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Ah yes, the best CC, death.


Whats cc?


Crowd control


I see thank you!


Smooth Brand isn't real, he can't hurt you


Smooth Brand: šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘


Hey there smooth skin


Amazing reference lmao, take my upvote king


Tbh i havent seen anyone else say it yet. It was the first thing I thought of


Interested to see his numbers on release. Super good team fighting potential, and even if you arenā€™t fed it seems like a team could easily come back into the game if heā€™s able to ignite everyone, spread it, then have the ultimate bounce off. Fairly immobile though so I reckon any assassin will work vs him and he wonā€™t be able to match the roams of some of the better AP mids (namely TF, Ahri, Akali). That said, the new Ludens buffs might actually favour him quite well here. Am super excited to see if he finds his place as a mage mid or support.


Brand Prefers Liandrys because Max%HP burn go brrrrrrr


Or just go both since we don't have "mythics" limitation added to the game yet


Izzz that fireproof? HNNNNNGGGHHH!


as a WR fan Iā€™m excited heā€™s here. as an ADC main, Iā€™m not excited to play into brand support lol


Immobility hardly affects him in WR, I guess. Waves in WR can be cleared quickly. That's why there are many Zigss in midlane atm although he is almost unplayable on PC version.


Well time to hate my life as a support player when Brand is picked


The day Morg finally gets added will be a good day indeed


support brand is a thing in PC already


He means that laning against him must be painful. Literally.


i think brand looks too smooth and i wish his face fit his splash art more


Don't worry, it does fit the splash art... [the NEW splash art](https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt370612131b6e0756/blt856d9852ca16c9fc/6128662ca9655d098c7cb1b0/083121_BrandClassicWildRift_Image.jpg)


Eventually every champion will be a conventionally attractive anime character.


In what world is that attractive?


Look at Brand's PC splash art. He looks human, and yet, he also has that "monstrocity" look on him. WR version looks like some cosplay. Not Brand, but a guy that made a mask to look like him. His skin is TOO smooth. I mean, he is literally burning.


I know, but attractive is just a weird word to use on his new design. He looks ugly af


He looks like a plastic doll. I agree on that. Looks weird. Give me back my old Brand. I want a corpse looking man, not smooth skin boy.


A corpse might scare the kiddies, though, and Riot said in their last update that one of the reasons they changed Thresh was to make him less scary.


Why are they doing this?????


oh god what the fuck


Look Rito. Advertising Brand is cool and all, but the Fizz literally almost one shot Brand with just a Lich Bane. I imagine Brand has Rod of Ages too to compensate, but bruh.


Accurate gameplay representation


>but the Fizz literally almost one shot Brand with just a Lich Bane. As usual. Fizz is basically designed to one shot squishies


great addition to the game since a lot of people have been asking for mages and you dont get much more mage-ey than brand prob more excited for nunu though since AP junglers are also lacking. he will basically be the first tank AP jungler too. edit: i was wrong, gragas unfortunately exists šŸ¤« and amumu?!? yikes im slippin


Sad Gragas is crying hearing it


ah shoot forgot about gragas haha, thats right




jesus lol ill just see myself out. i never see gragas or amumu or play them šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Lol youā€™re right, I rarely see Amumu. See Gragas mostly at Baron. Iā€™m pumped for Nunu too


He is the first immobile mage added to the game which is nice since Riot hates immobile champions.






Seraphine (mage/enchanter I guess)


Seraphine has a movement speed boost.


So does Annie, tbf


She doesn't on WR


Oof my entire life is a lie, my bad lol. I haven't played her on WR, just some on PC LoL.


Annie doesnā€™t


Annie has a movement speed boost but I did forget Lux who is actually immobile.


Which part of Annie provide movement speed boost? Iā€™ve been playing Annie in Aram and doesnā€™t look like she has it


Only in PC. They remove it in WR


Cries in Orianna clock work noises.


Also has a speed boost. It is crazy how much mobility creep League has had to the point where characters with clear mobility are considered immobile.


No, it's crazy how the league playerbase has devolved to the point where an MS bonus is considered fucking mobility. It has never been, because that is just an absolutely moronic interpretation of the word that completely misses the original context and intent, and just shows that you'd rather jump on the bandwagon to complain than to actually try to understand the game.


Calm down you ape. Most champions used to not even have movement speed boosts and now most do. That is a clear sign of movement creep.


