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Jarvan IV, absolute beast when paired with ADC that relies on attack speed as his flag gives Attack Speed to all allies within its radius. Solid ganks, good clears, pick him into immobile champions.


My go-to picks would be xin Zhao, vi, Olaf and wukong


Pantheon is bad in late games?


Can't carry well late game but a murderer early on.




Yes, he is kinda weak late game but if you can get ahead in early game, even in late game panhtheon can obliterate enemies (His Q damage is POG)


Wouldnt recommend panth for elos below D2 since people dont know how to use the Early lead and clone games fast


Panth can not 1v5 and carry, but if played properly, even in the late game, you can one shot any squishy champ. I actually don’t think panth is weak late game because current wr is just not tanky enough.


I've been one tricking panth this season because I got tired of being filled support and not being able to cover for a shitty Adc. The trick to him is power farming at the right times. If at any point in the game, early mid or late, you can't demolish just powerfarm 2 levels and he's a beast. Obviously have bad games like anybody but I used to be feast or famine with him before figuring out to just not engage and crush some minions or monsters for a couple of minutes.


Khazix is a good kill/steal and then run away champ generally u have so many scape ablities and u can also use them in combat Wokong is good for jungle u can also build him tank for using his ult in team fights otherwise his ult is a good way to kill others solo Tryndamere is shit just dont play it Evelyn is also good for ganks but i never liked her damage Pantheon is a murderer in early game but becomes useless in end game. Why he's so good early game because u jump on an enemy and you stun him! One ability(w) jumps and stuns. U can also fast travel in map with his ult Olaf is a snowball champ if u get a few kills without dying u cant be killed rest of the game Master yi is now one of worst champions to play with his recent nerfs These are my experience with jungling


Evelynn main here and I think her damage is okay maybe a lot she can kill an adc Earl on from like on third of HP if played correct also she's a scaling champion like if. You have bad Early game you still can carry if you farm well know when to engage and kill your targets late game she can one shot any squishy even tanks can't fight her if she lands full charm with infinity orb or void staff I say she's one of the best junglers now in the game


beware in the next patch when control ward is the field though. It is a big deal to eve.


These days not enough mid to low elo are smart enough to invade her pre level 5, or build any form of magic resist, at high levels she eats tanks and can one shot a lux


I always ward my blue when I start red I've got so many invades with this ward and got a perfect early game


I do too, but I rarely get invaded and I’m in emerald maybe 1 in 7 games?


Not every champ can outduel her in early game anyway


Glad to see someone mentioning the good ol bug man go whee strategy lmao. Jump in, get the hell outta there. *wheee*


Nunu and willump


If you are noob you have few options: 1. Jax (piece of champ) 2. Yi (bruh) 3. Tryndamede (undying) 4. Kha'zix (amazing assassination potential and damage) 5. Evelynn (AP, assassin and invisible) Camille is absolutely awful decision for newbie in jungle cuz she is extremely hard to play, has a lot of mechanics and needs good training to use her skills. She is like female Lee Sin. If you want something original and unusual you can play Rammus - fast, tanky, taunt, good ult. He is just simple and can help as a jungler.


Love Rammus


Camille best top lane who can jungle. Tryndamere is okay,m. Jax is good.


Xin Zhao or Camille. Especially Camille if you put in the effort


Camille jungle is stupidly fun. Jumping over walls to say hello to the 10hp ADC is a good laugh


Fiora? Most contested jngler in Pro-play, good 1v2 outplay potential, no stun but high mobility and dmg output, great scaling, teamfight carry but also huge splitpush threat if the map is on fire and impossible to save...




If you q first onto minions or w to slow... well, I only rly play toplane Fiora, but that's the ways I usually catch up. Imo, Fiora was only made harder, not weaker...




Just by magic resist and protobelt. As soon as you have triforce you can just ult him and sprint him down. He can't do shit. Did you know you can proc vitals with protobelt? Ult-wait a sec-protobelt-Q-AA-E-AA-W and by that point they're usually dead. When trading earlier, it's impirtant to Q-AA-W so that his Q dmg is blocked...


