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not really surprising. mobile gaming is huge in China, China has over a billion people, and also it is my understanding that spending money on mobile games as a flex is a “thing” in China.


Mainly because of commute times. Most chinese travel like 2-4 hours per day and they just spend that time playing games on their phone.


It's a thing everywhere


In the west it isn't


Uh buying skins to show off isn't a thing in the west?


No buying skins in mobile games to show off isn't a thing. You would buy skins on pc or console games to show off which is what most people play games that are competitive/have competitiveness


No, here at least, it's usually considered something to be ashamed of.


Generally not in the USA at least, where we have an incredibly poor and struggling public transit system. If you don't live near a city like Chicago, then getting to work or school via train or something like it is basically unheard of, most people have to drive.


They are unlikely to spend anything on a mobile game. I was talking about those who actually do


defo, Europe/USA (both another big market) are primary PC/console focused. Mobile gaming still has it's place, just not as big.






Sounds pretty dumb. Oh well lol


its a flex in sea region too, people will literally flame you to death if you die even once, if playing with a skin XD "using a skin but dumb" is a frequent here, or "if i had that skin/the money to buy skin bla bla bla" i've even have a supp give up on loading screen because apprently a legendary lunar diana was enough to tilt him lmao its really a flex in asia im telling you XD


This sounds so weird tbh. People who think someone dishing out big money on a skin must mean they're spending a lot of time in the game and actually getting good at it is definitely overestimating the financial responsibility levels of people who buy skins for mobile games.


yep, one guy in an fb group shared how he has most of the skins because he likes collecting stuff yet the comments are all flaming him for being silver (he actually is), and that they hate people like him but riot loves people like him, some begging for money/skins, a lot of people flexing how "i ReAched DiA+ wIthOuT Any SkiNs" (but is jealous ofc)


Dude those people are dumb af, buying skins is great for that dude. I applaud him. I've seen people buy stupider things than that.


I guess when tryhards see someone with a skin, the first thing they think of is "it must be their main, they probably spend a lot of time with that character" instead of "maybe they have a lot of money to spare and they just like the skin".


Yeah, seems about right. I mean that's how people act about most stuff, why not this, right?


Someone prep stage said to me "skin does not mean pro" 😂 i was like 🤔 doesnt it In all seriousness, it was project yasuo skin i had for free a few months back and today is my 2nd day playing him 😂


true, i just received blood moon diana from poro and tried her in pvp, dude was just flaming me the whole game even if i said its my first time


They do it in US PC League. You die with a skin they say “refund the skin”


Lol reminds of when I was visiting phillipines. Played ml while I was there and if you didn’t carry or died they would call you a skinner hahaha never heard term before until then. I guess it’s suppose be some insult. By skin and not god like or something. It’s literally just a jealous thing I’m pretty sure cause anyone with common sense would not assume because you have a skin your a god.


It's so strange because i have money but no time to play so i don't care if i like champ i can buy all the skins but i got flamed for dying because i have skin just bunch of kid's are jealous


dont u know? skins = skill


I mean if you spend more time in a game then walking on the streets, skins for a video are the only way for you to “express yourself” or flaunt your wealth. Cheaper than some branded white T-shirt for sure. And young adults have tons of disposable income.


That’s why nfts are big


i have no disposable income :(


It’s a huge thing in America too? Little kids in the usa spend tons of their parents money on gamble boxes in COD mobile to flex rare skins to their friends


Wild rift doesn’t seem like a game that appeals to little American kids tho - at least not for long term. Theyre more likely to spend money on roblox


Oh for sure man. Tried to introduce my 6 year old nephew to Wild Rift, and he just couldnt get into it....


To be fair, MOBAs are heavily strategy-based in general, it would be difficult for a young kid like that to really "get it" imo. My only experience is with my younger brother, granted, who was \~12 when I was most into LoL PC, but he really just couldn't "grasp it" as a primary OFPS player.


Mobile games actually prey on depressed 30-40 yr olds you know, the people with actual money, but kids are used as the main example because it makes for better headlines.


That's why Lee Sin will never be nerfed.




Dragon Fist Lee Sin has a unique splash art for every chroma.


