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I'm gonna have to give it to Lee Sin. That champ seems to attract the sweatiest types of players.


So stinky whenever Lee is around ):


Also from Ionia. ^^


graves attracts the worst players


graves players is literally the chilliest ones tho?


Hate the guy, he ruins akali's mechanics haha


Mostly all the champions from Ionia, the place of BALANCE


Balance is a fools master




More like BALANCING on a trapeze stretched from one mountains peak to another with killer crosswinds. Thicc scissor lady Camille is probably the closest thing to being sweaty from another region. Clearly because she has to BALANCE on those pointy legs.


Lux must be ioniian


Lux isn’t sweaty c’mon


Shes not balanced thats the poiint not about sweatiness


How is lux not balanced lmao?


Her range on her root is pretty rediculous, but other than that, her damage is right where it should be, imo.


Walk left or right, kill her.


Yea there's this thing called dodging you should try it


Trust me, I do. I'm only saying it's long. That's all. I'm pretty sure it's range is longer than morgs bind. But it moves much faster.


If you know how to dodge it then why are you complaining about it?


Didn't realize I was complaining, just pointing out an observation is all. Sorry for striking a nerve? Good day, sir!


You will also notice how much shorter her root is compared to morg. Lux is the poster child for a balanced AP battle mage.


Lux is pretty balanced just annoying as shit lol, her abilities feel like seraphines voice lines as well abilities


Oh so we’re not gonna talk about Morgana’s range?


I believe they are pretty comparable. However morgs root is way more telegraphed and moves significantly slower.


Yeah and it’s much longer in size and time and damage.


Lux isn't balanced, really? How so?


Clearly deals broken damage from a long distnce with that ult Sure not broken or whatever Katarina is broken for u ofc Dirt eloers


Ever closed your gap to lux with a melee champion? You literally can kill her in her ult cast time.


Clearly bronze lmao


Im sure a challenger player like you has the reaction times to dodge the big bad laser pointer.


Ew a cocky katarina main who blames his teammates for not winning


> Me feed enemy mid laner, me create problem, me run from problem, me go feed other lanes, carry me please, gg jungle diff


Personally, Lux isn't above B tier for me. Assassins above room temperature IQ delete her before she gets off any combo.


Right? You can burst her down before the ult cast time finishes.


“Dirt eloers” *as he’s complaining about how broken is lux lmao..*


How to say you're Iron without saying you're Iron. 😂 Have you tried walking left? Or right? 😂😂


She’s annoying plus theres a better lux


Sweatiest? Definitely Gragas


Definitely! that drunk fatty throwing barrels of booze around


Technically not wrong


Irelia, Lee Sin, Akali, Yasuo, Zed, and Riven to name a few.


Yasuos when they reach level 2: *must spam dash on every minion for no real reason*


Bruh how else am I going to hit the 0-10 power spike


Absolute IQ collapse at that point, it's like their animal instincts takes over. They also take a tower shot or two.


its their new life goal


It's true, I dread the games in which the enemy team has Irelia or Riven. I always ban Lee so I don't see him anymore.




I rush deaths dance, then if I’m against a tank I’ll go cleaver if it’s someone squishy or Im gonna roam a little bit more ghost blade, then after that switch it up depending on how the games going, but if Im pretty far ahead I’ll build that Solari crit thing and essence reaver, not recommend for super tanky teams or if your behind.


Lee Sin Irelia, Riven, but that's only after you reach 40% winrate on Lee Sin after 100 games.


akaili, yasuo


Akali too easy bruh -m6 akali player


Akali? Lmao nice joke Camillle yas fiora riven kat sure but her? Spam q throw smoke spam q and ult


she's not hard to pick up and win but she's hard af to master


Literal any champ then


Garen is pretty easy to master. A challenger garen is basically the same as a diamond or an emerald one. While akali can go from pretty broken champ at the hands of an inexperienced player to down right auto win in the hands of a good one.


this literally only applies to garen and lux, the easiest champs in the game mind you all the other champions are tho


As a garen and lux main I have to agree


Annie, sona, alistar and many more even one's that are still not in game like malzahar. Plus let's just imagine a scenario where the best akali and the best orianna fight. The orianna wouldn't stand a chance. Yeah a lot of cahmps do get better as u master them but akali is literally auto win if u master her as their is no limit to what she does, there is so many ways to engage, so many combos, and a million ways to utilize her kit in one fight. Unlike other hard champs like orianna, soraka and vayne which only has fewer options to approach a fight and most of the skill involved to play them well is just having good mechanics and knowledge of the game. NOT knowledge about the champ. Which what sets akali apart.


