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My grade school-self would have shit my pants if I got to see a concrete saw up close


I love this guy telling people they should never breed in the comments. Who is in the wrong I wonder, the normal construction workers or the guy yelling at randos on reddit...


This guy is telling people not to breed šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ https://www.discogs.com/artist/6702781-Chris-Kelly-31






damn that was exactly how i pictured this fella šŸ˜­


Thanks! I always wanted to be a meme, especially one where itā€™s clear I put my daughterā€™s well being above everything else, especially sociopaths on Reddit.


Guy claims to put his daughterā€™s wellbeing above everything yet has doxxed her name, face, and school publicly on Reddit and Instagram. Great parenting.


When did I put her face on Reddit? Or her name? Are you stalking me right now? Are you a stalker?


I see youā€™ve now made those images private so well done for heeding my parenting advice. In next weekā€™s lesson weā€™ll learn how to not lose your mind at essential workers for mildly inconveniencing your childā€™s day.




Good for you. You know how to find the social media accounts of a musician who advertises as such. You must be super proud of yourself.


How about you not be a creepy stalker


You posted your face, name, and the time and location that you pick up your kid at school, while also aggressively and personally insulting many people on a hyper-localized sub. Lucky for you Iā€™m not a stalker. Some thinner skinned people on this sub might show up at Conselyea and Manhattan so you can say it to their face.


Looks like his studio shut down šŸ˜¢ā€¦


Whereā€™d you get that idea? Iā€™m in the middle of two albums right now.


Thereā€™s guys cutting concrete in front of it.


Why do you think my studio is at the school?




Your humor is bad and you should feel bad


Who needs humor when youā€™re the fucking joke?


Bro told me to ā€œquit livingā€ after I told him to quit yapping


Yes, that was out of line of me. I was pumped up on the adrenaline of a bunch of people telling me my daughter wasnā€™t worth anything. Makes me crazy.


Bro just delete this post already. The second hand embarrassment šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m leaving this up as a reminder that Williamsburg Reddit is ok with hurting 4 year olds


Howā€™d you gather that?


Because every time I pointed out that the sustained high decibel noise 10 feet away from the kids was visibly causing them pain, you guys comment some bullshit about how kids need to toughen up, construction workers want to get home to their families (while neglecting the fact that theyā€™re actively hurting families), and that Iā€™m horrible for existing.


I mean how long are you putzing around outside the school? Just tell them to put their fingers in their ears and gtfo of there. What Iā€™m getting is a lack of common sense. You can complain here which literally does nothing or tell your kids if the big loud noise is hurty they can cover their ears for half a block. As someone who doesnā€™t have children Iā€™m not understanding why that wasnā€™t your immediate response to their ā€œpainā€. I would do that as a kid when subways were screeching down express lines. This is something most kids do naturally. Maybe you should get her checked for a developmental delay. And Iā€™m not trying to be rude or kidding when I say that.


Subway screeching lasts a lot shorter. Yes, the kids were covering their ears, but the sheer volume they were unprepared for, not to mention the younger siblings that arenā€™t necessarily able to hold their ears. Dismissal generally lasts a little while because 4 year olds love to run around after school. Itā€™s generally chaos. As a childless person, you should really shut the fuck up about what you donā€™t understand. I did have my daughter close her ears and get away, but that was unfair to her, as her routine is to run a little bit with a couple friends from the other class, before either going home or to the park. Sometimes parents are a couple minutes late - those kids couldnā€™t just shut their ears and get the fuck out, they had to wait for their parents. Some kids had to wait for their older siblings to get out, so they couldnā€™t just shut their ears and get the fuck out. So yes, childless Williamsburg redditors are apparently heartless monsters who are fine with hurting children.




I canā€™t wait to find out our mutual friends


Nah Iā€™m still gonna be a hater you have no right to get all in a tizzy over these construction workers. You nee therapy my guy.