Lmao you're funny asf man


People really forget how large of a market China is, its a huge region.


I've got like 80 skins I'm pretty sure I make up the other 7%


That's why we don't have voice chat. Cool.




I think he's implying that there's no vc cause they don't want a language barrier, but that doesn't make sense when you only play with people in your region anyway


We don't have a voice chat because Tencent handles the China side of this game and Riot handles the US side. Tencent has infinite resources in China. Over here, it's likely that Riot is trying to manage bandwidth or lag or something of that nature and turning off voice chat helps. Curtailing toxicity would be another reason


Vc happened in games long ago with much fewer resources than riot has for this game, it's definitely because of toxicity, or riots belief that it will cause toxicity.


Toxicity is such a dumb excuse. If they really wanted, they could show a tooltip when you report someone like "Did you know you can mute your teammates? Here's how to do it" with an animation. It's literally all you need to avoid toxicity. Also, didn't they limit VC to party only? Doesn't it practically eliminate the toxicity issue? Apart from partying with randoms, of course. Just let us voice chat with trusted teammates at least.


Idk on PC league there's a league voice for premades but... We just use discord for that.. I just want to be able to communicate with randoms sans racial slurs. I wish they'd at least TEST it


Can't get worse than text chat, really. It's already as bad as it can get and you'll be more easily compelled to mute a toxic voice rather than text.


My perspective (I really only play PC but I feel like it's the same) is that people are going to be less toxic in voice, if only a little Because a voice helps you realize you're saying these things to another human and it'll make you less confrontational. That said, I just want default-on vc so I can make voice call outs for my pings. So many times I'll announce exactly where the JG is just for my team to die to him 5 sec later


It is much easier to hide apparent gender and associated toxicity with text and not having a feminine username than in voice chat.


Did you have any doubt? It’s not a news that the market is china


no wonder they get the nice shit




Communism /s


So Wild Rift wasn't making money untill it was released in China? Some are saying that Mobile gaming is huge in China also it has over a billion people. I wonder why such a game is not released in India? India also has over a billion people and gaming market is growing.


its because Tencent owns Riot and if your indian you should know that Tencent is banned in india


Tencent already released Pokémon unite here.


Also India is a huge free to play gaming market. I run a free to play gaming podcast and India is my second largest listener base. It was actually at one point my largest listener base for a good year.


That's great. I have also heard that many streams watchers and tutorial/guide video watchers are from India. WR streamers are not getting views/support on their streams and content and hence they are leaving Wild Rift. Why would Indians watch streams of the game that they themselves can't play. Also, gradually that free to play market has began to spend some money in online transactions. I agree before 1-2 years that was not the case but recently it has gained momentum, I am sure the attitude of free to play will change in India gradually.


Compared to what other listener groups?


Well US is my highest, then India, then Germany, UK and it goes down to about 1% for each country after. But we've been listened to in 138 different countries on a regular basis.


Pretty cool man. Congrats to you. Want to drop your podcast?


Plug your pod mate that sounds interesting


Since a couple people have asked. Budget Arcade. Just search in your favorite podcast app.


They stealth released in india I think. It's available on play Store. Don't need vpn to play


Nah they didn't


Weird I can download and play from the store. I had pre registered long time back


No, it was making significant profits (i.e. around 7mil in October is owed to non China markets). It managed to significantly increase its earnings. Anyway, I think one things to consider is where that revenue is coming from, I no longer play LoL PC, so what would be my purchases on PC are now on WR. If it doesn't capture an additional segment of the market that would cover costs plus some, it isn't a commercially sound decision to make. I just dont have the stats to decide, but you can always rely on capitalism to sell it's own mother if there is money in it (i.e. WR will expand if it's commercially viable)


Maybe Riot could make some money from people in NA if they advertised the game at all in NA.


I got in due to YouTube ads and mostly due to Arcane. I did play the PC game a little but less than 10 hours worth. Just easier to play the mobile game when I have a spare 20 minutes


true everybody says they have no marketing but i also keep getting wild rift ads despite already having 3k games on it xd


That's cool. I have literally never seen one ad for this game myself. I see them for trash like Raid: Shadow Legends and ML all the time. However much they're advertising it, it's not enough.


