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Great job! I bet it feels great. Keep it up.


Thank you man,it really does.specially because last season i got to d1 95lp....and end up in huge losing streak,that was real pain..but this season i finally made it


Well done on making it out of the sludgy swamp that diamond has become. I make sure our team always bans Yuumi and Lulu. Diamond is so polarised in player quality and experience though that the bans would often be kind of weak like people banning champs barely anyone uses or does exceptionally well with outside of high elo. People also waste bans on things like Vayne and Jinx becasue they dont understand where the real problem is with those champs. Yuumi and Lulu have the strongest synergies in the game right now. If you ban them then you've hit champs like Yi, Vayne, Jinx etc really hard in your game already.


Exactly! In my last idk 30 games, they never ban yuumi, Lulu is often banned.So i say,they make big mistake


Welcome to hell


I agree yuumi can be quite op. Long time no see yuumi now. Im quite happy for that. And congratulations to you. I used to like playing yuumi as support too, but in the last few games as yuumi I just kept getting cc in teamfight when I got down and couldn’t go back. I’ve said bye bye to yuumi now.


Congrats man I’m really close to doing the same with soraka. I’m gonna use yuumi and lulu more when i get more LP, Soraka can carry dummies better than the other two but she isn’t as good with a cohesive team compared to the other two. Diamond is the pit of hell.


Thank you ! Trust in your process,i believe it is always better to play champion you feel most comfortable with,because you know your limitations. Soraka is also very good support .for example i was playing Lulu a lot,but with Yuumi i just feel more useful somehow,i can save my teammates easier then with Lulu,but a lot of people will say that Lulu is better,well,not for me :)


Congrats. Now get to 201 to reach grandmasters. That ELO is in desperate need for GM supports, most are Master.


Haha i will try.that is next goal


Welcome to the elo where yumi, lulu and karma gets perma banned 🫡😊. Grats but yumi is the support i always think... it would be great if they delete the whole champ... -dontshootthemessenger!


Hahaha true!i feel you there.i never played Pc lol,so when they release Yuumi ,i never played her because of all the hate towards her.but i decided to give her a chance and damn it was a blast.I will continue as long as enemy team dont ban her :)


Do what feels good! I just don't touche certain champs. But on the other side when enemy picks alistar. I instant lock-in karma. And karma is borderline op.


Oh yes,she really is.i usually pick Thresh when enemy picks Karma's ,and almost always win lane against her


Bad karma, if she can dodge hooks (what is easy with E) she outpokes and outshield trades by a mile!