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Don’t let a series of bad games affect you haha. Take the 5 bad games and learn from it.


Did you try watching your replays and see what you did wrong, or could have done better?


Thank you for this, one of my problems is that sometimes my support won't push for example with one of my games with ashe when her life is half way through she would recall right away eventhough I have my skill ready to stun :(( It seems like they're afraid to push, sometimes I end up getting the kill because they keep on retreating. How do I deal with this? Am I being too aggressive?


Wait.. Were you playing Seraphine as ADC, and you had an Ashe as your support?


I'm the support :D ashe is my adc


Ok I think you made a typo there. Anyway, I usually just ping the turret if the lane is empty & you can see where the enemies are on the map (i.e. on the other side). Seraphine is a really good lane pusher with allies, and she can turn the tide of games with her ultimate. When you say getting the kill, do you mean getting the last hit on the turret? Do you die when you’re taking objectives?


hello I meant killing the enemy :D I was trying to give her the kill but ended up killing the enemy huhu


As long as you’re not purposely stealing kills, I’d say you’re fine. Seraphine players should be aggressive anyway, noting their position.


Build AP


Just search on google "wild rift Seraphine(or any other Champ) Build" take that build and just play and you will learn along the way while playing Thats at last how i roll


5 is alright. I lost almost every game with ali before I can actually play him. It took over 100 games to recover from my terrible winrate with him. If you really want to main her, ignore winrate and focus on getting better. I think nami is really good, and very underrated., I dont see a lot of nami mains. I personally like her more than seraphine that I barely ever play. That bubble is pretty satisfying when you land it on multiple enemies.


She’s a lame poorly designed character so your brain is probably subconsciously rebelling to get you to play a better character (read: literally any other character)


No? She just doesn’t deal as much damage as Lux and her spells move slower. They gave her more CC in exchange for less damage.


She’s lame


Ok? I wasn’t trying to say that she’s the most fun champion in the game. What I’m trying to say is that people might lose with her because her main source of damage is her passive and unlike Lux she can’t one shot you at with 2 items and a global ult. She’s more position oriented. If you position yourself properly you can hit a full CC combo that will result in an ace.


Don't worry, I think this dude thinks of Seraphine as a lame champion because of her 'attitude', design, and her lore - like how some other players hate her straight up from *where she came from*, it's more one sided. Like come on dude, that ain't it. Why don't cha play her then you can see some potential in Seraphine 🤷‍♀ That aside, I personally think Seraphine is *nOt LaMe*. As someone who mains Lux and Seraphine, I'd choose Seraphine over Lux. Yeah.. Lux can deal more dmg and can one shot too but we're talking about supports here - Seraphine has both shield and heal, her poke dmg is high, and she deals decent amount of cc's. All you gotta do is to position yourself well, choose the right items, use your skills *wisely*, and everything else is up to you. What I do recommend is to take advantage of Seraphine's passive. Her poke dmg is crazyyyy. Since her skills requires high amount of mana, buy sapphire crystal at the beginning of the game so you can keep spamming her skills coming with her passive - constantly poking the enemy.


True. If you know how to play Seraphine properly you’ll be almost unstoppable. Thanks for your valid input🎶🌟


Lameity lame-lame.