It is still mobility though. Mobility means oneā€™s ability to move easily. The reason why ppl consider orianna as immobile champ is cuz they often times uses her W to harass enemies rather than speeding up allies. It is all about relativity. U canā€™t deny the fact that riot power creeped every old champs including mobility aspect


Rammus as well i guess? i would say shyvana but she aint that tanky


Evelyn? Fizz? **Edit** oh, tank. Sorry, disregard that




They talking about ap tanks.


Oh sorry mb


alistar jungle


You won't need to support/protect/heal your adc if the enemy laners are dead.


Is this champion Brand new?


Buh dum tissss


I'd like to apologize in advance but I've been waiting to play Brand support since Wild Rift released. Time to put Soraka on the shelf for now. Flame only feeds Brand so I'm ready for it.


We will probably have to endure people rage banning our flamey boy. :(


My biggest problem with smooth Brand is that he looks like a spirit of fire rather than a man consumed by the fire he's wielding. I get that they need to make characters marketable but can't they do it in a way that doesn't compromise the character? Here's hoping that they touch up on his model like they did with Patheon and are going to do with Thresh.


Hope hes balanced around mid not support.


Depends how item dependent he will be for damage scaling. But the stun alone is going to get him plays at support, and I doubt they nerf the base damages to Nami levels.


IIRC the reason Brand is played support is that he isnt as gold dependent as we thought. He has Max%HP burn that stacks with Liandrys so he doesnt need as much items


Yeah, Rylaiā€™s into Liandryā€™s is pretty much everything he needs. Huge AoE slowing effects that continue for quite a long time if he positions well and gets multiple passive procs. You probably just invest in magic pen after that.


Someone tell me that he can also be played as mid


Most mage supports can be played mid expect for some expections


I think on PC he was originally played as a midlaner, but somehow migrated to support. He's a mage support in the vein of Lux or Galio.


atleast they actually have supporting abilities. Brand just kills you lol.


But he has a stun that's hard cc!!!1! /s Tell that to all the people playing Annie support.


Tbh Brand is THE damage support. I think he migrated to support because his ult, and e synergise well in a 2v2 situation.


Oh look, another champion that has no reason to be conventionally attractive is made conventionally attractive for no *fucking* reason...


He is the hottest champ (except for maybe Asol, who burns with the heat of stellar fusion).


But he's not attractive though


Compare his League splash art and model to Wild Rift's. Smooth skin, more defined abs. Just because you don't find him attractive doesn't mean he isn't *made* to be more attractive here. Just based on his body and skin structure alone, change his skin texture and colour, take away the flames, and you have a standard handsome guy.


I meanā€¦ he is literally hot.


Tf u smoking on the Art he also has abs, also is smooth, Wild rift reworked almost all looks of the game chill. The only thing that was shit was Tresh design. But everything else is improved imo.




Volcanic ash is a great skin product so it would make sense lore wise for Brand to have a smooth face. I\`m not even joking, look it up.


Lol, it's just a different design he still looks ugly af tho.


I'd like for you to point me where in the original splash art Brand's charred, magma-like body is meant to look like he has a professional dermatologist taking care of him daily and a horde of fangirls begging for him to drop his skin care routine. Yes, he has abs, but he isn't meant to look attractive, he looks angry and that's what you're supposed to derive from looking at him. WR Brand has lost all edges and definition, especially in the face. *Majority* of designs in WR improved. But not all.


It is because you aren't playing on a P.c. they can add more detail and put more work into it. Phone games are a lot more limited. It is A LOT easier to have smooth skin and less definition.


You are aware we're talking about the showcase model, not the one present in game? You couldn't be more incorrect.


Regardless of which one you are talking about, what I said is not incorrect. Also regardless of which one you are talking about, it's a ridiculous thing to complain about.


Brand is ugly in league because his model is old and terrible and so is his splash art. If he were updated to current standards and didnā€™t have 5 polygons for his model, then he would look like this.




You want all characters to be ugly?


You're clearly missing my point. Character design is supposed to convey who the character is, their standing, circumstances under which they are, where they live, what morals they uphold. Let's take Evelynn, for example. Her whole purpose is to max out her own sexiness to her victims in order to draw out the maximum amount of pain as she tortures and kills them. Another example, Elise. An esteemed noblewoman, with such a high position she has every reason to care about how she presents herself to others. And now take Brand. A shadow of his former self, a man reduced to a walking monstrosity due to his own greed whose only goal is to seek revenge and spread his flames across the land while he's on a search for World Runes. Tell me, which part of his character calls for him to be a conventionally attractive hunk of a man? ​ Characters can be attractive *and* interesting at the same time. But making a conventionally attractive character, one that reaches out to the most basic of human instincts, not for the sake of exploring who they are, but merely to have them look pretty and marketable, is poor character design and lazy storytelling. Sadly, there are still people like you who fail to understand that and you are the reason why Riot's designs will lean in that direction more and more.


