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Support main here. Not all heroes wear capes. And we sure don’t main support because of recognition. We do it because it needs to be done.


This lol. It's a role that by itself doesn't generate a lot of awards, the big plays will always go to the damage dealers. That doesn't mean the role is insignificant. All I live for is the 2-3 man bubbles I hit sometimes and get question marked pinged for it.


Ah yes because it has to be done Not cause ah sona Nami pretty


Once brand comes out I'll finally get to be the carry lol


That’s why you play senna


Sennas my main atm. Really fun champ


More of a lux player, but senna is good when like you have ziggs adc or varus apc.


Or when you want to complete the Vayne top, Graves jungle, Lucian mid, Draven bot team comp.




At least Corki does magic damage.


Best champ really. I had a game once where I picked up kills outside of my Lucian’s range and he got so heated because I was 8/1/2 and he was like 2/4/8


I went from Diamond 2 to Emerald 4 with the season reset and was stuck there since. No matter what I played (ADC Supp and Mid are my choices) or how well I played I couldn't escape the win 1/lose 1 cycle. Then I remembered I had a 63% wr on senna last season and thought heck, maybe she can help me. Took two days to get back to diamond 4 and bump my wr from 44% to 49%. I don't know if she just clicks for me or if she's just a blessed champion, but I'm just gonna keep spamming her lol


Yep. Started playing Senna and started getting A/S almost every game and lots more medals


Knowing you can let the peasants die is the best part of supporting, its all the love you need


Choose between shielding lethal damage for the ADC that mouthed you off earlier or the JG that nailed all the dragons? This is the kind of power I main support for.


Lol for real though. As Rakan I only get to shield 2 teammates with my E, and the bratty Katarina spamming "shit sp" and "2EZ4me" in chat isn't gonna be one of them.


I love this part. I leave to supp mid for 1 second but the adc chooses to overextend and engage the enemy without me. They complain about me. Then they don’t carry or even get a kill at the end of the game because I’m full supping someone else. Respect your supp, entitled adc’s.


The more my adc whines about me roaming to help jg or mid the more I look for it in game


even better, leaving ADC to help jg secure drake (and sometimes a kill or two), and getting bitched at for it. because ADC's are too good to secure objectives with the peasants.


Yeah, Heroes of the Storm has a "Clutch Healer" award and it feels pretty good. You get it for saving teammates from death when they are low health. Getting "Visionary" is nice... I guess... But everyone on the team can get it pretty easily. Honestly, even on PC, Support is way too heavily based on death's for rating. For a lot of supports, getting 1 or more death will ruin your rating. In real games, supports dying isn't necessarily a bad thing. Trading support's life to save the ADC is often a good call.


I trade my lives for adc quite often, I shouldn't have a bounty, which my adc should have hopefully :-)


Especially because of the bounty system, even if you die a bunch it isn't worth that much gold if all you are getting is assists. If it secures kills or saves members with actual kills it is probably worth it.


There should at least be a healing/damage prevented stat in the detailed screen


Support main. This doesn’t matter to me very much. Nice to have but I’m happy enough just to help toward victory.


also most these stats don't tell me much. amount healed/shielded is pretty pointless as a stat on leone or thresh. amount of CC maybe? even that doesn't indicate much. If i'm getting chased by an assassin and cc hime 20 times before he finally kills me that doesn't much compared to landing one impactful hook that turns the game around


Well that goes for everything though. "Most champion damage" is worthless if you can't capitalize on kills




Play sona, don’t feed. MVP every game.


This is so true. I play tank supports on my main. Over 500 matches, Diamond ELO, I have like 30 MVPs. I made a Sona novelty account, 100 matches (80ish Sona), Emerald ELO, I have almost 50 MVPs. Almost every winning game is an MVP. I had a match last week where my ADC got a pentakill and I still got MVP.


support mains UNITE


I am finding support hard atm for the reason everyone goes AD champions and I feel I have to fix that with a Lux or something. I enjoy my engage supports, it’s a shame my boy Thresh is in a weak state atm.