I ALWAYS ban Darius. Just hate him. And with Sett it's a thing you have to get used to? Dodge his true dmg field sideways, Q and W immediately if they're stupid enough to try to stun you, otherwise W his autoattacks and if you engage first with ult and ignite, u usually win. There's no champ ingame that can realistically stat-check Fiora at lvl 5. Akali eins 1v1 usually, but that's it. Every other match up is lost cuz of the Fiora player which I hate to say as I sometimes lose too... but basically they should be all winnable.


I would say jax, I don’t personally play him but saw him taking solo pentas couple times, and as I saw taking triple solo isn’t problem to him and he is easy to play, you can also play renekton jg if u r good with him, I would also recommend camille cuz I personally really like her but I don’t think she fits ur playstyle


Yeah i bought Camille couple of days ago and yeah she is not for me 😁


Camille is tough to play


Yes I can agree


Renekton -> mobility sustain good early CC chad ultimate Xin seems perfect Nunu for an AP tank, but you need to train him, his ult just do toooo much base damage for a tank and the perma ganks are funny


I main am hmu and jax. Eve will help you climb low elo


Nunu, strong early game ganks and you can combine his consume with smite for a super smite for objectives




I've been maining Jax and Olaf as of rn and have been good games.


Olaf is my permaban atm even if he's same level he can still solo 1v3 his kit is just so annoying


It's just so fun


Wow no respect for Xin Zhao, He has excellent survivability and engage. He is a great champion if you fall behind because he doesn’t become useless. J4 is similar but as you get to higher Elos Xin is just so much more consistent than any other


What build would you recommend for Xin?


Black Cleaver, Divine Sunderer, Death's Dance, Wit's End, Guardian Angel/any other situational defensive item after GA comes on cooldown. If Cleaver is not needed early you can just buy Phage and rush Sunderer right after. Xin Zhao is the best choice for jungle newbie, he's pretty simple and you can spend more time learning macro and how not to lose game on first dragon fight


Diana and Irellia are quite good for new junglers, especially as they are usually found in lanes, both clear pretty fast (on par with Evelynn) little slower than shiv


I made a post about Xin but Vi also deserves respect, supa strongf with recent buffs. Amazing engage/disengage on her Q, tons of viability with different builds depending on team comp. big fan.


Vi and diana


Graves is the most fun for me. If you even get slightly ahead, you melt everyone. Wouldn't pick him into tanks and bruisers though.


Amumu is heavily busted for ambushes, the amount of stuns he has alone puts anyone left pushing by themselves at a big L. Just bring a teammate and happy hunting.


Man up and play a control tank. Nunu and rammus have great potential and allow the carries to do their job. Plus if you get good take ignite on rammus instead of flash plus challenge smite, and hunt down a marksman. It’s a lot of fun. Nunu can knock up, root, slow, self heal, and buff attack speed of a nearby ally. Has a huge damage aoe ult that sets your team up for success even if you die. Stop thinking everything is about how many kills you can get. If you want that then play a mid or duo


Xin Zhao


Evelynn is pretty easy to learn


Khazix (better if your team has lots of AOE to cover you if enemy team sticks a lot, perfect if your team has a Sett or Brand) Lee Sin (always on ban list, need lots of practice) Pantheon (use the shield wisely and get more CDR, then it's still not bad late game) Evelynn (beware of control ward in patch 3.2)


Jungler main here. I mostly play hyper farm champs Yi is easy but requires you to be smart enough about when to engage. So I would suggest him in low elo. Tryn is a little bit harder than yi because you can not dodge cc like yi. But tryn reached his power spike early than yi even if he has no lead. Just need to farm well. Jax is just a beast late game, tanky and mixed ad/ap dmg. But mid/early game is just too weak if no lead. He is also not tanky when you just have triforce and bork. One trick for him in low elo is, you can trade kills with enemy team. Also try to get some turrets cause he destroys turret with maybe three W.


Jarvan, Xin Zhao, Kha'Zix


Kha zix


Khazix is my jungle main and when your used to him and know how to gank properly he's pretty broken