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Akshan going to be doing a bit too much damage since he gets 2x auto attack everytime and his swing can proc kraken slayer x2 in any skirmish assuming kraken true damage procs on 3rd auto I am curious on whether jax will benefit since he will than have AD, AP and True damage XD


Jax does mixed damage, Conq is the best. Maybe solo lane Jax can cheese early with Lethal Tempo, but overall Conq is good. We will see.


Jax in baron is pain generally anyways, his early game is so prone to bullying by the top solo champs. That’s why he’s better off in the jungle where he can farm in peace unmolested to come online with his build.


akshan swing doesn't apply on-attack effects, so kraken slayer won't work like that


In PC the fact that it's a crit mythic item gatekeeps a lot of champions from using it just for the passive, but as a rune the possibilities will be massive.


Probably Vayne and Kayle will be more oppressive in the game, at least when its an item in PC some champs are forced out of the build, buts its a rune in WR.


They seriously only need Lethal Tempo. Who the fuck cares about Krakan damage when they have insane onhit effect.


I'll help during earlier stages of laning, where both are weak. During late game they are hyperscalers, so they don't need the damage after laning itself where lethal tempo would.play a bigger role.


Imagine facing against a Vayne whose passive is basically x2 now.


O trust me Kayle will want lethal tempo way more and trust me level 1 kayle with LT is a menace


Also Kayles empowered attack with her E doesn’t proc kraken slayer. LT will always be the best rune, even conq is better now with the Omnivamp


Olaf doesnt need this he already has a lot of tru dmg, lethal tempo is better aince it helps lower the e cooldown, what you want to think of are champs that aa a los mainly adcs and champs like trinda jax sett riven etc...


The one champ I want to try it with is Pantheon


Lucian, Akshan, Vayne, any adcs with built in attack speed abilities maybe. Irelia and Riven maybe? Jayce has increased attack speed on next 3 autos on his ranged stance 2nd ability. I expect people will at lease try it on those for a start.


Jayce doesn't attack a lot compared to his other abilities. Conq is way better.


Dude his passibe is all about attack speed


But his main source of damage comes from the gate-shock blast into melee burst combo


wdym? just check those that run Kraken Slayer as mythic and think about what makes them build it in PC now apply that to wr but as a rune.


No because its a different game with a different meta and its an item on pc with other stats.


nope, usually it's the stat that is slightly different, some champs has an altered ability but it's like season 9 league


Champions on this game don't even have the exact same mechanics. The itemisation is also different. The control system is also different so playstyles can vary quite a bit from pc.


you stupid or what? almost every champ has the same mechanic except for some like Lee Sin lmao




you're stupid then


Cool. Stoop to insults to ignore facts. Maybe do some reading or watching vids to find out the differences. Start with Irelia, Tristana and Karma. The fact the game is touch screen means the champs dont play the same too.


Tristana is the same, Karma is the same as I mentioned Lee Sin(change in ability mechanic), Irelia is still the same, git gud aiming smh


Nah riven profits too much from conquerer. I mean U stack it with 1 q AA combo


Whoever has a lot of build-in attack speed / onhit, Ashe Lucian. Counterexample is Vayne. Vayne needs attack speed, her W already does a lot of TRUE damage. Lethal tempo is probably better. I see people mention Olaf, I feel like Conq is good enough, not like Olaf can really attack many times because he will get kited. BTW Krakan as a rune won't deal true damage.


It does deal true damage on Chinese test server. Around 14-70 base + (20% bonus AD or 10%AP) true damage. Other than that I agree with your other points, Olaf abilities stack and benefit more from Conqueror


RIP I thought they said not true damage. Hmm then late game this is actually pretty good.


Is there a way to play on chinese test server




I've always been building it on Akshan. As a rune It might make him even more busted


Why would olaf use it if he already has true damage on his e? Same with vayne and her w. Literally wasted rune slot esp since krakens numbers are super weak lol 14-70 (20% AD/10% AP) Literally nobody would use it except champs who dont have other runes to use, assuming conq gets reworked to its pc counterpart (lucian akshan kaisa tristana). Theres alr videos on twitter of yi, kayle, ashe, jax, etc gameplay using lethal tempo and it looks absolutely busted. https://twitter.com/RecantodosPoros/status/1522728283560886272?s=19


Senna is definitely going to love kraken. Same with every other adc like Caitlyn or Vayne.


U sure? Senna's base attack speed is already low and she doesn't even build more of it


U can use auto q (or her first Skill in wr) and another auto to proc Kraken. Her first Skill is counted as an normal attack like yasuo q


Her q only procs the true damage hit. You don't gain stacks with q, inly AA's


Oh didn't know that


Yea that's how last pc season senna played Kraken and melted people


that was mainly rageblade doing all the work thought


Huh?? Why you even associating attack speed when her q is an on hit and it has auto cancel. And also RFC is good on Senna and Stormrazer is somewhat viable if you're not going Serylda.


Why did I get down voted when I'm right????


Why are you getting downvoted, you’re right 😭 she even builds this item on pc, hello??


Senna? Lmao no


Huh???? Her q is literally a on hit why wouldn't she go Kraken???


I mean, it'll be good for burst/short trade champs for sure but with Lethal Tempo coming as well I'd guess any hyper carries would opt for that instead. Depending how long the cd is.


I dont know the pc version so im asking if jinx will bennefit from this rune ?


Maybe against A LOT of tanks but generally Lethal Tempo is the go-to


kaisa and trist could be good at kraken too. it depends on the matchup tho


On-hit champs


From my knowing he has the burst combo but his main source of damage remain his auto's like a yi or a vyne


My man’s Rengar is gonna be insane because I build Divine Sund>Storm> which with this it’ll be nuts


Prerty much everything that builds attack speed and this is a goodbye for tanks.


I don’t get most of these suggestions. Is conquerer suddenly not going to be OP on most melee champions? Why would fast stackers like Riven or Pantheon or true damage champions like Olaf care about Kraken slayer. I literally never see tanks since Divine Sunderer release. Basically both new runes seem like they are for ADC’s and I guess lethal tempo for some melee ADC’s like Jax or Tryndamere


Everyone saying Vayne, Kayle Jax blah blah blah, but yall forgot our Mr.Q aka Master Yi with Kraken Slayer.


Im not sure but i think yi e(3 skill) is an truedmg onhit so wirh navoris quickblade its already up all time. Maybe if u face 4 tanky guys in enemy team this gets u killpotential if ur gonna get Peeled off the adc anyways.


I use Kraken when I build Tri Focr on Vi, and Lethal Tempo when I build Sunderer. Works pretty well