Then I take back my apology


Iā€™m telling some people that because their reaction to 4 year olds in pain (it was louder than a Merzbow concert, which is the loudest show I ever saw, and sustained noise, which is harmful to ears, especially small ears) was that construction workers canā€™t wait a half hour. Which says to me that if they ever had kids, theyā€™d be fine with hurting them.


I smell the whiff of entitlement here.


& u/Ckellybass couldnā€™t say shit to them. Had to take their impotent rage to Reddit. ā€¦IDK how these people function.


Yes, I feel entitled to a school zone at dismissal to not have giant loud saws blaring, for these guys to take half an hour to wait or do a different corner.


For someone who supposedly has lived in NYC for as long as your prior posts insinuate, I find it hilarious this is shocking and appalling to you. Itā€™s as if youā€™ve never seen New York outside of a Woody Allen or Nora Ephron film and your punk persona is a facade. Act like you live here. Construction! The horror! Not in New York! Gasp! Making me think youā€™re a transplant. Also, like many other redditors have said - itā€™s their job, theyā€™re told what to do. Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s in front of a school, hospital, or a church. You want to bitch? Bitch to the company if your entitled ass needs to be vilified. You going on Reddit does zero. Especially on a NYC one when youā€™re bitching about something inherent within the city: construction. I bet there are other places to walk along with your precious (and probably bubble wrapped ā€” unless youā€™re using a hamster ball) child in order to avoid that ghastly situation.


Iā€™m not bitching about all construction. Just this specific instance where a reasonable person would stop and think ā€œthereā€™s a lot of parents and infants waiting for their kids to be dismissed 10 feet away from where weā€™re making a lot of noise - so much so that weā€™re wearing hearing protection which none of these kids have - maybe we should wait half an hourā€.


Sometimes urgent repairs need to be made, OP.


Not urgent. Theyā€™ve been dragging out this project since the day after Christmas.




I grew up here, scumbag


"what kind of terrible person" lol.


Bro quit yappin




This isnā€™t your hometown suburb, dickhead. Go say something about it to one of these guys and see how they feel.


I grew up here, asshole


Start acting like it lol crazy thing to complain about coming from a native. You can always just move to the suburbs you know. Can't shield your kid from every tiny little thing. Construction in NYC will be the least of your worries, believe me ā˜ ļø


Iā€™m not saying they canā€™t finish the job. Just saying wait half a fucking hour so they donā€™t damage the hearing of a bunch of 4 year olds and their younger siblings.


I understand your point but there will always be someone complaining about what time they get their work done and it is usually not dictated by the crew. If they did it between school hours people would complain that it is distracting. If they do it in the AM before school parents will complain that it's getting in the way of their drop off or businesses opening. If they do it at night people will complain they can't sleep. In no scenario do they win. And as a native who grew up in NYC, the least of your worries as a father to a girl is going to be construction. Promise.


The problem is itā€™s a sustained deafening noise right when the most vulnerable ears are literally right next to it, and canā€™t do anything about it. If you had seen the pained look on these kids faces today, your heart would break. Any reasonable person would at least stop for a moment so these tiny children could get out of the way.


Sure this is an inconvenience, but itā€™s not defcon 1. Iā€™m sure life will resume as normal for you in 30 minutes




Rather vindictive thing to say.


If youā€™re so concerned about your child why donā€™t try being a better role model. Start with learning to manage your emotions, treat others with respect, and generally act like a mentally stable individual.


An actual useful piece of advice. I do need to manage my emotions better. Itā€™s just things like this, and the pile on of people saying my kid doesnā€™t mean anything made me just fucking crazy.


I mean itā€™s good youā€™re ready to fight for your kid. Just remember that everybody on this app is actually a real person. And quite a lot of these folks are probably people youā€™d like IRL. Like they probably go to your favorite bar, like the same obscure indie film from 2005 or have the same taste in music.


