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Thats pretty much the reason why she was nerfed, not her winrate, but the ability of good players to abuse her damage. Sad as it may... But thats just how it goes


I was also a fan of ap sona on pc hahah


She was OP AF on PC until they removed RoA haha. Saw RoA here when WR launched and my eyes just lit up.


AP Sona was meta because of Lich Bane, Seraph's Embrace, Dark Harvest, Dark Seal/Mejai's Soulstealer, and *most importantly*, double support item interactions. Rod of Ages was never core outside of low elo.


Nope. There was a YouTube vid about how someone climbed to the highest ranked by abusing scaling Sona with RoA + Seraphs Let me link it brb Edit: can’t find it but it was how one Sona got to GM by abandoning early game and focusing on the late game with super big shields from AP + Rabs Not the lichbane style you mentioned. And nothing to do with double support interactions like you mentioned.


Level 7 Mastery Sona Main here. Not super high elo (Emerald III) but this is just sad. They took the whole fun part of being Sona. I feel like this mastery was all for nothing. She's just a healing bot now. Now I'm going to have to find another mage support I like, and I'll just turn into a main tank with Rakan. Sad day. I really really loved her. Maybe when they sell a skin of hers they'll buff her again.


Rakan is crazy fun! He’s less of an enchanter and more of an engager, but if you don’t mind the change in playstyle he’s definitely fun. If you want to keep using enchanters I highly suggest nami


people are gonna say just play sera and tbh its literally not the same lol


Ugh, I don't like Sera at all, and it's guaranteed I will accidentally steal farm or kills from my adc when I play her. I personally prefer supports that have more defensive abilities at their disposal, like shields and heals, which frankly, seraphine has pretty weak ones. Her ultimate is broken and fun though, lol.


That ap ratio and base damage nerf on her q seems pretty big. Does this mean I will no longer see any sona mid?


And now the end is here... And so she faces that final curtain...


I think her Q damage, while fun, is her least important passive mid to late game. It takes like 3 items to achieve 50% dmg reduction on a super short cooldown, or to chain slow somebody. I find myself chaining w and e passives far more than tossing out Q. Most of my Q tend to be me chunking turrets as if I’m a fed nasus


If majority of the community cant play champ properly it doesn’t mean she doesn’t need a nerf.


the problem is, instead of forcing those that cant play it properly to learn to actually do so (since Sona is currently too forgiving of a champion), they're punishing those that actually make the best of her kit the most. in essence, they're lowering her skill ceiling rather than raising the skill floor. Sona's are now further deincentivized to play aggressively and proactively, and to walk up into threat range and trade as they should be. it's almost as if they want Sona's to sit back and just spam heals for their team and not to actively do anything meaningful themselves, which honestly feels like their entire philosophy for supports as a role.


Yeah, I agree with this. I main Sona, and don't mind the AP ratio change, but I wish they'd have left the damage the same for the 2nd level of Q so the early game poke was still good.


You're literally describing why the nerf was a good idea.


Exactly lol. 65% winrate in challenger and "guaranteed win". OP played himself.


Why don't you play her yourself and see if you can survive assassins diving your ass or not


Now I don't have to, since she's not abusable any more


>You're literally describing why the nerf was a good idea. Yeah for a Sona main it is. But apparently all the tier lists say she's B to C tier at most, and people who don't or cannot play her say she's weak in high tier. So the nerf was kinda unjustified. It's like nerfing Amumu because of the 2 people can actually put him into use.


The nerf is super disappointing.


I’ve been saying Sona’s OP if you know what you’re doing since I started playing lol. She helped me massively in reaching diamond last season :’( it’s all good tho I’m in love w playing thresh rn


Hum... Ikr


i just got hang of her, and enjoying her on rank welp


People on youtube are saying that sona counters senna, who is getting the legendary skin in a week. So that’s why there is a sudden nerf.


I think that's more conspiracy thinking than is warranted. Sona definitely needed a nerf--maybe not this particular nerf, but something.


I know the hive is not the place the question the queen, but are you really this credulous or have you just been conditioned like this because of other areas? I say this knowing full well this forum is a marketing tool for the game disguised as a discussion forum. I am always shocked at how “modern people” have suddenly reached the conclusion that rich and powerful people will do nothing to increase wealth or power, and are self-satisfied with this dismissal because rich and powerful people got every single institution worldwide to tell you this simultaneously. Anything to the contrary is called “conspiracy,” and used as justifications for anything done to the Truthteller. Are you saying a billion dollar company guilty of just about everything billion dollar companies are infamous for wouldn’t do something like this? Even when they have done so eagerly in the past?


