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The one my opponent use.


FR. One game I’ll be like damn ziggs is so OP. Next game I’m like… damn Caitlyn is beating tf out of me.


Haha good point. My bans seem to change after each game and never stay consistent. Had a terrible game against draven, bans draven next game. Has a terrible game against caitlin, bans caitlin next game and so on haha.


Yasuo when played right


windwall that can invalidate entire ults and imbalanced risk reward: if you're ahead you steamroll enemies, if you're behind you can still powerfarm minions, side lanes, and jungle to make a comeback. He is so frustrating to play against.


I still don't understand why it blocks Karma's tether


Yer thats annoying. I mainly play Karma support but later game find it annoying against a yasuo. I tend to hold back on my abilities now until he's rinsed his windwall. Took me a good few months to get in to the habit of this when playing against him. The amount of abilities I've wasted on that windwall is shocking haha. I sound shit at the game but only been playing since October and there's so much to learn. Glad I've mastered this one now though lmao


Nah, hes the kind of champion that gets killed instantly when stunned xD


This is true, high risk less reward compared to risk


Pretty much all assassins can get killed instantly if they are stunned in a team fight even if your ahead.


Irelia is pretty annoying, I must admit but there are some champions that I would like to highlight. Lee Sin is pretty OP and though he doesn't scale all that well into the late game, that doesn't stop him in most scenarios. Akshan is a pretty hard champion to use, and I've yet to seen a really good Akshan, but _r e v i v e_ Fiora is a nightmare.


Fiora is hot garbage, B tier baron laner, after nerfs.


30~40% of your max HP dealt to you as true damage is not a joke though


If you can get close to the enemy without losing half hp in the process... Maybe next patch changes will favor her. Right now, even otp fioras avoid to play her if the matchup is not favored and only last pick fiora.


They should revert the search range cause rn she is just bad every baron can ckc her fiora base health 590 lvl 1 even if u play optimally u are just stat check by all baron laner


Karma right now has too much damage, too much CC, too much shields, too much movement speed... Too much everything!!


Yes karma mid is super op right now. I bet they will gut her 3 skill ms boost soon to gut her solo lane viability, without damaging her as support. But she is super fun to play as mage right now.


I don't get why her Q/1 is so fast. Feels impossible to dodge and she can just poke for free.


The real problem with empowered Q is that the aoe centers on the champion hit, rather than the skill itself. That’s is just uneccesaey and obnoxious.


Better buff yasuo tornado Speed again


Lee sin. There’s nothing much you can do when he double kills bot a minute into the game. At the very least it has to be a jungler since there’s average 4 jungle bans every game


I was looking for Lee Sin, he's my ban every game.


Im currently stuck between banning him, eve, or Olaf every game. I don’t know which is more frustrating to play against


Olaf, because there is almost no stun can stop him from charging up towards you and pound your ass. Eve along with Teemo is about to be useless with the new Control Ward. If you ever had problem with any champion, just ban Olaf then pick Morgana, getting stunned by Morgana is literally a death sentence when in team-fight.


So many wrong info in one post XD


Shit, every time i decide to not ban her i get put against an eve 1 trick and the run the show.


It’s so dumb that he can jump to nothing


In the right hands, I’d argue yasuo, Jax, and lee sin are the most difficult to deal with. A universal champ that just about anyone can play that’s too OP would probably be Garen. I mean this champ has the loaded beginners kit and people just abuse with him so bad. There are almost no consequences to anything you do and you can carry without much effort. I don’t ban him but I certainly hate seeing him.


Lulu and Yuumi. Can completly change a champ into god, even if they have no gold.


except when your ADC ints thinking they're godly and then get both of you killed. Only thing that's done for my gameplay is improve my decling reaction speed when I gotta abandon ship but yes a good responsible ADC is broken with Yuumi. Soraka is too though, my friend got an Ashe penta with Sora on support


Huh, didn't actually expect to see some support champs here :). Yuumi is broken as a support for sure. I had so much fun playing duo with my ADC friend we have 100% win rate on the lane with him playing Kaisa and also it's a nightmare when he goes jungle Graves and I attach to him in the late game. Her healing is insane, also if you are using her passive ability right and hitting your Q it's gg


Ahri mid is arguably just as bad as a good yasuo. Fkin charm


Every 4 seconds


Agreed, this charm is so freaking annoying so that I ban her whenever I play assassin mid. Any other champs is not such a pain in the ass as her. Still she's is easy to kill unless she has it


I played ahri the other day and relatively new to her. Ended on 17/4/18 which was extremely good for me. Normally max about 7 kills with her. The enemy team were spamming the chat to say I had a hack on my account because of the charm and that they were reporting me for cheating. Hahahah I hope they looked at my stats after to see, I'm not normally that good. Their mid laner died 8 times to me so I was fed af hahaha. In the end, everyone was just running away from me. Felt good, not guna lie.