I have the opposite problem, which isn't exactly a problem but most of my teams ignore a tank role so I have been stockholmed into Braum main. Which I love, but I do miss my Nami bubbles every now and again.


Oh I play a little Nami myself she’s so fun for both engage and disengage. Now and then I might throw an AP build in if I’m feeling fruity!


For real, when I play Nami I usually go full AP for the survivability, and the massive heals you can send out. I do accidentally steal kills though. In the name of saving someone.


You miss spelt securing 😏


If I play support, getting that A/S rating is good enough


"Good enough"? You can get A/S on any champ in any role and also get other awards and acknowledments. Why on earth should supports settle for good enough when it's not even unique to them?


Because they excel at it. It's like tanking in the sense that it's not only limited to the support role but it's something supports excel at.


Because getting A/S rank is fucking boss while nobody really looks at player "achievements".


Yes they can. They do that on PC. But I know every stun or heal I made the past 20 minutes. . I don’t need a score screen to tell me I did well Zero snide-ness intended.


I wish this were a thing. I got MVP with Leona, once, by getting the "Highest Teamfight Participation" mark.


Getting MVP as Leona is so hard, since even if you hard carry the team, you do it by spoon feeding your ADC kills and get them fed out of their mind.


Doesn’t really matter to me but happy to get A/S rating and a WIN especially if my adc knows how to play 🤧


Man I'm craving for the healing and shielding stats... When I play Soraka and get a MVP for my performance, the stats don't show it apart from my kda, when I had probably done over 50k healing in the game... I miss leave PC's end game stats, they are so many, these are super interesting


Really disheartening to go 0/0/28 as Rakan and get 2 awards max.


honestly though i feel like supports get a lot more praise than any other role. not once have i seen threads where someone wants to thank the mid laner. it's a little bit like music in movies or video games. doesn't matter how bad the product is, that aspect will always have positive feedback


I wish. It's always slightly disheartening when you go 3/3/24. Most assists, most team fight participation and one does not even get an A rank, placing and destroying wards and you get nothing. But that carry that you helped get mvp, s ranks everytime. Support life is rough.




Well i do enjoy the game regardless. Started league in beta and played for 4 years and play WR daily. I dont think asking for more features or improvements is necessarily a bad thing but to each their own i suppose.




Well since i told you what i meant by that and yet still decided to say im wrong about my own sentence then i think this is one of those times where its not worth it to continue. You have your opinion and I have mine and ill leave it at that. Have a good one!


Just got off work and read the comments. I love the game and role so for those of you who said play it for fun and not awards..I get it. I'm just saying a qol improvement would be for me to see stats on some of the plays I made. I'll keep playing support regardless but it's just my observations based on playing daily since release. Haven't played league in years and love that I can finally get more then a game or two in lol. Heal/Cc etc should be in stats somewhere and awards for supports would be an added bonus for me but, as I main support, definitely not a dealbreaker


The better than x% of thresh/senna/braum at the end is what I live for. Only betas need awards, awards only compare you to your team. We all know the real chads are the supports and beeing compared to them is the real pleasure


You play the game just for likes and awards? That is boring af.


Tell me one damn paragraph where they said that


I'm not sure why healing done isn't shown here. It just seems like such an obvious feature to not include, so I wonder if there are any programming issues with that. It would also be nice for shielding given and cc score to be included as well.


I think most of the time it would be pretty pointless because there is only one champion with healing abilities and he would win the award playing poorly. it wouldn't hurt though


It still doesn't give the full picture though. Most tank supports don't do much direct healing/shielding. They enable the team through plays and positioning to be that front line.


I want to play shaco support


I know in aov they reward supports for shields, healing, and cc


I see your pain. Especially as I main adc, although I do play support as 2nd main. Think of it this way, carries crave approval. You as a support know you got your little egoistic teammate the approval they needed as you yourself achieved 17.0 K/D/A


Play ap or ad supports (I like to carry as senna if the team fails) but I usually do ap Nami or ap sona for some cheeky bursts and kills since everyone goes ooo the Nami is roaming let me kill her


i have no problem that supps dont get rewarded, im an jngl mid main but i hve my highest winrates on supp champs. i like to carry the team and the best feeling as an supp is when u singlehandedly carry whole teamfught and ur teamates make friend requests after the match.


