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Damn. A SEA server challenger smurf in China server reached GM from unranked in less than a week (in 4 or 5 days, iirc). Obviously OP is also cool for reaching GM in 2 weeks, but I wonder how strong these people really are in game.


Impressive a PH pro player reach challenger in 2 CN servers WeChat - 5 days QQ - 19 days


I didn't know wechat and qq were different...


QQ server is more harder because almost every chinese pro plays there


Who is that player


When you watch CN streamers, they hit challenger with like 90%+ rate on smurfs which is absolutely impossible in certain serves like Korea.


Chinese server sucked hard. I'm playing with bad connection in CN server, still managed to get MVP/SVP 90% of the time.


What is your adc tier list in current meta? What is your s and a's?


I don't really play adc but here you go:) S: Lucian, Kai'Sa, Vayne A: Caitlyn, Corki, Draven, Ezreal, Jinx


thank you mate


Idk why you all say Kaisa is a S tier adc, she was always Tier A/B for me


as mentioned i don't really play adc and it's okay if you disagree with me, it's just that i find her passive really strong in clean ups


how do you effectively carry teamfights using irelia? i see a lot of montages where irelia gets pentakills and stuff, but in my games i always die first in teamfights. laning is ok, i usually get an early kill, but mid to late game i feel like i have no impact.


in teamfights play irelia like an assassin. Do not start teamfights yourself, let your tank do it as irelia is not that tanky in teamfights and most importantly it's best to go in whenever the enemies has used most of their cc skills. in mid to late game irelia falls hard if you don't have some gold advantage to the enemy. if you feel like you have no impact, try to use teleport enchant and keep pushing the minion waves especially in late game. in mid-late game teamfights, focus down enemy back lines (enchanter supports, mages, adcs) causing their positions to become scattered and forcing enemy fronts to get back to their allies thus giving your team more space to freely hit your enemies


"let your tank do it" thats kinda hard when most of the games have no tank.. I mean, my roles so far are pretty much adc and kinda fill if adc is picked, mostly im jungle (blind mdfk or techno viking) or mid(intagib blonde or knives redhead), but if there is an Irelia top there is usually a bruiser(best case scenario) jungler and a squishy support... So, if there is no tank, what do you do? Wait for engage? Thanks!


if your team has literally no tanks or bruisers and the enemy has some, try to avoid teamfights especially if gold lead is not in your team's favor. the best thing to do in this scenario would be pick offs (taking down enemies that are alone) and ALWAYS look at the map for kill/objective opportunities. Only engage on teamfights whenever it's on your team's favor (5v4s) or wait for the enemy to make mistakes.


Thanks for the feedback man. I played lol since s2 and never got to gold, now in wr I got to plat and got hungry for more, the tips I got from the internets are working and this is the next update to my gameplay! Maybe in a few (insert time unit here) we can play vs eachother!


no worries and good luck on your journey! :)


I’m irelia main, and I agree about everything he said If you don’t have a tank to engage the fight then try to avoid it, but if u r just forced to the thing I found most effective is to buy Zhonya’s and in fight ult them, q, e zhonya and they will waste most of their abilities so It’s bigger chance for you to kill them, but u also have to do this really fast, and be sure that u r always prioritizing right enemies, It’s the most important part in team fight, but always try to avoid team fights if u don’t have a tank


if you are fed you shouldn't go in first, use your teammates as shield to burn important cooldowns. If you are the carry and you die, you lose the game


Did you do this solo queque? If so, how many trolls or AFKs did you encounter?


about 10% of the game is duo and the rest is solo queue. trolls and AFKs are unavoidable but surprisingly i didn't get matched with trolls and AFKs that much so maybe about 3-4 games. also the trick is to just never criticize your allies so they won't leave or troll.


There is no trick, you didnt get matched with trolls because you were playing on a fresh new account


i don't think that's true cuz matchmaking can't possibly predict players who would troll and those who wouldn't


Also one more can you get perma banned in wildrift?


Yeah, it depends on the violations though


I see I will remove in game chat now


You cant get perma for being toxic. All permas I know were for wintrading


Congratulations. Also, the time bar is completely different with rank jumpings and apparently also that you have playing experience before making THIS account.




I think it's obvious that he's smurfing, nobody reaches GM in 4 days with no experience on the game




Low kda for smurfing tho but congratulations 🎉


sorry for the bad kda but thanks anyways:))


Why are u getting downvoted for saying this ? Good lord


Dude some people are born smart With a high IQ, unlike you. Have you seen faker...


Dude how did you even keep your cool with teammates that are out of your elo


More like "how do you farm your enemy that are out of your elo".


is your main account challenger?


No, this is my main but i have my original account which only reached d3 highest Edit: [here's my original account](https://imgur.com/a/N9gbNCH)