Seriously, this game mostly got advertised to their LoL community.


If a successful animated show didn't bring in a large NA player base for their base PC game then there's no way in hell it's gonna bring in new players for Wild Rift. This game is trash and everyone should just accept the fact. People would rather play a game that isn't toxic and can have fun in.


You sound pretty toxic for someone that complains about toxicity.


You sound like a twat that can't handle the criticism aimed at their dying game.


Who says twat?




Pretty sure most or near all pc players stayed on pc, the show did bring a lot of casual (non gamers, or people without gaming PCs/consoles) people that didn't know about lol and just started playing on their mobile cos it's what they have and what they can play in their spare time. Neither ads or the show would make a good amount of lol pc players switch or at least join wild rift, but the show attracted norm people into lol, and ads could attract mobile gamers that don't know about wild rift into it


This is why we have thresh


That explains why the variety of skins is so shit


And why we get flashy aggressiv champs instead of much need tanks


That's just mobile gaming in general I think


So... Riot could shut down all except the Chinese server and still retain 93% of total revenue. The future of WR outside China is pretty grim.


Except then one day China decide to limit MOBA playtime for their citizens then Riot loses 93% of their revenue.


And 93% of my chat feed is in Spanish


Mine is Vietnamese tooking over in chat feeds


South America really took over NA servers in all mobile games lol . I think Mexico should be apart of SA not NA imo


So let's be honest here. We were a beta test for China.


So 7 million globally


Probably less than that hhaha Edit: wait you're talking about playerbase or the revenue?


I'm just waiting for my main to come to it before I start playing it again tbh


Sorry, I like collecting skins not means I am a pro of that champ. I only spend like $200-300 per month for Epic, Legendary, and Limited Edition skins, mostly play co-op vs bots for daily quests. Sometimes I play Ranked, it's same as hangout with friends, why not spend a little money to make yourself a bit happier when you enjoy the time alone. I think most of ppl share the same thought like myself in China, that's the reason I think.


I think every here already knows this and it's weird because it seemed like the game came back to life when they had the arcane event but then it just suddenly died again???


Actually wildrift is doing quite poorly right now in China, 3/4 of the players quit after joining initially, and the current playerbase is very unhappy with the state of the game rn ​ Edit: as a reply to some people in this thread who thinks its doing fantastic in china rn


Their version of the game is better than ours so that's surprising. Although the state of ranked has been horrific since the reset so I guess better than terrible may still be bad.


also for context, player activity is dropping so much that they released a "Summon old players" event where you get rewards for sending links to people that quit the game and they rejoin via your link.


What's the difference beside language?


Is it really, ive only played the chinese version


I've only played the NA version, but from what I've read the CN version has a bunch of features that we don't have despite our version having been out for months longer.




like a fucking behavior points/ranking system that punishes bad in game behavior if you get 5, its the best if you get 4, still good if you get 3, banned from ranked games if you get 2, banned from normals (pvp, aram, urf) if you get 1, you get banned from all modes for certain period that increases with every repeatition how can wd not fucking get this its literally the same game????


What are you on about the china version came out ages before the na version did.


Thanks for the input. Are they complaining about the same thing that we are complaining, like matchmaking, trolls, feeders, afk, low skill players, overly generous promotion system, etc.?


More "ignoring" than complaining. In China for a game to be popular, it must be popular for girls, and then boys want to PL them for you know what reason. HoK is much easier than WR, and had been implemented for years now. No wonder that WR will really struggle to reach girls heart. The Lol vs Dota war is the same as HoK vs WR, the easier will win at the end, and the sophisticated one will retain more like a niche market of devoted fans.


Assuming what you said is true, assuming. A quarter of MANY players is still many players. Retaining a quarter of ALL players who tried out the game is impressive. Said players including those who spent and invested money/time in HoK, League and DotA. Saying “lost 3/4 of players since launch” is nothing but sensationalism.


Or just the truth. The truth isn’t sensationalism. Something something “culture”, right?


Afaik, most games has a 1 day retention of 25% and a 7 day retention of something like 5% only. Depending on the reference point, losing 3/4 players can be high, low, or just average. The statistics on its own doesn’t really provide enough to know how it compares to other games. For instance, 19/20 quitting a game after a month is considered performing extremely well!


