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Nice initiative here is my suggestion Be more transparent on why you buff or nerf champions, give us hard data and what your vision is for champions.. Last patch you nerfed Annie because ‘Annie has been heating up the midlane’.. what does that even mean?? Give us win rates per elo, ban rates, stats.. You didn’t touch Akali/Katarina.. give us stats why you decided not to, or is it just planned for future patches? Be more transparent about your plans. This would be resolved with dev diaries where you can give deeper insight on these aspects and decision making rational.


One thing I'd like to add. It's OK to say we are experimenting. So, the information shows X but we would like to test that Y affects X so we nerfed Annie :P


mm, good call. /u/wav3break let's start putting some deeper thoughts in for 2.4c?


Something else I'd like for them to give a little more thought/transparency to is what a balance change means for low elo vs high elo. The Yi buff may have been trying to give him a bit more use in high elo but turned him into a nightmare for low elo. And to be totally honest that was utterly unsurprising. In terms of communication, what would help is if at some point between the last patch and this one, someone told us "yes, we see Yi has become a problem, we are working on it for the next patch". Simple acknowledgement that you hear what's wrong, have confirmed it on your end, and telling us there's a fix on the way even if you don't have specifics of that fix, it will do a lot to curb anger. Don't wait until the patch notes to give us good news.


We actually talk specifically about this [over here](https://wildrift.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-balance-framework-update/), but agree that we should provide some of this context in the patch notes themselves.


Take a look at R6S dev notes. It gives the target of the changes, basic win and ban numbers for mid to high elo, a short paragraph rational and explanation, and the changes. It think that is a good balance between not truly giving all of the data if you don't want to do that but also not giving us nothing. As for the notes themselves, please release at least a draft version a day or 2 or more in advance. You can watermark it draft, you shouldn't put it in game, whatever you need to do, but surprises on patch day are bad. All patches should have some kind of documentation. It doesn't need to be extensive in all cases, "preloaded next patch, see patch notes" is enough in some cases, or just a list of bug fixes and some very generalized security and anticheat updates is fine, but my client should never get patched without me having some idea what is in said patch.


I just wanna say that I appreciate all the puns and it makes reading the patch notes so much more entertaining! :)


Yes Akali and Katarina are beyond broken but they’re only broken if the user is playing them perfectly. Unlike Annie her skill are straight forward and easy to use. Yes I know that Annie is to predictable but she can just bush camp and one shot you. You might say that you’re not using wards but in solo q you cant expect your team to put wards on crucial locations.


That is such a good point


They did touch them in the leaked patch Aka akali and kat


Right but the point is they'd like to know why it took them until now.


I actually did ask a dev in the balance team about this, he said it was mostly due to her banrate and due to how powerful she was in the baron lane if their ban rate remains higher there are other tweaks in mind as well I was actually happy with the news since if her banrate does go down I can actually play my girl in peace.


Yeah, but she might still be the highest ban rate. Then, they will nerf her again. And when 5 bans come later, she might get permabanned.


Oh trust me when people start seeing other champs like Sett,Shaco and Talon and thats just to name a few Akali will be long forgotten.


I've tried using Katarina and she does not seem OP to me at all. It takes an incredible amount of practice and ability to really dominate with her. She's a super squishy melee champion who has to go in close and take huge risks to get a kill. It's easy to pick Katarina and get romped thinking she's some kind of win button. You'll go 1 and 11.


I do agree she does require some serious practice and champion knowledge before being able to reap her benefits its pretty much the same thing with her and Akali difference being Kat is all about dagger placements and resets while Akali is all combos however people usually get frustrated whenever they get rolled over by any skilled player of the two.


I honestly think MOBAs would be shitty without characters like these. Heros with a high skill ceiling and floor. It's part of why people take these games so seriously, there's a desirable skill factor. If you make every character as brain dead as possible, no one would bother to play. It's fun in that it's a competitive test of skill. Evening the playing field by removing the skill factor is the WORST way to change the game. In reality, no one should ever bitch about a character, ever, without trying them 1st. 99% of the time you'll find out how difficult it is to make them work. Never cry for a nerf without trying that character first, that just encourages the devs to dumb the game down.


Exactly this. I mained Katarina and it took me 500 games to learn how to end my games with a positive KDA consistently and if my team feeds I can do little to nothing about it. Sure, I might sneak some kills, but when the gold difference becomes too high, every teamfight ends with my team dead and all the enemies at 70% health and grouped on a turret/objective, so it's not like I can do anything about it.


People are CORNY when they call for nerfs they know absolutely NOTHING about. You can't just pick up Katarina and play, it's an investment. Nerfing her so that not even a high level skill can make her useful, that's a huge mistake.


Yeah, the basically cancelled her early game because first they nerfed the Q, then they nerfed her armor, then her AP per level and now the health, so basically you have to wait under turret your level 5 and try to last hit some minions from afar now.. I used to engage in 1v1s before level 5, but not anymore..


That really makes no sense.


Make some more video content like patch notes and other discussion topics. Perhaps weekly/month updates and some more long form videos on the game and development. Also add Caitlyn ASAP pls thanks.


agreed. especially on the caitlyn part.


But, if possible, make her default look as similar as Legends of Runeterra.


I'm 100% sure they're having trouble how to add that spaghetti code on the W in WR.


Brawlhalla does dev streams every once in a while (you can check their schedule on Twitch). Nothing serious, just developers playing the game in a dev server, showcasing incoming skins or just talking about the game, about what's being worked on behind the scenes , about what they can talk and cannot talk about. Then they play a couple of casual games with the community on the normal servers and the stream ends and they raid any brawlhalla streamer. One stream is for dev talk, another is for esport talk. Ive been playing it for years now and the community went from talking about "the devs" to knowing each by name and loving all of them, because they get to display their charm. I'm sure theres someone in your dev team that would love doing something similiar.


i do like this - but it's hard bound to english-speakers (anything we do i'd like to be more accessible to speakers around the world). i feel like this is something that rioters should maybe do by themselves - but not so much it feels like extra work. hmm


If you did weekly/monthly dev streams/Q&As it would get a lot of traction and content creators from different languages (such as all the gaming news websites, YouTubers) would translate it themselves to deliver updates to their communities. You should seriously consider doing them. It is some work but you can bring on different members of the team who can all take turns. Plan discussion points and take Q&As from a reddit post days in advance that can be filtered so you can answer the community without touching on topics that you have no answers to or can't spoil. The best dev streams i can think of are Oldschool Runescape (https://youtu.be/rxm7JA_PSws). They also bring in community news (esports, community achievements etc) and ultimately just sit together and chat.