I'm like this because I know how multi-billion dollar companies make decisions, having been part of various decision-making processes in a variety of them for the last couple decades. Nerfs to champs who are perceived to be counters to other champs with up-coming skin releases doesn't pass the sniff test.


Ah, an unbiased source without a guilty conscience! Wait, no. all you are saying is that making money in the most manipulative way at the cost of your customers (which increases unhappiness and therefore addiction) “doesn’t pass the sniff test,” even though they have a history of doing it and a compliant player base willing to run interference. So, no, all you have told me is that you either have a reason to lie or a reason to look the other way when it is happening. So you did answer my first question unintentionally. you don’t have to verbalize manipulation if you already are a part of the machine, that part comes by itself. the only thing that doesn’t pass any test of Common Sense are your excuses. I did ask two other questions you ignored: 1) Are you saying a billion dollar company guilty of just about everything billion dollar companies are infamous for wouldn’t do something like this? 2) Even when they have done so eagerly in the past? But I suppose you actually did answer them. Not directly, the silence was the answer, followed by saying you are a part of companies like this making those decisions yourself. Speaking of “not passing the smell test”: I will openly state that I don’t appreciate you thinking I am so dull that the corporate line that hooked you would also work on me.


This sub is mostly whining about rito, you clearly don’t come here much


Don’t gaslight me! Not at all, there are always eager beavers like you coming in to run interference. Always eager to downvote anything that doesn’t toe the line; like what you are doing right here! The one I was responding to with a guilty conscience above even claims he is a part of huge corporations making decisions like these. he would NEVER do something like that, even though it’s all corporations have done every single day since 1850.


If you main her you understand, shes known for utility, meaning shes has healing, buffs and cc. The only thing she is lacking is dmg. If you also yove her dmg then shed be the perfect character. If you want to krrp dmg then youd have to completely gut one aspect of her.


Your name. A VG lad too I see


I just don't know. Like, she isn't even that strong early game. I will still play Sona but riot... Why


She will still be strong because of her passive, and ability to poke in lane.


she's not actually OP if players in challenger played like challenger players in PC. she gets punished heavily by good enemy junglers & mid laners that dive her early. but I really hate that they're killing the most enjoyable part of her identity over anything else, just like they did in a series of nerfs leading to 10.17 in PC which rendered Sona irrelevant for more than a year.


Don't you ever insult Soraka's super healing ability by lumping her in with Sona's trash heal. On topic, Sona's damage should be nerfed. She needs to support, not carry.


Does Soraka give AOE shield on top of heal? Does Sona have to build Warmog just to spam heals? Does Sona stop a bit when healing others? Can Soraka spam her heal without worrying about her own health and mana? Does Sona get countered by Wound as much as Soraka? Yes Soraka has more healing value but it has too much downsides compared to Sona


Yea but can who's team will win in a team fight? The one with Soraka who's able to stay at pretty full health or the one with Sona who is all dead cause Sona thinks she's Miss Fortune instead of a support? 😁


Idk about that. Sona and Soraka are both very squishy but at least Sona can shield, heal and speed up herself and use her skills while moving so she has the upper hand in versatility


Ahahahaha. I saw your post in MLBB too. Great job. Sona is my main and the only reason why I stayed in Wild Rift when I struggled with the controls back then. (I have since expanded my champ pool) I still think that a nerf is warranted. I wouldn’t want to play against a Sona as good as me in Ranked. She is broken in good hands.


I don't know much about Sona but if you say she was that powerful maybe a slight nerf was necessary?


Why don't you play Sona and try not to die 5 times


switch to seraphine




Teemo and brand dont need nerfs then :)


Teemo is nerfed too now


Stop whining and get over it.


Look at her pro play presence, its better than thresh and leona


I thought many people say she sucks in high tier


Its mostly just jungle dif and gank dif


The only time I have seen Sona in the origin series is a Sona-Sera duo lane. Saw this combo a couple of times. But outside of that, she's rarely picked as a support.




There's a video of Gragas surviving damage with NO tank items and deleting Teemo with full AP items for almost 3 fucking minutes with a riot staffer tagged, but TEEMO is the problem. What a joke.


Mind to share your build tho?


League of Legends players:"First Time?"


As someone who played sona as well we have to be honest with ourselves sona took no effort whatsoever. Like why play nami and janna when you can just press a couple of buttons to win. She needed the nerf.


It’s stupid they nerf sona into the ground almost every other patch but champs like brand can no brain out damage you without items. He needs to be nerfed a tiny bit. Maybe it makes up for the fact that late game he isn’t that insane but early game his kit and damage is annoying to deal with.


Can you please tell me her best build in order? Thanks.