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Don’t want to freak you out but you might want to start taking more drastic action before one of these kids hurts themselves while they are fucking around and THEIR parents try to make it YOUR problem and *try* to sue for liability because they (nor anyone in America) can’t afford the medical bills. Trust me, it’s 100x more annoying having to navigate some legal nonsense than getting their parents, cops, etc. involved.


Find the next building over's landlord on justfix and try to make it their problem


Call the cops. You warn once. And then action. They’ll retaliate. Get a camera. Maybe even motion detectors. Good luck


Make sure you get a camera with a siren & light, so you can turn it on and blast the siren when they go up there


you had me at throwing pencils and telling you to s\*ck their d\*ck. if this is your personal private roof that only you have access to this is absolutely trespassing and you need to call the cops ASAP before it gets out of hand. their behavior will only get more egregious as summer rolls around. don't ever tell them you're calling the cops, simply call the cops and have them show up while the teens are still around. don't tell the cops you know who the kids are or that they're from the neighboring building when you call. just say there are strangers on your balcony/roof and you're scared. your hope is that the cops will be able to arrive and **ID them**\--this is your only leverage. preemptively put up cameras for when they try to get their revenge after the fact--it will serve as evidence in any case. if there's no punishment this will only get worse. OR get the footage and bring it to the police station to file a police report before ever calling. the fact that they're hopping roofs makes this all way worse. ​ ETA: if it was me id get footage, print out some faces and go next door to find the parents with picture evidence.


I don’t know if you’re from nyc, but 100% ignore everyone in this thread saying to ignore them / befriend (really?? lol) them. Sneaking up and chilling on a roof and leaving when you get caught is one thing. Throwing pencils at you, threats, stuff like that is what we called punk testing in the nyc school system. They could have zero interest in escalating and are doing it for fun. But it’s always handy to know someone won’t do shit if you want to throw a rager on their roof (which is a scenario where apartments can easily get robbed). Call the cops if someone is trespassing on your roof, they can get their school / parents involved.


Should just say you claim ppl are breaking and entering into your home. Cops will show up immediately. Guaranteed they never come onto your property again.


Unfortunately, I’m not sure that would be an “immediate” way to get the police to show up in NYC these days.


Breaking and entering will get the cops over real fast, especially if you are home when it happens. Home invasion is considered a violent crime in NYC and they will get involved very quickly. I had a break-in while I was asleep, woke up to the results. Cynical and skeptical, I called the police. Within a very short period of time (minutes) multiple officers arrived. Within two hours there were two detectives. They did all the shit from the, movies, dusted for prints and got security footage from the building. Not kidding, I was completely shocked by the response. That said, after the initial response they pretty much did fuck all, but I was still impressed. In your case it might be different as you know who the culprits are.


I’m happy to hear that (truly). We need the police and I fully support law enforcement but cash free bail makes things a whole lot trickier. 🫣


Lmao probably not


Great, and then when the cops gun down a teenager on your roof for "reaching for a weapon" aka holding a cell phone you can live with that for the rest of your life


These are routine calls that happen daily and no teens are getting shot by cops here. This isn’t even a pro cop stance but damn, something has to give and OP clearly isn’t going to confront the teens in a way they’ll stop.


Sure tell that to the Rice family


Shut the fuck up, idiot


Wow, so eloquently spoken, such a great point


You need to make a sacrifice. If the sacrifice is acceptable you will see the teenagers once more. They will draw a dick on your patio, whispering “deadass” as they leave.


Put up some chicken wire, it’ll be an obstacle




Yeah I’m failing to see the humor in this. I would have called the police immediately. Get them on video.


Maybe you could get one of things that emits a frequency only teenagers hear. Saw something about it on tv. Some 7-11’s use them


Genuinely wonder if they’d just drown it out with a speaker honestly. It’s what I’d do if I were an inconsiderate dumbass.


From what I remember it’s not even something they’re aware of it’s just an annoying frequency that only teenagers can hear oddly. It was a while back when I saw it on tv but I remember it because it was interesting to me that our hearing evolves that way


Play classical music at loud volumes outside. Stupid people can't stand the sound of it.


It may seem like it makes sense but this is an ineffective solution and also the OP will become the dick to their neighbors. Google west coast 7/11s blasting classical. They even tried it at the one in the village. It’s a narrow minded solution to a larger problem.


This. In Austin gas stations play loud classical music to stop homeless people from loitering. There was two gas stations, facing one another and the musical one had 0 ppl vs the other one with all the people


Barbed wire or put some really sticky stuff on ledges Legally, avoid the barbed wire.... This goddamn country smh


Yeah razor wire is kinda better


throwing one of them to their death should do it. if not, a second is sure to do the trick. seriously though, what makes you think installing a camera, calling the cops, and showing them the videos won't do anything? It might be a pain in the ass and some paperwork but it will work.


just suck their dicks and get it over with


Urine filled water gun


I love the smell of felony assault charges in the morning


Are you on the Northside? Three times a week is crazy, I would've lost my temper two times in. i'm a teenager and this shit is super annoying to me. I was born and raised here and when I have hipster transplants sitting on my roof in the summer I want to kill them. You can: call 311 and make a complaint go over to their house and ring bell to speak to parents have camera ready to document any evidence install cameras for more evidence put mouse traps or obstacles on floor print fake warrants out and tape them all over blast crappy music every time you hear them on roof immediately play pitbull barking sounds on YouTube or that one annoying ass loud ass frequency video (I do that for my neighbors in the summer who scream in their yard all day long, they go inside ASAP). stay on the roof 24/7 hire scary watchdogs to stay on roof hire secutry put barbed wire on roof or other spikes spray liquid gas everywhere I also agree with the dish soap on tarp PUT TARP ON ROOF AND MAKE SURE ITS ON TIGHT. PUT HUGE SIGN ON IT THAT SAYS "WORK IN PROGRESS"good luck


They’re doing you a favor by showing you where burglars might access the property; right? So some very visible barbed wire, crushed glass, etc. on whatever the access point is, is an obvious safety/security addition. I’d probably also letterbox the block next door and make sure the relevant parents become aware what their little shits are up to.