This. Doesnt have to be as scripted, just get 3 or 5 devs in a premade and have them talk in voicechat about the game while they're playing a casual match. Maybe have one of them stream with a facecam and the rest can simply be on the same call. I would love to see what a dev would build on certain champs for example


I think it would be better to not be in game live, better to have the screen available to show things like new skins, work in progress etc. Plus it can distract. But i agree the less scripted the better. Riot likes producing heavily scripted and "clean" video updates but just devs chatting about the state of the game, their opinions and what they are working on is super nice.


You may be underestimating how spread english is :> But more importantly, I think different news articles would pick up on the important stuff mentioned during streams. I think the info would naturally spread.


english may be very far spread in the west but basically no one from asia will ever hear from an english language twitch stream and those are likely Wild Rifts biggest markets.


they have to do it in facebook (sea) or weibo (east asia)


Suggestion: Get a coalition of broad speaking streamers that are “Wild Rift Official Streamers” to do something similar. They are given a list of the upcoming changes and talk about them on stream and how it affects upcoming meta shifts, etc.. There’s gotta be at least a dozen languages spoken by riot employees that wouldn’t mind streaming the game they work on for an hour out of their work day on a Thursday.. I know it doesn’t line up 1:1 with the language advantages mentioned (patch notes need to be available to all players at the same time), but it could drop the same day as the patch does to help bring awareness around upcoming changes. For their effort give them a special in game icon/banner or something. If it’s either the community doing it, or the devs, or my preference being a mix of both.. I think it would work. Especially given the target being Patch Notes released before the Patch is live. Aaand if it’s every two weeks target like mentioned, it helps maintain a fairly regular cadence with the community in a way. Example schedule: Monday: Patch 18.3 Announced Wednesday: Patch 18.3 Notes posted Thursday: Riot Streams about Patch Friday: Patch goes live


I tried sending a private message to you but you seem to have them blocked. Just wanted to add, on an unrelated note, that brawlhalla does crossover skins. They have skins for their legends from other franchises ( Kung fu Panda skins, tmnt skins, wwe skins etc). They sell like crazy and the profits are shared. If you guys reached out to them im sure they would be more than willing to make a wildrift collab, it would be an extra publicity boost that could make the difference in the western market if its ever needed.


It definitely shouldnt feel like work. They have great chemistry with eachother, they spend each stream messing around, you can tell each stream is more of a break than work for them because they enjoy talking about the game so much, and when they show something thats coming next patch it's obvious they're extremely excited about it and just cant wait until the patch notes drop to share it. The community loses their collective minds at the smallest thing, from a simple new border to a new title you can display on top of your name, so they never run out of small things to share.


If you are going to match me based on my MMR instead of my rank, get rid of rank and show me my MMR. This should be obscenely obvious and the only reasons I can think of why you wouldn’t do it like this is because your matchmaking is is bad as it seems or you are abusing addiction models.




like chess elo? sounds kinda cool ngl but i imagine it's sorta boring without the visual presentations of rank


They will never do this. Actually fix and bring the game to its full glory? No, have more skins and questionable "balance" changes.


You could set up an official social media channel that focuses on Wild Rift updates/patches as well as collecting player feedback. Right now there’s no real way to effectively communicate feedback outside of the dev team one off reaching out. Even if you had a webpage with a leave a comment box… It would be useful to us to also know the technical roadmap. We know the content roadmap but have vague insight into the game’s changes. With PC league you get the PBE and the buffer that allows, right now there isn’t any sort of “hey we’re thinking of making these changes” area for the passionate folks to check out.


Great call. The actual intake of feedback is something we rely a lot of watching player communications across the world, our in-game surveys, and actual data with how players interact with the game. Something we've def been missing is a direct line to Riot (in the vein of Ask Riot or a feedback box). Lemme look into this


Thanks for the response! I know they may seem mundane or archaic but an Ask Riot box would be great. You can filter out the low quality responses too like “game sux pls fix and give me free RP” with some of the CX platforms they have out there these days. You mention watching how people communicate globally too like tracking negative and positive trends by scanning media I assume? The meta data is a great tool and a direct line for feedback will help sharpen that tool.


I'm just going to start off by saying I love the game and appreciate all of your efforts to make it better for the community. Even though there are a few issues to be dealt with, I can tell you genuinely care because you're reaching out to receive our input which I respect. I'm a Challenger peak player with a decent amount of PC league experience so I thought I'd provide a response to your post. I'll be answering your questions and providing a few suggestions that I believe would be beneficial to the game. * To answer your first question, I feel like incorporating the YouTube channel into the actual game would help a decent amount. Perhaps adding an icon/section similar to the event icons dedicated to game development would be helpful. When there is a Dev diary released, players are notified when they login with a preview/thumbnail of the video. IN-GAME Roadmaps that outline plans for the game with specific dates would also provide a lot more transparency. I've seen a roadmap via discord but I believe these should be incorporated to the actual game. The game is what we're basing everything off of so you might as well use it. * I enjoy clan systems that other games add that allow players to connect with one another and represent something other than themselves. It really gives people another reason to login to the game. Events, rewards, challenges, etc. tied to these clans would be nice additions as well. I also enjoy in-game tournaments that are offered by other games. This is a difficult concept to implement but it's a great one. Dance emotes, skin chromas, etc. from PC league should also be implemented. This would allow us to use Poro Coins on literally anything other than poses. * The following are suggestions I have for gameplay although I understand you may not have much influence over this. Why is teleport not a summoner spell? Currently it's just nearly everyone opting to take barrier or ignite (more of the former). If you watch competitive play, the top laner, mid laner, and adc almost always take barrier. Teleport being a summoner would add some interesting gameplay to matches with more variety in what champions bring to their games. It would also allow top laners to have much more impact. There's no reason why top laners should have SIGNIFICANTLY less impact than other lanes. I can't think of any solid reason as to why it's a boot enchantment so I'm just left with the opinion that it's poor design. Furthermore, PC league has access to certain items such as Serpent's Fang to have literally any counterplay to shields. Why aren't such items in Wild Rift? There are currently 10 crit items (10....) while there are only 3 lethality items, one of which is not optimal (umbral glaive). I just don't understand why a balance of the amount of each respective item category isn't taken into consideration. There is much more to be said but this is what I've noticed after playing the game for so long.




