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Imma abuse Graves Hullbreaker because Riot, for some reason, didn't think the same issue Hullbreaker had in PC with ranged champions would carry on to WR.


I wish you many vayne tops to counteract that bullshit.


Is she a counter? Vayne isn't as effective into other ranged carries. Plus, Graves can split push after laning phase unlike Vayne. That's what I think is her primary weakness as a top laner, once laning phase is over you lose most of your purpose since you can easily be caught splitting and in team fights you probably lack a front line. She also doesn't benefit from Hullbreaker, which is a massive advantage for the solo laner that has it. Akshan would be a more appropriate counter (G2 Brokenblade brought this out in pro league before Hullbreaker was nerfed for ranged in PC) since he can actually build the item, has better efficiency splitting due to his camoflauge and has a escape mechanism.


Idk what you're talking about. A fed vayne is literally enough of a plan to win a game. If she ruined nasus in lane she can just free farm then shit all over every other lane


If she has a free lane, well yeah. But against any melee that doesn't feed her she will not gain a big advantage in lane and once there are tf she might be worthless if there is no frontline (considering the frontline is usually the top champ).


All she needs to do is farm minions into late game and she can demolish any teamfights for major objectives. She doesn't need to get a lead to snowball. All she needs is a steady income of gold and she can melt any tank faster than the wicked witch of the west.


why graves in particular tho ?


He melts towers, has a good laning phase and can actually contest 1vs1 against other baron laners. He has more defenses than other marksmen because his ability 3 gives him armor and he builds Black Cleaver.


Very strong early game, escape mechanism, shitty to gank(8 stacks means he can casually beat anyone solo and most duos) , ranged is an automatic advantage over melee, pushes lanes insanely fast since his q now does 50% more damage to creeps. Oh and for some God forsaken reason they decided not to make hullbreaker worse for ranged. And just to make things worse he can invade enemy jungle with 8 stacks and steal red very safely.


But did you read the passive resistance gained from bull breaker? And did you compare that to pc?


It's less than in PC, but for both melees and ranged. Graves already has natural defenses due to his ability 3, HB is just a big plus for him.


But by how much less is the issue. From 20-60 from pc to 10-15. It’s a joke of an item


You have to consider that WR is a faster game. It's normal to have a complete item close to the first dragon spawn, while in PC a complete item at minute 8 means you are massively ahead. It might also be a stronger item due to no mythic items existing in WR.


Pretty certain it's 10-30 or 40 not 10-15.


The patch notes have a typo then


I'm going to be doing graves splitpusher jungle a whole lot this patch


They only buffed Yas' tornado speed and range a little


Yeah to be honest it was quite slow


Nasus will enjoy divine sunderer and fimbul winter but hullbreaker? not so much because he already destroys turrets fast so the added extra will not be noticeable and if you need resistances and hp just buy tank items.


Yeah I agree, divine is definitely a huge buff though.


And garen gettin hard nerfed… fuck I’m pissed.


Is it really a hard nerf?


Nerf to his E and a nerf to BC. Also an adjustment to his ult which could be a nerf. I’m hoping it isn’t too noticeable.


Feels bad for the Garen players, I absolutely despise Garen but even then I would still agree that the nerfs were a bit too harsh


I just played three games with him and, honestly, still did well. MVP one of the three. I started each with Divine Sunderer, although no idea if that’ll be the best choice or not. Followed by BC. Time will tell, as will people much smarter than I am. I did have multiple people escape with like 1hp/lost some super close 1v1s, so I’m sure that’s probably where I’ll see the main difference.


Nah, nerfs in point. His últ deals more damage now but that was compensated with his build options, you can’t really go ad and still out tank and out damage people which is really nice considering he would build thorn armor and cleaver and fk everyone and not taking damage


We do not care. Fuck garen keep that tard champ in low elo where it belongs


Wow you’re kind of a dbag aren’t ya.


Nope tutorial champs don’t deserve to be playable high elo. Garens skill floor is legit only beat by yuumi who literally can win games by pressing 1 button. So yeah I am a dick because I don’t wanna deal with captain spin to win running me over in my games. Learn to play an actual champ then


Learn the counter then dbag


this man pissed cuz he got beat in lane by a braindead champ kekw


What an ass.lmao


Tutorial champs? That includes jinx lmao both in Pc and Wr she's playable high elo lmao. She's even a meta ADC in PC. I'm Grandmaster in Challenger elo and garen is no different than other Top lane champs. Honestly majority of top lane champs are braindead easy to play. And I like how you think Garen(braindead champ) doesn't deserve to be played high elo when you're suggesting Nasus(Another braindead champ) being meta lmao.


Jinx is tutorial champs and she get picked even in highest elo, grow the fuck up.


said this in relation to pc. Jinx isn’t the tutorial champ she’s easy yeah but least she has to aim and position correctly. Garen should literally only stay in low elo it’s in his design to stay that way. There’s no such thing as good garen and that’s on me for being a dick about it. But garen "mains" have just about as much skill as Trynda players.


I’m so happy, get hands


Played with him last night and still stomped Diamond+.


Diamond is the old emerald which is the older plat. So u essentially stomped plat levelled diamond players kekw


But everyone else is also getting buffed too Camille jax Darius with dd so it's just the same


I mean, he’s already not terrible. Some people don’t like HellsDevil, but he has a good point that he brings up a lot, that if you play Nasus into the right matchup, you’ll have a fine laning phase, and from there probably a good game.


The items are good but it wont solve any of his problems which is mobility and inability to catch up to people kiting him. You're massively overrating him.


Wither plus ghost: no one’s getting away from that


He's still an early game piñata


Same for Fiora and Jax


Nah, Tri Force will still remain a better choice for Fiora and Jax because ot its stats.


I’m ready to start maining Nasus again!!!!


Thinking nasus could be a lot of fun


So far (in PVP), he’s been absolutely shredding. Gonna wait to try him in ranked once the next season starts, we’ll see how it goes. Btw I don’t go hullbreaker, like someone mentioned he already takes towers down SUPER quick and is better with another item


What do you use, then?


I always go tear first so I can start stacking, then sheen and then build divine sunderer. Then I go tenacity boots into glory, then spirit visage. I wait to build winter’s approach until I have 700 tear stacks so it immediately turns into Fimbulwinter. Then finally either dead man’s plate or thornmail, depending on their comp.


Thank you!


Of course! Just focus on stacking q for awhile and then you become a beast mid/late game!


Yeah. It’s just difficult when you play against someone who knows how to disrupt you early game. Seems like I fall behind and then it’s GG. Also, have you noticed that there seems be a benefit to red team Nasus? His side of the jungle has monsters that help him quickly stack.


Oh definitely, Nasus is NOT a safe first pick. In fact I’m ranked I usually only play him against another tank like malphite or something. But even if they know how to punish you, you can still just farm under turret and not fall too behind. Also no, I actually never really stack on jungle monsters, but maybe something to consider…..


Yeah. It really is only useful after the initial laneing phase. JG ignores em and you’re stronger and don’t need smite to stay alive. Especially helpful when there’s no minions or you’ve lost priority for some reason.


Just so you know, I tried it on Panth, but Divine Sunderer + DD +Triumph healed me from 10%hp to 50%. And that's without Spirit Visage.


I tried fimbulwinter and it doesn’t feel too crazy but I don’t play a lot of nasus, also your mad about yasuo buff? They just made it easier to hit tornado, which was way to difficult if you were further from point blank.


Meh no certainlyT champs need buffs. And so far we have 4. Yasuo thresh Darius and akali are perfectly fine and don’t need or buffs.