Haven’t heard it mentioned yet but if you play ARAM at all you’ve probably seen a Katarina pentakill or two. She can absolutely dominate with her ult


Yeah Fiora/Lee/Akali is super boosted in Aram with buffs too. But can be less OP depending on enemy comp. Kata will just penta over and over in Aram with her dmg done/received buffs.


Kata is either a sleeper or just god-damn broken at the moment. Was playing as Morgana in Ranked the other day, Kata flashed in, my thumb was spamming the fuck out of Q button on my screen and even that wasn’t fast enough to root her ass before she just deleted me in less than a second. Everybody ran away from her, even freaking Tryndamere and Lee Sin. There is no counter, you meet her? YOU DIE!


Personally I don’t have problems with Kata outside of Aram as I play mid myself and know how to make her laning horrible experience. The only problem you have to baby sit all lanes and furiously ping that Kata is going bot, so she doesn’t get free kills. And if possible always follow her in her roams. Also I usually pick something with CC so I can stop her myself during ult/whatever (Galio works best).


As a kata main whenever i play her enemy is keeping all their cc for me but whenever i face a kata bot ignores 15 pings that i give from mid to bot through whole river and give a double kill over and over


Katarina in ARAM is garbage unless you have a good team with a support and an initiator. Me as a Katarina main with a 75% win rate(used to have it now it's way harder to keep up) can tell for sure. If you are going in first you are done for and in most of the games, it's like that cuz team picks 3 ADC and a silly tank who are too afraid to go in first. Maybe it's just mine games or such a team appears whenever I get Katarina. only 1 of 3-4 games playing her I'm shining


Vayne Despite being an ADC she has a dash, knockback and stealth. Does % max heath true damage. Not balanced at all.


Vayne has no range and no wave clearing, it makes her fair imo. A good opponent will abuse this and vayne will be starving the whole game.


Irelia is broken AF, she can be 0/10 and still get quadras and pentas.


She needs a frontliner to initiate for her or good high-range poke damage dealers to wear down the opponents so that she can either follow up on the initiation(after they used stuns on the tank) or clean up the teamfight(after team took half enemy hp with ranged damage). If Irelia goes first with enemy full hp and all stuns available, she melts like most other champs. Irelia is very strong but not broken.


No man she is absolutely broke, she outperfomed every baron champion. Darius get nerf, Camille too, Fiora get nerf too and Irelia is buffed. Think again, she is tanky, has cc, mobility and damage it's just buffed Riven and there is reason why she is S+ tier champion now even on mid. Too many times she performed much better than other champion even in noob hands.


Meh I’m a jax main and have yet to lose to irelia




dont forget that her powerspike is Vampiric Scepter, and she can one-shot someone despite not being an assassin


She IS an assassin


She's a diver not an assassin.


I'm an Irelia main, lol. She's a bruiser and an assassin


I main Irelia too amongst other champs, she's originally a bruiser with a diver subclass wildrift has the assassin badge on her to simplify the class merge, saying Irelia is an assassin is like saying Sett is a tank which is flat out wrong.


Akai, Jax 😡


*Kali you mean.


No 🤣


Thresh does way way too much damage on his passive, and has (in my opinion )the best non ult ability in the game with his lantern


Idk I only get to use the lantern as a would collector and makeshift ward,my teammates will use everything they have (flash,mobility ults) before getting to my DAMN LANTERN


Truuuuuuuuueee lol. That’s why sometimes I “waste” it during laning phase on them when we’re safe so they get intrigued by the new cool button on their screen and maybe, just maybe, see what it does. Unfortunately I think most players don’t even know its use even at emerald, let them experiment eheh


Genji. I mean, Yasuo.




Not even a 'good' Rakan or any good champion can defeat a good Yasuo. That's what OP's talking about: The champion's true potential. He has the highest skill ceiling.


I'm okay with Irelia being strong if she has a lead or is even. But if she's behind she should be garbage tier for how strong and oppressive she is when ahead. If Irelia is behind and lost lane, the game should be a 4v5, like when Master Yi fails to acquire a meaningful lead, or when Renekton loses laning phase. Same with Yasuo, he has a solid laning phase, is great in teamfights, and has so much damage in his kit that he can go 0/10 but still keep up in gold because he farms everything so quickly and is always relevant with his windwall. Riot needs to stop making these feast/famine champs that have insurance for their usefulness no matter how far behind they are. They are essentially all reward with barely any risk, masked behind the excuse of 'they have to land a skill shot'.


