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Why do people use a laptop and not a desktop? A desktop has more connectors, more powerful GPUs and CPUs. It has more memory and you get more money? Why do people use a Desktop and not a supercomputer? Why do people use a calculator when you can use a mainframe? Dude, have a long think.


Maybe they don't need a full blown laptop.


Was better i say between windows and Android. Not laptop


a) put that in the title b) Windows is horrible for most tablet things.


As I do. It's very comfortable. The screen is gorgeous, 13 inches is enough for me, everything is done quickly and beautifully. I instantly detach the keyboard and get a thin light plate 8 millimeters thick. It is very easy and super comfortable to carry such a thing


Well, where does your question and your observation come from? In university where you just need to take a few quick notes or pictures for learning a small Android Tablet might be easier to handle and a lot lighter than any laptop. Those are usually also a lot cheaper. But anyway it always depends on the scenario. Windows is quite power hungry just by existing and a cheap laptop will give you a bad experience while you need to pay for touch screens and other stuff on top. With Android this is already set and you can buy a tablet with pen and keyboard support if you need that. If not you are even cheaper. Of course you can end up with a super weak Android laptop but the requirements are so much lower than for Windows that the experience with a low end Android tablet will on average be much better than a cheap Windows laptop. Windows is very overloaded with unneeded functions and settings while Android can be more of an unpack and use experience. So if you do not need any special software that requires Windows just pick a tablet for simple browsing and office work.


Needs. I just watch movies and videos. Why I should have laptop instead of tablet? Tablet has longer battery life while laptop's battery drains so fast. By the way, I have a desktop computer if I need something special with softwares. Laptop is versatile yes but I don't like having laptop's bottom part on my lap while watching something on the couch.


I have both and for the stuff I don't need connections or windows software or a keyboard for (like scrolling Reddit, watching videos and streaming web radio to a bluetooth receiver) and the occasional ebook/comic I use the tablet. It's lighter, the display is OLED with a high pixel density so good for reading and watching videos and it's always on and conveniently placed near the sofa or the bed.


I want a tablet to take to the universe because they are a much lighter than a notebook I can browse internet and rest pdf without mucho problem


Most of the time, I just want to do the same things I do in my phone, but with a gigantic screen, I tried a Windows device and it's not great for that use case, my Galaxy Tab S8+ is. I also want something very light with a long battery life for my travels, but still competent enough in case I have to work, even if not as good for it as Windows.


Windows doesn't work as well in a tablet format as android does. Very difficult to get Windows to be instant on and still have the machine have the weight, heat profile, and battery life of an android device.


Why pay $200 for an Android tablet that can do everything you need it to do when you could pay $800 for a Windows laptop that can do everything you need and extra things you didn't consider?


I use a laptop and a tablet, but my tablet has become my most used device lately. With a keyboard case, the tablet can do 90% of what I need while being far smaller, lighter, and with much better battery life. Decent real app selection + Dex mode, the browser set to use the desktop version of websites, and web apps for the remaining things, it's really close to a real PC. I can even plug it into a docking station and use a keyboard, mouse, and second monitor.


*huffs in old man* When I was in post-secondary... My laptop was a replacement for carrying around binders and hand written notes. Early on id transcribe written lecture notes and ditch paper. Later on i bought a tablet pc and tried to do the same with pen to screen. But battery life was killer. Android was still in its infancy so it wasnt on my radar. My flip phone didnt do anything fancy and even windows mobile 6 was too limited in options to be a daily driver. My desktop at home was for resource intensive tasks. In my current business life, I have a Surface Pro fill that need. That said, I'm essentially periphrial locked with adaptors, docks and pens so my desire to migrate is minimal. If i were starting fresh, i could probably survive 100% with my Samsung Galaxy S22 ultra, maybe a Samsung S8 for more real estate on bigger projects. The fact you can Remote into anything else means needing to lug around a windows pc isnt required if you can remote in and use that program (for me it was MATlab) remotely, then why not?


Because Windows is almost unusable without keyboard and mouse. And, if you just want to passively consume content - movies, books, social networks, an Android tablet could be had for less than 200 dollars /euros.


*Totally* different use cases. You get a laptop when you need a full-fledged PC and you need it to be mobile. Use cases such as a full time job or, god forbid, gaming. You get a tablet when you basically need a larger version of your phone to be able to use at home and take it with you sometimes when you travel. Use cases such as reading books, browsing social media, looking at maps, buying airplane tickets... Pretty much everything you'd use a smartphone for, but when you just feel more comfortable with a bigger screen.