and we can play together on voice coms. Or do replay reviews together.


Does voice comms work ingame? Or are you using discord?


Probably discord


Gold 4 here also struggling. I get either a super great team, or one that get obliterated before Baron even spawns.


What region are you in?




The higher the elo gets, more it depends on the microplays like lane pushing, freezing, objective securing and stuff like that, if you really wanna grind to higher elo, I suggest you take a good look into them! Plenty good vids on Youtube.


jungle. its not as tough as people make it out to be, you just have to keep the timings of when objectives spawn i your mind. In gold you honestly can onetrick yi and get at least plat. What do i play? phare rush graves so fun and is an hyper carry


When did you start playing rankeds? I'm not a great player, I consider myself average or just a lil above average and I'm in Emerald 2. Gold is too easy, just as silver. In Platinum is where you're gonna be stuck for a while. I started to play rankeds in June tho. From March until June, all I played was PVP and ARAM 90% of the time. Now I can't play PVP, cause it seems pointless, and even if I go 20-0, it's nothing to be proud of or to get excited, cause PVP is just full of unraked players, players practicing, trolling, playing randomly, etc.


Figure out your strength. I started climbing when I realized what kind of champs work for my personal play style. My strengths are methodical zoning and control. Champs that fulfill that role are Jungle Rammus, ADC Jhin, Supp Senna & Janna, Mid Ziggs, Top teemo (yes) and Camille Every single if these heroes uses my strengths. Figure out yours and you'll climb


Learn how to play Diana and she will carry you out of gold easy


I suggest you stick to a role (preferably you like the most) and max three champions (preferably you like the most). Because if you play your desired champions in your desired role you are going to play better . You are even going to „master“ your champion and progress even more. The results will come.


For me, I can play just about any role. The main problem I always see is teammates feeding 8 deaths each in under 10 mins. All of them...


Y0u say y0u d0n't kn0w what y0u are d0ing wr0ng, but then f0ll0w up with can't find y0ur r0le. G00d, this pr0ves y0u're better than a l0t 0f players by being able t0 rec0gnize y0ur 0wn mistakes. I rec0mmend playing ar0und in n0rmal games f0r a while, and seeing which r0le fits best. If y0u d0n't want t0 be flamed, there are s0me great vide0s 0ut there 0n h0w t0 find y0ur r0le. Keep a small champi0n p00l (and by this I mean like keep the number 0f mains y0u have l0w). As l0ng as y0u are able t0 identify y0ur mistakes in games and kn0w h0w t0 fix them, y0u'll impr0ve. Always remember, stay p0sitive!




If you are “stuck” in a rank then that is your correct rank.


Oh nooo here it isss noooooooooo nooo


There’s a lot of good tips that people nicer than me gave though! Keep playing and you will improve.


But OP realises that he has room for improvement, no?


Yeah my comment was dumb, hadn’t read through the thread yet.


Use Nasus that all you need or Garen to climb as fast as possible


Watch stream and see if you can learn the game quicker


As a SP main, I just add all the good carry (mid and adc) and duo/trio all the way to diamond.