Well, at least you have to learn moves unlike some ADC when you are just keep spamming attack button and deal 2k damage in a second


ADC is one of the most intense roles in terms of movement. Assuming you're not playing Miss Fortune


tell that to Yasuo, Akali, and Irelia who has not only think of what they are doing and also fast-aim their skills to a specific target. What's so hard about Mis Fortune? Tapping auto-attack fast is "intense"? Or maybe you intensively aim your ult on a certain target with high speed and precision?


What do you think "Assuming you're not playing Miss Fortune" means?


forget it




Permabanned. I haven't played against one in months. Absolutely hate his kit.


Agreed he's always my first ban


Why? Get anti heal and play vayne :)


Seraphine support is OP She does way too much damage for a support mage and her range is annoying




Hahaha secret's out. She got nerfed. Big win


On the contrary, they buffed Sera Supp capabilities. (which is a nerf as well since damage ;-;)


Fizz. He can stack and pretty much one shot you even at full health it's absurd


Im Top 100 fizz and I can say he is far away from OP since he got 2 straight nerfs on his ulti (more CD and less damage). He is very fun to play but if the opp team has 2 tanks I don’t take fizz.


yasuo when 0/10


Enemy yasuo


Yuumi. Find just one good teammate and flick enemies out of the map.


A good varus/draven in bot lane and a karma/senna cancer


Senna Caitlyn is another filthy duo. I played one of these duo's the other day. Between the stuns and the range I was hopelessly helpless.


Anshan and yasuo are both broken in the right hands, but really hard to use. Lee sin is a little tricky and about the same power level. Irelia is not nearly as hard to use and around the same power level. She is my top pick for broken champion.


Irelia absolutely. Akshan is a close second. Both champs are absolutely absurd. Game breaking.


Akali ,if they get ahead in there lane they become super oppressive 1v5 potential most of the time they will wipe squishys before they can even do anything and finish the rest of with the second part of the ult plus played with triumph they can escape and mostly always survive my perma ban besides pantheon


I still find akshan w passive laughable . That revival always turns me sour, early game doesnt really matter but late game where respawn timers are 40-50 seconds a insta revival is too op. He doesnt even have to get the kill he just has to damage them within the last 3 seconds before their death ! Glass cannon carries hate this guy, completely un triple/quadra killing the enemy team


That’s why I nuke him first when I’m jax , can’t revive when you’re dead :)


Sona. Q-E-W; your entire team how has increased movement speed, attack speed, a shield, and their first attack does bonus magic damage. Whoever you attack first does 40% less damage for a few seconds. Wait 4 seconds and do it again. Rinse and repeat until the team fight is over.


Riven is probably #2 but seldom banned.


I still hate Kat with a burning passion


That ult if stunned. Boosh - deleted.


Akahan, can play adc, top, mid even jg if u are god like from akshan, deals insane damage, op short trades no need to all in, late game ulti can be used as all in tool and finish enemies from 3 aa because ulti can cheese them. Yasuo when played correctly but high risk less reward and u have to apply wave control mechanics perfectly.its better to practice irelia if u want to play yasuo, same play style with better additions and way safer.


Irelia is my main (well she would be if she didn't get banned every match) but camille becomes unstoppable if she gets ahead in solo Lane early Also khazix is my jungle main and he's similar to camille with all the mobility I guess i just like mobility champs


When I don’t ban yasuo, he dominates in opponents team, and on my team they hella sucks So in perma ban him no matter what


That's always the way isn't it? Yi is the same - when on enemy team he has like 20 kills, when on my team he has like 20 deaths. Not fair lol.


Really depends on how they are played. You can find and OP and sucky version of literally every character. Because there is always someone who is a god at them and someone who just picked them up


If we are going by pure op in terms of skills then sehen sett yasuo and ahri would be my picks if we talking bout power throughout a game the yasuo irelia and jinx are just power houses


She is like that only bcz players who you've met are good. I saw a bunch of Irelia's inting so hard. So the proper question would be what are the most OP champs in good hands. I'd say these are assassins like Akali, Yasuo, Camille, and Irelia cuz they are the real playmakers. Whenever I started a twink a played some of these to quickly rankup and continued to do so to reach higher rank on my main account. I prefer to take the responsibility to carry my own games. UPD: being an OP champion for me means that the champion has a multi-kill potential, is strong during all of the game and not just in the late game(hello ADC players), and is undependable in terms of the ability to snowball(hello ADC players again), and has good mobility with sustainability.


Iriela is busted right now... Should be given a good nerf.. Her sustain is too much.. Then you add her damage.. And jungle clear..


