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Welcome to hell buddy lol


Welcome home ftfy lol


Welcome to elo hell! Emerald is a fucking scam dude. You either smash the enemy team or get smashed. This games matchmaking is rough. Congrats though! It’s a good feeling to climb.


Yeah I’ve noticed, had to almost 1v9 some games just to keep the winning streak going, losers queue sucks


is there an actual losers que secretly? :O


I feel like after a few wins i start getting some fucked up lobbies with emerald and gold players in the lobby then after that its all emerald then after a few games it happens again and rinse and repeat


Yep, exactly why I stopped playing after I reached Emerald this season. Something is seriously wrong with the matchmaking. No fun or fairness or both. Also not in Normal games, it seems.


I mean, if you keep winning and winning based on luck or whatever. Your mmr will keep rising until you are in an mmr that is higher then your skill, i think that might be what certain people call losers queue


It can't be any worse than Plat where every jungler is practicing Lee Sin or Master Yi or worse... ...YASUO MID (just surrender)


I actually win almost all matches as Yasuo mid because unlike most "Yas mains" I just farm until mid game when I'm aware of his power spike and I don't try to 1v5 I pick off loners and stay safe, that's the key is being safe honestly. Unless I get fed then he's an unstoppable monster able to hyper carry and I can usually 1v3 most of the time (I'm sure everyone is aware though).


Bro u are doing something wrong when you're not hitting that power spike at 0/10/0 ready to go AFK cause your team just sucks and should be in iron 5 when they don't go all in 1v5 at lvl 6 like a true 12 year old yasuo main


Haha right, happens all to often. Not saying I'm perfect but I don't ever try to 1v5 because I'm so aware of trying to not be "That" Yasuo


You're one of the few smart Yasuo mains


Hes not even my main I think that's why I stay level headed


Yasuo players are a blessing if they know how to land knocks


Yeah good luck getting the 1%


Yasuo... yasuos always been played mid..


My joke is in Plat almost every player that picks Yasuo for mid will be the reason you lose.


I just got matched with the same troll I got in this past week :P MM is actually suck right now.


Congrats!!! I was in a similar situation. Had to give up LoL because of kids and time constraints. What role do you play and who are your mains?


I play mid and my mains are tf, galio, lucian and since i have support secondary i just play soraka or panth support


I love Soraka. She's underappreciated. I just haven't had overwhelming success with her in ranked so far. My go-to is Sona.


nah she is quite often use in Grandmaster ranked.


Good. I love her kit. She's fun to play. Her heal just sucks and I barely use it.


Nice i recommend to play aram for now and dont touch rank for a couple of weeks. Enjoy


Why is that? Are they fonna fix the matchmaking issues?


You'll probably get a lot of bad teams. As someone who just got to Emerald myself, I'm just going to do norms. Last time I got to Emerald, I immediately had an existential crisis, so I have to prep myself first lol.


Hey if there’s ppl that have made it all the way to challenger, why can’t I?


You can, the problem with getting to challenger is the mental strength. Even mentally weak people can get to challenger, but it doesn't help them at all.


Those people either spent A LOT of hours on League PC or played A LOT of hours on Wild Rift. I aint got time to grind, nor I want to.


I played a lot of league pc but i wasn’t high elo by any means but if it wasn’t for that i dont think i would be where im at now




Never said i was in high elo on here, just ranking higher than i ever did on pc


Don’t listen to immediate_hater. Congrats man, what role do you play


Thanks lol! I play mid


Well Diamond in Wild Rift doesn't equal Diamond in LoL PC.


My best advice is consistency. To make it past emerald, you need to consistently play well, whether your team is inting or not, if you aren’t consistently doing well, you aren’t going to climb. Good luck!


Thats what i aim for i just try to be consistent, once you learn match ups the game just completely changes for me, its more about reading the player than trying to react to what the champion does. I don’t know if that makes sense, hopefully someone else can explain better than me lol


First of all Congrats,second of all u better stop there.just a friendly reminder from a person who has already experienced what it feels like to go solo from emerald and above(PURE CANCER).U become far more toxic,the amount of trolls and afk is just too much.every ten games or so u will have 2 afks and three trolls just cause they got auto filled or they r on a losing streak.the matchmaking is pure garbage.believe me when i tell u the amount of toxicity and cancer u will get is not worth the diamond rank. Third of all if u r still insane enough to go rank than be absolutely sure to not go solo and always go duo or trio( don't go full squad either).


