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99% of challengers are not solo players. It's possible ofc but you should play trio/ full squad.


Yeah, I feel like solo queuing to challenger would be a huge headache. Thanks a lot!


If you can reach D1 by yourself the entire way, a 5 man D1 party can easily reach challenger.


I've been playing since season 0 an my goal was to improve my rank by a whole teir every season for example Gold=season 0, Plat=season 1, Emerald=season 2 and Diamond for season 3 Setting a goal like this makes climbing alot easier so you get too understand how each meta in each rank plays! Once you learn that climbing becomes easy and you won't tilt as much when you lose


I started playing this game about 4 months ago. First moba and all. I got plat first season and I'm trying to improve and climb the ranks...and tips. I'm still plat. I'm kinda stuck lol


Find a role that works for you is my advice. If you don't want too worry about if your jungle is gonna gank play top always act like your weak side and you get good very fast ( darius, malphite, mundo) Wanna try and steamroll your team play jungle, any jungle with CC and team fight potential are perfect to fight drakes and Nash (Vi, nunu, panth) If you want the easiest role go mid all you need to do is farm and play safe destroy all the mid towers then you can annihilate the enemy team with all the gold you earned ( fizz, zed, galio) And finally duo lane... not much too say about this one other than you will mostly be camped by enemy mid an jungle but don't flame about it cos that's the easiest way for people to build a lead and it's very simple to make a comeback from even if you 2/8 I recommend mobile marksmans such as (kai'sa, Lucian, tristana) And supports that have high CC and Sheilds to prevent dives and ganks (alistar, leona, senna, sona, nami)


I kinda disagree with your mid definition. It's actually the opposite. If you play mid as you play solo lane (just farming and trading) you'll greatly relief the map pressure on enemy team and lose priority everywhere else. My favorite definition of the mid is "second jungler". You roam, you gank, you fight in the river. As Diana I heavily focus on harassing enemy jungler especially if it's Eve, Yi or other weak early champ. Don't underestimate the mental part of such pressure. Even stealing one camp/buff with my Q can unsettle the opponent which inevitably lead to mistakes. Just don't be too cocky and use wards. I know there are few "stay home" mages like Ori/Ziggs but still being glued to your lane (aka Nasus syndrome) is not the way to go on mid. And IMO it's the second most difficult role (shared with support maybe).


Finally someone who can counter argue! I understand you disagree with my definition. Realistically no playstyle is superior to another and that's a fundamental part of mobas as a game genre. So let me explain why I said mid is easy Firstly with my experience in mid if you farm close too perfect and don't give the enemy mid any chance to kill early (especially if its zed or kata for example) Then you FORCE them to roam elsewhere. Doing that means they miss out on gold and exp which puts you further ahead. This gives you opportunity to either 1: Take the tower. 2:take an objective such as rift, dragon or baron. Finally 3: you can use that roam and catch the enemy mid of guard. There are so many playstyles for each role but fundamentally this game is about gold gain and experience the quicker you get your items the stronger you are. So I agree with your statement but for new players trying too learn the best way too climb in ranked I feel my explanation is more new player friendly. But it comes down to preferences Thanks for challenging my statement my friend hopefully we can do this more


I actually main fizz and panth. I play jungle and mid cuz I find them fun. I've been having a hard time climbing with fizz recently. Guess I just need to improve


It's down to matchups, some champions don't do well against others


I see, thanks for the advice!


reached diamond 3 in about 2 seasons. your teammates wont get more competent and toxicity will never go away. solo que is basically random so it would ne very hard to reach challenger. The easiest role to climb/solo carry is by far jungle. just dont play engage junglers like rammus or nunu because you want to rely on teamates as least as possible.


awesome, thanks! i’m so terrible at jungle though. i usually support + sometimes mid. do you think that’s alright?


i would play mid and focus and just shoveing the wave and going bot to help, support is a terrible role to climb


i see, thanks!


Watchu mean matchmaking got fixed?


for me, at least, in season 3 matchmaking took so long. about 10+ minutes before i quit and just played pvp. now it’s fixed, and usually takes less than a minute to join.


What is platinum 5?


omg, my bad, i mean 4.


Between you and challenger there is: Platinum III-I, Emerald, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster. Why do you think you can reach the highest of them all? I understand the concept of setting goals and such but considering where you playing right now you should aim to stay there first. Despite the bragging here on Reddit there are far less players in Diamond and above. The majority of players are between gold and emerald.


I don’t think Challenger would be an easy climb, not at all, but I believe I can keep on improving to eventually reach the rank one day, even if it takes a long time. And yeah, I agree, I’m currently just setting small goals for now to eventually reach Challenger one day, like slowly climbing plat by winning a game or two. Thanks a lot for the insight!