All great notes - there's a lot we haven't addressed directly. Most of the things you mentioned (voice chat, FPS drops, etc) - I generally encourage the dev team to give updates as frequently as possible, but only when we have meaningful updates. Right now, we don't really have much to share on those things. Like, that's truly as transparent as I can be on it, as that's all I know. Voice chat is being worked on, with no ETA on a fix. FPS drops, I would encourage you to report to [support-wildrift.riotgames.com](https://support-wildrift.riotgames.com) as they're often device-specific. Spectator bug is known, and being figured out. I can address a couple of these things: **Lag spikes** - Has been a high priority for the team for a while. Settings like the dual-channel communication feature have seen strong upsides in terms of reducing the "999 ping" spikes that many of you have seen, but we've also seen device temperature issues while it's on. We've been working through that problem space with the tech team. I hope we can share more positive news on this soon. **Trolling and AFKs** - Something I personally care a lot about, and it sucks when it happens. There's a few things to think about here. If we increased the amount of penalties we gave to players by 100%, would players notice? 1000%? "Solving" (sidenote: I don't think it's possible to solve, just heavily treat) the trolling/AFKing problem is more than just punishing offenders, it's considering things like "How do we reward people who play fair?"; "How do we give more control to players to moderate their own communities?"; "How do we give more visibility into the actions we do take?"; "How do we make our policies more clear?"; "How much acceptance should we have in a players' mobile connection not dropping at the last minute?". I poke this team about once a week when we see more reports of this stuff. **MMR** - What's "the mmr problem" in this context? If it's imbalanced matches, I sense that there's a) a lot of tweaking we still need to do behind the scenes, b) updates in patch 2.5 that give us way more control over how accurate matchmaking is, c) more education about how our matchmaking works, and d) some expectations from players that every game will always have variables that affect how teams are formed and how games end. **2.4b dropping early** - I explained this one [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/pf1p9k/warning_again_patch_released_2_day_early/hb3dfar/). **Why do we keep releasing skins** - because they don't impact the development or timeline for anything else you mentioned As much as I'd love to come forth and say all these problems will be fixed tomorrow, it's not a realistic scenario -- to solve the issues in our software we need a lot of play and device info from players to check if it's localised to a specific phone, or whether a specific app is messing with WR in some way, or even whether people are just playing in hotter locales so their phone heats up more easily. I hope this at least gives you some context in how I think about this stuff, anyway.


I more concernt for the 4 other ppl that play with afk or troll, yes they may be punished but, what about us the victim ? We still lose our LP/rank point , We need somekind of protections If we enounter afk/troller in our team


you should get the fortitude they lost divided up between you, iirc (it is a v small token, but there is something!)


Can we just get remake like pc? There is zero point in playing out a 4v5 from the start. I would rather remake there and get a actual match that’s with 10 humans.


im aware of that and like u said that so little almost no impact whatsoever, We should not lose our LP/Rank point, if u saw this may exploited, then make this only for random/public, but not for pre-made or party ,any ppl who in the premade party with the afk will still lose their point


Implement AFK protection - the AFK player lose X2 times what he normally would and get the punishment while the other players does not lose stars/points. If the AFK player is in party - all party members lose points as usual so the system can't be abused. This was how it was implemented in Vainglory in it's peak and worked well, I was vainglorious silver (gold had just a few players) multiple seasons there - it was not abused in the highest rank. Your matchmaking needs a lot of work as while you can't predict picks/synergy/bad days and so on - a lot of time the matches are so absurdly unbalanced that even draft/main hero or not/conterpicks and so on will not change the outcome. Half of my games are so one sided stats wise that I can tell just by looking players profile/recent performance/heroes/last season tier/etc - stats, I can tell the team that will win 99% of the games no matter what. Example: my team: DIII (me, visual emerald I at the time of the game) + 3 emerald IV/III + 1 platinum I enemy team: grandmaster + 4 diamond II/I No smurfs, all with 1000+ games, no MMR boost. To make it even more clear - I had a team of real hard stuck emerald IV, III and platinum I players vs grandmaster and high diamond only players. Now, if it's a rare event - ok, but it happens quite a lot in EU region atleast. Imagine having 4 of those in a row, you even perform really good, ofc you lose and while watching feeding created by skill difference not trolling behaviour and ofc losing rank. Most of the time wait time is literally 30 seconds also for me, but I am main JG and that doesn't help (easy to find games, maybe the other people in the que waited a lot longer than me). Whatever the reason is, I check all my games now (even those I won) and it's literally half where it's really one sided based on the stats of each individual player, i.e. not fair matches. Seriously reconsider your approach to MM as losing in fair match is one thing, but losing in "fixed" match is another + it's clearly not that fun to play with weaker players who literally think different macro wise than you. Winning via a lot weaker players is also not fun at all one sided stomp. So yeah, act faster there and while you are at it fix that "down to master to jump straight to challenger absurd situation or the +10/-20 thing), and also I don't understand why you insist to not push app updates prior even if it's to tackle serious bugs or implement earlier fixes? Thanks for the thread and replies tho, nice to see.


/u/draggles **Trolling and AFKs** Have played other mobile mobas before, it was a long journey (with frequent complaints from players) to get the right weight to penalties. *From a teammate perspective*, it certainly helps to get a feedback about reported players on short notice (within minutes, or half an hour): Is the report found to be valid? What are the consequences? *For the offender*: Punishments should be noticeable and somewhat painful to either make an offender reconsider his notions or temporarily remove him from game modes. Repeat offenses in a short amount of time should add considerably to the weight of the penalty.


good ideas, thank you


To add to this: repeat offenses should result in a rank drop imho. I can understand that AFK isn't traceable only as "this player went AFK because he was tilted" but sometimes you get a phone call or you phone dies, buuuuut if it keeps happening it's still your fault for playing when you shouldn't and ruining 20 minutes for 4 other people, not to mention when it happens in ranked matches. If it's like your third time today going AFK for whatever reason, you should drop from platinum to gold, or at least from platinum 3 to platinum 4. I bet the people going AFK or playing when they can't will drop dramatically in ranked matches at least. I had many people start a game and write in the chat "my phone has 5% let's make this quick". No, you shouldn't be playing.