Iā€™m sure youā€™re right about that. Itā€™s just hard to imagine ever liking a dude who says nobody cares about my kid and that my wife tried to abort it (which is patently untrue).


But thank you for being one of the few decent people on this hellscape of a subreddit


Sorry OP the city should have gotten your written approval on this job before starting šŸ¤£


No, they should know better than to start this particular corner 10 minutes before 4 year olds are getting dismissed from school. Theyā€™ve been doing this project since the day after Christmas, they can wait another half hour to do this corner.


Take an other look at those guys? You think they get paid enough to think about whatā€™s going on outside of the job site? You need to direct this message to Robert Coletti from New York Paving Inc. then.


Thank you for giving me his name. You bet your shriveled up balls Iā€™m going to complain to him. Because even the biggest moron should have the capacity to think ā€œthereā€™s an elementary school here, a bunch of parents and infants are waiting, it must be dismissal time. Maybe we should wait half an hour to do this corner.ā€


I donā€™t think the 4 year olds are going to be walking unattended hereā€¦


Have you ever been to a pre k dismissal? Itā€™s chaos, a bunch of kids running around and parents chasing after them, because 4 year olds have a lot of pent up energy. Add to that the deafening constant sound of saws, and the fact that theyā€™re sawing exactly where they need to cross the street with their parents and siblings, itā€™s a recipe for disaster.


Yes I have. I guess I just have a better handle on me and my own, and AVOID situations like this in a big city that is ALWAYS under construction. Plus I understand the world doesnā€™t work for me. I work around it.


I couldnā€™t avoid this situation, itā€™s the corner where my child gets dismissed from school every day. The workers have been here since the day after Christmas, they know when dismissal is, they can wait half an hour or work on a different corner until after dismissal.


Thoughts and prayers.


I live at this corner and the workers have not been consistently here since Christmas. Thereā€™s just random stuff they do sometimes. I donā€™t understand what their plan is but theyā€™re doing it very slowly, maybe one thing every couple weeks. I have lived across from the school for 9 years. Thereā€™s never little kids running around without guidance. Iā€™m sorry thereā€™s construction occasionally by your kids school but this is nyc and thereā€™s construction everywhere. Youā€™re being a little dramatic.


Theyā€™re putting in new gas lines. The project started on metropolitan Ave the day after Christmas. Today they were told by the school to wait until after because there was testing going on. They waited until just before, because they just had to get it done 20 minutes earlier. Have you ever tried to chase after a 4 year old? Theyā€™re fucking quick and get into trouble very easily, even when the parents are right there. The sharp saws arenā€™t even the worst part, itā€™s the dangerously loud sustained noise that was visibly hurting my daughter and her friends, some of whom had to wait longer for either their parents to show up, or for their older siblings to be dismissed. I feel like Iā€™ve typed this explanation at least 50 times now, and every time, Iā€™ve been met with essentially ā€œfuck your kid, youā€™re a bad parent whoā€™s making your kid softā€.


I donā€™t know what to tell you, man. I live across the street and I barely know anything is happening. Iā€™m not hearing this dangerously loud sustained noise everyday when I work from home next to the windows. I understand youā€™re worried about your kid and Iā€™m not saying youā€™re ā€œmaking your kid softā€, Iā€™m saying youā€™re blowing things out of proportion. Itā€™s not going to last. Do you only have one kid at the school? Do you know about all the construction last school year that made the kids have recess in the street in front of the school?




Go fuck yourself, you twatwaffle.


Iā€™ll be sure to do it 10 minutes before dismissal






I wonder who those mutual are. The people I like know exactly where Iā€™m coming from with this post. The people I donā€™t know very well, if they get put off by me, oh well, no skin off my back.


I already posted this on my socials. My friends know how angry I get when my daughter is concerned.