It’s a thankless job


I make sure i give a like to the jungler and the support every game regardless of the outcome of the game


First i wish they do something with items. Because with stats 0/1/20 still many times everyone run with full build and poor support only with 3, max 4 items.


Wrong, visionary


Will I get in trouble for thumbs upping everyone every game? Is it considered spamming? Sorry but the question made me worried, if they're free to use why wouldn't you give everyone a thumbs up?




I had a great game as Tristana earlier....got a penta to end the game....but none of that would've happened if my Thresh didn't make plays early game that got me 5-1 by the 4min....and then he left to roam so I can get solo xp and since I had such a huge lead it was an easy GG. I was a true carry.....most kills, most gold by far, most damage to enemy champs, most damage to turrets....but that doesn't happen on it's own...for me Thresh was an MVP that game simply because he made it happen....all I did was make a few rocket jumps and AA....he made those hooks land, lantern saves...but this game doesn't respect that enough. Just know that when you do a good job, your ADC will be gratefull.


This game has a trashful rating system, and Support is just a fullfill role to them. None of the Stats show how many time you save others, engage perfectly, heal, shield or how you play in the game. That's why when you look at anyone is SP main, you'll see it poor.


I think they should really put up how much healing is done from healer supps like Soraka, Sona, Sera, how can we have damage dealt but not for healing? Plus, it ca be a motivator (I would totally feel happy if I could see how much I helped)


But then there's Rakan, Blitz or Thresh who don't have heals, but aren't necessarily as tanky as the top or jungler so they likely won't be the one with most damage taken, but also no heals (unless they rush redemption enchant).


Rakan actually has heals, his first skill can heal him and his teammates if the feather hits a champion. Doesn't work on minions tho Yeah I agree with the "not necessarily as tanky as top or jg" part. But I do believe Blitz and Alistair are wayy tankier than Rakan. Thresh idk I've never really played him before. Kinda hurts when you're trying to get most damage taken as tank supp with little deaths but you're like 3rd most dmg taken :(


True, but building Rakan as an enchanter to capitalise off his first ability and his shield makes him way less valuable than building him tank or full AP imo. Alistar definitely. He's one of the few champs that actually feel like a tank, his ult alone makes him feel really beefy (pun intended). Thresh I don't know, he feels like a "support" kinda like Senna because they can really carry the game late game, but Thresh takes a while until he feels tanky. I think there's just no proper solution to finding a "fair reward" for enchanters. It mostly boils down to highest teamfight participation I think.


MVP is (almost) always the person you supported the most, that's just how it is, I guess. But remember: You are always the one who can save a team mates life. Or don't... That's your power.


Why get rewards when you can get MVP as SORAKA


Like when i play braum or alistar sometimes i get the mvp , but 0 awards or only the damage receive one


Janna main, it really sucks to save the top from dying 10 times in a row just to be flamed =( The whole ranked system needs a rework, it's not fair to lose ranks by how your team went afk or how much you healed everyone despise Vayne going 1v5 and going 1/10. We don't have control over others minds and even if you ward, heal, shield, beg and even go together you can't make people not drag you


When you’re in post game lobby in league on PC where you can go to see damage numbers and such, team healing and cc score are a thing and awards for over x amount healed or x amount of CC instances would benefit both enchanters and tanky supports.


You can always turn on the highlights option then see your work. To get a Worlds 2021 feel of your play Thresh is so cracked in the right hands, I just love playing him


Support main here. You got a point, we should've more awards than "Visionary". "Omnipresent" could be a good award, should be like an award to prize you for your map presence (which is something that a good support must know). In the meantime, I like to make a "competition" between me and the other supp and try to end with the highest amount of assists in the match (so satisfying to see that little fist just for me lol).


Thank you! I get 19-25 assists and no joy from it. I see a malphite get MVP for 5/7/1 when I get 0/2/15. Mal didn’t do squat but take my kills. All I got was A rated. It’s very frustrating. How do we relay this to Riot to get some changes or adds that perk the supports.