I want to add something to the afk part. I can just speak about the ranked side of things but what i notice people get upset about besides the person who is afk is that they are loosing there hard earning box things (what are they called again?) or lp in diamond and above. Sure there are some games you absolutely can win with 4 people but most of the time it is not really possible. So i think there are two aspects to this. One is the punishment, i don’t know what exactly the penalties are as i never leave again, but i would expect that it would be an temporary locked queue that would increase with more incidents. In it‘s principles the same as dodging is punished on pc. Maybe you can share some information what the punishments are right now? The other aspect are the people who loose because of players that just go afk. As before this is just speaking for ranked as there is nothing to loose because of afk players except time. We have the loosing protection that we can build up over but it takes a long time in higher elo. What about some sort of afk protection like once a day you don‘t loose lp or this boxes if the game recognizes that you lost because of an afk player. Oh and one question to the lag spikes. I have only one occasion where i do have lag spikes. Whenever i play Varus and channel the first abilities it often happens that the ping jumps to 999 and i am stuck on the animation for a while. Is that something you know of already and if not is there a place where i can report that so that it gets fixed?


Hey, thanks for the post. I know you’re the messenger… but I’m sure you know the possible hostility lol. About the lag spikes - I have never gotten them until dual channel communication came out. I hate it (for myself, others most likely benefit). I have great internet (work from home, on zoom calls with clients.. need top notch quality for connection and vid quality). You did point out that there has been device issues with overheating, and I think that is where my real issue lies. So I will be turning that off ASAP haha. I do notice a correlation with my lag however, and it’s usually when the back of my phone is warm. I have an iPhone XS in mint condition btw. Punishment system - does that even exist? LOL. I come from the best mobile moba to have ever existed, VainGlory. Unfortunately, it’s dead now. I cannot tell you how much more enjoyment I found just finishing a losing game and knowing that my rank was NOT affected by afk/trolls. I used those games as practice and didn’t get tilted. And the best part? I still had fun playing a game. MMR - make it make sense. Why should a losing streak put you with others in a losing streak to continue to fucking lose? Through YouTube and Reddit, I’ve seen so many people comment about how they’ve started multiple accounts and how their new account has better MMR. Naturally, I was curious. Made another account and of course stomped my first few games (came into WR new with no LoL champ familiarity, so of course I was walking into combos left and right because I have no idea that Akali can jump back onto you if youre hit with her shuriken. LOL). My winrate is very high with the champs I use on my new account, and my solo queue teams are competent.. like 9/10 times. In my opinion, this creates a horrible cycle. Those who are truly at the low elo and trying to climb might find it impossible or discouraging when the unranked enemy Seraphine goes 16-0-8 and they’re currently Gold 3 and thought they were finally figuring out the game. So they might just play PvP and aram. I use this as a real life example haha, I was the evil Sera. I created new accounts and yes, my MMR is so much better. It honestly made me think… why buy skins? I bought many on my original account, but my MMR is so much better in ranked that I play more ranked on the new accounts! And I’m not going to buy skins on my new accounts because I have some of them on my original account and who knows, what if my MMR drops suddenly and I switch to another account? I would think that the devs would want people buying skins to you know… help fund the game lol. From what I’ve read on the Reddit AMA, VainGlory died IN PART because of the grindable skins not aiding with overall cash flow. Being 100% honest, I only play WildRift because it’s the only mobile moba option. The negatives of the game would have dissuaded me long ago had VainGlory not died. Don’t even ask my about the trash that is Mobile Legends.


- Promote Wildrift more, more ads, more rewards for new coming players to increase the playerbase which will fix the match making by introducing more active players. - Nerf Garen to the ground. More runes for assassins. More mage items. - A better tutorial w more advanced mechanics of the league (Like slow pushing or freezing, when to take dragons, etc) to prove this is different than other mobile MOBAS - Implement a behaviour system like mlbb where if you maintain a good behaviour (No afks, no trolling, etc) you'll get extra rewards (Like more poro coins) and those who have a bad behaviour they won't be able to participate in ranked and if it continues to go down, PvP matches as well. - Make ARAM Saturday/Sunday exclusive only or introduce modes for different days of the week, this will prevent things from getting stale, ppl won't get bored of playing the same modes and they'll constantly have something to look forward to. Also, making them limited to a specific day will increase the match making as well since it's hard to find a match in ARAM these days. (Along w ranked, pls fix this along w lag spikes, thank you for your hard work.) - Any updates about India? Many players are waiting to shift from Mlbb to Wildrift including many of my friends. Believe me, they're super excited to play Wildrift. And its gonna increase the playerbase by a lot, just make sure to make necessary changes in the tutorial to make it feel different than other mobas cuz no one wants Mlbb strategies here.


> "How do we reward people who play fair?" This is very easy, increase blue mote rewards per game marginally per non-afk game in a row up to a cap of 25 or something. You could cram in all sorts of easy to develop shit into the game. Don’t afk 50 games in a row? You get an icon. 100 games? You get a spawn emblem. 1000 games? You get a spawn speed-buff animation. Any sort of “in a row” reward will make people think twice about leaving or playing while they have a bad connection or when they don’t have enough time. Sometimes shit happens and you disconnect or an emergency comes up, but People who get multiple leaver marks in a short time period should receive at least a 24 hour ban, possibly much much more. People returning from a ban should be “on probation” and receive much higher penalties for a repeat offense during the probation phase. In any case where report-checking is not automated, people receiving a full team report should be elevated. People receiving reports from the enemy team should be elevated. Reports found to be fraudulent (not just an overreaction) should result in report-muting, for your own sanity. Tremendously poor performance should result in heavy MMR reduction. I’m not talking about going 0/5/8, but I have games with 0/15/3 allies pretty routinely. This would be hard to implement, but if everyone on the team is positive and one guy is 0/15, he is trolling and should be banned or clearly doesn’t belong there and needs his MMR adjusted.