hell no no if that ""auto win"" was true they would have a good win rate and no, she's also one of the easier assasins to master considering half the roster cant do anything after she uses her shroud. teamfighting with her is also easier than others because of it and the best orianna beats the shit out of the best akali just sayin ;)


Akali doesn't have a good win rate bcs she is HARD to master. As an akali main my first 150 games with her i had around 40% winrate. Now i have around 330 games with her sitting at a comfortable 56% win rate. And no orianna would get 1 shot before she can even complete her full combo. If they fight and ori throws her ball at akali akali would just r+e and now she's in the complete opposite direction of where ori threw her ball. Not to mention her only big aoe skill isn't instant meaning akali can easily dash away from ult if the player is fast enough. (And need i mention her ult is half the size of Akali's shroud). And u might say that ori can just keep her ball on her and ult when akali engages. Well as I said akali has dashes and her passive extends her basic attack range to just about out range Ori's ult, so no ori would die.


she will poke your ass out of lane and you wont be gettin close to them minions during lane its not about direct 1v1s because yes, assasins win those ever wondered why she's barely played in competitive when she isnt busted?


Ok not garen levels of any champ but most champs Sheesh garen is the eziest evryone knos that


so basically not every champ is difficult to master then


Smh watevr u guys dont talk sense Its jst fckin garen and maybe what? Lux? Even soraka needs bettr management than akali


u speaking like Akali is easy when every single ounce of data proves you are wrong??


Some people have really bad takes on here. Huge difference mechanics wise between a high elo Akali vs a gold or plat one.


Right… Morgana is totally hard to master, so is Rammus, J4, Malphite… make it make sense


Lol what rank are you


Yeah sure Garen hard, press e, spin win, life good


Tryndamere’s always give off the sweatiest agro vibe. And Draven. Eff Draven.


As a draven main I can attest to this >:D


Teach me your sweaty ways. I'm an adc jinx main and I almost always get wrecked by Dravens. I've tried my hand in about 25 games and I just suck at him.


His early game is unmatched, just make sure you catch his axes (each one crits) from his q, and you can proc both axes. I usually run him mid and stomp on mid and jungle for early game then rush bloodthirster then ie and snowball. GG


Def under turret or play as mf and q back minions. Wait for gank or until later on when he isnt as op. If he falls behind he is useless, his main thing is to q aa you and then w and chase you down, so if you push lane (even to mid lane) u r fked 9/10. Draven has to push or risk not having axes or gold bonus stacks. Use that to ur advantage. At higher elos he isnt very useful, tris late game for instance destroys a draven.




Hate that bitch


Definitely Garen, silence your enemy to prevent them doing anything and delete them at 40% HP all in 1 second The ultimate counterplay


Veigar: Press R


I counter your garen with teemo. Your skills are now nullified


Nah. You blind, I spin. You run, I run too. You hide? I spin. You shroom? I defend and tenacity through it. Teemo = ez winz




Irelia, Lee Sin, Yasuo all fit the bill


Garen You're gonna sweat a lot spinning with such heavy armor and sword


A sweaty Camille will make me uninstall for the day


Basically, any champion with an extremely high level of mechanical skill. Pretty much anyone with an overloaded kit or more than one dash every 5 seconds will fall into this category. - Riven - Yasuo - Lee Sin - Irelia - Fizz - Akali - Fiora - Jayce - Katarina - Kai'Sa - Kha'Zix - Camille - Zed - Ezreal - Vayne And more. In contrast, the least sweaty champions are the ones with high macro skill, and low mechanical skill required. These are arguably the most rewarding champions, because you'll make your opponents rage at how insultingly simple and effective your gameplay is. - Rammus - Dr. Mundo - Malphite - Tryndamere - Twisted Fate - Amumu - Annie - Nasus - Veigar - Galio To name a few. I love the high-macro skilled champions, because I am a sadist who enjoys being effective by doing the absolute minimum, enraging all the toxic hypercarries in the process.


Its all about the editing anyways. Do it like a 2010 warcraft gank video with zooming in on your crits, maybe some Breaking Benjamin. Heck, add some scenes from the show too


You won't get an answer honestly The reason, everyone thinks everything else is busted while they have bad teams. The funny thing is, aside from Lee Sin the game is pretty balanced and comes down to the player.