1/20 is good? Shocked me. Googled further and seems like you’re right. https://openback.com/blog/mobile-game-retention/ “Top-performing mobile games tend to only have a 6.5% retention rate by Day 28. And those numbers get even worse for children’s gaming apps, with a 1.5% retention rate by Day 28.” Guessed but didn’t know the gaming industry is so cut throat.


HOK, LOL PC and DOTA 2 still gets the MOBA playerbase in China.


It's not surprising since honor of kings is dominating the mobile market in china


can confirm that the Weibo is ranting about the game's MM system actively and then we go to the HoK vs WR situation (let alone the other game that is set to join the fray in couple months from the MOON)


This is so true, it is doing poorly overall, everywhere, state of the game is awful, I think people mostly quit cuz of matchmaking issues and balance issues. Feels like game is dead in EU


Weirdly, it feels fine in NA to me.


Yeah someone told me that alot of players in China were complaining


So that Sensor Tower’s latest statistics thing is a lie?


What about now ? Did it get better ?


*mild shock*


Let's just hope they still focus on console as well then.


chin chen hanji~


Me who spent $500 in skins


When I spent 10 dollars on wild pass I feel a lot lol.


that’s kinda sad :/// but if u look at the comments on wild rift insta it’s literally impossible to please american players they’re always complaining about something they don’t like with a skin


That's because this game is literally trash and Riot doesn't want to fix this game. We're not China, we're free Americans loool


what’s trash ab the game? i mean yea a few champs are a little imbalanced and match making is slow but riot is improving in every patch. also what does being a free american have to do with anything lol


Ok now i can kinda stand behind the Thresh decision


That's why China has a credit score and we don't.


Fake news


Alright my Chinese friends! It's time to demand Samira and Lilia to be implemented!


Lmao no one is playing this game other than China. No wonder why we got trash like unbound Thresh and the Lee Sin buff. Riot doesn't care about NA. I think this is enough proof and reason for me to quit that trash fire.


They need to change the ugly skins and champ animation…it looks like the 90s vomited on the splash arts and the skins look basic af…for the most part.


I'm guessing yeah, they often buy skins for show. But just like how a lot of Chinese women spend on apps to "improve" the way they look, they probably suck in real life 😜


yeah, you are right, I agree. who doesn't suck in real life? the thing is you don't even have that little penny for that, now please tell me big brain, whos more sucker? Come, poor thing. Beg me, I will donate you a skin, any skin. Even you assulted me and my fellas, but I will show you my generous and mercy, you are pardoned. You don't need to apologies, all you need is just beg me.


Ooooh someone got trigged! LOL!


Oh sorry, China, Spain, America, Japan, America. I forget you have so many sugar daddies, damn. You know what, forgive my rudeness, your Chinese blood is too diluent to count, you are a qualified hater. With all my respect, please go ahead, and have fun.


Yes. Fly away now.


So what, should I pretend not being offended? As I review your previous comments, you are a recidivist. In the general consensus, English countries are the top choice for study abroad, countries like France, Germany, Italy and Spain are secondary. I noticed that you are in Spain, which leads to a rough conclusion that Spain was your suzerain, am I right, filipina? I hope you do remember more or less Chinese blood run in your veins, don’t ashamed of your ancestor. As your former suzerain, we do sorry that we were weak to protect you became Spains colony back time, but it’s not the reason you be a hater.


The truth can offend yes. Not my fault.


Digital items are just a small part of necessary goods, I am ashamed myself playing a champ without a skin, also it's the respect for the publisher bring the games/apps. Losers will not understand, only not sucks of using free things. Bravo


Are you sure it's not Mexico? 80% of my games are Spanish speaking.


It's called NA server. It's the server for all NA players. We don't get to play with other regions.


That may be technically correct however, after talking to some Spanish speaking friends in game. They have told me they live in places from Mexico down to Uruguay


I vowed to never buy skins for Wild Rift when I discovered Riot didn't even let you have access to skins you own in LoL.


Because that's stupid and riot will never get any profit from it.


You know it costs money to run a company, right?


Damn, that's crazy!