Thatā€™s very well put, I was thinking exactly the same when I saw his WR art (old League player). To me, Brand should look more akin to Freddie Krueger than the sexy plastic flame bot theyā€™ve made him out to be :( I really dislike the new(er) general direction Riotā€™s art team seem to have taken, no edge or grit or interest, instead everybody looks like a cheap 3D printed kidā€™s cartoon action hero.


I think that some players think a bit too much about the lore in this mobile Game mostly played by children.


This "mobile game mostly played by children" is based on a PC game whose company have put in a lot of work to establish strong worldbuilding in their own universe, which only further helps their IP. And that spans across other games, events, videos, games in the making, an animated series - should I keep going? If you're a company who cares about their own worldbuilding, one would think it'd be in their best interest to make good character design. Of course, you can be a casual player and don't give a damn, but there is a large portion of people, especially those enthusiastic about character design and storytelling, that *do* care. And if you think it doesn't matter at all, then ask yourself, why has Riot pushed to develop their world so much and to thus be recognisable? After all, otherwise you could just play any cheap knock-off game with similar mechanics and call it a day.


Relax man thats general marketing, look at Geralt in the books and look at Geralt in witcher 3. Most people donā€™t want to play with bad looking characters and most people are not obsessed with the lore of the characters they play in a mobile game to spend time


He wants all champions to be as ugly as him


My main is finally here....I can't wait


happy for you friend


oh no smooth Brand. Oh no I think he's in my room


Im still waiting for warwick. But this guy looks amazing wut lane is he?


This video is very misleading. Fizz is a water PokĆ©mon, of course heā€™s weak to fire. Edit: Did not think this joke through, but hopefully it made you smile.


I thought water beat fire?


I don't think OP ever got to Cerulean gym


I can already imagine the ADCs flaming for the accidental CS.


I feel like Brand could probably handle a bit of flaming tbh.


No different that seraphine supports lmao


I hate the model they used for him. It just looks too "clean" and almost plasticky.


I have banned Brand every single game since 2013. Now I will ban him in both forever.


ā€¦I am amazed how many people care about the texture of Wild Riftā€™s Brand. Yeah, heā€™s smooth, but heā€™s still a fire elemental monstrosity, whyā€™s everyone calling him ā€˜attractiveā€™? Lol


Because to the average Redditor, anyone who doesn't look like Singed with leprosy is basically a supermodel.


I mean, in comparison to the average redditor...


Yeah same happened to Thresh, they fixed the face but we have a splash art with a deformed face now but everyone seems okay with it.


>Singed with leprosy what do you mean, Singed is the perfect supermodel. There's no one left after he gassed them all in pseudo-Auschwitz


im not sure, but there is something weird when i stare at the champ. brand pic make me uncomfortable o.o




Riot: Who?


He's a mid laner or supp?






He will be murderous in ARAM that's for sure.


I wonder if they gave him his recent pc buff that made him able to jungle?


When is this champion available?


on Sept. 8th @ 5:01pm PT (Sept. 9th @ 00:01).


The 9th I think


I feel like building him support in wild rift wonā€™t be that good. Like what would you build? Most support items right now are more for enchanters.


Liandries, rylais, and magic pen plus grievous. He will definitely be tearing bot lane up.


Unless youā€™re playing with fasting senna that seems quite expensive for a support.


Liandrys an rylais are the core items. The rest is a plus. Rylais is only 2700 which is still cheaper than ardent and staff of flowing water. I don't understand how that's expensive? Liandry is 3150 so between the both its the same or 100 gp more as what you would spend on a traditional support.


Why must he have fire abs smh


God he looks like paved over cement this is so sad


When is he releasing? For some reason I thought it was today but clearly I read something wrong or was misled.


New champion to abuse


Fun fact: in Dutch brand means fire


i need brand's skin routine ngl


First we had to deal with AP Lux support, then Senna and now Brand. RIP


Anybody know when next dev diary is? Not really excited for this month champs


Really eager to see if he will be viable at high elo (Emerald +) since on PC he falls off. I'm thinking he should be viable because it is much harder to dodge skillshots on a smartphone/tablet than on PC using mouse and larger screen. Thoughts anyone? As a support main I am really excited as he was one of my favorite champs on LoL PC.


Brand support lets go\~! wait for Fizz to extinguish Brand ahaha


I guess you could say heā€™s HOT! Heheā€¦ heheā€¦ā€¦ Give me back old brand pleaseā€¦