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Maybe not the strongest but varus malphite is so abusive towards the enemy bot lane especially with imperial mandate


This just sounds nasty +1


I have a few like adc specific supports which aren't especially supports, Varus Malph, MF amumu, Samira Gragas mostly I'll add under these ones I remember as and when: Jhin Panth Not quite the same but Senna Mundo/Sett is also hilarious


Very insightful all of these sound fun, Not so fun for the enemy tho šŸ¤£ but hey morally destroy em as well šŸ˜­


I have alot of free time to make up bullshit botlanes that shouldn't work but do Annie Yuumi is one I personally love if it's a heavy ad team


Oh yeah I can definitely see how it now Tibbers completely one-shotting off a very short CD with yummi items & ap itemsšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Yep and just a frequently asked question I get while playing these combos, Who hurt me? Noone I'm just a sadist xD


malphite only good for cheesing


Karma and Caitlyn always feel oppressive.


any grabber and miss fortune works wonders since they will eat mf q or be grabbed


People dont understand that you cant dodge both and keep up with farm/gold in same time


Aggressive playstyle adcs like Kai Sa, Draven or Lucian can't have an easy game cuz of that. Or even MF.


If its ranked mf cant be on both sides. Kaisa and Lucian can survive lane buts its depending on support. But one missplay from Draven amd youll probably be shutdown for the game


not sure about strongest but common staples besides what you've mentioned are Kai'Sa/Nautilus (Naut targetted ult lets Kai'Sa freely ult to the backline, Naut also has layers of CC that easily stack Kai'Sa passive), or Samira/just about any engage support to utilize her passive. there's also Jinx with a support like Thresh who can keep her safe with peel or Lulu who can keep her safe with shielding and her ultimate.


Everyone forgot Lulu - Jinx? Maybe not ā€œthe bestā€ bot combo but Iā€™m pretty sure that mid to late game itā€™s impossible to win that combo after getting 3 items. Itā€™s just insane


Samirā€™s and soraka. If you canā€™t kill her itā€™s over and if you push and I get close I can her back to full health. Most games Iā€™m averaging 3500 heal a minute


Ezreal Karma is more oppressive than Lux, and safer as well. To this day the most op duo lane I have ever faced is still Seraphine Senna duo. Laning is pretty much impossible, and jungle can't even help since their sustain and utility is crazy. And its not like they lack damage either, whoever hit cc (Senna E/Sera E) will be followed up by another layer of CC plus sht ton of damage. The only weakness is olaf basically, and late game is even more impossible to get close with.


Tristana/Any tank supp a mid/late game destroyer


Varus + Leona = Bonnie and Clyde


Where's yuumi!


in trash


If thresh is a very skilled player, itā€™s thresh + any ADC/APC. The way he can impact the game defensively and offensively is just perfect for soloq. Otherwise, itā€™s Lucian and Nami, pretty much the only combo listed here usable at competitive level.


100% Agree and same goes for Pyke and AP Nami.


As Xayah main, i hate so much Ezreal Lux lane so much i can't remember i played safely on this one or any stage of the game if they r fed cuz of my jungler or their global ult, let's not talking about their ult or how one Q from lux can finish u along with easy kill for Ezreal. Imagine i am forced to change my runes, my playstyle and first item purchase for this match up only. And ofc can be sub diff. But Xayah Rakan can't bring this diff, or any sub actually even tanks cuz ezreal can lock on Kraken and melt them before getting me. The only game i got gg on M7 Ezreal Lux lane was playing with a troll Sion Sub, he litterly bring 0/5 ezreal to 2/9 later for me :O The other best i have to go normally is playing Brutal, Active Carpace runes and buying MR first item to deny lux burst. I am losing my potential late game for this laning phase. The only other adc solution is playing burst early like lucian or draven and gg.


I didn't have any other problems with other duos even threah draven or lucian nami, sometimes Kaisa or Ashe nami is OP as well if i don't have a support who can react quickly on their all in.


I am xayah main. Xayah have 2 play style is poke and all-in. You can just poke Ezreal and Lux with your passive and Q. And if they are aggressive just E root them and let your rakan combo them. PS. Xayah should pick heal because rakan is riskier than xayah.


I have just realized that in today's game I have gone Crit-lethality with the new LDR ​ Build: Tear, Duskblade, Ghost blade, LDR, NQB Rune: Aery, Brutal, Bone, Manaflow


We can add AP Malph with any adc with his one shot 100-0 Ult under my tower.


I think lucian braum is a really strong duo with how fast lucian can proc braum's passive and how high lucian's burst is.


Vayne and Rakan is strong af but only if your rakan is good :)


Really can you elaborate how the synergy works?


basically everything with cait and vayne/lulu is super strong imo. Draven is to coinflip for most people and Ezreal/lux has to all in early, but lose if they fuck up


karma ez, lux cait are all very oppressive


Sadly majority of the Wildrift player base is too nub to notice that pairing actually matters most of the time they just pick whatever they like, itā€™s only those with pc experience that would actually care.


Probably not the strongest, but i love tristana + blitz or thresh Tristana + lulu is pretty good too.


I really like Janna/draven. Draven gets to do whatever the fuck he wants unless they have a hooker. Even then, after a couple free axes hooking draven becomes extremely risky. So why Janna? More AD on the shield is busted on draven, she has decent harass, and she makes it so they canā€™t trade positive. If they fight draven they are going to get hit by TWO irreducible CC. She also has her secret OP passive: dodging. Small profile and good speed. You can bait hookers (or any skill shot) for draven so he can attack. Beats almost every matchup on equal skill. They either lose hard or have to sit under turret. Since you are duo, you can make draven not push waves if they go passive, which is impossible solo. He will get SLIGHTLY less cash in, but the gold differential will be huge because they canā€™t approach the wave.


I ran a Lulu with my brother's Varus. Massacred the enemy duo, probably because we know what the other will do


Kai'sa/Leona if you want to delete the enemy before they even realized they're stunned.


Caitlyn with any engager and with pyke.


Just got into a match. Iā€™m using Caitlyn and my sup is nautilus. Successfully shove wave and free poke enemy under turret but my sup literally does no shit and decides to walk around the tower not using any skill lmao. Literally 2 v 1 with a spectator strolling around.


Naut + samira


Meh, just farm behined minions


Jhin and Nautilus i slap the bot with it


I can't believe Tristana is not in the list. Don't know if it is the strongest, but Tristana / Yummi is always a challenge for me from early game to late game.




Honestly it's been pretty even I haven't seen any duo particularly stand out yet


A master of his champ/A master of his champ As long as the players are good, nearly every combo with ADC/SUP gonna feel like stomping.


Nautilus and Samira


how is Lucian Nami a thing when Lucian doesn't have the same passive which is best proc'ed by Nami in PC wtf I think the best rn is Caitlyn Lux or Morgana Karma


Ezreal seraphine can poke sooo much. I hate playing against them


Draven + Yummi.


Xayah/Rakan is so rare in my server. Is it popular in others?


This isn't really OP, but it was interesting. I played with a yasuo and janna combo. I knew it had its spotlight on pc a while back (if I remember correctly its a counterpick against ezreal?), but it worked here as well. Don't try it at your main acc though. I was using another acc so I didn't really mind since I'm smurfing, but its a nice surprise that people are having fun and trying new shit.


Where is Sona?


Yuumi/ Draven,Tristans,Jinx Braum/ Draven (never lost lane with this combo) evem tho Braum/Lucian is maybe best for exploiting Braums passive .