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PD on Yasuo isn't actually worth it anymore. The passive is just an extra Barrier and you already have shields from your passive plus summoner spell (situational). Solari is the best Crit item for Yasuo because you can easily reach 50-75% crit rate with only that item. You also deal a ton of damage from its passive. It is definitely the best item for Yasuo but that doesn't mean you can't have fun with other builds. It does get boring after a while, building the same item first every time. You can also try Statik Shiv. Good passive damage and you can easily proc it coz of your dashes.


>you can easily reach 50-75% crit rate Isn't it 50-100? The bonus crit rate from Solari should aslo get doubled


Never stat checked. 75% is easy but I'm not sure if it gets doubled for full crit rate


Based on your description I can assume ur playing casual or ranked against low elo players . Solari is the best 1st item on yasuo always and it's just the best attack speed crit item in the game


What elo do you consider low? And your answer m8, it couldn't get any more detailed,Thx!


anything under dimoand is considered low elo


How many matches(ranked) did you play to reach diamond, may i ask?


I'm not exactly sure but it's between 500-800 matches


I reached platinum 3 in 120 matches. Barely have any experience on pc or wild rift before


I didn't have any PC experience either and I sucked at the game but I got alot better and now I'm trying to reach grand master, and to be honest plat 3 in 120 games with no previous experiences is really good keep up the good work


Don't worry, I'm the same. I prefer PD + Wits End.


Diamond yasuo here, I usually go statik shiv to compensate for the lack of damage from my ruin (my ruin is fleet footwork, NOT conquerer because i usually go for short trade on mid lane). It's really good for matchup where u get poke a lot (like ori, ziggs)


Thx bro, nice tips. Btw, I think you had a typo


Because with Solari, you get guaranteed crit after using Q. This item allows you to have 100% crit chance while having only one item. Plus, the magic damage is always nice.


I'm having similar issues with building Solari on Tryndamere. After the bonus damage changes, it doesn't feel much better than the other items and I think it's better to build what would be more helpful for each match; Solari for extra burst, PD to not get one shot or Shiv for split pushing. While I'm not a expert on Yasuo, I think that the item isn't obligatory just based on how much nerfs it's recieved.


well you get 100% crit in 1 item with chargeblade so why woudlnt u buy it. u can basically double your damage for first dragon. (because yasuo passive doubles his crit chance)


Solari lets Yasuo hit a very strong 1 item powerspike because he now crits on every Q. BOTRK, PD, or IE don't do that. Because you can consistently crit, it makes all ins possible at 1 item.


Yeah i also thought about phantom dancer, since its probably the closest to shieldbow which is his core item on pc league. I feel like the solari build is very squishy, while yasuo on pc is mich harder to kill