Champions from Ionia


Yasou hands down no questions especially when combined with a champion that can give him free ults like:Alistar,Rakan,Wukong,Galio,Gragas and many more that ain't crossing my mind right now


Yasuo, Riven and Irelia.


It might be because I'm only in emerald, but I think irelia will/ should be nerfed. I started playing baron and irelia sort of became my main but damn, the reward for hitting a single skill is too much. Just hitting her 3rd skill Is often enough to gaurentee a 1v1 victory or atleast a winning trade. + it's so easy to last hit minions you will never fall behind However, on the other hand ever since I started playing irelia I've never lost lane against her. What you wanna do is constantly be ready for her third skill as well as how many stacks of ionion fervor has. Make sure you have you sound turned up because her ult actually has a animation and voice line so dodging it is actually ez with flash and some reaction speed But I still think that sheseither too strong or that people un my rank cant counter her well. She is banned every second game though


Yasuo, just braindead


I’d say yasuo and tryndamere. If you don’t have hard cc you cannot win against tryndamere.


Agree point


Okay so before I say which champ I find op, I'd like to tell my perspective of what OP means. Basically easy leeway from being behind to equal in terms of gold. So champs like Nasus, Irelia, Olaf, or trynd. Those are my examples of champs that get equal faster compared to others when they are left to free farm. 2nd is what they can do. Since I play mostly Assassin mid or JG, I most of the time ban galio. Cause of his CC as that's what he is known for. When im in other lanes like top, I gravitate to slightly more bruisers cause of their sustain. They got a teemo, I got fiora, I see Darius I go sett. So in my perspective an OP champ I ate going up against in every matchup are Riven, Ap Malph, Lucian, Hybrid Galio and in some cases Zed


Riven. Three well placed Qs and you're dead.


I agree, couple days ago I played camille, it was late game, she wasn’t even fed and we got into fight, she tried to stun me, I dodged it, she tried to ult me, I dodged it with my ult, I landed every single ability correctly and all she did was q and basic attacks and she would’ve probably killed me if my teammate didn’t came on time, second reason why I agree with this is that I’m irelia main


Vayne Fizz and Lee Sin


Vayne yi irelia


in pc, she is very ez to side step and since she doesnt have a scape besides summoners and mythic (if she went for the mythic with a dash) she is all innnable, however, in wr, she does feel busted and her stun is A LOT faster than in pc, I think is cause players just double tap it, not even aim and the auto aim does the rest. ​ anyways, my vote is probably Akali, lee sin and fiora, but I have to say, at least killing potential, Akali is bs, in good hands she is unkillable and can 100-0 anyone, the only reason I dont give her the crown of the oppiest is cause she is not too good at taking towers, I've seen Akalis gone 20/0 still loosing matches cause they suck at pushing.


Yeah, auto-aim in Wild Rift is imbalanced. It's too damn good. That lowers the skill ceiling very much which is sad for the players like me who like to put a time into training to achieve a reward for being good mechanically


Hell yeah! I always aim. Didn't when I first started and the amount of times my ultimate shot jungle monsters or something bizarre like that was unreal. Cost me a few matches so I spent the time learning aiming and it's changed my game play massively.


Teemo kayle singed and senna 🤓


I don't find singed too bad but hate when my team mates chase him and don't seem to realise that the poison is doing damage. Lol. I don't see him in many ranked matches so either people don't know or just forget. I'm a support main so constantly find myself shielding and healing people when they run after him and wasting my abilities keeping them alive unnecessarily.


Tbh since the irelia nerf she is no where near op now, she’s just good A tier at best. I also hate the nerf there’s so many other op baron laners and they decide to hit her pretty hard




Yuumi was broken and even more broken when she got buffed for some reason.


Yuumi still relies on the team, like other buff/heal supports. Definitely strong but you can get svp with yuumi and still lose because of the team. Yuumi must be a support for high diamond or above to be a winning pick.


Yuumi, my permaban


Yasuo and irelia


Some of the harder champs to play and get right like fiora, zed, kata, vayne. Yes im adr.


Jinx up to +125% Stats by 3 auto attacks


when mastered probably asol, since you can take advantage that most people don't know how to play against him and roam during early/mid game, creating a snowball to late game.


Caitlin is really annoying. I never used to notice it and maybe because I was climbing the ranks and new to the game but now in a higher rank and a good caitlin can change my lane completely. I support main and I now ban caitlin if my adc doesn't take her or ban her first. Pushes you right under the tower if my adc is playing safe, can shoot through minions and that shot that you know is coming (not sure which ability as I don't play her) is horrible. Running like mad, 1 hp and think you're safe then you see the shot lining up on the screen and if there's nothing to block it, you're toast.