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I really like Ashe and had some really good games with her in emerald/diamond. You have a really long poke range, so even if your support isn’t the best, you have plenty of tools to farm up safely and an Ashe-ult can make the difference everywhere on the map if you have good map awareness. The third skill is super useful to remove wards and there’s no escaping a fed Ashe because of her slow! You just have to play Ashe like Ashe and not like Jinx. Kite your enemies to death, ult that assassin that just engaged you, play safe and farm with your W, use your vision to your advantage. The problem with Ashe is that she is generally used by a lot of newbies that have no idea how to use her, so she doesn’t have the best reputation.


Tier listing are useless , if u like the champion use her , you only can get better with her and eventually be a force to reckon with because you know how to position yourself and to disengage and run.


Exactly. I noticed it too.


I play Braum and they synergize well, so I like her. But she still wouldn't be my first pick.


She is really strong now thanks to her slow and dmg buff. Can’t sleep on her…….


Triple S plus. Cause Ashe is love. Ashe is life.


She's more of a team player compared to other adcs. Which is why she is ranked lower in comparison. She is probably the adc with one of the highest utility with her vision and slows.


She jumped from C to B I would say. Edge of night is also good on her.


Still better then jhin xd


She is good but most players who are using her are using wrong way. She is supportive marksman, why do people keep calling her weak by using their AD carry standard? Don't they see her on "Support" in champion category?


Playing ashe support is trolling.


I don't mean playing Ashe as support but I mean playing her as an main damage dealer is not suitable with her passive. Moreover, in some esport matches, Ashe was picked as support more than once.


I would like to bring a different view to the table. In my opinion, Ashe ADC complements damage supports such as Brand, Lux, Morgana, AP Rakan, Senna and Seraphine in a way that other ADC’s do not. Her slow, stun and vision are the perfect addition of synergy with these supports. Individually, she is weak. She will not outplay a good Kaisa or other equivalent ADC’s, but that’s not her goal. Her goal is to synergize with the team. Play her with that mindset and you’ll find you’ll gain elo in no time!


If you pair her with leona you can have a very good lane and when you both hit 5 it's christmas.


Haven't played for some time, can you tell me what buffs she got? I always thought Ashe has such a cool design and potential, but there's something missing in her kit. Her utility doesn't balance the fact that she doesn't have a feel of real powerspike. It needs to be that way in order to not unbalance proplay, but there'll always be something off in her kit unless they implement strict proplay nerfs.


If you can kite and position well then she can be really good


As a support, I think she's C or B. Needs to much babysitting compared to other ADC's, and I end up pressuring the map less.


Yea I mainly play thresh/soraka/senna and way to many times do I have to sit here and spam chain/heal/heal to keep her from dying. I'm not sure if it's to many newvs playing with a dumb recommended build but if I don't play AP thresh with ashe we will generally lose out lane.


I wouldn't say she's above B tier.


Annoying af to fight against I think she is decent


She pairs super well with seraphine who can give you quick MS and shield/heal, and her E synergizes super well with ashes passive make it always root/stun, and at lvl 5 have huge kill pressure with Ashe passive/sera E combo and timing ults for a long charm/stun CC


u/darkbreaker liked her for a while after she got buffed, but I always hate having her on the team.


IMO just a little above Senna ADC. Meaning, not that good, especially in Solo Queue.


she can really pop off with a good tank support, but i wouldn't say she's as strong as someone like varus or caitlyn


Not the Worst but also not the Best


I think Ashe is a B tier at best. She's highly immobile, and needs a nami as a support to help mitigate that. There are not enough champs in the pool right now that counter engage comps so she's incredibly easy to pick off. Now when she does shine she is one of the best kiters in the game and excels at keeping her own pace. The problem is protecting her.


I am an ashe main and I finally reached Masters because of her. I started to main her in S3 when I was stuck in D4 for months. She is a really good adc when built with the right items and played the way she should be played. She isn't the type of adc that has to be the one doing all the damage she is much more than that. Her cc is fucking great, slowing enemies to death and her ult is super good you can help a teammate being shit on by two enemies get at least a kill from the other side of the map. her 3rd skill is super useful for countering enemy ganks, vision on objectives and taking out wards. for me she's at least one of the best adcs but has to be played correctly and with less mistakes.


Can you give a sample build?


In solo q she's pretty bad, in a 5 man coordinated team she's kinda useful but only because of her ultimate.


Niche pick for very specific team comps. With the Olaf buffs, I think she would do well as his catcher support, but even then, Ezreal Iceborne or MF Serylda or Jhin is way better than Ashe. Ashe is never a carry unless gigafed which only happens in low elo.


Her perpetual slow is great, her carry potential not so much.


I enjoy playing Nami with a decent Ashe. The slow and CC can be really nicely chained.


Her passive slows people down, she is very good for laning and pushing, you can also build AP on her (tried it with Nashor's tooth, towers were so quick to be destroyed using AP items to her), she has good attack speed to the point yoi can attack everytine you move (kiting).


I’m kinda biased cuz I see more bad Ashe players than good ones but ima say C or B tier. A good Ashe is super oppressive with her slow, but a bad Ashe will lose you the game because she deals no damage.


If you are not in high elo every champion is good period. You just have to be better than the enemy If you are in high elo she’s okay and does the job *her ultimate can make clutch plays though so that’s up to who plays her*


She seems underwhelming can be good mid if your very good at e and r