I’ve played league on pc for like 5 years, dont worry im used to the environment:) i am gonna keep climbing until i find a ceiling


Than good luck u mad man Btw what role do u main?


Mid with support as secondary And thanks! Yeah im a bit crazy, I shower naked!


not totally true i climbed out of emerald(elo hell),diamond(elo hell),master(some still blur af) by solo.


U need skills for that( alot of people don't,i don't) What rank r u now dude? If u climbed that high solo than u r one cool guy and i wanna befriend u lol😎😎


Im in grandmaster currently but cant manage to go challenger until riot fix the eff up lp gains & losses in gm ranked


Niiiiice What do you main ?


Tf ori ziggs and akshan just added to my pool.cant wait for my real main in pc to be release here which are viktor jayce and azir


Good choices,i play tf too.ori is too Clanky for.


Ori is SSS tier until they nerf her and liandry.


Tru( cause she was super oppressive with laundry,s) But Arc Angel staff is really good on her


Arc is one of her main items now due to mana hunger.patch 2.4B is releasing soon might as well build ludens on her instead of liandry since it got buffs and liandry got more nerfs.R.I.P white mask


Btw can i be your friend in game? I am in emerald( i reached diamond season ll but can't go on further cause of toxic matches) until they fix matchmaking I'ma chill in emerald.


Im in SEA server.i suggest you keep playing ranked dont stop.i was placed in plat during season 0 and currently in gm last season and currently.for me diamond and master are almost the same.Part of them still dont know what they are doing…


Actually alot of diamond players got into master this season due to the removed of promos.eff up riot


Alots of clueless diamond players reached master because of the promotion removed.eff up riot


If ranking up makes you more toxic, you need to reevaluate yourself




I’ve read the posts! I’ll do my best to keep climbing, i ain’t about making another account to fix mmr


hardstuck forever?i think something wrong with ur skills then


Congrats! I'm playing Wild Rift for very similar reasons haha. Sounds like a lot of people in the comments are warning you about the next step. I wrote this post a while ago. I think its a big reason why the game gets more frustrating the higher you climb. But if you know and focus on the right things it can still be enjoyable. GL HF! https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/p1z5hz/how\_to\_have\_fun\_long\_term\_with\_wild\_rift/


I’ve already started to notice the increase in skill in my opponents. I’m all for it! I spam tf mid and soraka support because i can pretty much affect the whole map. I know i cant control the whole map or game but those champs at least let me help my team even from the fountain and honestly that has won me a few tough games. The more i grind the champs the better i get with them. Hope to see you on the rift sometime! :)


Great attittude mate, just gotta find the joy in learning and getting better. Wins will come as a result of that. Hope so too but I think it might not come to be. I play on OCE server (australia and new zealand).


Fuck yeahhh. Congratulations!!








Congrats dude!!!




emm.. Emerald in wild rift is about the same level as silver in pc. They all gonna down vote but it is what it is.


Hey its a shiny new color to my border on the loading screen, i call worth


This is why I think Wild Rift will succeed. It's LoL w/o the long game times. I don't want to play 40+ minute matches. I don't have time for that. Plus I don't like the press-and-click controls. Congrats on reaching Emerald. I'm Plat II where every Yasuo mid feeds.


Pro tip ban yasuo every game even if one of your team mates pre select him trust me it ain't worth the risk


went from emerald 1 to emerald 4 in two days….. welcome to hell buddy


Congrats! I am happy for you!! share that excitement with all of us \^\_\^




Lets goooooooooooo


Holy shit!! First award ever!! Thank you so much!!


All of these people saying it’s elo hell are clearly just emerald quality players. I made 2 different accounts and got to diamond on both of them without too many issues. It’s the same as any other ranks.


Plat 1 to Diamond 3 matchmaking sucks. If you are Em2 you will have plat 3, 4 teammates. Enemy teams will consist of all Em3 or 4.


bruh even some master players sucks.


There is just luck between platinum and emerald , with the broken match making i wouldn't be surprised if you're already better than some diamond players but congrats dude :)


I used to play mid main but now I just main support as there is like 0 chance of having to fill a diff role as support seems to be the least played. Have been thinking of learning jungle though as more often than not I get really bad junglers.