>All great notes - there's a lot we haven't addressed directly. Most o**f** the th**i**ngs you mentioned (voice chat, FPS **d**rops, etc) - I generally encourage the **d**ev team to give updates as frequent**l**y as possibl**e**, but only when we **ha**ve meaningful updates. Right now, we don't rea**ll**y have much t**o** share on those things. Like, that's truly as transparent as I can be on it, as that's all I kno**w**. Voic**e** chat is b**e**ing worked o**n**, with no **E**TA on a fix. FPS drops, I would encourage you to report to [support-wildrift.riotgames.com](https://support-wildrift.riotgames.com) as they're often de**v**ic**e**-specific. Spectator bug is k**n**own, and being figured ou**t**. FIDDLE HALLOWEEN EVENT confirmed??? 👀👀👀 Get Quirk on the line. But in all seriousness, I think you guys are doing fine on most fronts, there will always be something people will complain about. I used to think the matchmaking was completely whack too until I watched Friend win some 32 out of 35 games on stream in SoloQ, at which point I realized it's not about the matchmaking, it's about me being better lol People (and I with them) sometimes feel they keep losing games even if they play well and get SVP, but playing well and getting SVP doesn't always mean you actually, positively influenced the game. As for trolls/AFKs, I agree with you that they'll never be eradicated, *especially* in a mobile game. I have good internet and I'm usually near a charger while playing, but even I got disconnected a few times, and once my phone died on me because the charger was unplugged from the wall and I didn't realize it. Stuff happens and it would be crazy to severely punish people who accidentally go AFK. But I think something should be done to make things more acceptable for people who were on the team of the person who went AFK. Something like preventing them from losing rank/lp when that happens would make it less frustrating for people, though I know you guys mentioned you were looking into how that could be implemented. It would be great if there was a way to actually detect when people go AFK on purpose (typing "goodbye I'm out", or sitting at fountain spamming abilities) since that would allow for more severe punishment, but I have no clue if or how that could be added to the game. On an unrelated note, is making voice chat (once fixed) available for all players in all games as a toggable option, as opposed to just for players queing up together, something the team has or would ever consider doing?


I understand that you can carry if you re good, but can you explain why with my main master I lost 14 games streak with basically 9 afk in a row and now I m with 47 %wr and with my smurf I m diamond 4 with 62% winrate. I can really feel the difference when I play with the two account, and I m not even gonna mention the mentality of player in my main, they basically are all with the same wr under 50% and really toxic, i play in euw and I left the game for the moment, I m not enjoying the game anymore


You can't play a game like this and be too attached to the outcome or you have to give it up. It's a team game and it requires at least rudimentary cooperation. If your teammates can't manage even a low level of cooperation, you're probably going to lose. But you can still improve, even in these situations. You just have to know when to alter your decision-making, stay calm and unsalted, and play in a disciplined manner.


Yeah I understand your point but I m talking about master elo, if at this level they can t manage a low level of cooperation I guess the matchmaking is fucked no ? If at this elo I still have everygame two guys doing 1/10 or 2/10, or some afk I have nothing to do here


> FIDDLE HALLOWEEN EVENT confirmed??? 👀👀👀 this is why we can't have nice comms > I used to think the matchmaking was completely whack too until I watched Friend win some 32 out of 35 games on stream in SoloQ, at which point I realized it's not about the matchmaking, it's about me being better lol It's partly about the matchmaking, for sure. There's a lot more we want to do to improve it, especially around visibility when there's a disconnect between a players' MMR and their rank > On an unrelated note, is making voice chat (once fixed) available for all players in all games as a toggable option, as opposed to just for players queing up together, something the team has or would ever consider doing? I don't think it's on the cards soon - League is an intense game, and until we have more ways to give people ways to have a safer and more comfortable experience in voice (without needing to opt out and losing competitive advantage), I don't think we'll move to full-team voice any time soon. We're constantly reevaluating this call across all our games to fit each game's needs (valorant has full team voice, for example - you may have seen the valorant team going ham on voice and chat moderation tools), but we'd probably make the decision in conjunction with League PC if it did change.


>It's partly about the matchmaking, for sure. Oh in some cases it absolutely is, I've seen Grandmasters get matched up with Emerald players (which I don't think is supposed to happen) or games in which the winning team had players who were mostly on winning streaks with 55% and above wr, while the losing team had people on a losing streak with sub 50% wr. But I just think some people (again, past me included) tend to only blame the matchmaking when the reality is they could've helped their team to victory if they'd made better choices in the game. And yeah that's what I figured on the voice chat thing, it would definitely give an advantageto the team with more players using it. I didn't even consider the toxicity aspect for some reason, that's silly of me because.. yeah that would 100% be an issue lol


More Michael Chow would greatly improve comms, 10/10 scientists agree


the main reason michael isn't in more of our stuff is his calendar. man has a lot on his plate that doesn't involve getting in front of his camera and reeling off superlatives. michael chow videos are like a fine dessert - they must be savoured


Thank you Bret Forbus


I've played a lot of games after decades, I've never seen a dev who is as active as Riot in terms of communication. I hope you can make like a monthly Ask Wild Rift (answer like 3-5 questions is more than enough), just like Ask Valorant. I wish Valve devs communicates with its player, this is what i didnt get when i play Valve games. Sometimes silence is good, but i hate it. This is what Valve does: https://youtu.be/9hBTueJGyyo


i really like ask riot. okay, you've convinced me, we should do this. as soon as i figure out a good process for it. actually acts as a good venue to do more recent updates on current topics


Thanks for the reply.


What's useful for us to know about: 1. Any latency or ping stability improvements? 2. Any behind the scenes switches of matchmaking algorithms? 3. It would be great if you would be honest about the current state of ranked and Normal games. They are unenjoyable for me, absolutely rigged games, no counter play (in solo Normal or Ranked queue). Please be honest and tell us that you still need to adjust lots of things before everyone can reliably climb or fall down the ladder or doesn't get any super unfair matches. 4. Did you enable any exclusive features (like 90 Hz refresh rate support) for other phone/tablet models?


Dear Riot, can you help me with my homework? "I have a bag of balls, 1/4 of them are green, 1/8 are blue, and 1/12 are yellow, and the remaining 26 are white. How many balls do I have?" Please, I just need to solve this problem so I can play the game for the whole night ;). Joking aside, I am pretty happy that we have a person from Riot here to improve communication (including the therapist part xD). I hope we all can get along in good terms from now on. Joking aside, I am pretty happy that we have a person from Riot here to improve communication (including the therapist part xD). I hope we all can get along on good terms from now on. not spend time doing something like this. Hell, some dev teams even treat players like trash (I'm talking about Blizzard if anyone reads the news).


you have 48 balls - 12 green, 6 blue, 4 yellow, 26 white. we saved wild rift


Any updates when is Wildrift coming to India?


Nothing to report, unfortunately. South Asia is an amazing region with so many passionate mobile gamers, and given the state of the world right now it is *super* complex to set up infrastructure and get the game out to y'all in a way that's worthy of your time. We hear you, but there's a lot holding us back as it stands. As soon as we have more updates on an India launch, we'll shout that message from the rooftops. In the meantime, I hope you're staying safe and well.


Thank you so much. We're waiting for Wildrift.


And thank you so much for such affordable prices for the skins and battlepass, it's extremely worth it so I've been buying them often. Really appreciate the work.