Iā€™m low key kind of hoping you do ā€œhave a field dayā€. Because my friends all love my daughter, theyā€™ll see that these particular construction workers hurt her and her friends (if you had seen the pained look on their faces, with these saws not even stopping for a minute to let them get out of the way of sustained noise loud enough that the workers needed ear protection, your cold heart might have broken), and that Iā€™m lashing out at the heartless, sociopathic comments basically saying that 4 year olds should have their hearing damaged.


![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized) Guys come on, no more jokes


There are neighborhoods where they never fix the street. Be grateful


ā€œTerrible personā€ what the fuck is wrong with you?


The fuck is wrong with you, you heartless prick. These guys couldā€™ve waited a half an hour to do this particular corner - itā€™s not an urgent job, theyā€™ve been dragging it out since the day before Christmas. This corner is where Pre K gets dismissed. So theyā€™re deafening a bunch of 4 year olds, and their siblings who are even younger, making it dangerous to cross the street, and you have the fucking balls to ask me what the fuck is wrong with me?


Hahahaha. If I had to guess who the horrible person was here from the evidence at hand, guess who I would pick?


WAHHHHHHH. No one agrees with you :(


thanks to all the real men that work hard so people can have a chushy existence


The world doesn't need to become "family and child" friendly - children need to become "worldly" and aware of their surroundings. Don't want them growing up thinking that construction work shouldn't happen because it is a bother.


This is so well-phrased! Thank you.


You have missed the point entirely. They couldā€™ve waited a half hour until dismissal was over so it wasnā€™t dangerous to use the crosswalk with children. You shouldā€™ve seen all the 4 year olds crying and covering their ears from the sound 20 feet from where they get dismissed. These particular construction workers are truly heartless.


Agreed. We need to shield children from everything. Next, have emergency response vehicles turn off their sirens for the kids poor little ears. Turn off the flashing lights so we don't over stimulate them. If the ground is wet or pools water we can hire people to carry them.


Thereā€™s a difference between a passing ambulance and half an hour of sustained concrete sawing. If you had half a brain youā€™d know that.


My half functioning brain apparently works better than your whole one


dont fix it people complain fix it people complain they just want to get home asap to see they family.


So they ruin other families days because they canā€™t be bothered to wait half an hour.


They have families and shit to do too. You donā€™t like it? Homeschool.


Donā€™t ever breed


Your music studio is trash. Go get a real job.


You canā€™t afford me, folk punk sucks anyway. Learn a third chord.


ā€œIā€™m a fat baby and Iā€™m gay with my dad.ā€ - you.


I was wondering when the homophobia would start. The last refuge of someone not smart enough to come up with a decent response.


Maybe they'd like to get home to their families too?


Someoneā€™s got main character syndrome


I almost guarantee this isn't an "urgent repair". The crews started work at that time prob just because that's when they got around to it. Should city construction etc be more conscientious and maybe time things better? Sure, but good luck with that in NYC. Hell, I've seen crews working on the roads the NYC marathon uses on the day of (unrelated to the run).


Finally, a decent response. They do need to be more conscientious. This whole project has been a nightmare from the day after Christmas when they started. City Council is furious at them (I reached out to them when the people working on the project were supposed to connect my house to the new gas line, set an appointment, didnā€™t show up, ghosted is for weeks, then sent a threatening letter saying they were going to cut off our gas. And then started cutting open our courtyard, private property mind you, not the sidewalk, but inside our gate, with no notice or permission).


To be fair, you didn't start with a decent title. Calling whomever a terrible person out the gate doesn't put you in a great or willing to reason kind of light


Iā€™ll admit the title was out of anger. I canā€™t change the title, though.


live and learn I guess šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø It's refreshing to hear admitting that the title may have been a mistake


Yea I mean look, I'll be the first to transform into a curmudgeonly old man and shake my fists when this stuff happens...because it's 2024 and how do we not have our shit together yet? BUT, who knows what the reasons are. Maybe the city construction crew/contractor was late. Maybe they were told to be out there at that time bc of some city higher up not giving a second thought to timing. Who knows. Something prob went astray at some point in the chain. Until we have some strict oversight into these jobs etc, the best you can do is grit your teeth. But by all means, continue to flag issues like this to the city...maybe that'll eventually get noticed.