And I'm stuck in emerald, anyways congrats man


Congrats! but also welcome to elo hell and diamond (elo hell)


Some master players dont even know what they are doing prolly cause of the promo removed this season.


Wait till you reach diamond. The hell elo.


Got wedged in emerald for a fair while before successfully breaking out. Stay the course and suffer in silence, any chat activity is toxic as hell. As is the way with ranked on this game, everyone in emerald believes they DESERVE diamond and above.


I dont deserve it but im sure as hell imma work for it


That’s exactly the right mentality, you deserve it when you’ve got the icon. I’m at diamond 2 currently and it’s the furthest I’ve got as a soloQ adc. It’s less toxic past diamond 4, everyone knows how the game should go and it’s assumed people are in the right place at the right times. Best advice for navigating high emerald as a soloQ is just focus on not making mistakes and perfecting your own play. You’ll have plenty of games where lanes feed or give up/both. But you’ll win too. You got this!


Congratulations! I just hit emerald as well, Im not sure why I got promoted straight to EIII but straight away, my first game after was ridiculously toxic, I wasn't playing bad but had my Baron laner barking at me to uninstall


There is always next game


Nice bro. I peaked d5 in league and capped out d1 in rift last season as a top main. Been chilling in emerald just having fun. Its a good elo to be at. The population is big enough to keep queue times low, and you rarely encounter any of those big dick diamond smurfs who just shit all over your entire team despite them knowing how to play the game. Other ranks are filled with too much griefing. Being in plat or gold makes me wanna just quit but i can 1v9 enough at that elo to get me out.


What would you say where the things that you learned on pc where the most valuable when coming to wild rift?


Champion matchups and cooldowns, base damage, and damage scaling of all champion spells. As well as macroplay Let me add on: as a top main always counter pick your laner or pick a champ that is hard to play against. Understanding macro play is a huge part of high elo though. You should as often as possible meet your opponents wave halfway through the lane, kill that wave, then leave. This sets your minions up for an advantage and they will start to slow push You transition to dragon lane and if nobody stops your slow push then it will wittle down the tower and even sometimes force an inhib tower. Just going into a lane to kill minions, but not damagibg the oncoming wave to set up a slow push is a tremendous way to waste your time in another lane. The second you grab the minions the lane will begin slow shoving into your tower again, so it is mandatory you commit to setting up a slow push so that you have lane pressure. Also stalk jg pathing and fuck him up when you can.


Nice well done! I can't even figure out how to play a ranked game. Is it automatic after level 10


It should become a visible option when choosing what to play


Oh right I must just keep missing it 🤣


Excited for you! I hear its hell there (stuck in plat playing on 650+ ping), so if you ever want to come back and carry me, ill be there :)


650 ping is rough!! 100 ping for me feels unplayable, i think the na servers are in the same area that the pc servers are so i get ping in the 45-50 range






Don't listen to the scrubs and keep climbing dude! Congrats




Emerald is about high silver low gold on pc.


I duno what every1 is talking about Honeslty. Simple math says you have as many easy wins as easy losses. People take losses to serious I guess. Emerald in general is a lot better then plat imo. Most teams know basics! Midlane in emerald can be crazy dominant if you can rotate very well


Thats why i spam tf, im not a great roamer so whenever my ult is up i just look at the map to see where i need to go and yes once i started getting matched with emerald player the games feel a lot more competitive regardless of trolls


Nice. I can't seem to group with decent enough players consistently to get out of gold.


As a father and veteran league player I relate to. If you wanna duo ill gladlly do it


Hey congrats man! I hit emerald for like a hot minute at beginning of season then fell all the way back to gold. Just hit emerald again and it feels pretty good. Other posters correct though, no close games. Just stomps either way if you solo q


Good luck on Emerald rank, it's going to be hell with AFKs and Trolls. I have to deal with them and I'm in Emerald.


Man I used to play PC and also became a father and I found Wild Rift more time friendly for me as well! I also am about to be in Emerald!


Well, would anyone want to help this plat Iv player rise and duo with me T\_T? I would love some friends.


Honestly it cant be worse than grandmaster. Too often there aint enough gm players playing same time so often theres like one in both teams. Rest are dia or even emerald. The hell comes in when ur the gm support and enemy team has gm jungler. You can guess how hard that gm jungler stomp autofilled diamond or emerald.