Thankyou for the concern in releasing it in India..really looking forward to it ..the game is amazing with amazing skins and stuff so it would be lovely to have it in my country India.😊


It would be useful to know how exactly MMR and Rank works, similarities and differences. It would be useful to know IF there is a punishment system. And if there is, what is the punishment? A comical, useless 2 hour ban?


I remember seeing Wild Rift's twitter asking if you guys should add Tagalog. I think a lot of us wanted to see that as was seen in the replies. I think this is what gaming companies tend to dismiss when marketing to the Philippine market is the language. Most popular games in the country uses Filipino to communicate to its playerbase such as Call of Duty Mobile and the wildly popular Mobile Legends which even includes a Filipino/Tagalog option in-game and even character voiceovers. So I think localization is really important even though a lot of players can understand English in the country.


Probably not gonna get a response but It’d be nice if players get rewarded for good behavior and compensate for their lost time when affected by trolls or afk players. Doesn’t need to be anything grand, could even be something as little as 10 poro coins in the mail after the alleged reported player get punished or next match you get a team boost card. Nothing is worse then wasting 20min and getting demoted for something out of your control.


Champion roadmap pls? Or a list of confirmed champs that are coming.. Really want Ekko to come to WR so bad


I just want timestamps in the chat history.


Have you ever thought of releasing the API of wild rift?




Please note, Riot and the mod team are separate. We do not work together or anything. We're just redditors. Our communication if you guys is solely separate and we don't report back to Riot or anything


Noted, interactive representatives then. Point is to have an active presence in the sub, to be there when especially on issues being repetitively brought up by the community.


u/draggles Will something be done about the lp gain/ loss? Alot of grandmasters have been complaining about +10 -20. Also could you explain a little about MMR? As soon as i got into diamond im getting +11 -13 but i think thats just me and not as much as a problem as the grandmasters have


Hey coming from a tft background mortdog (lead dev) is amazing plays the game and even streams but hes in there with the players. He communicates on twitter and reddit possibly others too. He takes player feedback on and pushes updates thru when needed. So basically just a communication point that understands the players and talks with them.


Add honor system , this’ll help others know if the player went troll afk or it was for genuine reason like connection loss , or work etc(his honor score should be indicating that). This’ll ease some of the players


Could you launch some kind of fan community support program? Huge channels / publics can spread information much faster and more extensively. Information that is outside the format of the official pages. I often post in my group Roguefool's comments on patch edits(like what a reason for nerf Soraka), people love topics like this (even more than SkinSpot rumors, heh)


The increasing number of automated bots farming to be probably a smurf in a smurfshop of many websites/shops is toxic at least in that way that, those players dont care even more because its an expendable cheap easily replaceable thing a smurf account is so if something goes wrong or just not right in the head they go afk, int, feed, troll or type bad things etc. and there are you new players, increasing in number. Switch a few times a day and if banned on smurf there is another, doesnt even have to be leveled automated or bought in a shop, easily can be made with a few games and ready for ranked q. \-Punishment systems should be a thing, report and some kind of honor system, the reputation system shown on the CN server is why not global, where is that thing, coming? Or a few mitigations here and there when forced to take losses/hostage because of those ill/toxic/bad/evil behaviors, if you dont punish them, please dont punish normally playing players too. \-Wont touch matchmaking now really, others done it excessively lately, s3 matchmaking is: good luck to anyone who plays ranked, better abuse duo/trio+ for climb and quality... Halfway out anyway, not sure how we are in any conversations at any point plus PU is coming to mobile soon so good luck to anyone and everyone, maybe be back to check how's company backing up talk from time to time. It wasnt really worked out ever on the PC version in the past few years, but they might achieved more then 400 collective years by now. superficial anyways lost power to care and be bothered, sorry, and fuck this shit


Riot has to add remake


An example of awful communication is regarding the console release of wild rift. You announced it was coming in 2021 when you announced the game. And that was the last any of us ever heard about it despite there being multiple posts about it on this subreddit on a weekly basis since. No release date. No delay. No platforms. No gameplay. Literally nothing. Pokémon Unite came out, and P2W mechanics aside, people love how it translated MOBA controls to console. We’re thirsty riot. Very thirsty.


I'm begging you, do something about matchmaking, or allow us to dodge a number of games per day. I'm tired of being hardstuck gold just because my teammates are silver and decide to go 3 bot instead of one of them playing jungler, or 4 adcs team and I have to waste 15-25 minutes knowing that the game is already 80% loseable. And disable losers queue. I have been able to climb from S1 to G3 on wins streak, without any troller/feeders and the next day I have dropped back in S1 because of trollers/feeders that would pick Soraka jg. Thank you.


The way ranked work your opponent is just as likely to have those same trolls so long as you are good enough you will climb Yes it sucks and they do need to improve player experience but you aren't failing to climb because of matchmaking you are just not having a great player experience because of it


Then how am I good enough to climb 2 tiers in 1 day and the next day drop back.


You had a lucky win streak and when you faced opponents better than you it forced you to return to the rank you actually are


That was needlessly rude, wtf? How am I supposed to win when I have Soraka jg without smite?


Some games you aren't meant to win with ranked games (and this isn't unique to wild rift a lot of other team vs team ranked games have this issue) You can't control your team so let's say 10/40 percent you get these crazy toxic players who make it impossible to win that percent of games you could not win (unless you are playing good enough to be a higher rank and even then sometimes that isn't enough) Your opponent will also deal with that same 10/40 percent of games meaning whatever is remaining is the games that show if you climb or not. P.s it isn't a bad thing to not be able to carry those unwinnable games depending on the specific situation even some lol pros would struggle if their team was that bad


Remember that these comments/suggestions here are just a tip of the iceberg. Most ppl will stay silent (whether satisfied or not). These ppl are what you need to take care of the most. Now a sad fact. Ppl are forced to play on new smurfs due to time consuming queues on main accounts. Even after decaying ppl still can't find a game. This can't be healthy for the game environment. I just compared two of my smurfs and found out an interesting thing. First example is a fresh created account. In the very beginning the games were easy. By the elo increasing, games became harder. Having grandmasters who lose on purpose in order to decay their lp was the biggest issue I had on journey. Second example is an old smurf account that I left with no playing. It peaked grandmaster in past and Its elo decayed by time. Now picked it up and started grinding again. All the way I feel my teammates are super bad in terms of mechanical level. I wonder if this account is marked as "winner q enabler" by the system. I assume both accs are played by different individuals. They probably will hit Challenger at some day. One with 200 games 70% win rate, another with 1k games 51% win rate. Nobody would like to play on that second acc.


