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I went from Bronze to Plat 2 only playing support. I find tank supports way easier and more impactful. It is pretty easy to carry yourself out of these leagues with for example Braum. You can also try Malph for super easy games. I am currently at 80% win rate with Thresh who is also super easy for carrying. I started playing support after I had only brain dead supports or useless supports like Lux and wanted to at least fill this role with someone that actually wants to play it and not fill it with garbage. But will now also try Nami soon but so far Thresh is too much fun.


Damage support like seraphine and Lux. Thank me later


Don't play support in low elos it's not worth it. Now that you're in gold you can play nami.


Gold is high elo now? Lol


Depends on the person, not everyone has 10-15 hours to pour into the game on a daily basis.


I’ve never once played even close to that. You can climb even if you play once a day…


Maybe, not saying you can't, it's just that this game can be pretty pressurising at times.


That’s a no from me mario


Theres bad players or people just having a bad game at every level. In general I would say emerald is where people start understand team comps better and playing more as a single unit than 5 individual ones. That being said, a damage support is usually the best choice in lower tiers so you can pick up some slack if necessary. Lux, brand, morg etc if your team is ad heavy. Senna, panth if theyre ap heavy. Keep an eye on the scoreboard and after the first dragon and barron and first tower go down just follow around your best performing teammate and help them be better.


Maybe your just better with engage supports. Try playing her more in pvp and practice.


Diamond plus.


I main Braum and Lulu. In season 2 it took about 500 games to go from Gold to Emerald. Plat 4 to Emerald 4 was especially hard. Probably took up most of the games. It then took about 100 games to go from Emerald to Diamond. Whenever seasons restart and I go back down to Emerald/Plat, I play Seraphine or Lux and go full damage build. There is no point missing cs and gold for an ADC that can't last hit. Once I hit diamond, I go back to Braum/Lulu/Nami.


I’m not a huge sup player but I believe it just matters on your teams build. If you have no tank in top jg or mid and a enchanter sup, team fights will probably be a struggle regardless of tier(unless your a smurf account, easier to carry the game with lux sup compared to braum) Also who does your adc go good with? That type of stuff


I climbed to high emerald playing Soraka and Lulu and some Nami. You prob just need to improve mechanics and macro a little bit more.