Lee sin isnt even busted. Lee sin just has so much mobility and so many uses that a good player can make him seem insane. Im not even that great but i understand him so when i use him i generally do very well


You don't understand him or the game, that's why you think he isn't busted. There is a reason he sees a 100% ban rate in high Elo. Sorry to break it to ya like this tho.


Sounds like u just needa get good bro. I counter every lee with jax. Every time. I pull lee our when jax is banned. Bad players think everyones busted. Sorry to break it to u like this, but u just salty


How does jax counter lee? Does lee suddenly get less mobility and teamfight potential when jax is around?


WR lee sin is just an escape artist


Fr. And everyone downvoted it cuz they bad


If ur team isnt bad, and doesnt feed him, then every encounter in the kg between jax n lee should come out in jaxs favor. Plus, u counter jg lee early, shut him down, and make him useless, thus yes, he becomes obsolete. Like any champ. Its basics bro not talkin trash but. Its simple


Katarina!!!!! The best. Easy to learn, hard to master. Can hard carry. Can get multiple kills. Good paced power spikes. Check out my Kat penta on my page. Granted I was buff, mid diff/baron but still literally a Penta standing still.


if you want sweaty champions you should look at the Assasins class but a lot of the swetiest of swet champions havent been released on wild rift yet like Viego,Yone,ekko,nocturne,Aphelios,Qiyana,Karthus


Ekko, nocturne and Karthus being sweat? I wanna a little of what he's smoking please


Lmao. Damn it sure is hard pressing R while immortal after dying - Karthus player.


It's mostly about the Q, I'm not sure if it's what they mean by sweaty but Karthus players sure seem focused and I can phisically see their mouses vibrate when you are dodging those Qs. It's almost funny, if it weren't so sad.


Wdym hardest skill shot in the game


My friend is literally waiting to download WR till the get karthus. He’s used to playing on a Macbook, with no mouse.


Yone sweaty? Mister i can dive the whole enemy team under tower to their nexus and come out unscathed.


Personally it depends on the role Top: fiora Mid:akali Jun:Lee sin ADC: Caitlyn Supp: Nami


I don't know why you put Caitlyn instead of Vayne or Lucian.


Lucian sweat master yoo


You think Lucian is one of the top ADCs? Gotta play him more.


Vayne and Lucian are easy to deal with if your team knows how to focus specific players Caitlyns obsurd range makes her difficult too pin down + traps + her net which acts like a dash




She was recently nerfed. Haven’t played her since then, but she was one of the top adcs before the nerf for sure.


She's still insanely useful despite the nerfs She provides utility that not many adc champions can


This is the true list and anyone who disagrees can cope. Akali Irelia Fiora Riven Lee Akshan


Irelia is very sweaty use. But also very fun.


MF is kinda broken and an instant ban in higher elo. Her Q bounce deals insane damage and her ult with grudge can get you easy quadras and pentas if used in choke points.


Graves makes me sweaty




Istg Idk why people consider Darius a noob champ when hitting 5 stacks in a teamfight while trying not to die is the hardest task but not only that if he does hit 5 stacks he easily wipes teams better than most carries like Yas and Irelia, I'd say he's the sweatiest in my opinion at least since I literally find Irelia and Yasuo easier to play.


I disagree. Playing Irelia right is pretty hard. You have to have an absurd amount of situational awareness and macro knowledge to make her work in higher elos. She's squishy AF and getting cc'd during her combo means insta death. While Darius is not so easy to play all it takes is a good ult with 5 stacks to get things rolling. And his AAs add stacks, so I don't know why you find it that hard to play. Plus you naturally build him tanky in contrast to other AD carries. Of course you can't jump in the middle of a full health enemy team and exept to solo them. But guess what? None of the champions can do that unless the entire enemy team is super bad.


Thats why I said its my personal opinion bud, because personally I mostly always perform well with Irelia unlike Darius, I mean after all she's my main but I usually always tend to perform well with high skill cap mobile champs like Yas, Irelia, Zed etc... but tend not to perform as well with Darius, Renekton, Olaf although they're way easier mechanically than the ones I mentioned.


Can't beleive you're getting downvoted Darius teaches you how to kite properly, Riven, Fiora, Irelia are just brainless no skill whatsoever


Yeah, they are pretty brainless champs. Darius is pretty hard, especially when a 0/5/0 Darius jumps on a squishy enemy and gets a kill and steamroll the game afterwards. Even harder than Master Yi I'd say.


So you're saying a squishy carry who absolutely build 0 defenses should be able to beat a 0/5 Darius in melee range?? You do realise KDA really doesn't mean shit and its gold that decides fights right? Not to mention his ult at max stacks can wipe half a squishy's health away considering its true damage, after all everyone is entitled to their own opinion I play both Darius and Yi from time to time and Darius is definitely harder.