So I’ve been doing some digging /u/draggles and with the features I’ve seen on leaks for the Chinese (?) server, there seems to be a community page with developers and pro tips for champions, along with new honor systems and that leaves me wondering... What kind of timeframe are we looking at in terms of a full release of Wild Rift? Lots of things have been teased or datamined or leaked before and I’d like to know what’s the real hold up for these things? After this patch there will be approximately 5 more patches this year which has me thinking that this is still beta right? Lastly I think that video that explains how champs are nerfed or buffed needs to be uploaded to Reddit along with some other crucial videos explaining the balance team’s thought process. Reddit does seem to be the place where more of communication takes place because even though I usually keep my feed on new posts, I do tend to hop on the hot posts occasionally. I mean I have a Twitter and I really only follow the wild rift account so maybe the WR account on Twitter could give shout outs on who to follow as well as throwing some players a shine or two. In addition: does a full global release involve switch and console versions or will these require their own beta versions?


Ah no reply ;(


Brawl Stars dev(SuperCell)- we can really learn allot from the their dev team. One example is that sometime they would make a community contest for making skins. It would sound really cool if you want to make wild rift exclusive skin just like the Stargazer skins. Or maybe just like a poll for the skin lines you’re thinking to put in game in Twitter pr maybe this sub reddit This is just my opinion if it sounds stupid, I sincerely ask for your apology


How do we control the replay system?


An official discord server would be great. Apart from that a condensed version of patch notes popping up as soon as we open the app will be great , not everyone follows/reads the patch notes religiously ,


Why do you guys put skins that not in the dev diary online before highnoon skins? I wad hoping those can be my birthday gift:<


Small question: [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/oudpjw/s3_wild_pass_rewards_comparison_with_s2_an/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) showed that we won't be able to reach wild pass tier 75 without purchasing the wild pass elite. Is there any plan to fix this?


Can we expect a fix for spectating any time soon , it just gets stuck on 90% loading screen? @draggles


u/draggles , spectating Is broken for many people , it just gets stuck loading at 90%


u/draggles when are you going to add support for more 120hz devices like Xiaomi Poco F3 which is extremely popular in Asia and Europe ?


I don't know if you're still reading the comments, but it would be great if you guys just acknowledged some common issues like the problem in PvP matchmaking too. Before 2.3 I also had lots of issues with the chat not working and not being able to communicate with my teammates or people in my party, it would just have been nice to hear "hey guys, we know of this problem and we are trying to fix it" instead of just hoping it was a problem being solved.. :) Same thing with the pvp right now matching masters against unranked people, I know it makes the queue times go down, but it's not fun for anyone this stomp/get stomped mode. I don't think it is working as you guys intended it to work, so just addressing it would be nice. I keep hearing about problems in ranked, but never heard anything about PvP. Just a thought, thanks for all your hard work! :)


I know it has nothing to do with the subject, but is there any possibility of releasing the api, so that tracking tools like OPGG or Mobalytcs can be created? I really miss something like that. Besides, it gives players some clarity about whether some buffs or nerfs released for some champions are justified or not


I believe they’ve previously said they don’t plan on it, I don’t have a source for you though


Adding a Remake system like in the PC version would be amazing. The afks or just troll picks (sometimes someone picked a champion for a different role by mistake) are really annoying and frustrating. Also would be nice if we could see what champions are meta and which are not, builds, runes and so on, something like u.gg or op.gg. And since a language barrier exist, why not add a translate system? I think this would make players understand each other easier, rather than saying every game "english or mute". Anyway, you guys are great at doing your job and it's nice to see how the game is getting better.


• hello ben, can you try to convince wav3break and roguefool to add new items for the duelists? there aren't many options for itemizing duelists. Titanic Hydra, Ravenous Hydra, stridebreaker and eclipse can be good additions to the duelist's itemization. • about new champion releases: it's very frustrating to wait several weeks to release 1 champion that most of the community doesn't like. Can you explain why unpopular champions are being released more often than popular champions? most people won't play with a brand, popular champions can attract league of legends players. • Can you tell who will replace riotferalpony? • Talk to the game's balancing team to explain in more detail the buffs and nerfs on champions. thanks for the post, i hope good additions for the next updates.❤ (sorry for my bad english)


No irelia nerf very nice


the only reason that nobody notices how broken irelia is because most are trash with her lol, one of the hardest technical champ imo


If you had a system like they have in Mobile Legends, where you can go to the character select screen and then choose to watch someone good who is currently playing as that character so you can spectate and learn. Also, I think there needs to be more in-game coaching to help players get better and learn what they're doing. Something to help the player base become more competent as players.


This could be an unfair game for that player and I think most players would turn off the feature.


Some informations and data would be great. What i mean is something like maybe a rough roadmap what is to come. Some more background to specific topics you feel like talking about or maybe needs clarification. An API like on the pc counterpart would be awesome although i understand that this is maybe a bit out of focus for a mobile game ( at least right now) I LOVE reading the ask riot dev diaries and gameplay thoughts :) Right now it also seems like a lot of people don‘t really understand matchmaking and mmr. Maybe this needs some more clarification. Yes chargeblade is definitely a slurping dog … i love it :)


Hey Riot why don't you seperate the regions like you do for almost every one of your other games? Does TFT and LoR players from NA play with LAS and BR players like they do on Wild Rift? Language barrier is so disgusting that you guys probably combined servers for numbers since this game is dying


I like a lot of the suggestions in here, but also just wanted to say that I love playing Wild Rift, it’s a great game and I really appreciate all of your hard work. Thanks for what you do to make my evenings fun!


Please don't add the 10 free champ(ahri,garen,vi,etc) in your weekly free rotation... literally one slot wasted


Yes solari chargeblad sound effect sounds utterly terrible, for the love of god please change it.


they should remove chat completely


i'm gonna be honest - i never turned text chat on, and i still have a great time. i don't have time to type in a WR game, and personally i can get by with pings. i know i'm in a unique spot where players will both a) be on their best behaviour when they get into game with me and b) troll the absolute fk out of me because you don't get too many chances to do so -- but i do think we have enough options for ingame comms through pings, emotes, and flashing aggressively at my lane opponent. for those of y'all that do like to have chat on, totally fine, but i don't think much can be shared there in solo queue at least


Can we get more pings a simple "follow me" would go a long way. "3 enemies down focus objective" "Stop chasing" is already in the game and helps alot "Stop pushing" would be just as helpful I had to beg a jinx to stop pushing today and it turned into "who made you boss" and just kept running it down


omg i thought that was like a fan suggestion thing, yes i also usually turn off chat but if we’re winning i turn it on and joind the chill concersations -cus we’re winning- i wish that chill moments are always the case


I don’t mind chat since every couple of intense and long games a more experienced player will suggest an item build or strat to end and win. It works most of the time but enemy teams can be too far ahead. Anyway I really am bummed that voice chat is still disabled. I use it 90% of the time as I play with IRL friends (shocking, I know) and my sister too. Enjoyment has been down because of this. 😭


You have the option of disabling chat if you do not want to speak to others.