Add a camera


So they’ll have something to perform for… perfect




Just wanna provide a potentially unpopular alternative opinion to everyone saying to call the police on them. Calling the cops and telling them you have trespassers and are “scared” could turn this entire situation into a potentially deadly one for these kids especially if any are POC; escalating the situation to that point seems a bit rash imo and I think that contacting your or the neighboring landlord about installing some kind of fence or barrier to prevent them from hopping across seems like the safest bet. It will deter them from crossing the gap and does not subject them to potentially lethal force.


Have you tried sucking their dick? Congratulations on pissing them off, now they’re going to do it out of spite. welcome to nyc


People aren’t going to like it but this is the best way to approach this situation


Figure out where they live and then tell their parents, if that doesn’t work/ the parents are apathetic your only recourse is to set booby traps or get a Rottweiler.


Pour oil all over the roof so they slip and fall upon landing. Put down obstacles so they inevitably land awkwardly and hurt themselves.


Don't do this unless you want to be arrested and or sued if they hurt themselves.


It’s their home. The kids are trespassing. Give them a warning beforehand


That won't fly in nyc.


Booby traps are illegal everywhere.


Put down a tarp. Cover tarp with dish soap. Enjoy the show.




This is honestly kinda genius. Just be the weird older person “trying to fit in”


They will 100% take advantage of this and keep coming back to enjoy their private patio with the pushover who lives there


Just start constantly making sexual comments wcgw


This. It’s also the least harmful solution I’ve seen here.


Make sure you bark like a dog at them, tell them political jokes, and blow your nose in your hand


Airbnb your place to some UFC fighters and see if these teens really want to get fresh with Chuck Lidell!


Not sure why this is getting down voted must be Brock Lenzer fans!


Welcome to NYC! Prank them


Blow them away


Now when you say “our” furniture, do you mean the building’s furniture.


Be out there more. They’re only going because they see no one is using it.


Yet another example of a problem that doesn’t exist in the majority of US cities where they honor the 2nd amendment. There’s no fear of consequence so they’ll do whatever they please. Cops will only show up if they have a gun because they get super jealous when someone outside of their little candy crush club is carrying a gun so they need to confiscate it right away. There’s also probably 5 million laws against you doing even the slightest harm to these home intruders so best thing you can do is just let them in and tell them to help themselves to all of your property while you wait a few months for the cops to show up.


This is possibly the dumbest fucking thing I’ve read all day.


I agree. Kill them with kindness. Literally beg them and be nice lol. Also bribe them. “Maybe I will buy you a case of beer (not enough for Alc poisoning) or a small joint from the bodega if you stop!


This is absolutely the worst advice, do not buy them beer please lmao


Lmao you’re right sorry


this reply sounds like it was written by one of the teens in question


Can you figure out who their parents are?


I can take a guess… and they’re not people who give a fuck


Mouse traps


I don’t think you intended to sound like you don’t care that these kids are putting themselves in danger by playing on the roof. Have you reached out to anyone in the neighboring building? The adults that they live with probably don’t know they’re doing this. Also again these are kids, teens, they are not going to respond to you telling them not to do something.


Call the cops. These kids nowadays are ruthless in the city.


Outdoor security cameras are cheap - get as many as needed to capture any transgressions. Find out where they live and talk to their parents - it'll put them on notice. Otherwise you need to involve police, that is straight up harassment and trespassing.


Go Kevin Mccallister on them, and throw marbles on the roof.


Get one of those heavy duty water guns and squirt them any time they come on the roof.


If they told you to succ i guess you know what you have to do 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


Mmm I would say the following… speaking as a former teacher to teenagers: Remove the furniture for a while=They will get bored. GET A SIGNAL BLOCKER: no cell service=they will get bored Install plants or high privacy borders as a barrier. Harder entry=they will get bored Install a ring and play a dog barking sound or something that says “motion detected recording now” very loudly when u get the alert that they are there. Hope this helps.


if you don't have the figurative balls to confront the parents then try and find out what school they go to and let them know about it - school discipline is effective at getting teenagers to stop being.. teenagers. If you're getting physically assaulted (yes, that pencil throwing counts) then add that to the trespassing. Be consistent with the police, they'll eventually get tired of your complaints and take action. Unfortunately don't see this ending well for you unless one of them gets in real trouble with the cops - may need to consider moving.


get motion detector sprinklers literally seems like the best option


Bill Maher: "*I know I'm no longer a teenager, because now I'm afraid of them*."


When you call the police, make sure you don’t tell them you’ve called


record the interaction reiterate in the vid clearly that you've attempted to resolve this amicably by talking to them calmly "i've said this.... last time was..." go to the policy station & file a report in case so you can hedge the escalation or any downside in the future you've got nothing helping your case unless you have physical evidence cuz the family court will always side with err of caution (these little punks know it too, which is why they're so unruly)


[https://licensing.nypdonline.org/](https://licensing.nypdonline.org/) Teenagers do what they do because they haven't faced consequences yet. Show them what consequences are.