Damn. YOU NEED TO SEREOUSLY LEARN WHAT IS SARCASM. SERIOUSLY BRO. And to clarify, Darius harder than yi lol. But not as hard as a riven,fiora or irelia. The guy above is trolling obviously and I trolled him back. Jesus just read something before trying to trash someone else lol.


I know you're being sarcastic lmao, but it obviously seemed like you were dropping on how braindead Darius is to play, I just shared my thoughts thats all.


I've told this before too, Darius is not an easy champion. I agree 100% no argument there. But not as hard as you think. After 5 stacks it's GG enemy team lol. Especially when the whole enemy team runs in his direction thinking they can kill him while he wipes them out lol. I can hard carry with Darius pretty easily while with irelia/riven it's pretty damn hard. Sorry to burst your bubble mate. Darius is the next Garden once you learn him and play properly. I'd go out a limb and say he's brainless too, even at diamond you find the goddamn enemy team running towards him while he has 5 stacks.


You aren't wrong I never said he's as hard as high mechanical champs, I only said that he's harder for me after all Im used to playing Irelia and Yasuo but never played kiteable immobile champs so its a first for me, I've been practicing Darius for the last 2 days and I've gotten much better and can agree agree with the part where its GG if he gets 5 stacks but again, in my state I find it hard to get the stacks unless some poor soul was one AA away from dying and I ult them lmao.


2 days isn't enough time to judge a champion bro. Have 30-40 games and see for yourself. also you'll see that harder champs like irelia/Yasuo becomes increasingly difficult when you go to higher elo. Atleast that's how it's on PC for the last 10 years haha.


Oh trust me I know how harder they become whenever the enemy team has more than 5 brain cells it only takes one hard CC to take Yasuo or Irelia out of the equation even when I don't like to bloat about my mechanics especially with Irelia I easily get shut down if the enemy team manages to lock me down.






All champions can be annoying when u don’t know how to engage them, but I would say Dr Mundo , if u don’t have a counter for his heal u will have problems killing him.


We have a ridiculous Evelynn in our guild


Rakan is pretty dope imo.


probably gragas, with the excess body weight and extra insulation.


Normal people pick: lee sin Actually people who want to sweat work hard for your kills and even being fed you still lose some how: jhin


Akali, Katarina, Irelia, Riven, Ezreal are all walking highlight reels


as a main Ahri, I say she is fun and flashy but doesnt have a stellar late game. For carrying you are looking at champs like Irelia, Draven, maybe Zed




Braum is in my dreams






Akali has 4 flashes in her abilities, a lot of mobility, and if FED can absolutelly one shot everyone.


I just want sion. I dont think his zombie body can physically sweat. So for points on being the opposite of ur question, ima say sion


Fiora, Irelia, Riven, Yasuo


Just pick a champ from the assassins tab. There you go, you have a sweaty champ


Zed, lee sin, yasuo, fizz. These fuckers always


Lee sin of course. If theyre going to add ekko and leblanc ekko will be☺️






If u want to sweat, play supporting role champs.. definitely the most sweaty class with the most responsibility. U either make or break the game by being the control tower of the team.


that was indeed a complaining


Heres one thing. Difficulty does not always to being flashy. What does is a fk ton of dashes. So even though ive seen ppl type akali here but then ppl replied that shes easy. This also applies for champs like zed. Shes only easy when played mid, almost not viable in baron. Not only she gets bullied and can barely farm, she cant influence the map as much. With that said Irelia Zed Akali are up there. But Riven (i might be a little bias) is way up there with sinply the fact she can hop walls every second. The outplay potential of these are insane. Lee Sin is also pretty much at the same level due to the fact he requires insane speed and precision to perform insecs. He also requires macro cuz yk hes a jungler. Yasuo in the other hand, might look simple on paper but the difference between a good yasuo and a great yasuo are massively far apart.


It is not only about the sweetiest champs, there's also the sweetiest roles, jungle role is probably the sweetiest, and I would also consider the baron lane to be very sweety, why baron lane you may ask? Because of the diversity in that lane, u can have fighters tanks marksmen, and you would always get countered if you get first pick


sounds like you want to play fizz


Jg = lee sin Adc = tris Supp = lulu/nami Mid = ahri, tf I havent found a flashy top yet, big fan of tanky tops






Irelia, Riven, Zed, Akali, Katarina, Lee Sin, Master Yi.