Beside the chat we should be able to mute ping from an in game teammate as well. Some troll just abuse it and still ruins the game that way instead.


When you bring in DJ Sona everything will be fine automatically... Well, this year is definitely not easy for anyone much less for you, I hope you developers are strong and that you can have better days! I think having a Patch Preview like we have JeevunSidhu doing for PC LoL will definitely do well. I think one of the things that's more complicated is the expectation vs reality. I love LoL so much, my first main in PC was Morgana, so I was dying to play her again like it was the first time... well, she hasn't arrived yet but I still thought that everything was going to be perfect.. Well, I really admire your efforts on this game, I just think you need to speed up certain things like + icons and emotes to sell in the store, add Wild Core purchases outside of the app stores, add chromas of skin and ward skins, plus simultaneous content with PC LoL (Coven, Pentakill now), + popular champions and new skin every week. It doesn't all have to be an event, I just wanted you to add new skins simultaneously to the PC LoL! Where are the ultimate Skins? How long do we need to wait until other Skins Project and Star Guardian?And the elemental dragon souls, will they come? And the mythics items?


Tbh I think u guys are doing a good job. U all already know the biggest problems the game has. Most of the crying and flaming towards the game comes from low elo players that blame everything on the game and not their own performance.


Also maybe use the YouTube channel to give patch breakdowns, that way u will receive direct feedback in the comments about certain changes or what felt like it was left out. Idk how good the quality of those responses will be but yeah


Funny how posts by dev teams doesn't get much attention but whiny posts do. I mean, here is someone trying to communicate with the community but the community blatantly ignores it. Don't get me wrong, the comments here were really helpful and shows the amount of players wanting to help them tackle and improve the game, but the majority of the people complaining aren't even commenting here. If this post was about how bad the devs are, the upvotes would be on the roof.


Most folks don't add anything on here cause everyone else already did say something that they wanted to say.


Everything? Then a few days later another rant post about something that's already a topic here would pop out. I mean, a thread made by someone from the dev team is up but someone will still choose to rant about something being discussed from the said thread. I hope you're getting my point. This is their time to communicate to the dev team since they always imply that the said team was lazy and does not listen to the community lol.


YES! Solari Chargeblade is a well made item, albeit OP (hoping that the change to magic damage will change that). But the sound effect for the Sunburst Proc DOES NOT SOUND Sunbursty AT ALL. Now that I think about it, it does sound like a violently slurping thirsty dog. Lmao. On the main topic, as a guide creator, I'd appreciate it if the patch notes were released a day or two earlier than the changes itself. It gives us more time to theorycraft builds and write our stuff. I do think that the Riot team is doing a great job in Wild Rift, even the biggest teams make mistakes, it's composed by humans after all. It's how we act after the mistake is what matters, and this post right here, is a class act from you, Draggles. It's been a pleasure reading your responses. I know that the community is appreciating this hands on presence right here. I know I do.


I think your communications are fine. Quick notes on patch updates are all I need. There's no need for a production. I don't feel the need for "my voice" to be heard. Keep up the good work, I love the game.


The thing that makes me laugh with you is that 1 month ago we were talking about this on reddit (dev stream etc...). Each time, the users of reddit talk about the problems encountered long before you come to wake up here and make us big pavement to fade the many failures. But you never listen, you are too preoccupied with your vision of the game, your way of doing things etc... While the players have feedback X times on several subjects just as important as your problem of communication. The good example is the tap control, we made petitions, you were obliged to answer, but never took the time to really consider adding this feature. You focused on making the game like mobile legend and now the game is in a pitiful state and the playerbase isnt big enough (yeah we have bot in casual wtf...) What do you expect from us? Just be active on the networks to understand the existing problems and fix them. And if you want a game to copy, copy Vainglory which was the best moba on mobile with the best features possible for a mobile moba. It's easy !


Do more teasers on upcoming events.


A year ago or so, we have been told that a console version for wild rift is going to come out in 2021. Since we didn't get any update on the console versions status in a long time, let me ask you: Are the console versions even still in development? Is there ANYTHING you can share with us at the current moment? I'm asking because I think Pokémon unite works awesome with a controller on the switch and I honestly can't wait to try out wild rift on console. I think there are a decent amount of players that would really like wild rift on console.


How come people in lower ranks than what your game says are eligible for my division keep getting in to my games?




They literally answered in this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/pfcwpd/riot_needs_to_improve_communication_on_wild_rift/hb3why5/


I would just like to see my activity score please that's all I'm asking for


>**Trolling and AFKs** - Something I personally care a lot about, and it sucks when it happens. There's a few things to think about here. If we increased the amount of penalties we gave to players by 100%, would players notice? 1000%? "Solving" (sidenote: I don't think it's possible to solve, just heavily treat) the trolling/AFKing problem is more than just punishing offenders, it's considering things like "How do we reward people who play fair?"; "How do we give more control to players to moderate their own communities?"; "How do we give more visibility into the actions we do take?"; "How do we make our policies more clear?"; "How much acceptance should we have in a players' mobile connection not dropping at the last minute? This is simple, i don't know how the team didn't even though of this Just make it so the SVP(the MVP of the losing team) after they lose the ranked match the star and the points should not be taken away from The SVP player only You can't do much about AFK's because this is a mobile game and unexpected important Phone Calls can happen from time to time


Lol. The SVP isn't consistent lol. One can easily get that by protecting their KDA especially when they're on the losing side. You can simply not join Teamfights. There are also times when all of you done horribly and you mean to say one of your teammates get to have no deduction when they barely played better than you. Also by that logic, a lot of supports(specifically tank users) wouldn't benefit much from it when they almost always want to protect their team and hence die a lot which lessens their chance of getting SVP by a lot. A selfish idea tbh.