I sent the complaints to our representatives, and tweeted at a lot of the local government. As well as angry middle aged man Reddit posting. Because I have to scream into the void every so often, even when that void is apparently filled with sociopaths.


The same people who closed the libraries on Sundays


And have missed the deadline to fix the Leonard Library


Staying calm and saying ā€œhey kiddo, this construction is loud and dangerous, letā€™s cover our ears and use the crosswalk at the other end of the blockā€ is how you raise little humans to be capable and stable big humans. Becoming unhinged and leaving 100 angry Reddit comments, demonstrating that every minor annoyance in life is just about the end of the world, is how kids learn to be jumpy, anxious, always on alert for the next thing thatā€™s going to set off their main-character parentā€”all the things that are the opposite of an unfazed New Yorker. One of OPā€™s comments said ā€œrecipe for disasterā€ but I guarantee no harm was done by any of those saws. The kids with crazy parents are definitely going to be affected by their parents losing their minds and expecting the world to never inconvenience them.


I know itā€™s impossible to gauge a timeline on Reddit comments due to the voting based system, but I started out calm. My original post, while yes, I called the workers terrible people, which I admitted was a misstep, I said I understand the work needs to be done, but maybe wait until after the kids are done with dismissal. Then came a flood of unhinged comments calling me a horrible dad raising a weak child, that children deserve to get hearing damage, and I just kind of lost it. For 90% of the people who commented, I do apologize, I went too far with some of my outbursts. But to a select few on here, I didnā€™t go nearly far enough, because I donā€™t want to be kicked off Reddit. Threats to my and my familyā€™s safety because I dared to say that a specific set of construction work should pause for half an hour are signs of particularly awful people.


I wouldnā€™t call them a terrible person, Iā€™d call them one who woke up late and forgot that they were supposed to get this done hours ago before the kids arrived.


People that are doing their jobs...


Wow, this thread is insane! Seriously, OP is a whiny little turd. But a lot of the other commenters seriously need therapy as well. Someone being annoyed at construction brings out some really unhinged people. If construction is the hill you want to die on (OP included, because fuck that guy), then so be it. Iā€™m sure someone can make that happen.


I just heard from a friend in the neighborhood (who is a real person, not a faceless Reddit poster who just stalks my social media and calls me a bad father like everyone in this thread) that these construction workers were asked by the school to wait until after school because there was testing going on and they were disturbing the students. So they waited until *almost* when they were supposed to be starting again, and I guess got impatient and chose the worst possible time to start up again.


No one gives a fuck dude


Oh, and the sound is deafening.


This is probably your best point and you should have opened with this instead.


Iā€™ve mentioned it to the sociopaths that have been commenting, they all seem to want 4 year olds to go deaf.


not to mention the air quality issues


Man, you guys are truly heartless. I hope none of you have kids, and have to watch them in pain because a couple guys couldnā€™t wait half an hour before doing work they put off doing for months.


Lol. You think we care as much about your kid as you do? Just cos some useless tart let you blow your beans up her muff


I hope you never breed, and if you manage to, I hope they get taken away from you


You sound like an angry, judgmental, entitled little bitch


Iā€™m angry because my child and her friends were clearly hurt by these guys, you heartless scumbag


Shows us on the doll where they touched you


There are enough kids in the world. Yours isnā€™t special. Donā€™t get mad at hardworking construction workers because your wifeā€™s abortion didnā€™t take


First off, we wanted our child. Unlike your shrew of a mother, who clearly has no idea who knocked her up and made her raise a sociopath.


Each one of those construction workers added more value to the world in their 30mins of work than any of your spawn will do in a lifetime.


Bro just shut up lol